Fortitude; patience; to bear with; to repress; to give way to.
khak-khó jím-năi;
to persistently bear up under.
jím khì thun siaⁿ;
restrain anger, by not speaking.
é jím bô̤ ngân;
silently endure.
jím m̄ cŭ;
jím sim hāi lí;
harshly violate propriety.
i kâi sim châng-jím căi;
his spirit is undisciplined.
jím jôk pò̤ chîu;
bear the disgrace in order to avenge it.
lṳ́ tîeh ŏi kien jím;
you have unflinching fortitude.
i mîaⁿ-ke jím căi;
he exercised admirable patience.
cía sĭ i cìaⁿ ŏi jím;
this what she has to put up with.
pât nâng jím m̄ khṳ̀;
other people would not bear it.
jím-khì seⁿ châi;
patience begets riches.
The ninth of the ten stems; it belongs to water.
lâk jîm kâi cṳ;
a book of magic.
i mîaⁿ-ke thóiⁿ lâk-jîm;
he is expert in the study of magic.
To sustain; to trust; a duty; to undertake.
cía sĭ i kâi ceh-jĭm;
this is a duty belonging to his post.
i bô̤ ceh bô̤ jĭm;
he has no responsibilities.
kua tîeh tăng jĭm;
bears a heavy responsibility.
cí kâi ceh-jĭm tōa;
this is a weighty responsibility.
i tó̤ jĭm úa kâi sṳ̄;
he bears the responsibility in this affair of mine.
úa sìn-jĭm i;
I confide in him.
jĭm i;
entrust the matter to him.
lṳ́ m̄ hó̤ jĭm i thèng cò̤;
you should not trust to his careless management.
jĭm-phêng lṳ́ cò̤-nî tàⁿ, úa to m̄ thiaⁿ;
whatever you say, I shall not heed it.
i cò̤ sṳ̄ khah jĭm sèⁿ;
he gives way to his temper too much.
châi-chêng m̄ seng jĭm;
his abilities do not fit him for the post.
jĭm phah to m̄ ùi;
he is not frightened at being beaten.
To hold office; an incumbent.
hù jīm;
to repair to one’s post.
tiang-sî cĭeⁿ jīm?
When does he enter upon the duties of his office?
lâi cih i kâi jīm;
comes and takes the seals of his office.
sin jīm kuaⁿ;
the new incumbent.
hīn jīm tó̤ cò̤ sĭm-mûeh?
What is the present incumbent doing?
côiⁿ jīm sĭ tī-tîang?
Who was the former incumbent?
cīeⁿ jīm sĭ sèⁿ mih kâi?
What was the surname of the previous incumbent?
cí jīm kuaⁿ hó̤ mē?
Is the present magistrate a good one?
i khṳ̀ cih sin jīm;
he has gone to take the seals of a new office.
cē kàu jīm, cū lí-kẃn lí sṳ̄;
as soon as he arrived at his post he devoted himself to the transaction of business.
sìa jīm ău kàu taⁿ jîeh kú?
How long is it since he resigned his office?
ŭ jīm-só̤;
has a position.
ŭ jīm a bô̤?
Has he any office?
keh ceh, lâu jīm;
to degrade, and yet retain in office.
phang tăi-ke khṳ̀ lâu jīm;
get a remonstrance from the people against his going out of office.