A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / kak | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / kak

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  • The long narrow slats that are laid in roofs.

  • pâi êⁿ tèng kak;

    lay the beams and nail on the slats.

  • cêk tîo kak;

    one of the narrow boards on which roof tiles are laid.

  • kak àiⁿ cò̤ poih hun kău kâi;

    I want roof slats that are eight tenths of an inch in thickness.

  • Grains, corn, cereals.

  • ngŏ-kak cú; ngŏ-kak bó̤;

    the god of grain.

  • ngŏ-kak hong-lông;

    the grains are abundant.

  • A horn; a corner; a point; an angle; a protuberance.

  • sì kak cŏ̤ sì nâng;

    four persons sat at the four corners.

  • i kâi kak ciam-ciam;

    its angles are very sharp.

  • cêk kak bûn-cṳ;

    an official dispatch.

  • chù-kak-thâu;

    a gable.

  • gú-kak, îeⁿ-kak, têk-kak;

    cow’s, ram’s, and deer’s horns.

  • sai-kak;

    rhinoceros horn.

  • lêng-îang kak;

    stags’ horns.

  • mêng-kak;

    white horn.

  • nŏ̤ kâi kak chie-chie;

    wide spreading horns.

  • kak pèⁿ;

    horn handles.

  • saⁿ-kak;


  • sì-kak;


  • ngŏ-kak;


  • siu pàng hṳ́ cêk kak;

    put them over in that corner.

  • thiⁿ piⁿ, hái kak;

    the ends of the earth.

  • châng kak;

    the corner of a field.

  • màiⁿ cŭang tîeh íⁿ kak;

    do not run against the corner of the chair.

  • àiⁿ cò̤ poih kak a lâk kak?

    Do you want it made eight or six sided?

  • poih-kak;

    the star anise, a spice.

  • keng, siang, kak, tí, ú, sĭ ngô im;

    the five tones of musical instruments.

  • sîa mâk kak thóiⁿ i;

    looked at him out of the corner of her eyes.

  • i sĭ kio i cīeⁿ jît ŭ kháu kak;

    the other day they were bickering

  • To notice; to feel; to bring to light.

  • put cai put kak cū lâi;

    came when none were aware.

  • úa cn̂g kâi m̄ cai m̄ kak;

    I was wholly unaware.

  • hṳ́ kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ hwt kak lío;

    that affair has come to light.

  • hía sĭ úa sit kak chak;

    it I who was oblivious.

  • phû khí lâi kak cí phiaⁿ-lî kò̤ oĭ thìaⁿ;

    when it comes on the pain is right here in the ribs.

  • cía sĭ bô̤ cai-kak kâi mûeh-kĭaⁿ;

    this is a thing without sensibility.

  • cṳ̆ kak ŭ se-su khùn-kw̆n;

    am conscious of feeling rather languid.

  • cía sĭ kak sì kâi ūe;

    these are words to enlighten the world.

  • put kak cū kàu;

    came unexpectedly.

  • Each; every; separate; apart.

  • kak nâng kak nâng khṳ̀ ût;

    each went by himself to bed.

  • kak nâng kak nâng kâi sṳ̄;

    each has his own separate interests.

  • kak nâng kak nâng kâi hŵn-ló̤;

    each has his own sorrows.

  • cí hûe kak nâng sǐ tó̤ cîah;

    at this moment every one is eating.

  • kak-kak ̄m̄ sie tâng;

    each is unlike the others.

  • nâng kak ǔ só̤ chîang;

    each has his own special gift.

  • tàⁿ lâi kak ǔ cêk sueh;

    in speaking each had his own meaning.

  • kah chù kak chù kâi ūe ìm;

    each place has its particular dialect.

  • kak tī-hng īa ǔ;

    every place has it.

  • kak kok to ǔ nâng kàu cí-kò̤;

    every country has its representatives here.

  • kak hieⁿ to pat i;

    every village knows him.

  • ke lǎi kak sṳ̄ sǐ i kẃn;

    all the different sorts of affairs in the household, are under her control.

  • kak khẃn kak khẃn hun-pîet;

    distinguish between the different sorts.

  • kak nâng kak cip ka-kī kâi ì;

    each held to his own opinion.

  • i sǐ cò̤-pû ciah a sǐ kak nâng kak nâng cîah?

    Do they eat together or apart?

  • To congeal; fixed; to bind by agreement.

  • cúi kak cò̤ piaⁿ-sng, kak kàu tōiⁿ hó̤ pháu bé;

    water freezes into ice so hard that horses may race upon it.

  • kak sìo-bâk;

    close up an account.

  • sìo-bâk kak cheng-chó̤;

    the account is settled.

  • kak ùaⁿ a būe?

    Is the case closed yet?

  • i būe lío-kak;

    he has not yet finished it

  • up.kak-kúe i kâi sèⁿ-mīaⁿ;

    put an end to his life.

  • kak-kêk hó̤ mē?

    Are the results good?

  • kàu kak-búe sĭ cò̤-nî?

    In the end what will come of it?

  • kau-kak húiⁿ-lūi;

    leagued rascals.

  • To fling, to throw, to cast away.

  • kâk mâk cìⁿ;

    to cast a glance at; to ogle.

  • mâk-cìⁿ cē kâk i cū cai;

    when she glanced at him he understood.

  • kâk tīo;

    to fling aside.

  • kâk lô̤h cúi;

    throw it into the water.

  • To throw at; to cast missiles.

  • kâk kàu i hueh lâu hueh tih;

    stoned him till the blood gushed out.

  • cang cîeh khṳ̀ kâk i, kâk m̄ tîeh;

    threw stones at but did not hit him.

  • khîeh ke kò̤ kâk khṳ̀ kàu, tú-tú kâk tîeh i kâi thâu-khak;

    took another and threw it, and hit him exactly on the head.

  • kâk sí;

    stone to death.

  • kâk tāⁿ;

    miss the aim in throwing at.