A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / hue | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / hue

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  • Lime; mortar.

  • cîeh hue;

    stone lime.

  • sap hue;

    lime made from shells.

  • nŏ̤ īeⁿ hue tī īeⁿ hó̤?

    Which of these two kinds of lime is the better?

  • ceng hue chîeⁿ;

    pound a chunam wall.

  • lîam hue;

    plaster with mortar.

  • hue kṳn;


  • thâng-îu-hue;


  • thai ìuⁿ hue;

    sifted lime.

  • kài mīn kâi hue;

    the plaster on the surface.

  • cang hue lâi pó;

    take mortar and mend it.

  • hue thô-kak;

    bricks made from lime and clay.

  • hue lō;

    a chunan road.

  • hue tîaⁿ;

    an area made with chunam.

  • phah hue khŭ;

    make a chunam mortar for pounding rice.

  • hue-tn̄g à cò̤ cîeh-pŏ;

    make it appear by argument that pieces of old chunam walls are stones.

  • pin-lô̤ hue;

    betel nut lime, eaten with siri leaf.

  • kó bâk, sí hue;

    utterly dead to; like a decayed tree or long slaked lime.

  • sim hue;

    no desire for; disheartened.

  • sim m̄ hue;

    my desire is unfulfilled.

  • A flower; flowered; ornamented.

  • cêk lúi hue;

    a flower.

  • cêk câng hue;

    a flowering plant.

  • cêk ki hue;

    a branch bearing flowers.

  • mîaⁿ hue;

    a celebrated flower.

  • hue hah;


  • hue sim;

    the pistil.

  • hue chiu;


  • hue lih;


  • hue hâm lúi;

    a bud.

  • eng hue;

    ak hue; water the flowers.

  • tiah cêk pé hue;

    pluck a nosegay.

  • hue mîaⁿ cheh;

    a roll of the employés or clerks.

  • hue mîaⁿ;

    an alias.

  • khui hue;

    to blossom.

  • bô̤-hue-kúe chīu;

    a fig tree.

  • pŏ hue;

    sterile flowers.

  • chah hue;

    wear flowers in the hair.

  • hue cam;

    ornamental hair pins.

  • hue ngân, khá gṳ́;

    figures of speech.

  • hue hue kong-cṳ́;

    a young rake.

  • hue hue sì-kài;

    a thoughtless age.

  • hue hùi jîeh cōi cîⁿ-ngṳ̂n?

    How much money has he squandered?

  • hue koi, líu hāng;

    illuminated streets.

  • sĭ i kâi hue kíaⁿ;

    it is a child whose birth he foretold.

  • thóiⁿ hue teng;


  • hue îong gûeh măuⁿ;

    pretty faces.

  • thien hue;

    the small pox.

  • mâk hue; mâk-ciu hue;

    the sight blurred.

  • hue cháu;


  • hue jī;


  • pò lṳ́ sĭ àiⁿ ŭ hue-cháu kâi a sĭ àiⁿ sò kâi?

    Do you want flowered or plain cloth?

  • cí khí cháu-chîeh kâi hue-jī ío ngía;

    the figures in this sort of matting are prettier.

  • cam hue;

    stick flowers in the cap of one who has married his betrothed, or succeeded in his degree.

  • hue chīeⁿ;

    a florist.

  • phah hue mīn;

    paint the face for acting.

  • hue-théng;

    a brothel.

  • i kâi pit hue tó̤ khui;

    he is a very accomplished scholar.

  • ūe hue;

    paint flowers.

  • chiah hue;

    darn in flowers.

  • sìu hue;

    to embroider.

  • ēng châng-phàⁿ khṳ̀ cò̤ hue-hah;

    make the petals of pithpaper.

  • bói cêk tùi hue-thâu sàng i;

    buy a pair of clusters of flowers for the head and present them to her.

  • hue-puah;

    flower pots.

  • hue-kng;

    flower jars.

  • hue-kang;


  • hue-hn̂g;

    flower gardens.

  • hue-gê;

    wood carvings.

  • kìaⁿ hue, cúi gûeh;

    reflections of scenery in water; evanescent beauty.

  • hue tī;

    a florist’s garden.

  • mîⁿ-hue;

    raw cotton.

  • cí chù bô̤ hue, pât chù chái;

    if there are no flowers here, go elsewhere to gather them; if this place does not suit you, seek another.

  • hue nâ;

    flowered baskets.

  • n̂g-phang chái hue;

    the bees flit from flower to flower.

  • cū sĭ cêk ki hue;

    pretty as a flower.

  • á i cêk ki hue ki;

    snatch a branch of his flowers; take advantage of his profits.

  • thui hue mông lâi hó̤ căi;

    he plays his part as an acrobat well.

  • to̤ hue phah lâi hó̤ căi;

    the figures he draws with his sword in fencing are very fine.

  • sin hue-cháu;

    a new style of ornamentation.

  • phang hue bŏi âng, ang hue bŏi phang;

    fragrant flowers are not brilliant, and brilliant flowers are scentless.

  • hue tîeh ka-kī khui kâi cìaⁿ ŭ ēng, peh i khui kâi bô̤ ēng;

    flowers that have themselves blossomed are useful, those that have been picked open are not.

  • i sĭ lâi tó̤ hue-cháu kâi;

    he comes just to pass away the time.

  • hàm i màiⁿ tó̤ chūe hue-cháu;

    tell him not to spend his time in merely amusing himself.

  • khṳt nâng chíaⁿ khṳ̀ cîah hue cíu;

    has been invited to a libidinous entertainment.

  • Fire; flame; exciting humors; fever; urgent.

  • húe-mêⁿ;

    a spark.

  • húe-mêⁿ-ko;

    a firefly.

  • húe-ĭam;

    a blaze.

  • húe-cîh;


  • húe-thòaⁿ;


  • húe-châ; cṳ̆-lâi-húe;

    lucifer matches.

  • húe-hu;


  • húe-cîeh;


  • húe to̤;

    a steel for igniting tinder.

  • húe-hīaⁿ;


  • húe-céng;

    live coals.

  • húe-sái;


  • húe tô̤h;

    the fire burns.

  • húe kùe;

    the fire has gone out.

  • húe méⁿ;

    the fire is a hot one.

  • húe māng;

    a slow fire.

  • húe-thâu;

    a cook, a scullion.

  • húe-khì;


  • tĭen-húe;


  • in-húe;


  • sie in-húe;

    to let off fire-works.

  • húe-sûh;


  • húe-sêng;

    a large fire-cracker.

  • húe-tháng;

    a piece of fire-works resembling a fountain.

  • húe-pau;

    a torpedo.

  • húe-kẁn;

    a bomb-shell.

  • húe-ciⁿ;

    a fiery dart.

  • húe-îeh;


  • húe-îu;


  • húe-cng;

    a fire-wheel.

  • seⁿ húe;


  • kōi-kōi cîah húe;

    ignites easily.

  • tô̤h húe;

    to set on fire.

  • húe sĕng;

    the fire flares up.

  • hṳ-húe;


  • sît húe;

    has a fever.

  • sim-húe;

    internal heat.

  • kuaⁿ húe;

    inflamation of the liver.

  • húe-pé;

    a torch.

  • húe-thûn;


  • húe-in;


  • khí húe;

    to build a fire.

  • húe sèⁿ;


  • màiⁿ khah seⁿ húe-sèⁿ;

    do not be too hot-tempered.

  • tī-kò̤ sit húe?

    Where did it catch fire?

  • lâi khṳ̀ kìu húe;

    let us go and help put out the fire.

  • phah húe lō;

    tear down buildings to prevent the spread of fire.

  • kîaⁿ húe lō;

    to walk the fiery road, as a spirit-medium does.

  • húe chiam;

    an urgent dispatch.

  • ūe tàⁿ lâi khah seⁿ húe-khì;

    spoke with too much heat.

  • i kâi húe-khì tōa căi;

    his temper is very hot.

  • i nî-hùe lău lío, thò̤ húe, thò̤ kàu taⁿ cn̂g kâi bô̤ húe-khì;

    as he advanced in years his temper became more even, and now he is not at all testy.

  • húe-kńg;


  • cìe húe;

    set on fire with a burning glass.

  • húe-cheⁿ;

    the planet Mars.

  • húe phuah méⁿ cē;

    fan the fire and make it burn hotter.

  • húe-sok;

    at great speed.

  • húe-cǹg;

    to cremate.

  • hwt húe-pû;

    a beacon light.

  • húe hō̤;

    a signal made by a light.

  • teng-nâng húe hō̤;

    a signal lantern.

  • khîeh khṳ̀ húe tèng hùe;

    put it in the fire and burn it up.

  • ut húe;

    smothered heat.

  • pûn húe;

    to blow the fire.

  • pûn kùe húe;

    blow out the light.

  • húe-cîh îoh-îoh-sih;

    the flame flickers.

  • húe-cîh phû khí lâi;

    the flames are rising.

  • màiⁿ khṳt húe-sái phùn tîeh;

    do not get hit by the cinders.

  • thiⁿ lô̤h húe; thiⁿ tó̤ tô̤h húe;

    a burning sky.

  • khîeh khṳ̀ húe-thòaⁿ tói pû kàu âng-âng;

    put it among the coals and heat it red hot.

  • húe-lâk tōa căi;

    the heat is intense.

  • khang lô-kūiⁿ kâi húe sĭang ŭ lâk;

    blow up the fire in the furnace, with the fixed bellows, until the fire is at its hottest.

  • bô̤ húeⁿ bô̤ cheⁿ, cò̤-nî kîaⁿ lō;

    how can we travel when we have neither starlight nor lantern-light.

  • chut chùi cū cêk pé húe;

    his words were like a torch.

  • cieh húe;

    to warm one’s self by a fire.

  • pue húe;

    to dry by a fire.

  • húe-thang;

    a brazier.

  • hiah húe;

    let the fire go out.

  • thò̤ tīo húe-khì;

    diminish the heat.

  • lṳ́ màiⁿ cang thâu-mô̤ⁿ khṳ̀ chih húe;

    do not go so near the fire as to singe your hair.

  • húe jú phah jú tô̤h;

    the more you stir the fire harder it burns.

  • cí īeⁿ mûeh ío sìa húe;

    this is a cooling stuff.

  • cí īeⁿ cheng sim-húe;

    this kind dissipates internal heat.

  • i nŏ̤ nâng jû cúi kìⁿ húe;

    the two are like fire and water meeting.

  • húe cîh cĭ tîeh;

    the flames licked it up.

  • cang húe nă;

    singe it in the flame.

  • khṳt húe sie tīo khṳ̀;

    was burned up.

  • cí kâi huaug-lô khah hip húe, m̄ thong húe;

    this earthen stove is stuffed up, and does not draw well.

  • ta châ m̄ hó̤ kṳ̆n húe;

    dry wood should not be kept near the fire.

  • kúi-húe;

    a jack-o-lantern.

  • sîn-húe;

    a mysterious light; a will-o-the-wisp.

  • húe sw̄n;

    a sparkling gem.

  • húe-cío;

    a flying cinder.

  • húe-pâi;

    a tablet giving notice of an official visit.

  • húe-sît;

    the mess-room; the cook-house.

  • hîaⁿ-húe;

    put fuel on the fire.

  • kâi gûeh ēng jîeh cōi cîⁿ châ húe?

    What is the expense per month for fuel and lights?

  • húe hāu kàu;

    it has been long enough at the fire.

  • húe-lô;

    a grate; a stove.

  • khîeh thih-kîⁿ, khṳ̀ koih húe;

    take the tongs and nip up some fire.

  • húe kŭ;

    the things used about tho fire.

  • húe khàng;

    a brick platform, warmed by a flue, and used as a bed.

  • im húe, îang húe;

    a concealed fire or an open fire.

  • bûn bú húe;

    a fire partly concealed, and partly exposed.

  • cang húe lâi ûn;

    take fire and, scorch it over.

  • hang húe;

    hang it by the fire.

  • thà húe;

    to poke the fire.

  • cang thih-sîeh lâi thà i kâi húe-thòaⁿ sang-lâng;

    take the poker and loosen the coals so as to admit the air.

  • kak pàng húe kò̤ sie tīo;

    throw it in the fire and burn it up.

  • thâi nâng, pàng húe;

    murder and arson.

  • pàng húe kâi nâng;

    the incendiary.

  • húe m̄ sie suaⁿ, tī m̄ pûi;

    ground that has not been burned over is not fertile.

  • móng kò̤ cau húe-cai, sie sí jîeh cōi nâng;

    there has been a great fire in a certain place, and many people were burned to death.

  • cúi húe bô̤ nâng-chêng;

    water and fire have no humanity.

  • kek húe;

    a smothered fire.

  • khṳt húe sie pêⁿ khṳ̀;

    burned to the ground.

  • cin kim put phàⁿ húe, līen kú īa sio-sîh;

    pure gold does not fear the fire, yet if it is long in the crucible it loses a little.

  • méⁿ-mé húeⁿ chá-khí-lâi cìaⁿ hó̤ cîah;

    fry it over a very hot fire and then it will be toothsome.

  • húe jîet-jîet;

    very hot flames.

  • hieⁿ-húe tō̤;

    a little bag holding incense ashes, worn as a charm.

  • cíang-cṳ́ hŏng-sṳ̆ hieⁿ-húe;

    the eldest son kindles the incense sticks.

  • húe chia;

    a steam car.

  • húe cûn; húe hun cûn; húe lūn cûn;

    a steamboat.

  • thien húe; thiⁿ húe;

    a thunderbolt.

  • cí īeⁿ châ ió ûah húe;

    this sort of wood burns well.

  • cí īeⁿ châ m̄ ûah húe;

    this sort of wood burns badly.

  • ēng húe-gû-tīn phùa i;

    made use of a file of oxen, having knives fastened to their horns and torches to their tails, to break their ranks.

  • thiaⁿ tîeh, cêk tó húe;

    when I heard it I was filled with rage.

  • tîeh cai lâu húe-céng;

    you must remember to save some fire for kindling again.

  • húe kuang;

    the effulgence of a blaze.

  • màiⁿ khah kùe húe;

    do not keep it too long at the fire.

  • m̄-hó̤ khah cíⁿ húe, īa m̄-hó̤ khah sek húe;

    do not cook it either too little or too much.

  • lûi húe;

    electricity passing from the earth to the clouds; a stroke of lightning.

  • húe ūang-ūang-kìe;

    the fire sputters; the sound of muttering flames.

  • húe hū-hū-kìe;

    the fire roars; a low heavy sound of devouring flames.

  • cĕng-îu húe;

    cleansing fires.

  • Furniture; goods; gear; a comrade.

  • ke-húe;


  • ke-húe cò̤-pû khîeh lâi;

    bring your tools with you.

  • ke-húe mûeh-kĭaⁿ;


  • tōa ke-húe kâi nâng;

    one having much household property.

  • i ŏi cò̤ ke-kúe;

    she accumulates property.

  • līen ke-húe;

    a tried weapon.

  • húe-tíeⁿ;

    a mate, on a foreign ship.

  • tōa-húe, jī-húe;

    chief mate and second mate.

  • nán lâi hah húe;

    let us mess together.

  • tiang-sî àiⁿ jîp húe?

    When are you going to move in to that house?

  • chut húe;

    to move out the household stuff.

  • A comrade; a colleague; a crony.

  • húe-kì;

    a partner.

  • nán lâi cò̤ húe-kì;

    let us go into partnership.

  • húe-kì cōi, o̤h cò̤ sṳ̄;

    the interested parties being many, it is difficult to transact business.

  • hâh-húe;

    a crony.

  • cí kâi sĭ i tâng húe kâi châk;

    these are his fellow thieves.

  • saⁿ nî àiⁿ chú kâi cŏ̤-ngŵn cū ŭ, saⁿ nî àiⁿ chap kâi hó̤ húe-kì cū bô̤;

    if you want a senior wrangler, there is one to be had once in three years, but if you want a good partner, it is not in every three years that one is to be found.

  • To repent; to be dissatisfied with one’s own conduct.

  • hùe-kói;


  • màiⁿ ĕ-jît sĭeⁿ-siu-hùe;

    do not regret it hereafter.

  • kàu ău-lâi sĭeⁿ-siu-hùe le khah chî;

    though you should change your mind afterward, it would be too late.

  • ău cū hẃn hùe;

    afterward returned to his former state of mind.

  • ău hùe môk kîp;

    repentance will then be beyond your reach.

  • A class; a sort; a sign of the plural.

  • lău hùe tîeh cò̤ kàu pun hău-seⁿ hùe hó̤ ô̤h īeⁿ;

    the old must so act as to be an example to the young.

  • kun-cṳ́ hùe kâi cò̤ sṳ̄ kio sío-jîn hùe m̄ tâng;

    the conduct of the cultured is unlike that of the unlearned.

  • tong-hău hùe kâi sim-tn̂g kio khek-pô̤h hùe kâi, siang lî hn̆g;

    the mind of the faithful is very remote from that of the insincere.

  • ta-po hùe cò̤ ta-po hùe, cṳ-nîe hùe cò̤ cṳ-nîe hùe;

    let men be men and women be women.

  • nín a-noⁿ-kíaⁿ hùe màiⁿ pīn-pōng-kìe;

    children, do not make a noise.

  • tōa hùe tîeh cai kà i;

    their elders must teach them.

  • m̄-pat hùe tîeh khṳ̀ mn̄g pat hùe;

    those who do not know must go ajid inquire of those who do know.

  • ŏi hùe tîeh kà bŏi húe;

    the competent must teach the incompetent.

  • cò̤ seng-lí hùe sĭ cò̤ seng-lí hùe kâi īeⁿ, co̤h-châng hùe sĭ co̤h-châng hùe kâi īeⁿ;

    traders have a certain style of their own, and agriculturalists a style peculiar to themselves.

  • lṳ́ thóiⁿ sai-kok hùe kâi nâng hó̤ a tang-îeⁿ hùe kâi nâng hó̤?

    Which do you consider the better the people of western or of eastern lands?

  • To teach; to admonish; counsel.

  • kà-hùe;


  • kà-hùe i kâi kíaⁿ-tĭ;

    teaches her children.

  • i kâi tĭ-cṳ́ to sĭ cun i kâi kà-hùe;

    his pupils respect his instruction.

  • ía îong hùe im, bw̆n châng hùe tău;

    ogling looks invite to wantonness and carelessness induces thieving.

  • To alter; transmute; change; transform.

  • cău-hùe;


  • thèng-cău-hùe;

    as it may chance.

  • cău-hùe căi;


  • lṳ́ hó̤ cău-hùe;

    you are very lucky.

  • m̄ jîp ûang hùe;


  • hṳ́ kâi tī-hng m̄ jîp ûang hùe;

    that country does not become civilized.

  • kám-hùe nâng kâi sim;

    convert people’s minds.

  • kà-hùe;

    change by instruction.

  • sio-hùe khṳ̀;


  • bŏi hùe;


  • cía sĭ hùe seⁿ kâi mûeh-kîaⁿ;

    this is a thing which is produced by its own metamorphoses.

  • i ŏi pìen-hùe;

    it is transformable.

  • hùe cò̤ pât mûeh;

    change into something else.

  • kìⁿ-tîeh húe cū îeⁿ-hùe khṳ̀;

    if exposed to the fire it melts.

  • hùe cúa cîⁿ;

    to burn mock money.

  • tng thiⁿ sie hùe;

    burned in the open air.

  • hùe sin;

    burn a priest’s corpse.

  • mŏ̤ⁿ hùe;

    beg for Buddhist temples or priests.

  • cîah lío o̤h sio hùe;

    it is difficult of digestion.

  • kói-hùe;

    to alter.

  • The revolution of the seasons; age.

  • lṳ́ jîeh cōi hùe?

    How old are you?

  • i kúi hùe?

    How many years old is he?

  • i cìaⁿ saⁿ hùe;

    he is just three.

  • cîah kàu nŏ̤ peh hùe;

    lived to be two hundred years old.

  • i kâi nî-hùe ío cōi;

    he is very old.

  • cêk hùe cêk hùe to m̄ cai lău;

    as the time passes we are not conscious of becoming old.

  • i kâi nî-hùe ío khin, būe pat;

    he has not lived many years, and does not yet know.

  • nŏ̤ nâng pêⁿ-pêⁿ cōi hùe;

    the two are of the same age.

  • kàu cêk-ē ŭ nî-hùe cū cò̤ m̄ lâi;

    when you are old you cannot do it.

  • i ío ŏi khǹg hùe;

    he does not show his age.

  • saⁿ hùe phŏ̤ nŏ̤;

    had two children in three years.

  • pet hùe têng;

    an honorary tablet to a centenarian.

  • thóiⁿ tîeh chin-chĭeⁿ m̄ khéng cìeⁿ cōi hùe-siaⁿ;

    he looks much older than that.

  • i kâi nî-hùe ío cíⁿ;

    he looks young.

  • Goods; wares; merchandize.

  • hùe-mûeh cōi căi;

    a great quantity of merchandize.

  • cí kâi hùe ío hó̤;

    these wares are better.

  • cí kâi hùe ío chṳ̀, tâk m̄ tit ke cîⁿ;

    these wares are of inferior quality, and are not worth more than that.

  • i hía hó̤ kâi hùe lṳ́ bói cē lâi;

    buy some of his best wares.

  • bói hùe, bōi hùe to sĭ ēng i;

    both in buying and in selling, they always employ him.

  • cí īeⁿ hùe ío kùi;

    this sort of goods is dearer.

  • àiⁿ bói phīⁿ kâi hùe tîeh táng ĕ-jît;

    if you wish to buy cheaper goods you must wait till another time.

  • i tó̤ khui câp-hùe-phò;

    he keeps a variety store.

  • lâi khṳ̀ thóiⁿ sĭm-mih hùe-sek;

    let’s go and see what wares there are.

  • i kâi hùe tun kàu cōi-cōi;

    his wares are piled in great quantities.

  • kak kò̤ kak kò̤ kâi hùe;

    each place has its own wares.

  • cang hùe khṳ̀ tǹg;

    went and hypothecated his goods.

  • thâu cúi hùe;

    the best quality of the goods.

  • hŭam hùe to ŭ hùe mīn khah hùe tói;

    of every sort of goods the best are put on the outside.

  • chut hùe jîp hùe to sĭ kua i chê;

    the goods that go out and come in all pass under his inspection.

  • khí hùe, lô̤h hùe li sĭ ēng hṳ́ kâi;

    for landing the goods and for shipping them, they always make use of that.

  • hùe kè cíang tîet sĭ tùe hâng chêng;

    the price of goods rises and falls according to the market.

  • hùe-kha; hùe-tái; hùe-tói;

    the garblings.

  • cūaⁿ hùe;

    poor, cheap goods; a bad lot.

  • àu hùe;

    spoiled goods; a bad person.

  • kîaù hùe;

    salt stores; a good lot of merchandize.

  • khî hùe;

    a rare article.

  • cí cêk cng hùe mûeh;

    the goods brought at this trip.

  • cí cêk pûaⁿ hùe bói lâi phīⁿ;

    the goods brought this voyage were cheaply bought.

  • tòa hùe khṳ̀ gūa chù bōi;

    take wares to sell in another place.

  • ēng i ah cí cêk cāi hùe khṳ̀;

    employ them to convoy this cargo.

  • cí ciah cûn sĭ cāi hùe kâi, m̄ sĭ tō cûn;

    this is a cargo, not a passenger boat.

  • pâng-î bô̤ hó̤ hùe;

    low priced goods are never of fine quality.

  • suaⁿ hùe phò;

    a shop where wooden wares are sold.

  • siu chàm-chùi hùe;

    buy goods at retail; collect by buying in small quantities.

  • Obscure; misty.

  • cêk mīn cn̂g kâi hùe-khì;

    one side is all dark.

  • bô̤ sek-cêk, sĭm sĭ àm-hùe;

    there is no luminosity, and it is very obscure.

  • saⁿ-câp kìe-cò̤ hùe-jît;

    on the thirtieth there is no moon.

  • To bend around and return.

  • hûe-pī;

    get out of the way.

  • bô̤ kò̤ hó̤ hûe-pī;

    no place wherein to get out of the way.

  • sok-cĕⁿ hûe-pī;

    make no noise, and keep out of the way.

  • hûe-sīeⁿ;

    a Buddhist priest.

  • hûe-sīeⁿ píaⁿ m̄ káⁿ cîah;

    one does not dare partake of a priest’s luncheon.

  • hûe-sīeⁿ sie phah, sie máng piⁿ;

    it is a story of Buddhist priests beating each other and pulling each other’s queues; it is a made up story.

  • hûeⁿ-sīeⁿ bô̤ seng-lí, thiah am lêng-ūaⁿ khí;

    when priests have no profitable occupation, they tear down and rebuild their temples.

  • Fennel or caraway.

  • hûe-hieⁿ;


  • tōa hûe;


  • síe hûe;


  • To revert; return; a revolution; a time.

  • àiⁿ hûe ke;

    is going home.

  • hûe-tńg khù chù;

    returned home.

  • hûe kò̤ sìn khṳt i;

    send back an answer to his letter.

  • cih tîeh i kâi hûe cṳ;

    received his written reply.

  • ŭ hûe jī a bô?

    Is there an answer to the note?

  • cīeⁿ cêk hûe;

    the previous time.

  • cí hûe sĭ sĭm-mih sî-hāu?

    What time is it now?

  • khṳ̀ hṳ́-kò̤ ku-ā hûe;

    went there many times.

  • hṳ́ hûe, lṳ́ hŵn-lío ío sòi;

    at that time, you were still rather small.

  • i lâi kùe saⁿ hûe ngŏ hûe;

    he has been here again and again.

  • m̄ hó̤ ke hûe;

    do not do it again.

  • i íⁿ-keng hûe sim tńg ì;

    he has already changed his mind.

  • hûe-tńg lâi lío;

    has returned.

  • i cò̤-nî hûe tap?

    What is his reply?

  • lṳ́ khṳ̀ lío, sĭ cò̤-nî, lâi hûe-hok úa cai;

    after having gone, whatever the result, return and bring me word.

  • kàu cìeⁿ kú hŵn-lío būe ŭ hûe im;

    after this long delay, there is still no response.

  • khṳ̀ i kò̤ hûe pài;

    go and return his visit.

  • lâi hûe jîeh cōi phò lō?

    How far is it there and back?

  • táng úa hûe lâi, cìaⁿ lâi sǹg;

    wait till I come back, then we will reckon.

  • jīo i hûe-lâi;

    run after him and bring him back.

  • hûe sĭeⁿ hṳ́ tiang-sî kâi sṳ cū sĭ tŏ̤ mâk côiⁿ;

    when I recall that it seems as if it were present.

  • khǹg-kòi kàu i kâi sim hûe;

    expostulate with him until his mind reverts to better ways.

  • hûe thâu sĭ ngăi;

    turn your head, and there is the shore; there is yet room for repentance.

  • hûe-tńg thâu khṳ̀ thóiⁿ;

    turn the head and look behind.

  • khang chíu hûe lâi;

    came back empty handed.

  • cí hûe;

    this occasion.

  • hûe lói;

    reciprocate a politeness; return a present.

  • hûe-hûe kà;


  • huang á hûe lâm;

    the wind is verging to the south.

  • i lâi ŭ ho̤h cōi hûe lío;

    he has been here a great many times.

  • i khṳt nâng mēⁿ lío bô̤ hûe chùi;

    after being scolded, he says nothing.

  • hûe chíu khṳ̀ phah i;

    struck back.

  • tîeh ŭ kâi nâng tó̤ hûe ūe;

    there must be some one to interpret.

  • siu hûe pńg cîⁿ;

    received back the original sum.

  • To assemble; to convene; to meet with; a club; to know after being informed.

  • hŭe-tn̂g;

    a hall where meetings are held.

  • cŭ-hŭe;

    to congregate.

  • hŭe-côi-côi lío;

    all are assembled.

  • hŭe-côi cò̤-pû khṳ̀;

    meet and go in a body.

  • cí kâi nâng chin-chĭeⁿ pat hŭe mīn kùe;

    it seems as if I had seen this person before.

  • m̄ pat sie hŭe;

    never met him before.

  • hŭe kheh;

    return a visit.

  • pài-hŭe;

    to visit and make up a quarrel; to enter a society or organization.

  • jîp i kâi hŭe;

    enter this association.

  • hŭe-húi;


  • sé hŭe kâi tī-hng;

    the provincial metropolis.

  • hó̤ ki-hŭe;

    a good opportunity.

  • sêng cí kâi ki-hŭe;

    take advantage of this opportunity.

  • būe ŭ ki-hŭe;

    have not yet an opportunity.

  • cn̂g kâi bô̤ ki-hŭe;

    have no favorable chance.

  • i chap ŭ cêk pang hŭe;

    he has associated himself with a society.

  • îaⁿ sîn sài hŭe;

    go in procession, carrying the gods.

  • hŭe síu; hŭe thâu;

    the manager of a club.

  • táng lâi lí-hŭe cheng-chó̤;

    wait till all get together and complete an arrangement.

  • thóiⁿ-kìⁿ cìeⁿ-seⁿ cū hŭe ì;

    on seeing this I understood.

  • To draw upon, as for funds.

  • hŭe toaⁿ; hŭe phìe;

    a draft or check.

  • hŭe ngṳ̂n;

    to draw money.

  • hŭe-tieⁿ-toaⁿ lâi cí-kò̤ siu;

    present your letter of credit here.

  • nín kâi ngṳ̂n àiⁿ hŭe khṳ̀ tī-kò̤?

    Where do you wish to draw your money?

  • ún àiⁿ hŭe lâi tîe-ciu;

    we wish to draw it in Swatow.

  • hŭe cò̤ tieⁿ-toaⁿ hâiⁿ úa;

    pay me by an order on the bank.

  • hŭe tŭe kêk;

    a bank.

  • cí kâi toaⁿ àiⁿ hŭe khṳt tī-tîang?

    In whose favor is this order to be written?