A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / kha | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / kha

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  • The foot; the leg; the shank; the base; the pedestal.

  • kha mâk;

    the ankle bone.

  • kha câh;

    stocks, for the feet.

  • thĕng-cŭ kha;

    to rest from walking.

  • kha tn̂g-tó;

    the calf of the leg.

  • kha pûaⁿ;

    the instep.

  • kha tói;

    the sole of the foot.

  • kha cńg thâu;

    the toes.

  • kha ău teⁿ;

    the heel.

  • kha to̤;

    the sole, in a line from the little toe to the heel.

  • kha lîam;

    the shin.

  • kha thâu u;

    the knee.

  • tâh i kâi kha ciah;

    tread in his footsteps.

  • kha thúi;

    the thigh; kha wt; the knee joint.

  • kha thúi ngán; kha thúi thâu;

    the hip joint.

  • kha piⁿ;

    the groin.

  • kha kut chut khŭ; kha thúi ngán kâi kut chut khŭ;

    dislocation of the hip joint.

  • kha-thâu-u kâi kut chut khŭ;

    dislocation of the bones of the knee.

  • i pûah kàu kha kut chut thn̆g;

    he fell and dislocated the bones of his leg.

  • tǹg i bô̤ tîo kha mô̤ⁿ;

    in comparison with him I am as a hair from his leg.

  • i kâi kha lâk tōa;

    he is influential.

  • tōa kha tōa chíu kâi nâng;

    a man of influence and ability.

  • i hó̤ kha chíu;

    he is clever at his trade.

  • pak-chiah-kha;

    bare footed.

  • tîⁿ kha;

    to bind the feet.

  • ŭ kha kîaⁿ bô̤ lō;

    have no recourse.

  • kúai kha;


  • khûe kha;

    weak in the knees.

  • kha khûe chíu khûe;

    weak in the limbs.

  • i kâi kha kîaⁿ lō kúai-a-kúai;

    he limps in walking.

  • i kâi kha kîaⁿ lō hìen-a-hìen;

    he walks as if he had St. Vitus’s dance.

  • kha ŵn-kèng ŵn-kèng;

    he is bandy-legged.

  • tn̂g tó̤ kha;

    one leg shorter than the other.

  • ah tói kha;

    splay footed.

  • cang kha-to̤ lâi kîaⁿ;

    walk on the sides of the feet.

  • sì ciah kha kâi mûeh;


  • saⁿ kha íⁿ;

    a three legged stool.

  • tôk ciah kha;

    having but one leg.

  • phŵn khí kha tó̤ cŏ̤;

    sitting cross legged.

  • phŵn thúi cŏ̤ sĭ no̤ ciah kha lóng-cóng phŵn khí lâi tŏ̤ kha thúi tèng, chin-chĭeⁿ hût tó̤ cŏ̤;

    to sit Turk fashion, is to double both feet upon the thighs, in the way in which Buddha sits.

  • ût pàng kò̤ khìo khí kha;

    lie down and then raise the legs higher than the head.

  • khek kha;

    bend the knee.

  • ēng cêk ciah kha kŭi a ēng nŏ ciah kha kŭi?

    Are we to kneel on one knee or on both?

  • thí kha bé;

    having sprawling legs.

  • kha sì khĭa tit hó̤, cáu méⁿ phah îaⁿ koi;

    with the feet firmly set, one may run fast enough to catch a fowl; with a firm stand point, one may conquer.

  • tōa kha pâng;

    a much swollen leg.

  • kio bô̤ kha kúi cêk īeⁿ, huh-cē-kìe cū lâi;

    came suddenly like a ghost with no sound of footsteps.

  • côiⁿ kha;

    fore legs.

  • ău kha;

    hind legs.

  • khṳt máng kha nek tîeh;

    was tread upon by a mosquito.

  • chn̂g kha;

    the legs of a table.

  • thĭo kha;

    the pedestal of a pillar.

  • mn̂g-kha-khŭ;

    the socket in which a door is set.

  • pàng chù-kha kò̤;

    put it down beside the house.

  • tī-kha thūn hó̤ a būe?

    Is the foundation filled in yet?

  • cía, thong tī kha ĕ to ŭ;

    this is to be found everywhere.

  • i kâi kha tau tōa căi;

    he has many protectors.

  • pàng hṳ́ chîeⁿ kha;

    put it there by the wall.

  • chīu kha ĕ lā lîang;

    under a tree enjoying the coolness.

  • kha sng chíu nńg;

    tired as with very hard work.

  • tì kâi nńg kha pēⁿ;

    has paralysis of the legs.

  • thiu kha kṳn;

    a cramp in the leg.

  • kha thìaⁿ bŏi kîaⁿ;

    has a sore leg and cannot walk.

  • kîaⁿ kàu kha phok phă;

    walked till my feet blistered.

  • kha tâh liu;

    slipped after stepping.

  • sit kha;

    lost his footing.

  • thak tîeh kha;

    stubbed his toe.

  • úai tîeh kha;

    wrenched his foot.

  • peⁿ kha;

    drag by the feet.

  • úai tîeh kha kut;

    sprained his ankle.

  • mau kha;

    to bind the feet loosely in bandages.

  • nih kha kîaⁿ;

    walk with a stealthy gliding step.

  • nih kha nih kha;

    a stealthy, tortuous motion.

  • taⁿ kha;

    set foot on another’s shoulder.

  • kha-tâh;

    a foot-stool.

  • Dextrous; adroit; apt; skillful; subtle; wily; shrewd; equal to an emergency; genius.

  • khî-khá;


  • i kuai-khá căi;

    he is very adroit.

  • kuai-kuai khá-khá;

    very clever.

  • i to sĭ hue-ngân khá-gṳ́, bô̤ kù sît;

    his talk is altogether specious, and without a word of truth in it.

  • cía sĭ chiah khá-kang lâi cò̤ kâi;

    this was made by clever workmen called from abroad.

  • īeⁿ cò̤ lâi khá;

    of curious workmanship.

  • i kâi sim-sṳ khá căi;

    he is very shrewd.

  • cí kâi sim-khìo jú-kèng lêng-khá;

    this one is still more astute.

  • lâi kàu tú-tú chò khá;

    came just in the nick of time.

  • khá-khá nē, bô̤ sĭm-mih tōa;

    intricate in its workmanship, and not very large.

  • i kâi nâng seⁿ lâi sòi-khá sòi-khá;

    she is small and shapely.

  • i sĭ tàⁿ khá ūe ki-chío nâng;

    he is uttering witicisms, in ridicule.

  • ciu-jît bô̤ sṳ̂, cîah pá to sĭ tó̤ kek-khá;

    has nothing to do all day, and when he has eaten all he wants he goes to devising mischief.

  • lăng khá, hẃn cwt;

    tries to be a genius and turns out a simpleton.

  • kòi-mông siet lâi khá;

    the scheme is a subtle one.

  • khá chi sîeⁿ phŭaⁿ cwt hu mîn;

    a clever woman usually gets a fool for her husband.

  • khṳt khá coih, sĭ chit gûeh chiu chit mêⁿ;

    the festival at which women pray for skill in their handiwork is the night of the seventh day of the seventh month.

  • How? What? How can? Can it be?

  • kha sĭ me?

    Can it be?

  • úa khá m̄ pat i?

    Can it be that I do not know him?

  • khá hó̤ cìeⁿ-seⁿ?

    How can that be desirable?

  • i khá sĭ gân kùe lṳ́?

    How can it be that he is wiser than you?

  • khá ŭ chṳ́ lí?

    Whence such a rule?

  • lṳ́ thóiⁿ khá m̄ sĭ sie tâng;

    you consider whether they can be otherwise than identical.

  • i khá káⁿ m̄ lâi?

    How could he dare do otherwise than come?

  • khá jîak cìeⁿ-seⁿ kèng hó̤?

    How can that be the better way?

  • hìeⁿ-seⁿ hó̤ khá chin-chĭeⁿ cìeⁿ-seⁿ hó̤?

    If that way is good, why should not this be still better?

  • To strike; to beat upon; to rap hard.

  • lûi khà sí ciah gû;

    a cow was struck by lightning and killed.

  • khîeh ki tek-ko̤ khà i kâi thâu;

    took a bamboo pole and struck him on the head.

  • khà kó kîⁿ;

    beat the rim of a drum.

  • tṳ li khà m̄ tîeh, khà phùa cêk kâi koi cô̤;

    struck at and did not hit the pig, but broke the fowls’ tronghinstead.

  • To rap on; to knock against; to discount; to reckon on the abacus.

  • khà mn̂g;

    to knock at a door.

  • khà i kín;

    drive it tight.

  • khà phùaⁿ;

    break by hitting.

  • úaⁿ khṳt i khà phùaⁿ khṳ̀;

    the bowl was broken by his knocking it against something.

  • khà phùa koi-n̆ng;

    break an egg by hitting it upon something when holding it in the hand.

  • cêk ciah chíu khà sǹg-pûaⁿ, cêk ciah chíu sía jī;

    reckoning on the abacus with one hand, and writing with the other.

  • tṳ̂ tīo jîeh cōi khà thâu?

    How much is to be deducted for discount?

  • khà-tṳ̂;

    strike off; cancel; reckon off.

  • khà tīo ngṳ̂n cúi;

    deduct the amount allowed for dollars above standard weight.

  • i tó̤ ô̤h khà-sǹg;

    he is learning to reckon on the abacus.

  • cí kò̤ sìo lṳ́ khà thóiⁿ tùi mē;

    you reckon over this account (on the abacus) and see if it is correct.

  • Used only with a negative and denotes that the action referred to was impracticable; had not time for.

  • i bô̤ khà cîah cū khṳ̀;

    he went off without stopping to eat.

  • méⁿ kàu m̄ khà cîah tê;

    in such a hurry that he could not wait to take tea.

  • i m̄ khà thăi i, cò̤ i khṳ̀;

    he could not wait for her, and went off without her.

  • cò̤-nî bô̤ khà táng i cò̤-pû lâi?

    Why could you not wait for her to come along with you?

  • cē hiong-huh, bô̤ khà khîa hŏ-cia cū khṳ̀;

    was in such a flurry that he went off without stopping to get his umbrella.

  • bô̤ khà siu thâu ūaⁿ kha;

    had not time to comb her hair and dress her feet.

  • lṳ́ àiⁿ méⁿ, úa bô̤ khà siu-sîp cū lâi;

    if you are in a hurry I will come without stopping to put things in order.