To revolve; to move in an orbit.
hui pûaⁿ;
a wind wheel.
i ŏi li-li hui, li-li hui;
it keeps turning round and round.
phah hui;
cause to revolve by tapping.
in cē kek i cū ŏi hui;
when the steam impels it, it revolves.
Refulgent; glistening.
teng cek kuang-hui;
lights are brilliant.
A standard; to signal.
tâu tŏ̤ i hui ĕ;
enrolled under his banner.
cí-hui piaⁿ-bé;
signal to the cavalry.
The secondary wives of a monarch.
hŏ hui;
royal women next the queen.
kùi hui;
your royal highnesses.
ûang hui; thài-cṳ́ hui;
the wife of the heir-apparent.
keng hui;
imperial concubines.
hui pin;
To move the hand briskly.
hui sói;
wash by dabbing.
to move the hand about as in pointing.
hui kim jû thô;
hands out money as if it were dirt.
cêk hui jṳ̂ cĭu;
at one stroke of the pen it is done.
cí-hui kun-sṳ̆;
a director; a certain officer at Peking.
hṳ́ hùaⁿ nâng to sĭ thiaⁿ i cí-hui;
they all follow his directions.
A ticket; a certificate.
a pawn-ticket.
tńg hui;
to renew a pawn-ticket.
phah tieⁿ hui khṳt i;
wrote out a certificate and gave it to him.
hui mīn cò̤-nî sía?
What is written on the certificate?
nîe hui;
a receipt for taxes.
An adverb of negation; not so.
hôk sĭ hôk hui, lṳ́ kio úa tàⁿ;
whether it be so or not, tell me.
sĭ pĭen sĭ, hui pĭen hui, bô̤ hẃn-hẃn hok-hok;
let your yea be yea, and your nay be nay, without vacillation or variation.
màiⁿ khṳ̀ jía sĭ hui;
do not go and excite discussion about it.
certainly not.
kio nâng cò̤ cêk tîeⁿ sĭ hui;
involve people in a dispute.
kòi-kà sĭ hui;
set at variance.
lâi sueh sĭ-hui cía, pĭen-sĭ sĭ-hui nâng;
he who gossips is a gossip.
pit hui bô̤ in;
is surely not without a cause.
môk hui sĭ lṳ́;
it is certainly you.
àiⁿ cò̤ kàu cìeⁿ-seⁿ hui kōi;
to make it like that is not easy.
hui hun kâi sṳ̄ màiⁿ chap;
what does not appertain to your functions that do not enter upon.
cìeⁿ-seⁿ hui sĭ bô̤ tŏ̤-lí;
that is not without reason on its side.
cía sṳ̄, hui sĭ kîaⁿ m̄ khṳ̀;
it is quite possible to carry forward this business.
hui lói;
pńg hui ŭ ì;
bô̤ hui sĭ i;
it cannot be other than he.
tṳ̂ hui tîeh móng nâng khṳ̀ tàⁿ, i cìaⁿ hàuⁿ;
if this person and none other goes and tells him about it, he will consent.
To turn in a horizontal plane.
hui-tńg sin;
to turn the body.
hui-tńg thâu;
to turn the head.
hui kùe lâi;
turn it around this way.
hui kùe khṳ̀;
turn it around the other way.
cúi hui-tò̤-tńg;
the current sents backward.
hui sek;
cng-hui tîu;
hui-sek jìo-se;
gray figured silk.
The kingfisher.
hui-chùi cío;
the blue and green kingfisher.
Herbs; plants.
i mîaⁿ-ke ūe hue-húi;
he is skillful in the delineation of plants.
lṳ́ àiⁿ nâng-kíaⁿ kâi hó̤, a sĭ hue-húi kâi hó̤?
Do you like those with human figures pictured on them, or those with shrubs?
To abandon; to set aside; to cast away.
hùi tīo i kâi ke-ngîap;
abandoned his property.
hùi khṳ̀;
thrown aside.
cò̤ hùi mûeh kio i bói;
buy it as a cast off article.
hùi-hāi kâi hùe-mûeh;
worthless damaged goods.
hùi sî sit ngîap;
to waste time is to lose property.
m̄-hó̤ pùaⁿ thû jṳ̂ hùi;
do not give up when half done.
hùi cíang, lîp ìuⁿ;
set aside the elder in favor of the younger.
hùi tek lîp sù;
set aside the chief wife and place a concubine in power.
mih sṳ̄ hùi sí;
all is going to wreck.
cìeⁿ-sî huang-hùi căi, bó̤ ēng kang;
is now dilapidated and out of repair.
châng-hn̂g huang-hùi;
fields run to waste.
hùi tŭi; hùi-hùi tŭi-tŭi;
neglected; unthrifty.
hùi jîn;
cripples; infirm people.
ŭ li hak, bô̤ li hùi, màiⁿ khṳ̀ thìaⁿ i;
if we can get it we will, and if we can’t get it we will let it go, but don’t distress yourself about it.
To lavish; to expend; to waste; outlay.
hua-hùi cîⁿ-ngṳ̂n;
spend money lavishly.
use wastefully.
cêk jît ēng jîeh cōi cîⁿ sṳ-hùi?
What is the expense per day?
nín cêk nî ēng so̤-hùi jîeh cōi ngṳ̂n?
How much do you expend per year?
phùa-hùi tīo jîeh cōi cîⁿ;
squandered a large sum.
hùi sṳ̄ căi;
a vexatious affair.
sĭm sĭ hùi chíu;
very difficult to bring about.
kàu hṳ́-kò̤ ēng jîeh cōi pûaⁿ-hùi?
How much is the fare in going there?
hùi sim, hùi sim;
I’ve put you to much trouble.
hùi sîn kâi sṳ̄;
a wearisome job.
hṳ hùi;
useless outlay.
chŵn míen hùi lâk;
you need not waste your strength on it.
The lungs.
the lungs.
i àiⁿ úa kâi sim-kuaⁿ, úa àiⁿ i kâi hùi-hú;
we are mortal enemies.
cí kâi pēⁿ sĭ hùi keng kâi pēⁿ;
this is a lung disease.
an abcess in the lungs; tubercular consumption.
hùi húe;
inflamation of the lungs.
the lights.
hùi kẃn; hùi kńg;
the bronchial tubes.
hùi-hîeh tìeⁿ tōa;
the lobes of the lungs are swollen.
hùi sĭ cú ngŵn khì;
the lungs control the amount of air that is in them.
nâng cē tháu-khùi hùi cū hoih, cē khip khùi hùi cū pá;
when we expel the breath the lungs collapse, and when we inspire the breath the lungs expand.
lṳ́ khip khùi, khip kàu tn̂g-tn̂g, thoíⁿ lṳ́ kâi hùi tī-kò̤ ŏi thìaⁿ a bŏi;
draw a very long breath, and see whether there is a pain in any part of your lungs.
To keep a respectful silence upon.
i tàⁿ ūe chŵn bô̤ kĭ hùi;
in speaking he wholly avoids the use of tabooed names.
cí kâi sĭ hŭam hùi;
this is a heedless use of sacred names.
pī hùi;
to avoid the use of sacred names.
the Emperor’s personal name.
bīe hùi;
names of the Emperor’s ancestors.
sìa hùi;
sacred names which are to be avoided.
Earthenware; crockery.
earthen vessels.
bōi hûi hùe;
those who sell earthenware.
sie hûi kâi nâng;
one who bakes pottery.
a potter’s kiln.
sau hûi năi khà;
a cracked dish won’t easily break.
bōi hûi nâng cîah khih;
he who sells crockery eats from cracked dishes.
hûi thô;
potter’s clay.
Grace; that bestowed in charity.
mercy; grace.
nía hŭi, nía hŭi;
I am obliged for your kindness.
i cêng sĭu kùe i kâi hŭi;
he has experienced his clemency.
sái kàu nâng tit tîeh sît hŭi;
enables people to get real aid.
Sagacity; wisdom; cleverness.
chong-mêng tì-hŭi;
clear headed and sagacious.
sẃn kâi tì-hŭi kâi nâng;
select a wise person.
i bô̤ tì-hŭi;
he is not discerning.
m̄ cai i ŭ tì-hŭi a bô̤;
do not know whether he is shrewd or not.
The woof.
si keⁿ pò hūi;
silk warp and cotton woof.
tît kâi sĭ keⁿ, hûeⁿ kâi sĭ hūi;
the lengthwise threads are the warp, and the transverse threads are the woof.