A family; a household; a home; people.
hûe ke;
to return home.
cêng kàu ke a būe?
Has he reached home yet?
ke tíeⁿ; ke cíang;
the head of the household.
ke pĕ;
my father.
ke bó̤;
my mother.
ke hiaⁿ;
my elder brother.
cêk ke nâng lóng-cóng lâi;
the whole family came.
sái kâi ke-jîn khṳ̀ chíaⁿ nâng-kheh;
send a domestic to invite the guests.
pù-kùi ke;
a wealthy family.
i tó̤ lí ke sṳ̄;
she is attending to domestic affairs.
i kâi ke sṳ̄ jîeh tōa;
her domestic duties are many.
jī ke hûa-môk;
the two are completely reconciled.
jī ke pêⁿ-pêⁿ huaⁿ-hí;
they are both equally well pleased.
i jī ke hàuⁿ;
both parties are willing.
líang ke to hàuⁿ;
both of us consent.
nŏ̤ thâu ke;
two families, having the same husband and father.
sĭ i kâi pún ke;
it is his own family.
ang ke;
support a family.
hâp ke phêng-ang;
the whole family is well.
i ke ēng jîeh tōa?
What are his household expenses?
peh chíu sêng ke;
a self-made man.
hín-khek íⁿ-keng cîaⁿ ke, cîaⁿ tàu;
has now a home of his own.
tōa ke nâng;
a member of a large family.
hṳ́-kò̤ ŭ jîh-gūa ke;
there are over twenty families there.
tăi-ke; tăi cèng ke;
all of you; the whole of us.
kok ke;
the sovereign.
sì ke kâi kíaⁿ-tĭ;
the children of an ancient and honorable house.
chut ke îong-kōi, kui ke lâng;
to become a priest is easy, to return to domestic life afterward is difficult.
ke-ke hŏ-hŏ to khṳ̀ chê;
go to every house and examine.
i sĭ seng-lí ke a sĭ thâk-cṳ ke?
Are they a mercantile people or are they engaged chiefly in literary pursuits?
tŏ̤ ke;
at home.
ke ău;
the wife and her relatives.
ke lăi;
in the house; the wife.
More; many; much; to add.
bô̤ ke;
no more.
cí cho̤h tīaⁿ, bô̤ ke;
only this and no more.
ke nâng ke hok;
the more the merrier.
ke căi;
very many.
ke kŭi nî cū hó̤ chūa bó̤;
in a few years more, he may bring home a wife.
ke kâi gûeh cū siu tang;
in another month the crops will be gathered.
ke kúi jît cū sêk;
they will be ripe in a few days more.
àiⁿ ke cêk kâi;
want one more.
ke saⁿ jît;
three days later.
ke ho̤h cōi;
much more.
ke lâng-ló̤;
a little more.
ke bô̤ ŭa;
not much more.
ke cêk tńg;
once more.
ke cêk ē;
one stroke more.
ke khùn;
a moment more.
ke cêk khùn-kíaⁿ;
a little while after.
taⁿ ke saⁿ tàⁿ;
carry three more loads.
ke siap-sî;
presently ; a little later.
phah ke cêk ē;
hit another blow.
ke kúi ē;
a few strokes more.
khṳ̀ ke sì hăng;
go four times more.
ke cho̤h pun úa;
give me a little more of it.
bô̤ ke nâng tŏ̤;
no one else was there.
pun úa ke cêk hûe;
give me one more turn at it.
lâi ke cêk cūa;
come once more.
bói ke nŏ̤ bó;
buy two acres more.
nín kò̤ kâi nâng ŭ chūa ke bó a bô̤?
Among your people is more than one wife taken?
seⁿ ke kúi kâi kíaⁿ;
has borne several more children.
bói ke cêk koiⁿ chù;
buy another house.
ke tōa-bó̤-mûeh súaⁿ-ngîap;
much more real estate.
ŭ ke īeⁿ a bô̤?
Have you any other kind?
bô̤ ke khí;
no other sort.
nâng ŭ ke téng;
there are different sorts of people.
cîah ke cho̤h;
eat some more.
m̄ cai ŭ ke a bô̤;
do not know whether there are any more or not.
chûn bô̤ ke;
no more left.
cài k kúi cāi;
carry a few more boatloads.
khah ke;
too many.
mài tàⁿ ke kù;
do not say a word more about it.
To add to; to superadd; to increase.
ke kíam sûi tŏ̤ i;
increase or diminish according to his wish.
àiⁿ ke jîeh cōi?
How much more does he want?
ke cêk pŭe;
double the amount.
ke it thiu;
add one tenth.
kàu cí-kò̤ lâi tîeh ke saⁿ sì cîⁿ sṳ-hùi;
in getting it here three or four mace must be added for expenses.
A cassock, worn by Buddhist priests, made of coarse, sleazy camlet.
i kâi hûe-sīeⁿ cò̤-nî bô̤ chēng ke-se?
Why do not these priests wear priests’ robes?
i tîeh cò̤ hût sṳ̄ cíaⁿ ŭ chēng ke-se;
when they are performing priestly rites then they must wear their cassocks.
False; fictitious; unreal; to feign; illusory.
m̄ cai cin ké;
does not know the true from the false.
úa thóiⁿ sĭ cin kâi, lṳ́ cò̤-nî thóiⁿ cò̤ ké?
It appears to me to be real, why do you consider it an imitation?
ké mîaⁿ ūaⁿ sèⁿ;
take a false name.
ké-măuⁿ kuaⁿ-tíeⁿ;
pretended to be an official.
ké hŵt;
a grave in which there is no coffin.
i ké cò̤ khṳt-cîah;
he put on the costume and manners of a beggar.
gūa mīn ké cò̤ hó̤ nâng;
put on the external appearance of an honest man.
i ké kàu sĭo căi;
he imitates it to perfection.
úa cū pat, i ké m̄ khṳ̀;
I knew him, he could not deceive me.
cía sĭ ké i kâi pit ciah kâi kâi;
this is an attempt to imitate his penmanship.
ké-ké nē cū sêng;
if the imitation be perfect it will succeed.
i cò̤ lâi lĕ-ké
he has made a good counterfeit.
sît căi lĕ-lĕ ké-ké;
is really spurious.
tàⁿ hṳ-ké kâi ūe;
speak falsely.
i kâi mûeh to sĭ ké kha ké chíu;
all his things are imitations.
lăng ké sêng cin;
from jest to earnest; to fulfill what was begun as a joke.
Grain ; cereals.
kè-sek mûeh-kĭaⁿ lóng-cóng pun cúi cìm tīo;
the grain is all spoiled by being merged in the water.
kim nî mih īeⁿ kè-sek mûeh-kĭaⁿ tōa siu sêng;
large crops of all sorts of cereals have been gathered in this year.
A leave of absence; a furlough; an interim in a long session.
tiang-sî àiⁿ pàng kè?
When will the vacation begin?
i pàng kè ău hŵn-lío tŏ̤ hṳ́ lăi thâk cṳ;
after the vacation had begun, he still remained there studying.
The price; the value of a thing.
phû kè;
raise the price.
kíam kè;
diminish the price.
háiⁿ m̄ kàu kè;
paid less than the price.
sîn-sien lâng līo cíⁿ bí kè;
the gods even find it difficult to estimate the rate of exchange and the cost of rice.
cá mńg sî kè put tâng;
the current price varies with the season.
kè cîⁿ khah kùi;
the price is too high.
cí khí kè cū phīⁿ;
this sort is cheaper.
put jṳ̆ kè; bô̤ nŏ̤ īeⁿ kè;
no two prices.
cí saⁿ sì khẃn to sĭ cêk īeⁿ kè;
these three or four kinds are all the same price.
úa thó̤ sĭ kè, lṳ́ hâiⁿ sĭ cîⁿ;
what I ask is the price, what you offer is the cost.
cía sĭ bô̤ kè pó̤ kâi mûeh;
this is a priceless thing.
cìeⁿ-sî cí īeⁿ mûeh sĭ cĭeⁿ kè a sĭ lô̤h kè?
Is the price of these articles rising or falling now?
kíam kè phīⁿ bōi;
prices diminished, and selling off cheap.
sît kè, bô̤ sṳ-nîe;
the real price, with no bargaining about it.
bô̤ tàⁿ kè;
no false prices.
lṳ́ màiⁿ tàⁿ kè, sît-sît jîeh cōi cîⁿ;
do not put on a fancy price, but tell exactly how much is to be paid for it.
To marry a husband.
bô̤ kè bô̤ chūa;
neither marry nor are given in marriage.
kè ang;
wed a husband.
i kè tîeh cêk kâi ang hía cìaⁿ hó̤!
She has married such a good husband!
i cêng chut kè a būe?
Is she married yet?
ĭu àiⁿ kè chut, ĭu àiⁿ chūa jîp: sṳ̄ cōi căi;
what with marrying off daughters, and bringing home daughters-in-law, there is much business on hand.
kè cáu-kíaⁿ;
marry off a daughter.
kè-cng cōi căi;
the dowry is large.
cáu-kíaⁿ chī tōa cū tîeh kè;
when a daughter has been brought up, she must be married off.
cêk kâi li kói-kè, cêk kâi li m̄ khéng kói-kè;
one of them married again, and the other refused to marry a second time.
cí kâi khiah-kha sĭ sûi nîe kè kâi;
this large footed maid came with her mistress when the latter entered the family.
kè koi tùe koi pue, kè káu tùe káu cán;
if you marry a cock you thereafter fly, if you marry a dog you thereafter trot; the wife takes the social station of her husband.
A chariot; to drive or sit in a carriage; one who sits in a carriage; a title of respect.
lṳ́ kâi kùi kè tiang-sî kàu?
When did Your Excellency arrive?
cun kè sĭ ŭ mih sṳ̄?
What business has Your Excellency?
lâu lṳ́ kâi kè mùa-khí lâi thóiⁿ;
will trouble you, Respected Sir, to come to-morrow and see.
cía khah lâu-tŏng kùi kè;
this is troubling you, sir, too much.
hŵn lṳ́ kâi kè lâi cí-kò̤;
put you to the trouble of coming here.
gṳ̄ kè chin ceng;
the Emperor himself goes forth to subdue.
sìaⁿ kè;
His Majesty.
i ŏi thêng hûn kè bū;
he mounts the clouds and rides the mist.
sûi kè chut îu;
follow the chariot (of a god) out for an airing.
táng kè bô̤ kìⁿ;
excuse one’s self to a visitor.
An open frame on which to place things; a rack; a staging; to support; to fend off.
cio-kè m̄ tîo;
could not fend it off.
cṳ kè;
a book rack.
sieⁿ kè;
a trunk stand.
câp jī kè;
a cross; a frame like the character which denotes ten.
pàng kò̤ hó̤ kè mûeh-kĭa;
leave it to lay things on.
kè cêk tîo pang-kîe cū hó̤ kîaⁿ kùe khù;
lay down a board as a bridge then we can cross over.
lṳ́ màiⁿ lâi tiaⁿ-tó̤ kó-kè;
do not you come and knock over the drum-stand.
i mih sṳ̄ to sĭ tó̤-pái kè-cṳ́;
he does everything in a stilted style.
cìeⁿ pôiⁿ kè kùe hìeⁿ pôiⁿ, ēng jîeh tn̂g cìaⁿ kè tit kùe;
how long need the staging be in order to extend across from this side to that?
hàm bâk-kang lâi cò̤ kâi pò-phâng kè;
call a carpenter to come and make the tent poles.
phàu kè;
a frame to hang a cloak on.
kè sṳ̂ kâi;
bolster up calumnious charges.
The cangue, a wooden collar worn as a punishment.
liah khù taⁿ kê;
seized and put in the cangue.
kê hō̤ cêk kâi gûeh;
sentenced to the cangue for a month.
phi kê tòa só̤;
carry the cangue, and wear fetters.
sang phau kê;
a cangue made for two persons.
kê ceh lío ŵn ùaⁿ;
after the cangue has been worn, the case is done with.
cêk mĭn kê;
a cangue.
khĭa huang-lô kê;
put into a cangue in which one dies from weariness and hunger.
Low; below the standard; low-priced.
cí tîo lō kûiⁿ kĕ-kĕ o̤h kîaⁿ;
this road is very uneven and difficult to travel.
siu-sîp kàu lō pêⁿ-pêⁿ, bŏi kûiⁿ kĕ;
level the road, so that it will have no inequalities.
thâu phak kĕ;
bend down the head.
i kâi mó̤ⁿ-kha seⁿ khah kĕ;
her hair grows too low on her forehead.
i sang bâi khah kĕ;
his eyebrows are too lowering.
chn̂g kĕ;
to squat.
pàng kàu kĕ-kĕ;
let it down much lower.
kĕ-kĕ siaⁿ kio i tàⁿ;
told him in a very low tone.
i tàⁿ khṳ̀ kĕ siaⁿ kĕ siaⁿ, thiaⁿ m̄ hīn;
he speaks very low, and is not heard distinctly.
i kâi khek chie lâi ŭ kûiⁿ ŭ kĕ hó̤ thiaⁿ;
he chants his ballads in diverse notes, pleasant to the ear.
kĕ cêk kek sía;
write it a line lower down.
i tó̤ táu kĕ ngṳ̂n;
he buys adulterated silver.
cí khí ngṳ̂n khah kĕ;
this silver is too far below the standard.
m̄ kûiⁿ m̄ kĕ;
neither above nor below the standard.
cí īeⁿ hùe ío kĕ;
these goods are lower-priced.
chin-chĭeⁿ cúi lâu lô̤h kĕ;
like water running down hill.