A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / huang | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / huang

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  • Boasting talk, gasconade, exaggeration.

  • i kâi ūe huang-thâng căi;

    his language is very extravagant.

  • só̤ tàⁿ kâi ūe huang-huang thâng-thâng, bô̤ kù sît;

    what was said was the wildest exaggeration, without a word of truth in it.

  • Nervous; alarmed; agitated.

  • màiⁿ khah huang- mâng;

    do not be too hurried.

  • sim huang, ì lw̆n;

    agitated in mind.

  • huang-huang ciang-ciang;

    in trepidation.

  • i kâi sim huang-lw̆n;

    she is flurried.

  • Wind; air in motion; breath.

  • sŭn huang, tit lĭ;

    may you have a fair wind and prosperous journey.

  • ngêk huang;

    go against the wind.

  • huang sŭn, éng cĕⁿ;

    fair wind and smooth waters,

  • lṳ́ tī jît àiⁿ sŭn huang?

    On what day do you sail?

  • tăi-ke hùe, àiⁿ chíaⁿ lṳ́ cîah sŭn huang cíu;

    I invite you all to take a parting cup with me before you sail.

  • huang cĭeⁿ pôiⁿ;

    to windward.

  • huang ĕ pôiⁿ;

    to leeward.

  • khûang huang, méⁿ hŏ;

    violent wind and rain.

  • hieⁿ-ĕ huang, sîaⁿ lăi, hŏ;

    the country is windy, the city rainy.

  • lú m̄-hó̤ chue tîeh huang;

    you must not let the wind blow upon you.

  • màiⁿ kìⁿ huang;

    do not expose yourself to the wind.

  • tōa huang, tōa hŏ;

    high wind and heavy rain.

  • thàu huang;

    the wind blows gently.

  • chue huang;

    the wind is blowing.

  • pûn huang;

    to blow up with the breath.

  • m̄-hó̤ lāu huang;

    make it air tight.

  • khau huang;

    bends under the force of the wind.

  • lā huang;

    dry in the wind.

  • cêk táu tang huang, saⁿ táu hŏ;

    to a peck of east wind there are three pecks of rain.

  • tîeh thàu tōa pak huang cìaⁿ ŏi cêⁿ;

    if there were to be a strong north wind it would clear.

  • lâm huang hūe;

    schools of fish that appear with the rising of the south wind.

  • sì phìⁿ huang;

    a shifting wind.

  • sŭn huang kî;

    a wind vane; one who falls in with whatever is said.

  • huang hŏ cam;

    a barometer.

  • cí kâi tī-hng khah hip huang;

    this place is too much shut off from the wind.

  • phuah huang-lô;

    fan the fire in the furnace.

  • huang cêk cūn cêk cūn;

    the wind comes in gusts.

  • huang-thai;

    a typhoon.

  • àiⁿ cò̤ huang-thai;

    there is going to be a gale.

  • kîaⁿ-cûn ngŏ̤ tîeh phah thâu huang;

    meet adverse winds.

  • huang gûeh chìe thâm;

    small talk.

  • chìn huang; kûaⁿ huang;

    cold, bleak winds.

  • lîang huang;

    a breeze.

  • cheng huang;

    a refreshing breeze.

  • huang cheng, gûeh pêh;

    cool breezes, and moonlight nights.

  • hàuⁿ huang lîu;

    fond of gaiety.

  • huang-lîu châi cṳ́;

    a fast young man.

  • huang-cúi;

    the influence exerted on the welfare of the living and the dead by the bearings of sites.

  • huang bŭn;


  • úa huang bŭn-kìⁿ ŭ cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄;

    I heard a rumor of this.

  • tòng huang pēⁿ;


  • sieⁿ huang;

    a cold; rheumatic pains.

  • ùi huang;

    afraid of drafts.

  • pun cêk tīn huang chue khṳ̀;

    blown away by a gust of wind.

  • khṳt huang sut cîh khṳ;

    whisked off and broken by the wind.

  • huang kūiⁿ;

    a fanning mill.

  • tìeⁿ huang;

    puffed up with wind.

  • cîah lío seⁿ huang;

    productive of flatulence.

  • huang jûah kek kàu thâu-khak hîn căi;

    had the perspiration checked so completely as to produce headache.

  • huang-khì;


  • huang sip;


  • làng-làng huang-huang;

    giving ingress to many currents of air.

  • bŏi làng-huang;

    does not admit the air.

  • lṳ́ mih huang? lṳ́ sĭm-mih huang chue lâi?

    What brought you here?

  • pàng cêk kò̤ khṳt i tháu huang;

    leave an aperture for ventilation.

  • huang thàu lâi nă-nă;

    the wind is hot.

  • bô̤ huang;

    no breeze.

  • táng ŭ huang cìaⁿ hó̤ sái;

    wait till the wind rises, then put up the sails.

  • cìaⁿ huang hó̤ sái, a hûeⁿ huang hó̤ sái?

    Which is best for sailing, a wind that comes directly astern, or one that comes at right angles to the course?

  • huang thîo hŏ sŭn;

    just enough of wind and rain.

  • khṳt huang phah ka-lâuh lô̤h lâi;

    blown down by the wind.

  • huang bō̤;

    a hood.

  • pŭ huang chok íaⁿ;

    chase the wind and catch shadows; it is mere idle rumor.

  • chīu-sin khĭa tit cìaⁿ, m̄ phàⁿ chīu-búe huang îo-tŏng;

    the erect tree does not fear having its top shaken by the wind.

  • Proper, correct; a rule, a way, a means; thereupon.

  • twn huang sì-cìaⁿ;

    exactly square.

  • tōa-tōa huang-huang;

    on an extensive scale.

  • ŭ sĭm-mih huang-huap?

    What way is there of doing it?

  • kîaⁿ huang-pĭen;

    to act as circumstances may render expedient.

  • cìeⁿ-seⁿ ío huang-pĭen;

    this way is the more convenient.

  • cò̤ mih sṳ̄ to tîeh ŭ huang ŭ huap;

    in doing things there must be method.

  • úa huang-châi lâi;

    I have just come.

  • táng i lâi huang hó̤ cò̤ sṳ̄;

    wait till he arrives and then act.

  • huang-kim kâi sì-sôk to sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;

    such are the practices of the present time.

  • nî huang câp-poih;

    about eighteen years of age.

  • kà kíaⁿ ŭ ngĭ huang;

    there is a correct method of training children.

  • Neglected; void; obsolete.

  • cìeⁿ-sî kâi kang-hu huang-hùi căi;

    work, now-a-days, is very intermittent.

  • tī-hng bô̤ khṳ̀ siu-sîp huang-huang hùi-hùi;

    the place has not been put in order and is very dilapidated.

  • tăng kim nî cn̂g kâi huang-so̤;

    this year it has been wholly unattended to.

  • huang-ía kâi tī-hng;

    a wilderness.

  • i tàⁿ ūe sĭm sĭ huang-thâng;

    what he says is utterly untrustworthy.

  • huang nî;

    a year of dearth.

  • huang îm bô̤ tō;

    total neglect of duty.

  • hông-huang kâi sî-hāu;

    in very dull times.

  • Leprous; insane.

  • tōa huang;


  • mûaⁿ-huang;

    the leprosy.

  • huang-tien;


  • huang mô̤ⁿ, sàu sîn;

    a maniac.

  • huang-to;

    a district on the Yangtsze in the east of Szechuen, where the fire wells are.

  • huang-to tī-gêk;


  • huang-to tăi-tì;

    the ruler of Hades.

  • The space between the heart and the diaphragm.

  • pēⁿ jîp ko̤-huang bô̤ îeh hó̤ ui;

    when the disease enters the vitals no medicine can cure it.

  • To seal up; to inclose in an envelope; a seal.

  • huang ìn, khui ìn;

    to close and open public offices at the end and the beginning of the year.

  • huang mn̂g;

    seal up a door.

  • huang phûe; huang tîo;

    strips pasted across a door, and sealed with a goverment seal.

  • huang cûn;

    to impress a boat.

  • huang só̤;

    to lock up and seal.

  • cêk huang sìn;

    a sealed epistle.

  • cêk huang ngṳ̂n;

    a sealed packet of money.

  • huang miⁿ-miⁿ; huang kín-kín;

    sealed tightly.

  • khui huang;

    open the seal.

  • huang-tâng;

    an envelope.

  • sái ngŵn huang ngṳ̂n;

    pay out the original parcels of money.

  • ngŵn huang put tŏng;

    the original seal has not been tampered with.

  • cí tieⁿ sìn huang lío hó̤ khap ìn;

    seal and then stamp this letter.

  • Pongee.

  • húang tîu;

    thick pongee.

  • tōa húang;

    repped pongee.

  • síe húang;

    fine pongee.


  • Resembling; seeming; like.

  • húang-hut;

    somewhat like.

  • thóiⁿ tîeh húang-hut;

    it appears like it.

  • húang-hut chin-chĭeⁿ sĭ;

    it bears a resemblance to it.

  • úa hṳ́ hûe thóiⁿ khṳ̀ húang-húang hut-hut, m̄ tīaⁿ;

    I then saw it indistinctly.


  • Disturbed; fluttered; unable to collect one’s thoughts.

  • húang-hut, thóiⁿ bô̤ hìeⁿ tīaⁿ;

    being flurried, did not see it distinctly.

  • húang-húang hut-hut àiⁿ khṳ̀ tī-kò̤?

    Where are you going in such trepidation?

  • thiaⁿ khṳ̀ húang-hut, m̄ tīaⁿ;

    listened in a confused way, and was not certain about it.

  • cĕng sîn húang-hut;

    all in a fluster.

  • To imitate; to copy after.

  • húang i kâi īeⁿ;

    follow his example.

  • húang i kâi huap;

    follow his rule.

  • húang lâi sĭo căi;

    it is very exactly copied.

  • húang kó kâi pit ì;

    delineate it in the ancient style.

  • cí kâi húang lâi bô̤ saⁿ sîaⁿ;

    this has but a slight resemblance to the pattern.

  • cang cí kâi cò̤ īeⁿ pun lṳ́ húang;

    I will take this for a model for you to copy.

  • jw̆n húang, húang m̄ sĭo;

    howsoever I copy, the copy bears no likeness to the original.

  • cí pak ūe kōi húang;

    this scroll is easily copied.

  • húang móng nâng kâi īeⁿ lâi cò̤;

    make it like that of a certain person.

  • To search out; to inquire into; to inform one’s self concening.

  • húang-bŭn i íⁿ-keng lâi;

    obtained information that he had already arrived.

  • àm húang;

    secretly inquire into.

  • tá-pàng cò̤ phêng-sîeⁿ nâng khṳ̀ àm húang;

    dressed like a common person, and went and secretly examined into the matter.

  • àm-cĕⁿ khṳ̀ chip húang;

    secretly pursued and searched into.

  • chê húang;

    to search out.

  • khṳ̀ múaⁿ-tī-kò̤ húang hîen-jîn;

    go everywhere seeking out the wise.

  • taⁿ íⁿ-keng húang kàu mêng-mêng pêh-pêh;

    have now by inquiry found out the whole truth.

  • húang mn̄g;

    inquire about it in order to ascertain the facts.

  • To relax; to indulge.

  • lṳ́ màiⁿ hùang sim;

    don’t be heedless.

  • i hùang-sṳ̀ căi;

    he is very impudent.

  • i sĭ hùang-hùang tăng-tăng, bô̤ kù cìaⁿ-keng sṳ̄;

    he is very willful and disregards all propriety.

  • To ward off; to guard against; to provide against; a dike; a defense.

  • ŭ hûang pĭ;

    prepared for.

  • ŭ hûang pĭ, kio bô̤ huang bô̤ pĭ, cū m̄ tâng;

    there is a difference between being prepared for a thing, and being taken unawares by it.

  • i soiⁿ-soiⁿ cū cai ṳ̆-hûang i;

    he took precautions against it long before.

  • cêk kok hûang ki;

    lay up grain against a time of dearth.

  • toi-hûang;

    an embankment raised as an obstruction.

  • siu-sîp toi-hûang tó̤ hûang-gṳ̆ tōa cúi;

    repair the dikes to keep out the flood.

  • hûang huang;

    a remedy against colds and flatulence.

  • hái-hûang kâi sṳ̄-bŭ chiet-ìo;

    the business of the coast guard is important.

  • m̄ cai hûang i;

    did not take precautions against it.

  • hûang châk lâi than;

    protection from thieves.

  • i àiⁿ hāi lṳ́, lṳ́ tîeh cai hûang i;

    he means to injure you, you must be on your guard against him.

  • hûang sin kâi ke-húe;

    weapons for self-defense.

  • sái khṳ̀ hûang-tú hṳ́ kâi ìo-kháu;

    sent to defend that important pass.

  • The female of the phenix, a fabulous bird whose appearance indicates great prosperity to the land.

  • hŏng hûang;

    a pair of phenixes.

  • peh cío chîo hûang;

    all the birds attend the court of the phenix.

  • hŏng-hûang tàu chṳ́;

    the phenixes have arrived here; the harbingers of good fortune have come.

  • To oppose; an obstacle; impediments.

  • hûang-gāi tîeh i;

    lay obstacles in his way.

  • sì-phìⁿ bô̤ hûang bô̤ gāi;

    no obstacles in any direction.

  • lṳ́ thóiⁿ ŭ hûang a bô̤ hûang?

    Do you see any difficulties in the way?

  • hûang chṳ́ hûang pí;

    hindered by this and that.

  • cía to put hûang kâi sṳ̄;

    there is no difficulty about this.

  • hûang hîen gō kok;

    to oppose the worthy is to harass the nation.

  • bō̤ hûang a;

    no matter about that.

  • Exalted; august; imperial.

  • hûang-tì;

    the Emperor.

  • hûang-hŏ;

    the Empress.

  • hûang-sĭang;

    His Majesty.

  • thài sĭang hûang;

    the Emperor’s (living) father.

  • hûang ṳn;

    imperial favor.

  • hûang thài-cṳ́;

    the crown prince.

  • hûang thiⁿ;

    high Heaven.

  • gêk hûang sĭang-tì;

    the highest of the gods.

  • The locust.

  • hûang-thâng kă tīo tĭu;

    the locusts devour the ripe grain.

  • The sturgeon.

  • hûang-hṳ̂ náu;

    sturgeon’s brains.

  • Dread, tremor, apprehension.

  • hûang-khíong;


  • i sim lăi sĭm sĭ hûang-khíong;

    his mind was very much perturbed.

  • kiaⁿ-hûang;


  • A gymnasium.

  • cìn hûang-keng;

    enter college.

  • hûang mn̂g sìu-sṳ̆;

    a literary graduate who has really earned his degree, not bought it.

  • A great blaze.

  • teng cek hui-hûang;

    resplendent with lights.