A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / hng | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / hng

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  • What pertains to a location; a region; a prescription.

  • sì hng;

    the four points of compass.

  • ngŏ hng;

    the four quarters and the centre.

  • ngŏ hng kâi kî kak sek m̄ tâng;

    the flags of all the nations are of different colors.

  • àiⁿ ēng sĭm-mih hng ūi?

    What do you desire its bearings to be?

  • cía chù sĭ sĭm-mih hng-hìeⁿ?

    What are the bearings of this house?

  • khṳ̀ kìe tī- hng lâi;

    go and call the local officers.

  • gūa hng nâng;


  • bô̤ tī-hng hó̤ hiah kha;

    there was no place to rest one’s foot.

  • ŭ sĭm-mih tī-hng hó̤ pàng a bô̤.

    Is there any place to put it or not?

  • tī kâi tī-hng hó̤?

    Which spot is the best?

  • hṳ́-kò̤ m̄ cai kìe-cò̤ sĭm-mih tī-hng;

    do not know what that place is called.

  • khui îeh hng;

    write a prescription.

  • ŭ sĭm-mih lîang hng?

    What is the best remedy?

  • úa ŭ cêk tieⁿ sĭang hó̤ kâi hng hó̤ ui ka-sàu pēⁿ;

    I have one of the best remedies for curing a cough.

  • hô̤ hng nâng sĭ?

    Where is the man from?

  • Frightened; an interjection of pain or displeasure.

  • gūa kháu kò̤ sāi hng-hak nŏ̤ cìang;

    the two guardians of temple doors were set up outside.

  • hng-hng-kìe;

    groaning and moaning.

  • i hng-hng-chang, hng mih sṳ̄?

    What is it that he is groaning and grunting about?

  • hàm a-nôⁿ màiⁿ tó̤ hng;

    tell the baby not to fret.

  • Dearth; empty; neglected.

  • châng-hn̂g phau-hng;

    fields overgrown with brushwood.

  • ki-hng;


  • ki-hng sî-coih;

    a season of dearth.

  • tōa ki-hng;

    a time of great scarcity.

  • i hṳ́ chù lăi kâi mûeh hng lā bô̤ heh;

    the things were all lying about the house, loose and neglected.

  • mûeh màiⁿ hng-hng īa-ĭa;

    do not leave the things lying around loose.

  • An alley; a grocery; a neighbourhood.

  • cṳ hng;

    a book-stall.

  • cíu hng;

    a wine-shop.

  • móng hng móng lí;

    a certain street in a certain village.

  • hú sîaⁿ lăi pun cò̤ chit hng: nín tīu tŏ̤ tī cêk hng?

    The Departmental City is divided into seven quarters: in which of them do you reside?

  • A garden; unwatered ground.

  • i hak ŭ jîeh cōi châng-hn̂g?

    How much arable land does he own?

  • ŭ châng ŭ hn̂g;

    has both watered and unwatered fields.

  • khí cêk kâi hue hn̂g;

    made a flower garden.

  • hì hn̂g;

    a play ground.

  • hn̂g kang;


  • co̤h châng-hn̂g kâi nâng;

    a farmer.

  • chài hn̂g;

    a vegetable garden.

  • kúe-cí hn̂g;

    an orchard.

  • kaⁿ hng;

    au orange grove.

  • cíeⁿ hn̂g kâi nâng;

    a gardener.

  • chut hue hn̂g;

    pass out of childhood.

  • hn̂g lî;

    the hedge around a garden.

  • cáu jîp cìa-hn̂g lăi khṳ̀ tìam;

    ran and hid in the cane field.

  • hun-kuah hn̂g kau;

    the furrows in a potato patch.

  • cúi cē khí éng kio hun-kuah hn̂g cêk īeⁿ, cêk nôi cêk nôi;

    the waves rise like the hills in a potato field.

  • A dry fosse under a city wall; a moat.

  • sîaⁿ-hn̂g;

    the city moat.

  • ŭ sîaⁿ cū ŭ sîaⁿ hn̂g;

    if there is a city, it has a moat.

  • sîaⁿ-hn̂g bīe;

    the temple where the god of the city resides.

  • Far; distant; remote.

  • lō hn̆g;

    it is a long way off.

  • kîaⁿ hn̆g lō;

    walk a long way.

  • khah hn̆g, bŏi tit kàu;

    it is too far for us to go.

  • kàu hṳ́-kò̤ jîeh hn̆g?

    How far is it to that place?

  • jît-cí hn̆g;

    the time is far distant.

  • cí-kò̤ ío hn̆g;

    this is farther away.

  • bŏi hn̆g;

    it is not far.

  • cûah hn̆g;

    it lacks a great deal.

  • siang lî m̄ hn̆g;

    they are not far apart.

  • lî m̄ hn̆g, àiⁿ kàu lío;

    it is not far off, we are almost there.

  • mō̤ⁿ kàu hn̆g-hn̆g kò̤;

    gaze far away.

  • keh hn̆g;

    far separated.

  • hn̆g chìo, m̄ jû kṳ̆n phûh;

    a powerful helper far off is not so good as a weak one near by.

  • khṳ̀ jîeh hn̆g?

    How far did you go?

  • thau kîaⁿ thau phûeh ūe, m̄ cai hn̆g;

    talking as you go, makes the road seem short.

  • lî ho̤h hn̆g;

    are rather far apart.

  • tîeh lî hn̆g;

    must keep far away from it.

  • i kâi chù hn̆g a lṳ́ kâi chù hn̆g?

    Which is farthest off, his house or yours?

  • hn̆g kṳ̆n m̄ tâng;

    the distance makes all the difference.

  • An interjection denoting doubtful assent.

  • hn̄g, úa lâi khṳ̀;

    well, I will go.

  • hn̄g, m̄ cai ŭ mē;

    well, I do not know whether there are any to be had.