A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / hun | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / hun

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  • Things forbidden to those who fast.

  • nŏ̤ hun nŏ̤ sù sì īeⁿ;

    four sorts, two of which are of kinds forbidden to those who fast, and two of the kinds that may be used by those who fast.

  • Confused; mixed up; ill-assorted.

  • nâng-bé hun-hun;

    a motley crowd.

  • sṳ̄-bŭ hun-hun cōi căi;

    multifarious business.

  • tī-hng hun-lw̆n;

    the place is all in confusion.

  • To direct; to order.

  • hun-hù;

    to order.

  • úa cò̤-nî hun-hù lṳ́, lṳ́ tîeh thiaⁿ;

    whatever I tell you to do, you must do.

  • lṳ́ lâi, úa àiⁿ hun-hù lṳ́ kâi ūe;

    come here, I have something I wish to direct you about.

  • i bô̤ hun bô̤ hù cò̤ i khṳ̀;

    he went off without having received any directions.

  • The perceptions confused; dull.

  • hun-mîⁿ, m̄ cai nâng;

    stupid even to insensibility.

  • i kâi sim hun-kông;

    his mind is confused.

  • To separate; to distinguish between; the second place in decimals; tenths.

  • hun-khui;

    to separate.

  • hun cò̤ nŏ̤ chiu;

    separate them into two bunches.

  • hun-lî;

    set apart.

  • hun-sùaⁿ;

    to scatter.

  • ŭ hun-pîet;

    there is a distinction between them.

  • pun piaⁿ tú-gṳ̆;

    detach troops to repulse them.

  • i ŭ hun-pûi;

    he has a bonus out of it.

  • hun-mêng;

    distinguish clearly.

  • hun-hun mêng-mêng;

    distinctly marked.

  • úa thóiⁿ m̄ hun-mêng;

    I do not see it distinctly.

  • táng i lâi hun-hwt;

    wait until he comes and divides up and sends off.

  • hun-pĭen sĭ hui;

    argue the point.

  • i cò̤-nî cò̤ sṳ̄ bô̤ huu bô̤ hío?

    Why does he act without discrimination?

  • i mih sṳ̄ hun-hun hío-hío;

    in everything he exercises discrimination.

  • kio tōa nâng hun iu;

    condoles with his superior.

  • hun phài;

    to sort out for distribution.

  • i kâi ūe tàⁿ lâi ŭ hun ŭ chùn;

    what he says is lucidly stated.

  • i cò̤ sṳ̄ bò̤ hun chùn;

    he acts without method.

  • hun hâu to bô̤ kíam i kâi;

    I owe him nothing whatever.

  • câp-hun hó̤;

    wholly satisfactory.

  • hun cò̤ nŏ̤ ē;

    separate it into two portions.

  • úa téng-tîeh saⁿ-hun-pùaⁿ tăng;

    I weighed it, and it is three and a half tenths of an tael in weight.

  • lṳ́ cêk tǹg cîah kúi hun bí?

    How much rice do you eat at a meal?

  • lṳ́ àiⁿ ēng hun pang a àiⁿ ēng chùn pang?

    Do you wish to use boards that are under or over an inch in thickness?

  • i ŭ kúi hun hàuⁿ;

    he is partly willing.

  • hek pêh lâng hun;

    it is difficult to distinguish between the black and the white.

  • sṳ̄ cōi căi, bŏi tit hun sin khṳ̀ nín kò̤;

    I have so much to do that I cannot get away to go to your house.

  • kak nâng hun thâu khṳ̀ lí;

    let each go about his particular business.

  • ūe hun líang thâu;

    tell each separately what he is to do.

  • Opium; tobacco.

  • hun-tâng;

    a tobacco or opium pipe.

  • cîah hun cē;

    take a smoke.

  • sêk-hun;

    dry fine cut tobacco.

  • cheⁿ-hun;

    fresh smoking tobacco.

  • n̂g-hun;

    yellow tobacco.

  • o-hun;

    dark colored tobacco.

  • cúi-hun;

    tobacco that is smoked through a water pipe.

  • lṳ̆-sòng hun;

    Manilla cigars and cigaretts.

  • cúi-hun cúa-bûe;

    a taper used for lighting a water pipe.

  • a-phìen hun;


  • a-phìen hun-tâng;

    an opium pipe.

  • i cêk hù hun-kŭ jû căi;

    his set of utensils for smoking opium are very handsome.

  • hun-tō̤;

    tobacco pouch.

  • hun-âp;

    opium box.

  • phīⁿ-hun;


  • hngk phīⁿ-hun;

    take snuff.

  • i ŭ cîah tōa hun;

    he smokes opium.

  • hun-teng;

    a raised platform for opium smokers to lie upon.

  • hun-pho;

    a couch for opium smoking.

  • hun-thie;

    opium spoon.

  • hun pûaⁿ;

    an opium smoker’s tray.

  • hun kẃn;

    an opium dealer’s establishment.

  • hun càng;

    opium dens.

  • hun thô;

    opium balls.

  • hun ki;

    tobacco stalks.

  • hun-sái màiⁿ khà cêk koiⁿ;

    do not scatter the ashes of the tobacco about.

  • lṳ́ kâi hun-ín khin, i kâi hun-ín tăng;

    your opium habit is not so completely fixed upon you as his is upon him.

  • hàm i lâi cuang hun;

    call him to hold the opium at the smoker’s pipe.

  • cṳ́ hun;

    to clarify opium and prepare it for smoking.

  • hun kò̤;

    cakes of opium.

  • hun ca; a-phìen sái;

    the residuum from the pipes of opium smokers.

  • phìⁿ-hun hû;

    a snuff bottle.

  • pō sêk-hun;

    chews tobacco.

  • îeⁿ hun;

    foreign tobacco.

  • To marry a wife.

  • hun-in;


  • hun-in kâi sṳ̄ sĭ chiet-ìo sṳ̄;

    marriage is a thing of great importance.

  • i līam lâi kio i hâh hun;

    her birthday is said to be accordant with his.

  • tô̤h jît sêng hun;

    choose a lucky day for the consummation of a marriage.

  • táng nî búe cìaⁿ lâi khṳt i ŵn hun;

    wait till the end of the year and then let them marry.

  • chíaⁿ nâng lâi cĭeⁿ hun-cṳ;

    invite some one to prepare the marriage contract.

  • lâm hun, ńng kè;

    men take wives, and women wed.

  • hûang-sĭang tăi hun;

    tho Emperor’s marriage.

  • i sĭ cí pak ûi hun kâi;

    he had betrothed a wife before he was born.

  • i cìaⁿ sin hun;

    he is of marriageable age.

  • hun phùe;

    contract a marriage.

  • têng hun;

    a second marriage.

  • thò̤ thâu hun;

    a marriage contracted after the girl first betrothed to him had died.

  • To fumigate; smoky; smoke.

  • hun i ta;

    dry by fumigation.

  • màiⁿ khṳt in hun tîeh;

    do not let it get smoked.

  • hun kàu mâk-cap lâu;

    so smoky that the tears ran.

  • hun nío-chṳ́ khang;

    fumigate a rathole.

  • sie kàu pi-pi-hun;

    scorched so that it smokes.

  • hun koi, hun ah;

    smoked fowls and ducks.

  • hun tṳ-thúi;

    smoked hams.

  • hun kàu chiah-pauh chiah-pauh;

    smoked till it is brown and blistered.

  • in-hun kàu cêk koiⁿ o-o;

    smoked till the whole room is blackened.

  • líam máng-hun, hun máng;

    light a mosquito torch, and smoke out the mosquitoes.

  • phīⁿ tîeh chàu húe hun;

    smells of smoke.

  • hun sí;

    suffocated by smoke.

  • Dusk; evening; dull; confused.

  • n̂g-hun;


  • hun-àm;


  • jît íⁿ-keng haⁿ-hun;

    it is already dark.

  • haⁿ-hun kâi sî-hāu, cū thóiⁿ m̄ kìⁿ;

    it was in the gloaming so I could not see.

  • hun kun cū sìn châm-chîn;

    a benighted prince trusts disloyal courtiers.

  • hun-lw̆n;

    obscure; befogged.

  • ût kàu hun-thâu hun-náu;

    slept till dazed.

  • hun-mîⁿ;

    dazed; bewildered.

  • cîah kàu hun-hun mîⁿ-mîⁿ;

    drank till he was fuddled.

  • lṳ́ màiⁿ kun-kông;

    don’t be stupid.

  • thâu-khak hîn kàu hun-hun kông-kông;

    my head was so dizzy that I was completely stupified.

  • thìaⁿ kàu hun, cang cúi bū i chéⁿ;

    he has swooned from pain, blow water upon him to reanimate him.

  • Strong feeling; impatient zeal.

  • i cē khéng hwt hún cū cò̤ tit sêng;

    if he would get roused in regard to it, it would soon be accomplished.

  • nâng tîeh ŏi hwt hún lîp cì cìaⁿ ŭ ēng;

    people must become interested in the thing, and get their minds made up to do it, then something can be effected.

  • Entire; the whole; the mass.

  • hún-kău kâi nâng;

    the whole body.

  • cí kù cṳ sĭ hún-hún cìeⁿ-seⁿ tàⁿ, bô̤ kói-thiah mêng-pêh;

    this sentence in its entirety says thus, its parts are not analytically expounded.

  • i put kùe hún-hún cìeⁿ-seⁿ tàⁿ tīaⁿ-tīaⁿ;

    this is the substance of his remarks and nothing more.


  • A dove; a pigeon.

  • hún-cío;


  • hún-cío tû;

    a dove-cote.

  • cêk tùi hún-cío;

    a pair of doves.

  • ēng hún-cío lâi tòa sìn;

    make use of pigeons for carrying letters.

  • Meal; flour; powder; powdered, comminuted; to put on powder or pigments.

  • mi-hún;

    wheaten flour.

  • bí-hún-kuaⁿ;


  • hún-tîo;


  • tāu hún;

    flour made from peas or beans.

  • cîⁿ-chang hún;

    flour made from water chestnuts.

  • lîang-hún;

    potato flour.

  • lîang-hún càng;

    dumplings made from potato flour.

  • ngó-hún;


  • cŏ̤-hún;

    white powder used as a cosmetic.

  • in-cîⁿ hún buah kàu âng-âng;

    made red with rouge.

  • sang-hún;


  • ngói kàu hún-hún;

    triturate it to a fine powder.

  • khòng kàu i hún kut chùi si;

    beat him to a jelly.

  • hún chîeⁿ;

    whitewash a wall.

  • hún i pêh;

    whitewash it.

  • hún âng hún âng;

    very fair, as if painted red and white.

  • hún sek;

    a specious appearance.

  • hún-sek kâi ūe;

    specious promises.

  • hún-sek kàu thóiⁿ m̄ chut;

    furbished up so that one could not discover the fraud.

  • hún pâi;

    a painted board used by boys in learning to write.

  • bói sang hún tói kâi châ ôi;

    buy a pair of wooden shoes having painted soles.


  • Anger; resentment.

  • cêk sî cṳ hún;

    momentary anger.

  • hún-nō̤ⁿ;


  • Impetuous; urgent; prompt.

  • hùn-cì thâk cṳ;

    study with ardor.

  • ci kâi nâng chut tīn sĭm sĭ hùn-îong;

    this man goes forth to battle with undaunted courage.

  • hùn-lâk khṳ̀ cò̤;

    promptly go and do it.

  • To instruct; to lead in the right way; to caution.

  • kà-hùn;

    to teach.

  • kà-hùn kíaⁿ-tĭ;

    to instruct one’s children.

  • ke-hùn;

    home teachings.

  • hùn-līen piaⁿ-bé;

    drill the troops.

  • hùn tău;

    to indoctrinate.

  • hùn-sī;

    to direct.

  • lṳ́ tîeh thiaⁿ i kà-hùn;

    you must heed his precepts.

  • cía sĭ bô̤ nâng kà-hùn kâi kíaⁿ-tĭ;

    this is an undisciplined lad.

  • cía phêng-jît sĭ bô̤ kà bô̤ hùn cìaⁿ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;

    it is through lack of training that he is thus.

  • To bore; to pierce.

  • tîeh khîeh cǹg-kíaⁿ cìaⁿ hùn tit lô̤h;

    you must take a gimlet to it, then you can pierce it.

  • ēng keng-hùn lâi hùn;

    take an angur and bore it.

  • hùn sie-lîn-thàng;

    bore it through.

  • A last for making shoes or boots; to form on a last.

  • ôi hùn;

    a boot last.

  • i kâi hùn-thâu hùn lâi hó̤ chēng;

    his last forms it into a shape pleasant to wear.

  • Lines; marks; creases.

  • cúi hûn;


  • chíu hûn;

    lines in the hand.

  • hûeⁿ hûn;

    horizontal marks.

  • tît hûn;

    perpendicular lines.

  • bô̤ hûn bô̤ ciah;

    left no trace.

  • nĕ jìo-jìo, cĕng-cĕng hûn;

    all wrinkled and creased.

  • nìo cêk cūe hûn;

    make a crease.

  • cih khṳ̀ seⁿ hûn;

    creased by folding.

  • ut kàu tît-tît, bô̤ hûn;

    ironed out straight and smooth.

  • i kâi sí hûn phû lío;

    he has the signs of death upon him.

  • i seⁿ-sêng kâi gō̤ hûn phû;

    he looks as if he were starving.

  • i mīn téng ŭ im-tek hûn;

    he looks like a good man.

  • The shade; the manes; the mind; the wits; the faculties.

  • lêng-hûn;

    the spirit; the soul.

  • hûn-phek;

    the immortal part; the spirits of man.

  • sam hûn chit phek;

    the three ghosts, and the seven spirits of man.

  • kiaⁿ kàu sit hûn;

    terrified out of his wits.

  • hûn m̄ tŏ̤ sin;

    he is out of his mind.

  • wn hûn lṳ́ sùaⁿ;

    the unrevenged ghost will not be quiet.

  • i kâi im-hûn cong-kú m̄ sio;

    his spirit will never take its departure.

  • hûe hûn tńg lâi;

    the returning spirit comes to the tablet, (before the 49th day after death).

  • hāi i kiaⁿ kàu hûn bô̤;

    frightened him out of his senses.

  • cē thóiⁿ hûn cū bô̤;

    as soon as he saw it he lost his wits.

  • cêk hûe cū hûn sùaⁿ;

    after the return, the spirit was at rest.

  • hûn māng-kìⁿ peh kàu suaⁿ téng;

    dreamed that I climbed to the mountain top.

  • i kâi hûn híen-sin khṳt i thóiⁿ;

    his ghost appeared to them.

  • ín hûn; cie hûn;

    to lead the spirit home from abroad.

  • siu i kâi hûn;

    take possession of his mind.

  • hẃn hûn, ûah khí lâi;

    to come to life again.

  • A scar, scratch, crack, or flaw.

  • màiⁿ mûeh seⁿ hûn;

    do not scratch it.

  • sieⁿ hûn;

    a scar from a wound.

  • mâk-cap hûn;

    traces of tears.

  • bŏi lò hun-ciah;

    has left no visible trace.

  • poiⁿ hûn;

    small pox marks.

  • mīn-tèng cêk cūe hûn sĭ kuah tîeh kâi a sĭ pûah tîeh kâi?

    Was the scar on your face made by a cut or by a fall?

  • pit cūe hûn;

    has cracked.

  • ku-ā kò̤ pit hûn;

    several of them have flaws in them.

  • Clouds; cloudy.

  • phû hûn hŏ;

    rain clouds are gathering.

  • hûn bū;


  • múaⁿ thiⁿ hûn;

    the sky is all overcast.

  • cêk tah o hûn;

    a black cloud.

  • pêh hûn pìⁿ cò̤ âng bûn;

    the clouds are turning red.

  • hûn cia kàu pùaⁿ suaⁿ;

    the clouds reach half way down the mountains.

  • hûn-thâu;

    a thunder-cloud.

  • hṳ lâng hûn;

    a mackerel sky.

  • thong thiⁿ lóng-cóng sĭ o hûn;

    the whole sky is black with clouds.

  • hûn khui kìⁿ jît;

    the clouds are breaking.

  • hûn khui kâi khang-khiah, thóiⁿ-kìⁿ thiⁿ nêk;

    there is a rift in the cloud, and the blue sky appears.

  • hûn sio, hŏ sùaⁿ;

    the clouds are disappearing, and the rain diminishing.

  • thóiⁿ-kìⁿ tŏ̤ hûn-twn téng;

    saw it among the clouds.

  • hûn tìo kha;

    the cloud is lifting from the earth.

  • cí tah hûn pue khù kĕ-kĕ;

    this cloud drifts along very low down.

  • phah hûn póiⁿ;

    to strike the cloudy board; to announce visitors at a yamun or monastery by tapping an iron plate.

  • In disorder; promiscuously; turbid; chaotic.

  • mông-mông hŭn-hŭn;

    dark; confused.

  • hŭn nău;

    confused clamor.

  • mńg hŭn kùe jît;

    it is a troublesome world.

  • lâm ńng hŭn câp;

    a heterogeneous crowd of men and women.

  • hŭn-tŭn;


  • thiⁿ tī īa ŭ sî ŏi hŭn-tŭn;

    the heavens and the earth are sometimes indistinguishable through being mixed up together.

  • hŭn-hŭn tŭn-tŭn;

    irretrievably mixed up.

  • su kùe màiⁿ lâi hŭn kha hŭn chúi;

    it would have been better if he had had nothing to do with it.

  • A share; a portion; a dividend; the part one acts; the duties of a post.

  • pun cò̤ saⁿ hūn pêⁿ tōa;

    divide it into three equal parts.

  • kâi nâng cêk hūn;

    give a portion to each.

  • saⁿ hūn thiu cêk;

    take out one third.

  • hūn gūa;

    what is outside one’s own share.

  • kúi hūn tĭⁿ;

    partly full.

  • sì-hūn lô̤h cêk hūn;

    make use of one quarter of it.

  • îeh lâk hūn cîah cêk hūn;

    take one sixth of the medicine.

  • àiⁿ cham kúi hūn lô̤h khṳ̀?

    What proportion of the whole shall I put in?

  • ke hūn, cíe hūn;

    a greater or lesser portion.

  • síu hūn;

    content with his lot.

  • síu i kâi pńg hūn;

    attends to his own business.

  • uaⁿ hūn síu kí;

    mind your own business.

  • khĭa hūn;

    make up a deficiency by each supplying an equal sum.

  • phōiⁿ cêk hūn lói-mûeh khṳ̀ sàng i;

    render to him a portion of the presents.

  • cía i bô̤ hūn;

    he has no part in this.

  • kó hūn;

    to take shares in.

  • cía sĭ i kâi ŵn hūn;

    this is what he has a liking for.

  • nán kúi nâng lâi hak cêk hūn, ĕ jît thàng lío tōa sòi hūn cìe pun;

    let us take a share togethər, and afterward when there is income from it declare a dividend.

  • mĭaⁿ hūn;

    the same lot for life.

  • mīaⁿ hūn m̄ hó̤ lw̆n;

    those whose fates are joined for life should not be at variance.

  • cí kâi nâng m̄ uaⁿ hūn;

    this person is meddlesome.

  • kùe hūn;

    officious; beyond what properly belongs to one’s functions.

  • tàⁿ kùe hūn ūe;

    say more than belongs to one’s part.

  • pńg hūn;

    one’s own duty or office.

  • i pńg hūn tîeh cíeⁿ-seⁿ cò̤;

    that is what properly pertains to his office; that is his duty.

  • kak nâng kak nâng kâi ceh-hūn;

    each has his special duty.

  • i cìeⁿ-seⁿ sǹg sĭ wt-hūn;

    in so doing he may be considered to have overstepped his proper sphere.

  • àiⁿ cò̤ kúi hūn khui?

    How many parts is it to be divided into?

  • i kâi hūn-siaⁿ cōi;

    he has a large proportion.

  • i sòi hūn, i tōa hūn;

    this one gets a small, and that one a large portion.

  • i kâi seng-lí lṳ́ ŭ chap hūn a bô̤?

    Have you anything invested in his business?

  • ṳ́a ŭ chap-hūn;

    I have an interest in it.

  • sĭm-mih sṳ̄ lṳ́ to ŭ hūn;

    you meddle in everything.

  • cíe i hūn ĕ kâi hâiⁿ;

    give him that which belongs to him.

  • cía sĭ i hūn lăi kâi sṳ̄;

    this appertains to his office.

  • tîeh thóiⁿ i sĭm-mih sin hūn;

    must see what his belongings are.

  • sìang sīm-mih sin hūn;

    ascertain what rank he has.

  • kâi thien-hūn hó̤;

    he has fine natural abilities.