A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / khi | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / khi

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  • khi-khio;

    strange; queer; odd.

  • cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ cū khi-khio lío, kú-kùai lío;

    this is a strange affair.

  • i kâi ūe tàⁿ chut lâi, thiaⁿ tîeh khi-khi khio-khio;

    he speaks very strangely.

  • thóiⁿ tîeh khi-khio;

    looked very strange.

  • To impose upon; to abuse when in power. tōa hieⁿ khi-hŭ síe hieⁿ; a large village oppresses a small one.

  • i tô khi-hŭ úa;

    he is always imposing upon me.

  • cìe-seⁿ sît-căi khi nâng thài sĭm;

    this is certainly a very great imposition.

  • i to sĭ sĭ-sì khi-iap nâng;

    he makes use of his power in intimidating and putting down other people.

  • cìeⁿ-seⁿ cū sĭ khi kun;

    this is failing in duty toward the sovereign.

  • khi-lêng;

    to blackguard.

  • bô̤ ài-sieh hia-ⁿtĭ, ío būe tá-kíu, hŵn àiⁿ khi-lêng hiaⁿ-tĭ;

    does not love his brothers, and what is still worse, he wants to dispossess his brothers of their rights.

  • khi-phìen;

    to cheat.

  • Tipped; tilted; not standing evenly on its base.

  • i kîaⁿ lō thâu khi-khi;

    he walks with his head on one side.

  • m̄-hó̤ pàng khi, tîeh pàng sì-cìaⁿ;

    do not set it down with the base tilted up, set it down squarely.

  • sāi kàu hìeⁿ khi, tī-kò̤ cē tiaⁿ, mng phah tó̤ khṳ̀ ló;

    if you set it down tilted in that way, it will tumble over at the least touch.

  • hīn-khek cí khí cíu pue cū sĭ hāu-huap kó-cá khi khì kâi ì-sṳ̀;

    at present this sort of wine cup is made on the same design as were the tilted vessels of ancient times.

  • cí kâi sieⁿ m̄-hó̤ phŏ̤ khi;

    do not tip this box in lifting it.

  • àiⁿ taⁿ īa m̄-hó̤ khi;

    and do not tilt it sidewise in carrying it.

  • sît khi-khi, koiⁿ-thâu khi-khi;

    wings and shoulders tilted, ready for a fight.


  • Irregular, as a stony road; uneven; rough.

  • lō khi-khu tîeh hàm nâng khṳ̀ pho pêⁿ;

    the road is very rough, we must call a man to mend it.

  • khi-khi khu-khu;

    very uneven.

  • khi-khu nap-uh;

    full of knolls and holes, as after an inundation.

  • To rise; to lift; to start; to begin; to build; a classifier.

  • khí sin;

    to start on a journey.

  • khí bé a būe?

    Has the cavalcade set out yet?

  • khí chíu phah i;

    raised his hand and struck her.

  • tī-tîang soiⁿ khí chíu?

    Who began the fray?

  • sĭ tī koiⁿ phò khí húe?

    In what shop did the fire first break out?

  • khĭa khí lâi;

    rise and stand.

  • khí lâi;

    get up.

  • khí-sùaⁿ;

    a corrugated moulding.

  • tàⁿ tîeh cū náu khí lâi;

    as soon as I spoke of it he became angry.

  • thiaⁿ tîeh cū chìe khí lâi;

    as soon as he heard it he began to laugh.

  • hái tèng hut-jîen cū khí huang éng;

    the sea suddenly became tempestuous.

  • khí-cho̤ kâi sî-hāu;

    in the beginning.

  • khí-thâu lâi;

    when he first came.

  • cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ sĭ tī-tîang khí-ì?

    Who first started the idea of doing this?

  • thóiⁿ tîeh cū khí put lîang cṳ sim;

    as soon as he saw it his coveteous desires were excited.

  • khí kṳ im cîah cùe àiⁿ ŭ cak;

    under all circumstances moderation in eating and drinking is most desirable.

  • ūi sĭm-mih sṳ̄ khí-kìen?

    By what means was this set going?

  • cía sĭ cí cêk khí kâi nâng;

    they are that sort of people.

  • sĭ i soiⁿ khí-hìen;

    it was he who began the strife.

  • i cṳ̆-lâi khí tó̤ ūn;

    its luck has been fluctuating.

  • khí piaⁿ;

    raise troops.

  • tng m̄ khí;

    am not adequate to the task.

  • sĭeⁿ khí lâi cū khì;

    whenever I think of it I am vexed.

  • kò kieh khṳ̀ khí hùe;

    hire porters to take out the cargo.

  • pīn cí-kò̤ sía khí;

    begin here and write on.

  • cĭu kíaⁿ-jît cò̤ khí;

    begin with to-day, and reckon on.

  • ùaⁿ cáu-khí;

    got up late.

  • i būe cêng cáu-khí;

    she has not yet risen.

  • khí lâi khĭa;

    stand up.

  • siu-khí;

    gather them up and put them away.

  • khîeh khí lâi;

    take it up.

  • hû i khí;

    help him up.

  • kng m̄ khí;

    cannot carry it.

  • peh khí khṳ̀;

    clambered up.

  • kha khìo khí lâi;

    raise your foot.

  • kĭo m̄ khí;

    cannot pry it up.

  • cí kâi tàⁿ khah tăng, úa taⁿ m̄ khí;

    this burden is too heavy, I cannot lift it.

  • cía sṳ̄ sĭ tī-tîang khí kâi?

    Who started this?

  • hàm hṳ́ kâi khí sṳ̄ kâi nâng lâi;

    tell the originator of the disturbance to come here.

  • nín ūi sĭm-mih sṳ̄ khí ẁn-ke?

    What is the occasion for your being at variance with each other?

  • jîh lô̤h cúi tói i hŵn ŏi phû khí lâi;

    when pressed down into the water, it will again rise to the top.

  • peh khí khṳ̀ chīu câng téng;

    climbed to the top of a tree.

  • cí ki thĭo lṳ́ so̤h tit khí a so̤h m̄ khí?

    Can you climb this pillar?

  • i kâi kî līu khí khṳ̀ a būe?

    Has he run up his flag yet?

  • lô tèng hó̤ khí húe;

    build a fire in the grate.

  • i tó̤ khí chù;

    he is building a house.

  • àiⁿ khí lâu a m̆?

    Are yon going to add a second storey?

  • i kâi chíu khîeh m̄ khí;

    he cannot raise his hand.

  • i kâi kha cìeⁿ-sî nńg, cài sin m̄ khí;

    his legs are very weak lately so that they cannot bear his weight.

  • cò̤-nî cí-kâi thóiⁿ tit khí, hṳ́-kâi thóiⁿ m̄ khí?

    Why is it that you esteem that, and despise this?

  • tìeⁿ khí mâk khṳ̀ mō̤ⁿ;

    lift up your eyes and look.

  • hĭⁿ khìo khí lâi;

    pricked up his ears.

  • àiⁿ li tâh khí cū khṳ̀;

    if you want it rush off at once.

  • cí-kò̤ khí kàu hṳ́-kò̤ cí;

    from this point to that; beginning here and ending there.

  • khí-soiⁿ khí-soiⁿ sĭ tī-tîang lâi?

    Who was the very first one that came?

  • khí cêk cō̤ thah;

    rear a pagoda.

  • kha bô̤ lâk, cn̂g kâi peh m̄ khí sin;

    my legs have no strength and I cannot get upon my feet at all.

  • khí-thâu kâi sî-hāu;

    in the beginning.

  • khí kang;

    begin the work.

  • tô̤h jît khí kang;

    choose a lucky day for commencing the work.

  • thìo khí khṳ̀;

    jump up on it.

  • thâh khí khṳ̀;

    piled up.

  • tîn tŏa khí chù-téng kò̤ khṳ̀;

    the creeper has clambered up to the roof.

  • thî-khí cí kĭa sṳ̄;

    introduce this subject.

  • máng khí lâi;

    pull it up, using both hands.

  • kâu khí khṳ̀;

    climb up, using hands and feet.

  • thek khí khṳ̀;

    go up by treading.

  • pôih khí lâi;

    pull it out.

  • thoa khí lâi;

    haul it out.

  • cheⁿ-pie khí lâi;

    dart up.

  • hwt khí lâi;

    sprout forth.

  • piuh khí cêk ki sún chut lâi;

    sent forth a shoot.

  • cheⁿ-khīa khí lâi;

    revive, as after drought.

  • thăⁿ khí lâi;

    lay them up.

  • tīo khí lâi;

    toss it up.

  • tīe khí lâi;

    to rebound.

  • chìn m̄ khí;

    cannot heft it.

  • phòng khí lâi;

    rise, as yeast does.

  • cui khí lâi;


  • céng khí lâi;

    swell up.

  • tìeⁿ khí lâi;

    to bloat up.

  • bā khí cū khṳ̀;

    bounded up and off.

  • éng cē sŏ̤ cū khí khṳ̀;

    when the wave rose we rose.

  • phah tîeh i kâi sît, i pue m̄ khí;

    if you shoot him in the wing, he cannot soar.

  • lûi tŏ̤ hṳ́-kò̤ khí;

    the thunder originates there.

  • i kâi cûn tó̤ khí tèng;

    that ship is getting up its anchor.

  • phâng màiⁿ līu khah khí;

    do not hoist the sail too high.

  • úa sek khi khṳ̀ khṳt lṳ́ sah;

    I will throw it up for you to catch.

  • lṳ́ tīo khí lâi úa cih;

    you toss it up here and I will catch it.

  • tùi cí-kò̤ lāng khí lâi;

    poke it up through here.

  • lṳ̂ khí lâi;

    poke it up and out.

  • chèng khí lâi;

    mount upon, by putting the hands upon and then springing.

  • pha khí bé sin;

    mount a horse.

  • i to kŭaⁿ m̄ khí tōa nâng kâi mīn phûe;

    he will never attain to anything like his father’s reputation.

  • i chin nâng cò̤-nî khang-khieh, khang-khieh i m̄ khi;

    however much his relatives train him, they cannot bring him to any good.

  • cē thî-phû khí lâi úa cū it-tit;

    as soon as it was spoken of I remembered it.

  • cía sĭ lṳ́ tàⁿ khí le, úa cìaⁿ tàⁿ;

    since you have spoken of it, I will.

  • The teeth; notches.

  • hwt khí;

    to teeth.

  • būe hwt khí;

    has not cut his teeth yet.

  • bé khí;

    the teeth of a horse.

  • máng bé-khí; to make edging bé-khí pĭⁿ;


  • bé-khí hōiⁿ;


  • khí-thìaⁿ cìaⁿ cai khí-thìaⁿ nâng;

    those who have toothache can sympathize with one whose tooth aches.

  • kù khí;

    the teeth of a saw.

  • khí bà-bà; khí sà-sà;

    his teeth project.

  • bà khí;


  • i thâu-mīn-côiⁿ bô̤ kâi khí;

    he has no teeth in front.

  • lău nâng hùe to̤ bô̤ gê-thâu-khí;

    old people are frequently destitute of grinding teeth.

  • khieh tīo khí;

    to take out a tooth.

  • máng tīo khí;

    to extract a tooth.

  • pó khí;

    false teeth.

  • cí cho̤h bûe sng căi, cîah cêk lîap khí cĭu ńng;

    these plums set the teeth on edge.

  • thak khí;

    to pick the teeth.

  • khí-thak;

    a tooth-pick.

  • sieh-lîu khí;

    the seeds of the pomegranate.

  • khí-ngṳ̂n;

    the gums.

  • cí kâi khí khieh chut lâi saⁿ kâi kha;

    this tooth which was taken out has three prongs.

  • cù khí seⁿ khí thâng;

    decayed teeth have worms in them.

  • khí tōiⁿ, bǒi cù;

    the tooth is sound, it is not decayed at all.

  • khí thak lío àiⁿ làng phāng;

    if you pick your teeth there will be wide spaces between them.

  • khí-îeh;


  • khí-sueh;

    a tooth-brush.

  • chìu khí;

    to brush the teeth.

  • seⁿ khí pau;

    has a gum-boil.

  • khí phû- phû;

    carious gums.

  • khí ĭe-ló;

    his teeth are loose.

  • bô̤ khí làng;


  • kiaⁿ kàu hṳ́-hṳ́- kìe, khí tó̤ tie;

    so frightened that he shook and his teeth chattered.

  • cwn mn̂g ui khí;

    a dentist.

  • phah ka-lâuh i kâi khi;

    knocked his tooth out.

  • ngoih khí;

    grate the teeth.

  • khí sng-nńg;

    the teeth set on edge.

  • m̄ cai thâu, kâi khí thun lô̤h khṳ̀;

    unwittingly swallowed a tooth.

  • To report; to state; to make known.

  • cí kâi nâng mîaⁿ-ke cṳ-khí;

    this person is an adept in the making out of written reports and statements.

  • i kâi cṳ-khí cò̤ lâi hó̤ căi;

    his report is well made out.

  • i sĭ pat cò̤ kùe cṳ-khí sṳ-îa;

    he has been a recording clerk.

  • lṳ́ kâi sìn mīn tèng kio úa sía “móng nâng uaⁿ khí;”

    write for me on the outside the letter, the superscription, “may you open it in peace.”

  • khí-mêng-cheⁿ chut lío;

    the morning star has risen.

  • lâng íⁿ khí kháu;

    difficult to speak about.

  • sìn thâu tèng kio úa sía kèng-khí-cía cū hó̤;

    if you will write the complimentary phrases at the beginning of the letter for me, that will do.

  • To dwell; to live in.

  • i khĭa-khí tŏ̤ tī-kò̤?

    Where does she live?

  • i àiⁿ nā pàng cí-kò̤ khĭa-khí;

    he is going to stay here permanently.

  • i khĭa-khí tŏ̤ sîaⁿ lăi;

    he lives in the city.

  • hṳ́ kâi tī-hng mó̤ khĭa-khí;

    that place is not habitable.

  • How can? How? Implying a negative.

  • khí káⁿ; khí káⁿ khí káⁿ?

    How dare I presume to do so?

  • khí ŭ chṳ́ lí?

    Whence such a rule?

  • Vessels; dishes; utensils; implements.

  • gêk khì;

    vessels of precious stone.

  • siak khì;

    pewter ware.

  • chṳ̂ khì;


  • hûi khì;


  • jîo khì;

    crockery made in the Poyang Lake district.

  • po̤-lî khì;

    glass ware.

  • bâk khì;

    wooden ware.

  • ngṳ̂n khì;

    silver ware.

  • kim khì;

    golden vessels.

  • tâng khì;

    brass ware.

  • khì-kŭ;

    a utensil.

  • khì-kŭ côi- cíaⁿ;

    the utensils are all in order.

  • kun-cuang khì-hăi cău hó̤ a būe?

    Are the soldiers’ equipments all made ready yet?

  • i mîaⁿ-ke ēng sĭm-mih piaⁿ khì;

    he is expert in the use of all military weapons.

  • tăi khì mńg sêng;

    a great vessel is slowly made; a talented man slowly matures.

  • cí kâi nâng síe khì căi;

    this person has little capacity.

  • màiⁿ khah sío khì;

    do not be petty.

  • cía sĭ kùi khì kâi;

    this is one that is of fine capacity.

  • hía sĭ m̄ sêng khì;

    that one is unfit for the place.

  • kà kàu i sêng jîn sêng khì;

    teach him till he becomes a man and good for something.

  • châng khì;

    farming implements.

  • cĭeⁿ khì kâi mûeh;

    a complete utensil; a valuable object, or refined person.

  • Fumes or vapor ascending from heat acting on moisture; exhalation; ether; breath; air; the vital force or fluid; spirit, courage, temper, or feelings of men and animals; influence; aspect, air; a semi-lunar period.

  • màiⁿ seⁿ khì;

    do not get vexed.

  • i kâi khì-sek hó̤;

    he has a pleasant countenance.

  • ŭ kâi kuaⁿ-hú kâi khì-sĭang;

    has the air of an official.

  • im îang nŏ̤ khì sûn-hŵn bô̤ hiah;

    the primordial aura in the dual powers, incessantly circulates.

  • ui pēⁿ īa tîeh hío ngŏ ūn lâk khì;

    in treating diseases one must understand the five indications of luck, and the six climatic agencies.

  • huang khì;

    climate; air.

  • hâng khì;


  • sú khì;


  • sip khì;


  • chàu khì;


  • húe khì;


  • cí hûe sĭ sĭm-mih coih-khì?

    What time of the moon is this?

  • màiⁿ khṳt thô-khì chong tîeh;

    do not imbibe the miasma.

  • cí kâi nâng ŭ cí-khì;

    this is a man of nerve.

  • i kâi cí-khì ngan-ngan;

    he is very resolute.

  • khì sí nâng;

    exasperates people.

  • úa sĭu khì căi;

    I have been much blamed.

  • sĭu i kâi khì sĭu m̄ khṳ̀;

    I am not going to allow him to scold me.

  • màiⁿ khì tîeh i;

    do not anger him.

  • lîah i lâi chut khì;

    take him to vent his spite on.

  • chut khì bô̤ kò̤ khṳ̀;

    no way of venting his spite.

  • cí-kò̤ kâi khì-hāu cá, pí pât kò̤ soiⁿ ŭ cêk kâi coih-khì;

    the seasons here are early: they come a full half month sooner than in other places.

  • i kâi nâng khùn căi, thóiⁿ tîeh cn̂g kâi bô̤ khì mêh;

    he is very feeble, and seems to have no vitality.

  • lṳ́ sît-căi hó̤ ūn khì;

    you are indeed lucky.

  • khṳt i khì sí khṳ̀;

    caused him to die of vexation.

  • lṳ́ sĭeⁿ ŏi khì a bŏi?

    Do you think he is vexed about it?

  • thiaⁿ tîeh cū khì;

    on hearing it he was vexed.

  • khṳt i cē khì cū thò hueh;

    as soon as he is vexed, his gorge rises.

  • cē khì hueh cū bū;

    as soon as he is angry he blurts out his wrath.

  • i kâi ngŵn khì cok căi;

    his constitution is very strong.

  • i tó̤ îang khì;

    he is putting on airs.

  • îang-îang khì-khì tńg khṳ̀;

    went off in high dudgeon.

  • cí-kò̤ kâi khì-sîp m̄-hó̤;

    the customs in vogue here are bad.

  • cìaⁿ khì;


  • cí īeⁿ îeh kâi khì-lâk tōa;

    this medicine has great efficacy.

  • cîah tîeh sît căi ŭ khì;

    on eating it you will certainly feel the effect.

  • hueh-khì thîo-hûa, bô̤ pēⁿ;

    when the circulation is as it should be, there is no ailment.

  • ûn hieⁿ-châ lâi phek tīo ùe khì;

    burn sandal wood as a disinfectant.

  • cîah cē lîang-îeh lâi cheng tīo jûah khì;

    take cooling medicine as an antidote to fever.

  • tîeh sìa tīo i kâi ṳ̀ khì cek khì cìaⁿ hó̤;

    the system must be depleted and all will then be well.

  • cí īeⁿ mûeh kâi khì-bī sĭm hó̤;

    the flavour of this is delicious.

  • cîah tîeh bô̤ khì bô̤ bī;

    it has neither savor nor flavor.

  • cí hûe bô̤ mih sîn-khì;

    have not now much vigor.

  • sui sĭ hŭ-jîn ŭ kâi cĭang-hu khì-khài;

    though she is a woman, she has a man’s strength of will.

  • i kâi khì ngêk-phû: hó̤ khṳ̀ chūe sŭn khì, kàng khì kâi îeh lâi cîah;

    this does not agree with him: get some sort of soothing medicine for him to take.

  • i kâi mīn thóiⁿ tîeh ẁn khì;

    he looks vexed.

  • im-khì thài sĕng;

    too deep darkness.

  • chìn thiⁿ-sî kâi húe bô̤ mih khì-lâk;

    the fire in cold weather has not much force.

  • khì chēng kín;

    pent up force.

  • i tó̤ ŭang khì kâi sî-hāu;

    when he is prospering.

  • cí hûe tú-tú tit tîeh sèⁿ ŭang kâi khì;

    opportunely hit upon a favorable time.

  • hău-seⁿ tiang-sî, hueh khì cū càng, nî 1ău hueh khì cū sue;

    iu youth the vital forces are strong, in old age they are weak.

  • cí-hûe kâi sî-khì, nâng cōi-cōi ŭ cí khí pēⁿ;

    at this season this disease prevails.

  • i ŭ kâi thì-khì kâi pēⁿ;

    he has constipation.

  • lô̤h kò̤ kieⁿ phek tīo i kâi cho̤ khì;

    put in a piece of ginger-root to obviate the fishy smell.

  • sìa tīo i kâi tâk khì;

    to disinfect.

  • phùa i kâi cek khì;

    disperse the dank odors.

  • khì kàu hm̄-hm̄ chẃn;

    so angry that he gasps for breath.

  • To reject; to discard; to renounce; to relinquish; to abandon; to throw off.

  • khì tīo bó̤;

    to forsake one’s mother.

  • khì tīo kíaⁿ;

    abandon one’s children.

  • khì tīo ke, khṳ̀ cò̤ hûe-sīeⁿ;

    renounce one’s domestic relationships, and become a priest.

  • màiⁿ cṳ̆ pău cṳ̆ khì;

    do not go and throw yourself away.

  • i íⁿ-keng khì sîa kui cìaⁿ;

    he has already departed from evil and returned to correct ways.

  • khì kū ngêng sin;

    discard the old and welcome the new.

  • khì sì;

    leave the world; to die.

  • phau khì;

    fling away.

  • pun nâng khì tīo;

    cast away.

  • sía-khì tīo;

    to discard.

  • lêng-kò̤ sía-khì tīo;

    rather fling off the whole thing.

  • A relative and personal pronoun referring to the person, place or thing spoken of.

  • khî-ṳ̂;

    the surplus; what is over; the rest.

  • khî-ṳ̂ kâi nâng mín-ēng lâi;

    the rest of you need not come.

  • khî-ṳ̂ kâi àiⁿ pàng tī-kò̤;

    where is the surplus to be put?

  • khî-ṳ̂ hŵn ŭ jîeh cōi?

    How much is there of what is left?

  • khî-ṳ̂ kâi, i bô̤ tàⁿ;

    he did not speak of any besides.

  • khî tī-hng sĭm cheng-chái;

    the place is in the best possible order.

  • lṳ́ ŭ tŏ̤ khî tang, úa bŏ̤ chap tŏ̤ khî tang;

    you have been among them, while I am not of them.

  • khî tang pit ŭ pât īeⁿ;

    there is certainly an other sort among them.

  • mn̄g khî sĭang sòi, khî-sît i bô̤ cía sṳ̄;

    inquired into it very carefully, and found that he had really done no such thing.

  • khî-sît i sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ, pĕng bô̤ hìeⁿ-seⁿ;

    in truth it is thus and not so.

  • cai khî it m̄ cai khî jī;

    knows the one but not the other.

  • cìeⁿ-seⁿ īu khî chṳ̀;

    that will be the next best way.

  • A set time; a fixed period; a day agreed on; times, seasons.

  • ieh tī-kâi jît khî?

    What day was agreed upon?

  • khî íⁿ-keng múaⁿ lío;

    the time is up.

  • kàu khî a būe?

    Has the time fixed upon yet arrived?

  • kùe khî ku-ā jît lío;

    the set time is past by several days.

  • i tàⁿ hŵn-lío būe kàu khî;

    he says the time has not yet come.

  • bô̤ tīaⁿ khî;

    no fixed time.

  • ŭ kâi hăng khî;

    there is a limit set to the time.

  • tùi khî tùi khî;

    just at the set time.

  • khî ieh cêk kâi gûeh;

    agreed to fix the time at one month.

  • khî bŏi kùe lṳ́ kâi;

    am not behind time.

  • chut ŭ sî-khî tŏ̤ kò̤;

    notices of the time are issued.

  • put khî jṳ̂ hŭe;

    met without previous arrangement; an unexpected interview.

  • i kâi kê-khî jîeh kú?

    How long is he to wear the cangue?

  • i cò̤ mih sṳ̄ to ŭ kâi tīaⁿ khî;

    he has a set time for everything he does.

  • nî-khî kàu lío;

    the year fixed upon is at hand.

  • chun-khî sía jîeh coi?

    How many years are recorded?

  • The god or spirit which animates the earth.

  • hŭam sôk thiⁿ kâi sîn kìe-cò̤ sîn, sôk tī kâi sîn kìe-cò̤ khî, kù-chṳ́ kìe-cò̤ sîn-khî, īa kìe-cò̤ thiⁿ-sîn tī-khî;

    all spirits pertaining to the heavens are called gods, and all pertaining to the earth are called divinities; therefore they are called deities, and are also called gods and goddesses.

  • tong-kok kâi cì huap ŭ saⁿ khí: cêk khí sĭ thiⁿ-sîn, cêk khí sĭ tī-khî, cêk khí sĭ nâng-kúi;

    the Chinese have three sorts of sacrificial rites, one for the gods of heaven, one for gods of the land, and one for the spirits of the dead.


  • A fabulous animal, like a piebald horse, with one horn and a cow’s tail.

  • it phín kâi bú kuaⁿ, i kâi pó-sim cū sĭ sìu khî-lîn kâi;

    military officials of the first grade have a unicorn embroidered on the square patch which ornaments the breast and back of their official robes.

  • khî-lîn síam;

    folding doors having carved unicorns as their ornamentation.

  • Extraordinary; rare; strange.

  • khî-kùai;


  • khî-ĭ;


  • cía cū chut khî lío;

    this is extraordinary.

  • cía sǹg sĭ khî hông kâi sṳ̄;

    this may be considered an unusual occurrence.

  • cía cī sĭ khî sṳ̄;

    this is very strange.

  • i kâi khî nâng;

    he is a very odd person.

  • To pray; to invoke aid; to intreat.

  • khî-táu;

    to pray.

  • khî hŏ;

    pray for rain.

  • úa sĭm sĭ khî-mō̤ⁿ lṳ́;

    I earnestly hope for your coming.

  • khî-khîu;

    to beseech.

  • A man of sixty; one who should advise others.

  • jŭ kak hieⁿ kâi sin-khî;

    advise the elders in every village.

  • cí kúi hieⁿ ŭ kúi kâi khî-láu lâi kìⁿ kuaⁿ;

    several of the elders from these villages came to see the magistrate.

  • A small land crab.

  • bua-khî; pê-khî;

    land crabs.

  • cí cho̤h pê-khî kâi bī sĭm hó̤;

    these crabs are of a very fine flavour.

  • khî cûa;

    the horned snake.

  • khî hîaⁿ,

    a species of Artemisia, from which Chinese moxa, used in cautery, is obtained.

  • The dreaded day, when a friend died; the anniversary of a death.

  • i kíaⁿ-jît cò̤ khī;

    they keep the anniversary of a death to-day.

  • sĭ i a-kong kâi khī, a i a-má kâi khī?

    Is it the anniversary of their grandfather’s or of their grandmother’s death?

  • khṳ̀ i kò̤ pài khī;

    go to their house to keep the anniversary of their friend’s death.

  • cêk nî ŭ jîeh cōi kâi khī?

    How many anniversaries of the deaths of Emperors are there in a year?