A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / kai | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / kai

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  • What ought to be; fit; just; deserving; necessary; convenient.

  • sĭ i kâi ḱn kâi;

    it is what pertains to his functions.

  • úa pńg kai tîeh lâi, bô̤ năi hŏ tōa;

    I shall have to come anyway, notwithstanding the rain.

  • cìeⁿ-seⁿ sĭ eng-kai, a m̄ eng-kai?

    Is that what he ought to do or not?

  • lṳ́ eng-kai cìeⁿ-seⁿ ta̤ⁿ;

    you should say thus.

  • i cìeⁿ-seq sĭ kai sí;

    he is then deserving of death.

  • kai khìam jîeh cōi?

    How much does he justly owe?

  • sĭeⁿ-siu-hùe, m̄ kai cìeⁿ-seⁿ cò̤;

    thought with regret that he ought not to have done thus.

  • i kham-kai sue;

    he deserves ill luck.

  • sĭ pńg eng-kai kâi;

    it is what he ought justly to do.

  • kham-kai tit tîeh;

    worthy to receive it.

  • i m̄ kham-kai cìeⁿ-seⁿ;

    he is not deserving of it.

  • uá kai hâiⁿ jîeh cōi?

    How much ought I to pay?

  • i kâi mīaⁿ jû chṳ́;

    his fate is just.

  • i kham-kai cìeⁿ-seⁿ sí;

    he deserves death.

  • To present.

  • i kâi ūe tàⁿ khṳ̀ kai-kwt;

    what he said involves several meanings.

  • cêk kṳ̀ ūe cū kai-kwt;

    one sentence contains it all.

  • cì kâi jī kai-kwt cí kúi kâi ì-sṳ̀;

    this letter contains these several references.

  • All; alike; the whole of them.

  • nâng-nan̂g kâi cai;

    they all know.

  • kai tâng cêk thói;

    we are all of the same rank.

  • kŭ kai cĕk īeⁿ;

    all are alike.

  • cèng nâng kai taĭ huaⁿ-hí;

    all are equally pleased.

  • An intermittent or tertian ague.

  • i kâi ngîak sĭ kai-ngîak;

    his ague is tertian.

  • The set time; a limit; to arrive at a time or place.

  • kài-khî;

    a set time.

  • tùi kài;

    at the time; a period recurring every twelve years, when the books are open at the yamun for the recording of the names of persons who have transferred land paying taxes to government.

  • kin-nî tùi kài;

    this is the year for having sales of taxable land entered in the recorder’s office.

  • ún kâi kài-cheh íⁿ-keng kuah cheng-chó̤, nín cò̤-nî hŵn-lío lâi chūe nîe?

    Our record of the transfer of the land is already entered in the recorder’s office, so why do you still come to us to collect the taxes?

  • kin-nî tùi kài-khî, nán kâi nîe tîeh cai lâi siu kuah cheng-chó̤;

    this is the year when the recorder opens his books and we must see to it that the sale of the field which renders its owner responsible for the tax upon it, is recorded.

  • To abstain; to refrain from; to watch against; to warn.

  • kài kháu;

    to diet.

  • chiet-chiet tîeh kài i cí cuang sṳ̄;

    it is of the utmost importance that he be warned against this.

  • cí tieⁿ sĭ kài hun kâi îeh-hng;

    this sheet is a prescription for the breaking off from opium.

  • i íⁿ-keng kài-tn̆g hun ín;

    he has already broken off from his opium habit.

  • cîah ce, kài snah;

    to fast and avoid the destruction of animal life.

  • chut kài tîo;

    issue prohibitory rules.

  • kàu-kài kíaⁿ-tĭ;

    caution the children.

  • kài cîah;

    abstain from food; to live sparingly.

  • kài cíu;

    abstain from wine.

  • kài cá tê;

    abstain from tea in the early part of the day.

  • hó̤ kéng-kài aŭ nâng;

    deter those who come after.

  • kài îm;

    refrain from vice.

  • siu kài;

    take orders as a priest or nun.

  • kài cí;

    a finger ring, hinting the necessity of restraining anger.

  • kài tó;

    to forbid gambling.

  • Covered; to roof in; to cover over.

  • kài-au;

    a covered cup.

  • khîeh kài-au kùa khṳ̀ khàm kài-au;

    take the cover and cover the covered cup.

  • kài-au kha;

    a stand for a covered cup.

  • kài-kĭen păng-ok;

    to build houses.

  • i cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄, cia-kài m̄ miⁿ;

    as to his affair, he did not keep it concealed.

  • kài-úaⁿ;

    a covered bowl.

  • cò̤ kàu kài-sì căi;

    made very secluded.

  • cí kâi nâng kài-sì hó̤;

    this man is a good protection.

  • i kâi pù sĭ kài cí cêk hieⁿ;

    his wealth overtops all in this village.

  • i kâi pù sĭ kài cêk hú;

    his wealth has no parallel in this Department.

  • hó̤ kâi kài-pàng mīn cīeⁿ;

    put the best ones on top.

  • thông hwn pó̤-kài;

    a canopy.

  • One who assists; a waiter.

  • thóiⁿ-tîeh cū sĭ hì-pêⁿ-téng kâi a-sĕng-kài;

    he appears to be a clown in a theatre.

  • seⁿ-lâi kio kâi a-sĕng-kài cêk īeⁿ;

    he naturally looks like a clown.

  • Dust.

  • i ciu-jît to sĭ ūn thô, núa kài, hó̤ kâi màiⁿ i chēng;

    he is wallowing in the dirt all day long, so do not dress him in anything that is nice.

  • A red spotted lizard.

  • kap-kài;

    a lizard which is used in medicine.

  • khṳ̀ bói cêk tùi kap-kài lâi kap îeh;

    go and buy a couple of lizards to compound into medicines.

  • toaⁿ-toaⁿ ēng kap-kài búe li jú-kèng ŭ khì-lâk;

    if only the tails of the lizards are used there is much more power in the medicine.


  • The top of the head.

  • thien-lêng-kài;

    the fontanel.

  • phah-phùa i kâi thien-lêng-kài;

    broke his head.

  • The mustard plant.

  • cêk lîap kâi-cí;

    mustard seed.

  • pêh kài-cí; kài-chài cí;

    white mustard seed.

  • kài-lûah;

    prepared mustard.

  • lṳ́ àiⁿ pẁn kài-lûah, a sĭ àiⁿ pẁn saⁿ-cham-cìeⁿ?

    Will you take mustard, or mixed condiments?

  • A frontier; limit; boundary.

  • tī-kài;

    boundary of lands.

  • tèng tī-kài;

    set a boundary.

  • pīn cí-kò̤ ûi kài;

    run the boundary line along here.

  • cîeh kài;

    a stone landmark.

  • kau-kài kâi tī-hng;

    adjoining land.

  • kio i sie kiam-kài;

    have the same line of boundary as he.

  • cìeⁿ-seⁿ ŭ kâi kài hăng;

    thus there is a fixed limit.

  • sì-kài;

    the world.

  • kài chieh;

    a foot rule.

  • A mendicant; to ask alms.

  • i khṳ̀ cò̤ khṳt-kài;

    he has become a beggar.

  • ŭ cêk kâi khṳt-kài lâi thó̤ cîah;

    a beggar came to ask for something to eat.

  • tōng kàu khṳ̀ cò̤ khṳt-kài;

    lazy enough to be brought to beggary.

  • Rooms in a yamun.

  • tang kong-kài, sai kong-kài;

    eastern or western public rooms in a yamun.

  • To border on; conterminous.

  • m̄ kài-ì;

    bear no grudge.

  • úa chŵn bô̤ kài-ì cía sṳ̄;

    I have not laid up any grudge in this affair.

  • i sĭang téng kài-ì;

    he is very resentful.

  • kài tŏ̤ hó̤ m̄-hó̤ cṳ kang;

    it is on the border land between good and bad.

  • To transfer to another post.

  • i tèng kài-ngŵn;

    he is the first among the kṳ́-jîn graduates.

  • An injunction; precepts; warnings.

  • câp kài;

    the ten commandments.

  • kàu-kài;


  • To even; to level off; to adjust.

  • khîeh ki táu-kài lâi kài;

    take the bushel scraper and level off the measured grain.

  • lṳ́ kâi táu-kài tîeh khîa hó̤-hó̤ cìaⁿ ŭ cún;

    hold your bushel scraper rightly and then there will be fair measure given.

  • A relative pronoun; it forms the possessive and denotes the genetive.

  • sĭ úa kâi a sĭ lṳ́ kâi?

    Is it mine or yours?

  • cía sĭ úa kâi cṳ;

    this is my book.

  • i sĭ tong-kok kâi nâng;

    he is a Chinaman.

  • pêh kâi hó̤ a âng kâi hó̤?

    Which are the better, the white ones or the red ones?

  • lṳ́ àiⁿ sò̤i kâi a tōa kâi?

    Do you want small ones or large ones?

  • ŭ kâi;

    there are some.

  • sĭ ún ŭ kâi;

    that is what we have some of.

  • àiⁿ cìeⁿ-seⁿ kâi īeⁿ;

    want that sort.

  • lṳ́ tîeh kio ṳ́a bói hó̤ kâi;

    you must buy good ones for me.

  • úa àiⁿ tōiⁿ-tōiⁿ kâi;

    I want solid ones.

  • i kâi thâu thìaⁿ;

    he has headache.

  • i kâi chù tó̤;

    his house has fallen down.

  • i kâi chùi li m̄ hàuⁿ, i kâi sim hàuⁿ;

    he talks as if he were unwilling, but in his heart he is not averse to it.

  • i kâi ūe cōi căi;

    ho is a great talker.

  • m̄ cai i kâi ì-sṳ̀;

    do not know the meaning of it.

  • úa kâi sim lăi sĭ sieh i;

    1 have an affection for him.

  • i kâi a-pĕ bô̤ tŏ̤;

    his father is not at home.

  • tōa kâi sòi kâi lóng-cóng sĭ chūe i;

    great and small all go to him.

  • kìe kâi cò̤-bâk-kang kâi lâi cò̤;

    call a carpenter to come and make it.

  • cía sĭ tī-tîang kâi?

    Whose is this?

  • i àiⁿ sīm-mih kâi?

    What does he want?

  • sĭ i kâi a m̄ sĭ?

    It is his, is it not?

  • cía sĭ náng kâi a sĭ in kâi?

    Is this ours or theirs?

  • sĭ ún kâi;

    it belongs to us.

  • hṳ́ tieⁿ íⁿ kâi kha àiⁿ cîh;

    the leg of that bench is about to break.

  • cí koiⁿ chù kâi êⁿ khai sòi;

    the roofbeams of this house are too small.

  • cih tîeh i kâi sìn;

    received his letter.

  • lṳ́ hó̤ thiaⁿ i kâi ūe;

    you should heed what he says.

  • i kâi tŏ̤-lí chim;

    its doctrines are deep.

  • i kâi seⁿ-chêng hó̤;

    his disposition is good.

  • i kâi phûe jūn;

    its rind is tough.

  • sî-ceng kâi cam;

    the hands of the clock.

  • One; a classifier of wide application

  • cêk kâi a nŏ̤ kâi?

    Is there one or two?

  • kâi tōa, kâi sòi;

    one is large and the other small.

  • cí kâi hó̤ a hṳ́ kâi hó̤?

    Which is he better of the two?

  • nŏ̤ kâi tī kâi tōa?

    Which of the two is the larger.

  • ŭ kâi nâng tŏ̤;

    there is a person there.

  • cía kâi thâu kâi, hṳ́ kâi jī kâi, hṳ́ kâi tŏiⁿ saⁿ kâi;

    this one is the first one, that the second, and the other the third.

  • u kúi kâi kíaⁿ?

    How many children have you?

  • cí peh kâi ngṳ̂n jîeh tăng?

    How heavy is this hundred dollars?

  • sĭ lŭn ngṳ̂n kâi, a sĭ lŭn ngṳ̂n níe?

    Is it to be reckoned in dollars, or in taels?

  • úa àiⁿ ìuⁿ-ìuⁿ kâi kâi;

    I want a very fine one.

  • thóiⁿ tîeh kâi kâi hó̤;

    they appear to me to be every one of them good.

  • lṳ́ kâi kâi to àiⁿ;

    you want every one of them.

  • bô̤ kâi m̄ pat;

    there is not one that he does not know.

  • kio i ūaⁿ kâi;

    the one exchanged with him.

  • chit kâi poih sĭ ngŏ-câp-lâk;

    seven times eight are fifty six.

  • ŭ saⁿ nŏ̤ kâi tīaⁿ;

    have only two or three.

  • m̄ cai i àiⁿ tī-kâi;

    do not know which one he wants.

  • bô̤ pùaⁿ kâi;

    there are none at all.

  • khîeh ke kâi pûaⁿ lâi;

    bring another plate.

  • tàⁿ lâi ŭ kâi tŏ̤-lí;

    what he says has reason in it.

  • chŵn bô̤ kâi īeⁿ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;

    there is no such thing.

  • cò̤ kâi hō̤;

    make a mark.

  • ūe kâi kho;

    draw a circle.

  • sía saⁿ kâi jī;

    write three letters.

  • cêk jît kuí kâi sî-sîn?

    How many hours in a day?

  • ŭ kâi chàu kaⁿ-cap bī;

    some have the flavor of an orange.

  • ŭ kâi phang bī;

    has a fragrant odor.

  • khîeh kâi kìaⁿ lâi íam;

    take a magnifying glass and look through it.

  • kùaⁿ kâi mâk-kìaⁿ;

    wore spectacles.

  • ŭ kâi nâng-kheh lâi;

    a guest has come.

  • phah kâi chíu-cak;

    make a finger ring.

  • lṳ́ chēng kúi kâi saⁿ?

    How many tunics do you wear?

  • khîeh kâi puah khṳ̀ chō̤;

    take a pot to put it in.

  • úa ŭ kâi tíaⁿ-kíaⁿ hó̤ chá;

    I have a small iron pan to fry it in.

  • pât kâi, úa lí màiⁿ;

    any other, is not what I want.

  • àiⁿ cí kâi;

    I want this one.

  • kâi phīⁿ tōa-tōa kâi;

    a very large nose.

  • m̄ sĭ cí kâi, sĭ hṳ́ kâi;

    it is not this one, it is that one.

  • khui kâi mn̂g;

    made a door there.

  • aǹg kâi jît-thâu hìeⁿ tōa;

    as large as the sun.

  • àng kâi húe-hun-cûn hìeⁿ tn̂g;

    as long as a steam-boat.

  • i àiⁿ mih kâi?

    What does he want?

  • ŭ kâi ŭ, ŭ kâi bô̤;

    some have them, and some have not.

  • sĭ tī cêk kâi?

    Which one is it?

  • tŏ̤ mn̂g kha ŭ kâi nâng tó̤ khĭa;

    a man was standing by the door.

  • With; together with; for.

  • úa kâi lṳ́ tàⁿ;

    I will tell you about it.

  • úa kâi lṳ́ cò̤ kàu hó̤-hó̤;

    I will do it nicely for you.

  • lṳ́ kâi úa pâk hó̤;

    you tie it for me.

  • hàm i tîeh kâi úa cṳ́-sòi cò̤;

    tell him he must make it painstakingly for me.

  • A letter whose shape is used as descriptive of other objects.

  • kâi jī líu;

    the weeping willow.

  • kâi jī tek;

    the drooping bamboo.