A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / kṳn | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / kṳn

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  • The roots of plants; origin, beginning, cause, foundation; fundamental, radical.

  • chīu kṳn;

    the roots of trees.

  • cêk tîo kṳn chẁn kàu hn̆g-hn̆g kò̤ khṳ̀;

    a root has made its way to a long distance.

  • hó̤ kṳn tói;

    the bottom of a thing; the cause, or origin of a thing.

  • i kâi sĭm-mih kṳn-tí?

    What is at the bottom of it all?

  • i kâi kṳn-pún sĭ chông tī-kò̤ lâi kâi?

    Whence comes the original cause?

  • cí kâi ūe tàⁿ chut lâi bô̤ kṳn;

    there is no foundation for this story.

  • kui kṳn, sĭ cò̤-nî?

    To go back to its origin, what does it amount to?

  • sòi mn̄g i kâi kṳn-îu;

    carefully inquire into its origin.

  • bô̤ kṳn cúi-lâu-phîe;

    a rootless weed that floats on the surface of the water; a vagrant.

  • ŭ sĭm-mih kṳn-kṳ̆ mē?

    Is there any well based evidence of it?

  • kṳn chim, lih kù;

    roots deep and rootlets tough.

  • cám cháu, tṳ̂ kṳn;

    cut down the weeds and destroy their roots; utterly eradicate.

  • lṳ́ thóiⁿ cí kâi a-noⁿ-kíaⁿ ŭ kṳn-ki a bô̤?

    Do you think this child has much vigor?

  • à pit chêng-chīu kṳn;

    split a banyan root by argument.

  • ngŵn kṳn sĭ tī-tîang kâi?

    Whose was the original foundation?

  • cía phò úa sĭ kìo i bói tn̆g kṳn kâi;

    as to this shop, I have bought him out altogether.

  • i cē bô̤ cîⁿ, cū tó̤ hwn châng kṳn, chù kṳn;

    being out of money, he is selling off his fields and houses, without reservation.

  • tŏ̤ i chù sĭ tó̤ kă hun-kuah kṳn;

    in his house they live on sweet potatoes.

  • hṳ́ cho̤h nâng cū sĭ i kâi kṳn-mîoⁿ;

    those people are his offspring.

  • pàng kàu chin-chĭeⁿ seⁿ kṳn tùe tī hìeⁿ-seⁿ;

    if you set it down, it is as if it produced roots and adhered to the earth.

  • The tendons; the sinews; applied also to the veins and nerves; sinewy, strong.

  • cêk sin tau kṳn, pâk kut;

    a sharp pain in the joints over the whole body.

  • cá-jît hut-jîen cū thiu kha kṳn;

    was taken suddenly with a cramp in the leg yesterday.

  • mīn-tèng tîo cheⁿ-kṳn phû-phû;

    a swollen vein on the face.

  • i kâi phûe khah pô̤h, hía kṳn cêk tîo cêk tîo, thóiⁿ hīn-hĭn;

    her complexion is too transparent, and the veins can be plainly seen.

  • hàm i lâi kio úa lîah pùe kṳn;

    t«ll him to come and knead my back for me, to ease the pain.

  • cí kò̤ sĭ cóng kṳn thâu;

    this is a nerve centre.

  • tōa kṳn;


  • âng kṳn;


  • jī sìa tōa kṳn;

    the letters are written with bold strokes.

  • kuah tīo i nŏ̤ tîo kha kṳn;

    to cut the tendons of the legs, (a terrible punishment).

  • mīⁿ kṳn;

    tough strings of dried dough.

  • hueh kṳn;

    blood vessels.

  • gû-nêk tîeh kuah màiⁿ seⁿ kûn kâi;

    you must get beef which has no tendons in it.

  • hía kṳn jūn căi, pō m̄ lô̤h;

    that tendon is very tough, I cannot chew it.

  • phû kṳn lò kut;

    become emaciated.

  • i kâi kha kṳn cē sek ngĕ, tōa nâng tàⁿ i cū m̄ thiaⁿ;

    as soon as he gets upon his own legs, he will give no heed to what his elders say to him.

  • i jíang kàu ăm kṳn phòng-phòng;

    he shrieked until his throat was ready to burst.

  • cí īeⁿ îeh ŏi càng kṳn kut;

    this medicine will impart muscular strength.

  • The Chinese pound; its weight differs in different localities: by treaty a catty is fixed at 1 ⅓ pounds averdupois.

  • cêk kṳn nŏ̤ kṳn ŭ;

    I have perhaps a catty or two.

  • pùaⁿ kṳn tùi poih níe;

    a half a catty is as good as eight onnces.

  • cêk tàⁿ cêk peh kṳn;

    a picul is a hundred catties,

  • ŭ kúi kṳn tăng?

    How many catties does it weigh?

  • taⁿ choiⁿ kṳn tàⁿ;

    carrying a burden of a thousand catties.

  • i kâi chìn kṳn-nìe síam;

    this steelyard gives short weight.

  • cí ki chìn, níe cìeⁿ tōa, kṳu cìeⁿ síam;

    on this steelyard, the ounces are over weight and the catties under weight.

  • cêk kṳn sĭ câp-lâk níe a sĭ câp-poih níe?

    Is the pound one of sixteen ounces, or one of eighteen ounces?

  • pha bô̤ kṳn táu;

    to turn somersaults.

  • To follow at one’s heels.

  • kṳn-sûi;

    to follow, as au attendant.

  • câp nâng kṳn, poih nâng sûi;

    a number of persons followed as attendants.

  • i sĭ tó̤ kṳn kuaⁿ kâi nâng;

    he is one who acts as attendant on a magisti-ate.

  • i pat kṳn kùe tău-thâi;

    he has been an attendant on the Prefect.

  • cí nŏ̤ kâi chiah-kha sĭ ciu-jît kṳu-sûi i kâi;

    these two large footed women attend upon her all day.

  • A napkin; a kerchief.

  • chíu kṳn; kūaⁿ kṳn;

    a handkerchief.

  • thâu kṳn;

    a head-cloth.

  • thâu-tèng tà cêk kò̤ o kṳn;

    wore a black head-cloth.

  • jìo-se tèng tùe kŭa cêk lîap o kṳn kho-hue;

    on the crape was fixed such an ornament as elderly women usually wear on a black head-cloth.

  • so kṳn;

    a plain herchief.

  • tang-îeⁿ kṳn;

    a foreign kerchief.

  • To equalize; to adjust; even; level.

  • pun lâi m̄ kṳn-pêⁿ;

    they are not impartially distributed.

  • tăi-ke lâi kṳn hun;

    come all of you and take equal shares.

  • kṳn sĭ ŭ iah kâi sṳ̄;

    impartial adjustment is beneficial.

  • Nothing over; hardly enough; scarcely; little short only; nothing more.

  • i kṳ́n sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ tàⁿ tīaⁿ-tīaⁿ;

    he said just this and nothing more.

  • úa kṳ́n lâi cêk hûe;

    I came but once.

  • kṳ́n-kṳ́n kio i cò̤-pṳ̂ cîah cêk tńg tīaⁿ;

    ate with him only once.

  • put kùe kṳ́n-kṳ́n kàu ēng;

    have no more than barely enough.

  • kṳ́n sĭ i cai tīaⁿ, pât nâng m̄ cai;

    he only knows, no one else knows.

  • Diligent; careful; vigilant; serious; attentive; respectful.

  • lṳ́ tîeh kṳ́n sim;

    you must give your whole mind to it.

  • cang lói-mûeh khṳ̀ kṳ́n kŭ i;

    take offerings and respectfully present them to him.

  • kṳ́n cun i kâi mĕng-lĕng;

    sedulously attend to his orders.

  • The nuptial wine cup.

  • kîaⁿ hâh-kṳ́n kâi lói;

    perform the rite of partaking of the nuptial wine.

  • A dearth of vegetables.

  • keⁿ-chài bô̤ siu-sêng kìe-cò̤ kṳ̀n;

    when vegetables do not come to perfection there is said to be a vegetable famine.

  • ki-kṳ̀n kâi sî-hāu;

    a time of dearth.

  • To exert all one’s strength; to struggle on.

  • i kâi lâk sòi, sĭ khak-khó kṳ̀n kâi, m̄ sĭ cò̤ tit lâi;

    she has little strength, and it is done with great effort, it is not what she is really able to do.

  • úa thóiⁿ i ciu jît kṳ̀n kàu chám căi;

    I see that he exerts himself painfully all day.

  • tàⁿ li tăng, lâk li bô̤, khak-sí-khó tó̤ kṳ̀n;

    the burden is heavy, the strength gone, and he is struggling on as if for life.

  • The third of the eight diagrams.

  • pok tîeh kâi kṳ̀n khùe;

    cast the eighth diagram when divining.

  • To congeal; to coagulate; to curdle; to stiffen; to freeze.

  • cē lā chìn cū kṳ̂n;

    as soon as it cools it will stiffen.

  • íⁿ-keng kṳ̂n mīn;

    has already stiffened on the surface.

  • lâ kṳn kàu kò̤;

    the fat has stiffened and formed a single lump.

  • chìn kàu în kṳ̂n-tàng;

    so cold that the oil has become solid.

  • thiⁿ-sî jṳ̂ah, nêk-thng phû lío, bŏi kṳ̂n-tàng;

    when the weather is hot, the soup does not stiffen after being cooked.

  • The gizzard.

  • koi kṳ̆n, ah kṳ̆n, gô̤ kṳ̆n;

    the gizzards of chickens, ducks, and geese.

  • chá kuaⁿ kṳ̆n;

    fried gibblets.

  • Near in time or place; to draw close to; adjoining.

  • kṳ̆n-kṳ̆n nē;

    close at hand.

  • i kṳ̆n jît cìaⁿ lâi;

    he came not long since.

  • úa kṳ̆n sî cìaⁿ lâi;

    I came lately.

  • ciang kṳ̆n àiⁿ hó̤ lío;

    it will very soon be finished.

  • kṳ̆n hái kâi tī-hng;

    regions near the sea.

  • kṳ̆n-lâi ŭ sĭm-mih sin bŭn?

    What news is there of late?

  • cía sĭ tŏ̤ cí kṳ̆n nî cìaⁿ sin khí lī;

    these are the new regulations, established within the last few years.

  • tùi cí tîo lō ío kṳ̆n;

    it is nearer to go by this road.

  • cŏ̤ kṳ̆n i sin-piⁿ;

    sit close to him.

  • kîaⁿ kṳ̆n lō;

    go the nearest way.

  • i kâi mâk kṳ̆n-sĭ;

    she is near sighted.

  • cí kù ūe tàⁿ lâi ío kṳ̆n lí;

    this is nearer the truth.

  • hn̆g kṳ̆n thŵn mîaⁿ;

    spread its fame far and near.

  • lîn-kṳ̆n hieⁿ;

    neighboring villages.

  • àiⁿ kîaⁿ kṳ̆n, tin-tò̤ hn̆g;

    wanted to go by the nearest route, and went by the farthest instead.

  • hŭ-kṳ̆n kâi tī-hng;

    adjacent land.

  • kṳ̆n tō;

    the present generation.

  • i m̄ káⁿ kṳ̆n côiⁿ;

    he dare not approach.

  • cía kâi nâng, hó̤ kio i chin-kṳ̆n;

    this person is one we may affiliate with.

  • cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ i kâi sèⁿ ío kṳ̆n;

    this is something that he would learn more easily, having a natural bent toward it.

  • thóiⁿ-kìⁿ li kṳ̆n, kîaⁿ tîeh cìaⁿ cai hn̆g;

    it appeared to be close at hand, but on walking there we found it far off.

  • hn̆g chìo m̄ jû kṳ̆n phûh;

    a strong friend far away is not so good as a weak one near by.

  • íen cúi kìu put tit kṳ̆n húe;

    water that is distant cannot put out a fire close at hand.