A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / hien | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / hien

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  • To raise slightly.

  • cí hîeh hien kùe lâi;

    turn over this leaf.

  • hien phŭe;

    pull the coverlet over one.

  • hien lîam;

    turn aside the curtain, as in entering a door.

  • pang hien khí lâi;

    raise the board a little.

  • hien m̄ khui;

    cannot lift it.

  • hien khui khṳt i lā ta;

    raise it a little that it may dry in the air.

  • Conspicuous; manifest; to make plain.

  • híen-kháu;


  • híen-mîaⁿ;


  • cí ūi sîn ŏi híen;

    this god manifests himself.

  • híen-mêng;


  • híen-hīn;


  • híen sin khṳt nâng thóiⁿ;

    take bodily shape so as to become visible to human eyes.

  • cí ūi sîn-mêng híen-tău căi;

    this god is very efficient.

  • híen-jîen;

    it is obviously so.

  • híen chut i kâi chíu-tw̄n;

    manifested his dexterity.

  • híen i kâi pún-nía;

    showed his ability.

  • sîu-mêng pat híen sìaⁿ khṳt nâng thóiⁿ;

    the gods showed their power unto men.

  • híen lêng khṳt i thóiⁿ-kìⁿ;

    manifested themselves to him.

  • kong-mîaⁿ híen-tâk;

    his worth is widely known.

  • híen-căi;

    now at present.

  • kùi híen kâi nâng;

    distinguished people.

  • sĭm sĭ híen-hek;

    is very glorious.

  • híen-híen hek-hek;


  • bŏi híen;

    not apparent.

  • Dangerous; insecure; in jeopardy.

  • híen căi;


  • cía sît-căi híen, ŏ̤!

    This is indeed hazardous!

  • To offer respectfully, as in worship.

  • hŏng hìen; cìn hìen;

    to offer reverently.

  • hìen cĭeⁿ;

    to present to a superior.

  • hìen tê, hìen cíu;

    to offer tea and wine.

  • hìen lói-mûeh;

    to present the customary offerings.

  • hìen kòi-cheh;

    to proffer advice.

  • hìen sîaⁿ kui hâng;

    surrendered the city and returned to their allegiance.

  • kŭi hìen mûeh-kĭaⁿ;

    kneel and proffer something.

  • Governmental; a ruler.

  • hŏng hìen sûn-chê;

    received orders to examine.

  • sî-hìen-cṳ;

    the Imperial Calendar.

  • hìen-thâi;

    Your Honors; (used in addressing officers of state).

  • tăi hìen;

    the high authorities.

  • kūiⁿ hìen;

    the district magistrate.

  • hú hìen;

    the prefect.

  • tău hìen;

    the Intendant of Circuit.

  • tìn hìen;

    the chief of the military department.

  • An offense; a grievance; a cause of quarrel.

  • sĭ i soiⁿ khí hìen;

    it was he who began the quarrel.

  • sĭ tī-tîang soiⁿ khí hìen?

    Who gave the first cause of offense?

  • bô̤ nâng káⁿ khí-hìen;

    no one dare furnish the pretext for a quarrel.

  • côiⁿ tiang-sî ŭ hìen-khiah;

    there was a previous grievance.

  • chîm hìen;

    seek occasion for a quarrel.

  • tì-kàu ŭ hìen-khiah;

    led to a difference.

  • pien hìen;

    a grievance relating to boundaries.

  • To decide on judicial cases; to give sentence; to pronounce judgment.

  • hìen-kêk;

    the court; the assizes.

  • hìen-kêk kò̤ sĭ tī kâi úi-ŵn tó̤ sím ùaⁿ?

    Which deputy-judge is trying the cases in this court?

  • Dun; obscure.

  • hîen-mêng-hún;

    glauber salts.

  • sĭm sĭ hîen-bīo;

    it is very abstruse.

  • hîen thien sĭang tì;

    the god of the somber heavens.

  • thiⁿ tī hîen hûang;

    the dun heaven, and yellow earth.

  • hîen siam;

    a weak sort of ginseng.

  • An inclosure; a bar; to guard; to be trained.

  • hîen-sîp keng bé;

    train a cavalry horse.

  • hûang-hîen kàu ciu-bâk;

    closely surrounded on all sides.

  • i hîen-sîp cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄;

    he is practised in such matters.

  • A sage; learned; wise; superior.

  • hîen-jîn;


  • tăi hîen-jîn;

    a great sage.

  • kó hîen; soiⁿ hîen;

    ancient sages.

  • sî hîen;

    modern sages.

  • hîen chîn;

    learned statesmen.

  • hiên kun;

    a wise monarch.

  • hîeh bó̤;

    your good mother.

  • hîen tĭ;

    my good brother.

  • hîen châi; hîen lêng;

    of superior abilities.

  • hîen tek;

    exalted virtue.

  • sìaⁿ hîen;

    exalted holiness.

  • i ka-kī cṳ̆ sìaⁿ, cṳ̆ hîen;

    he is wise and holy in his own estimation.

  • hieⁿ hîen;

    a village worthy.

  • hîen sṳ put jû iah íu;

    a learned teacher is not so good as a helpful friend.

  • put hîen chi, put hàu jî, bô̤ huap khó̤ lêng-tî;

    there is no rule by which you may govern an unworthy wife or an unfilial child.

  • sái-jîp hieⁿ-hîen;

    elevate to a position among the village worthies.

  • Now, at present.

  • hīen-căi; hīen-kim;

    at once; just now.