A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / kìe | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / kìe

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  • To call to or upon; to cry out; the cries or voices of animals or birds; to send for; to name; to command;

to tell; to do; to persuade; to sing, as an insect; to induce; to cause, in which sense it is often only a sign of the passive voice; by, with; named, called, termed.

  • i kìe-cò̤ sĭm-mih mîaⁿ?

    By what name is he called?

  • i kìe mîaⁿ kìe jī mēⁿ i;

    she called him names.

  • i bô̤ sie kìe;

    they are not on speaking terms with each other.

  • cē kìe cū lâi;

    as soon as you call I will come.

  • i tó̤ hàm-kìe kìu;

    he is calling for help.

  • cò̤-nî i kìe lṳ́ m̄ thiaⁿ, tîeh úa kìe?

    Why is it that you pay no heed to his calling you, so that I must call you?

  • lṳ́ hàm nâng lâi kìe-ìn;

    you get some one to guarantee it.

  • kâi sĭ sĭm-mûeh tó̤ kìe?

    What creature is it making that noise?

  • kìe phùa i kâi âu-lêng, bô̤ nâng khṳ̀ chái i;

    though he calls loud enough to split his throat, no one pays any attention to him.

  • bô̤ kìe bô̤ ìn, cò̤-nî hó̤ khṳt i?

    With no security given, why should you let him have it?

  • i kìe, i m̄ hàuⁿ ìn;

    when she calls him he will not answer.

  • thiaⁿ-kìⁿ kúi tó̤ kìe thòi;

    heard the spirit of one who had committed suicide calling on some one else to commit suicide, so that the former might be born into the would again.

  • hîam tîeh, i hŵn-lío ngau-ngau-kìe, tó̤ pĭen;

    if you reprove him he still keeps on complaining and contradicting.

  • kio i tàⁿ tîeh, i ngau-ngau-kìe, tàⁿ tōa-bó̤-mûeh ūe;

    if you say any thing to him about it, he will argue and dispute, and talk on endlessly about it.

  • cèng nâng ngau-ngau-kìe,

  • m̄ su-hôk;

    they all murmured at it, and would not submit.

  • kìe-sī;

    on that account; says it is for this reason; to complain of.

  • i kùai kìe sĭ i m̄ thiaⁿ i kâi ūe;

    she blames him because he does not heed what she says.

  • phah kìe-sĭ i kêh-sek;

    whips him for his disobedience.

  • i kìe-sĭ i cò̤-ni?

    What fault has he to find with it?

  • kìe-sĭ khah tōa;

    he says it is too large.

  • kìe-sĭ m̄ nāi;

    says it won’t prove durable.

  • i kìe-sĭ i kâi im m̄-hó̤, lêng ūaⁿ kâi hó̤ kâi;

    he says it does not sound as if it were good, and he wants to exchange it for a good one.

  • úa bô̤ kìe-sĭ i sĭm-mih sṳ̄;

    I did not say anything was wrong with it.

  • toaⁿ-toaⁿ sĭ kìe-sĭ i taⁿ n̄e khah tōa siaⁿ;

    only said he spoke too loud.

  • i cò̤-nî màiⁿ, sĭ kìe-sĭ i cò̤-nî?

    Why does he not want it, what does he say is the matter with it?

  • i sĭ kìe-sĭ tó ciâh khah pá;

    he says he eats too much.

  • i kâi sĭ kìe-sĭ khah khuaⁿ-ûah a m̄ sĭ?

    She finds fault because things are too comfortable does she not?

  • hîam kìe-sĭ i chī bŏi tōa;

    she complains that he does not grow.

  • i hîam kìe-sĭ cò̤-nî?

    What does he complain about?

  • cìeⁿ-seⁿ kìe-si khah pô̤h;

    that is too thin.

  • liang-liang-kìe;

    the jingling sound made by a mender of crockery.

  • ŭang-ŭang-kìe;

    the muttering of a flame.

  • cok-cok-kìe;

    the noise made in calling fowls to come and eat.

  • la-la-kìe;

    the bubbling of water.

  • hōng-hōng-kìe;

    the buzzing of insects.

  • ngăi-ngăi-kìe;


  • ioh-ioh-kìe;

    the chirping of grasshoppers.

  • tŏng-cē-kìe; tŏm-cē-kìe; pōng-cē-kìe;

    the splash made by something falling into the water.

  • tong-tong-kìe;

    the rattle of drums.

  • phit-phiak-kìe;

    the sound of fluttering garments.

  • hih-hauh-kìe;

    the sound of cloth flapping in the wind.

  • sauh-sauh-kìe;

    the sound of flapping wings.

  • sā-sā-kìe;

    the sound of rushing wind and driving rain.

  • ciap-ciap-kìe; cauh-cauh-kìe; cap-cap-kìe;

    the sound made by one who slobbers in eating.

  • cit-ciap-kìe;

    the sound made in slipping into the water.

  • hū-hū-kìe;

    the reverberation of distant thunder.

  • cok-cok-kìe;

    the sound made in setting a dog upon something.

  • iohⁿ-iohⁿ-kìe;

    the creak of the pole of a burden bearer.

  • ngà-cē-kìe;


  • hàuⁿ-cē-kìe;


  • hōng-hōng kìe;

    the roar of rushing waters.

  • o-a-kìe;

    cawing, or the sound made by one stretching and yawning.

  • koi-bó̤ kok-kok-kìe;

    the hen clucks.

  • sa-sa-kìe;

    to sough like the wind.

  • chiap-chiap kìe;

    to mutter, a perpetual clack of voices.

  • sioh-sioh-kìe;

    a whir, as of an arrow.

  • siuh-siuh-kìe;

    the whiz of an arrow.

  • kī-kū kíe; lū-lū-kìe; lī-lū kìe;


  • pok-pok-kìe;

    a throbbing.

  • hŏ sap-sap-kìe;

    the rain patters down.

  • cip-cip-kìe;

    to squeak, like mice, or chipper like rats.

  • cah-cah-kìe;

    a hubbub.

  • tok-tok-kìe;

    to gabble.

  • sū-sū-kìe;

    to whiz or whir.

  • thu-cē-kìe;


  • tong-tong-kìe;

    the din of drums.

  • thēⁿ-thēⁿ-kìe;

    the sound of a small gong.

  • khuaiⁿ-khuaiⁿ-kìe;

    sound of a medium sized gong.

  • kong-kong-kìe;

    the sound of a large gong.

  • teng-teng-kìe;

    the din of gongs.

  • kuh-kuh-kìe; kū-kū-kìe;

    a rumbling.

  • hng-hng-kìe;

    the whining of a dog.

  • le-cē-kìe; li-le-kìe;

    the sound made by a dish breaking.

  • la-la-kìe;

    a sound like gurgling water.

  • pha-pha-kìe;

    a loud gurgling sound.

  • phē-phē-kìe;

    the ripple of running water.

  • tăm-tăm-kìe;

    the splash of water falling into water.

  • tap-tap-kìe;

    the patter of falling drops.

  • tŏm-tŏm-kìe;

    the dashing sound of waves.

  • kā-kā kìe;

    the babble of a brook.

  • ah-ah-kìe;

    the quacking of ducks.

  • gô̤-gô̤ kìe;

    the quacking of geese.

  • chîh-chîh-kìe;

    the sound of half suppressed laughter.

  • cī-cē-kìe;

    to fizzle.

  • kìu-kìu kìe;

    to wail and moan.

  • sit-sap-kìe;

    the patter of feet.

  • chit-chok-kìe;

    the clatter of feet.

  • tiang-tiang kìe;


  • tng-tng-kìe;

    the thrum of stringed instruments.

  • chōng-chōng-kìe;

    the sound of marching feet.

  • lōng-lōng-kìe;

    the tramp of many feet.

  • chok-chok-kìe;

    the sound of scampering feet.

  • hī-hā-kìe-kìe;

    the rustle of leaves.

  • hōⁿ-hōⁿ-kìe;

    the sound of loud breathing through the nose.

  • phuh-phuh-kìe;

    to splutter.

  • ke-ke-kìe;

    to cackle.

  • phok-phok-kìe; phit-phok-kìe; phîh-phêh-kìe;

    the sound of wings flapped violently.

  • khauh-khauh-kìe;

    a craunching sound made in eating.

  • la-la-kìe;

    the crackling of a fire.

  • khih-cē-kìe;

    snickered out.

  • thiaⁿ tieh khih-cē-kìe;

    when he heard it he snickered.

  • hā-hā-kìe;

    the sound of many voices.

  • sap-sap-kìe;

    to talk rapidly, to chatter.

  • phiak-phiak-kìe;

    a clatter.

  • phē-phē-kìe;

    fluttering of wings.

  • phē-phē-kìe pue khṳ̀;

    fluttered away.

  • phiak-cē-kìe;

    fluttered on.

  • leng-leng-kìe;

    jingle like a tea-bell.

  • long-long-kìe;

    tinkle like a sleigh-bell.

  • huang huh-huh-kìe;

    the wind howls.

  • cā-cā-kìe;

    to quake as with fear.

  • hn̄g-hn̄g-kìe;


  • kheng-kheng-kìe;

    the jangle of large bells.

  • cúh-cúh-kìe;

    the noise made in sucking in food.

  • ki-ki-kìe; ong-ong-kìe;

    a ringing in the ears.

  • mēⁿ-mēⁿ-kìe;

    the lowing of cattle.

  • mehⁿ-mehⁿ-kìe;

    the bleating of sheep.

  • hng-hng-kìe;

    the buzzing of insects.

  • hom-hom kìe;

    the murmur of many voices.

  • kauh-ce-kìe;

    the sound made in breaking wood.

  • lih-cē-kìe;

    the sound of tearing cloth.

  • kok-cē-kìe;

    the sound of chopping something hard in two.

  • siak-siak-kìe;

    the noise made in chopping green wood.

  • ng-ng-kìe;

    a noise like purring.

  • aiⁿ-aiⁿ-kìe;

    a sound like braying.

  • kauh-cē-kìe;

    the noise made in cracking the finger joints.

  • auⁿ-auⁿ-kiè;

    to mewl.

  • ho̤h-ho̤h-kìe;

    grunt from satisfaction.

  • ki-ki-kíe;

    to squeal or neigh.

  • àⁿ-àⁿ-kìe;

    the crying of an infant.

  • khiak-khiak-kìe;

    the sound made by striking two bamboos together.

  • huh-cē-kìe cū bô̤ khṳ̀;

    whizzed and disappeared.

  • khàu kàu hihⁿ-huk-kìe;

    cried so that he sobbed.

  • i-a-kìe;

    the sound of a sing-song.

  • iⁿ-àiⁿ-kìe; aiⁿ-aiⁿ-kìe;


  • ngi-ngau-kìe;


  • kuh-kŭai-kìe;


  • ōng-ōng-kìe;


  • The egg plant.

  • bói kúi kâi kîe

    buy a few egg-plants.

  • âng-săi-kîe;


  • A bridge; a cross-beam to support a frame.

  • cò̤cêk tîo kîe hó̤ khṳt nâng kùe;

    make a bridge for people to cross upon.

  • cí cêk tún kîe-tún có̤jîeh cōi cîⁿ?

    How much was the cost of making this pier of the bridge?

  • châ kîe;

    a wooden bridge.

  • cîeh kîe;

    a stone bridge.

  • kîe-nîe sang pôiⁿ ŭ lâng-kang péⁿ tŏ̤ kŏ̤;

    the sides of the bridge are guarded by a paling.

  • kîe ciu m̂ng ŭ jìeh khuah?

    What is the distance between the piers of the bridge?

  • i tŏ̤ kîe tèng ngo̤ tîeh úa;

    he met me on the bridge.

  • kè pang kîe;

    lay down a board to cross on.

  • lâk-gûeh chiu-lâk sí kúi kùe kîe;

    on the sixth of the sixth month the spirits cross the bridge.

  • A sedan chair.

  • cêk téng kīe;

    a chair.

  • cŏ̤ kīe;

    to go in a chair.

  • lô̤h kīe;

    to set a chair down.

  • kò kīe;

    hire a chair.

  • kng kīe;

    to carry a chair.

  • kìe kúi téng kīe lâi;

    call several chairs.

  • kīe kha;

    kīe po; chair-bearers.

  • kīe phò;

    a chair-stand.

  • sĭ cŏ̤ tōa kīe a cŏ̤ síe kīe?

    Was he in such a chair as is used by officers, or in such as is used by the common people?

  • sin-seⁿ kīe;

    a doctor’s chair.

  • kīe kǹg, cêk hù jîeh cōi ngṳ̀n?

    How much does a pair of chair-poles cost?

  • kīe ko̤;

    bamboo poles, supporting a chair.

  • kīe táu;

    the body of a chair.

  • kīe lîam, kīe téng, kīe câh;

    the curtains, roof and door of a chair.

  • hàm i kâi kīe phah jîp tŏ̤ cí lăi;

    tell them to bring the chair in here.

  • kīe teng;

    a lamp for a sedan chair.

  • kùe suaⁿ kīe;

    a palankin; a chair in which the occupant reclines.

  • hue kīe;

    a bridal chair.

  • lîm cĭeⁿ kīe cìaⁿ lâi cak kha;

    begin to dress your feet just as you are to step into the chair; not get ready till you start.

  • cŏ̤ pàng kīe tói hip tîeh jûah;

    sat smothering in the chair.

  • sang pôiⁿ nŏ̤ kâi tó̤ hû kīe;

    two on each side helping to lift the chair.

  • sí thâi kīe;

    a chair with four bearers.

  • poih thâi kīe;

    a chair with eight bearers.

  • lêk nî kīe;

    a green broadcloth chair.

  • bûn kuaⁿ jī pín, bú kuaⁿ it pín, khim-che, hó̤ cŏ̤ poih thâi kīe;

    civil officers of the second rank, military officers of the first rank, and imperial commissioners, may sit in chairs borne by eight bearers.