Blood; bloody.
tâng hueh-mêh;
of one blood.
cí hueh;
to staunch blood.
sit hueh;
to lose blood.
hueh-khì thîo-hûa;
a healthy circulation.
cí īeⁿ mûeh phùa hueh;
this depletes the blood.
pó hueh;
to enrich the blood.
khṳ̀ tīo ṳ̀ hueh;
let off the extravasated blood.
hueh lâu m̄ cŭ ēng îeh ak i cŭ;
if the flow of blood does not cease, make use of medicine to stop it.
lâu tīo i kâi hueh;
shed his blood.
seⁿ hueh-kò̤;
clots form in the blood.
hueh kṳ̂n kò̤;
the blood coagulates.
hueh cúi;
the serum of the blood.
hueh kit phí;
the blood forms a scab.
hueh lō;
the course of the blood.
hueh kūaⁿ kâi cîⁿ;
money earned by hard toil.
hueh pńg;
capital in trade.
hueh cṳ;
a blood letter, an application for relief at the last extremity.
a dry red resin used as a pigment.
phùi hueh;
to spit blood.
thò hueh;
to vomit blood.
áu hueh;
to raise blood.
lâu phīⁿ-khang hueh;
bleed at the nose.
pàng hueh;
have dysentery.
hueh m̄ thîo;
the blood does not circulate.
ŭ hueh ciah;
has stains of blood upon it.
hueh-bó̤ thìaⁿ;
pains after childbirth.
cek hueh;
accumnlated blood.
cuh tīo tâk hueh;
suck out the poisoned blood.
cí kĭaⁿ mûeh put tăng ŏi khṳ̀ ṳ̀-hueh, jṳ̂-chíaⁿ ŏi seⁿ sin hueh;
this stuff not only dissipates extravasated blood but it also produces new blood.
o cheⁿ kek hueh;
a blood blister.
chǹg kàu hueh-cu lâu;
probed so as to draw a drop of blood.
hueh ko;
he has litttle blood.
hueh lông;
his blood is rich.
hueh cheng;
his blood is poor.
chiⁿ hueh;
fresh blood.
hueh suaⁿ pang;
hueh cíeⁿ;
a red palm; a bright color in the palm.
thâm phùi chut lâi tòa hueh si;
there are flecks of blood in the mucous which he raises.
hueh tíam;
specks of blood.
hùi-iong kâi pēⁿ ŭ sĭ ŭ lâng hueh tùi chùi chut lâi;
when abscesses have formed in the lungs, bloody pus is sometimes expelled through the mouth.
hueh cûa;
a disease supposed to be caused by a red worm in the blood.
hṳ́-kò̤ cek tîeh, hueh cū m̄ kîaⁿ;
where there is congestion the blood does not flow.
sí hueh;
motionless blood.
a bloody tumor.
i kâi mīn seⁿ hueh-kṳn cêk tîo cêk tîo âng-âng;
the veins stand out on his face.
cêk chùi hueh cū thun lô̤h khṳ̀;
swallowed his wrath.
khì kàu thò hueh;
boiling with rage.
cē khì hía hueh cū bū;
as soon as he is angered he vents his wrath.
mâk khàu kàu chut hueh;
cried till his tears turned to blood.
lâu khí hueh;
bleeding gums.
chit kóng chut hueh;
bleeds at the seven orifices of the head.
i kâi chin hueh-mêh khṳ̀ thóiⁿ, sí nâng chit kóng cū ŏi chut hueh;
when his blood relations went to look upon him, the corpse bled at the ears, eyes, nose and mouth.
kuah kàu hueh lâu hueh tih;
cut it so that it bled.
jìo kàu i hueh lâu-lâu;
scratched him so that the blood ran.