A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / khîⁿ | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / khîⁿ

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  • To assail; to attack; to lay hands on.

  • i lĭ-hāi căi, ku-ā nâng m̄ káⁿ khṳ̀ khîⁿ i;

    he is very malignant, and even several persons in a body dare not go and attack him.

  • hṳ́ kâi íong căi: lâi kàu, toaⁿ nâng tùi i kâi heng-côiⁿ cū khîⁿ khù;

    that one is very daring: he came and, rushing in single handed, seized him by the breast.

  • saⁿ nâng hŵn-lío khîⁿ i m̄ tó̤;

    even three men cannot successfully grapple with him.

  • bô̤ nâng káⁿ khîⁿ i;

    no one dares attack him.

  • toaⁿ nâng kiaⁿ-ùi khîⁿ i m̄ tîo;

    being alone, feared that he could not overcome him in an attack.

  • i ŏi khṳt nâng khîⁿ khṳ̀ a bŏi?

    Was he overpowered by those who fell upon him?

  • To cling to; to hang upon.

  • i khîⁿ kín i kâi kīe-kǹg;

    she clung to the poles of his sedan chair.

  • khîⁿ kīe jîp tîaⁿ;

    clung to the chair and thus entered the court.

  • khîⁿ tîn;

    holding fast to a creeper.

  • khîⁿ chīu ki;

    grasping a branch and hanging on thereby.

  • a-nôⁿ khîⁿ saⁿ-kṳ, khîⁿ chíu-ńg;

    children cling to the flaps and sleeves of one’s tunic.

  • ẁn kúi khîⁿ cêk tōa tu;

    a troup of avenging spirits hang about him.

  • ṳn kúi, ẁn kúi khîⁿ cîaⁿ tu;

    a swarm of appeased and unappeased ghosts cling around.

  • Forceps; to gripe as with forceps.

  • cwn phah cêk ki khîⁿ-kíaⁿ;

    had a pair of forceps made to order.

  • cía tîeh khîa khîⁿ-kíaⁿ lâi koih;

    this must be taken up with forceps.

  • i kâi hŏi kha khîⁿ bŏi tit khí;

    the crab cannot seize hold on it.

  • m̄-hó̤ khṳt hŏi khîⁿ khí lâi;

    do not let the crab gripe you.