A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / hiang | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / hiang

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  • Pertaining to the country.

  • hiang chin;

    one belonging to one’s own village.

  • kak chù kâi hiang thâm m̄ tâng;

    the dialect of different places is different.

  • hiang pa-láu;

    a countrified old man.

  • Odor, perfume, aroma; reputable.

  • hiang-khì;


  • ŭ hiang-thâu;

    has an odor.

  • bô̤ sĭm-mih hiang-thâu;

    has very little aroma.

  • cṳ hiang ke;

    a literary family.

  • in nâng ŭ cṳ hiang;

    those people have a literary reputation.

  • To reverberate; to sound; an echo; noise.

  • cêk siaⁿ híang;

    one clap.

  • siaⁿ-im híang-lĭang;

    it resounds.

  • híang-híang lĭang-lĭang;


  • i kâi ūe tàⁿ lâi bô̤ mih híang-lĭang;

    his voice has very little volume.

  • phòng-phĭe híang;

    the sound of fire-crackers.

  • chèng híang;

    the sound of guns.

  • tōa phàu híang;

    the sound of cannon; cannonading.

  • kó híang;

    the sound of drums.

  • ceng būe híang;

    the bell has not yet rung.

  • cí kâi sî-ceng bŏi híang;

    this clock does not strike.

  • phah m̄ híang;

    does not resound when struck.

  • pûn m̄ híang;

    does not sound when blown.

  • cúi híang;

    the sound of waters.

  • pĕng bô̤ íaⁿ híang;

    neither sound nor shadow; nothing to be seen nor heard.

  • híang bé ckâk;

    mounted banditti.

  • sǹg sĭ íaⁿ híang kâi ūe;

    this is mere idle talk.

  • siaⁿ híang căi;

    it sounds out loudly.

  • khâp híang thâu;

    importunately; you can hear my head as it knocks.

  • híang èng sĭ cí-kò̤ cē híang, hṳ́-kò̤ cṳ ìn;

    an echo, is the response from there to a sound made here.

  • To enjoy; to receive gratefully.

  • híang hok;

    to enjoy happiness; to receive blessings.

  • híang sīu jîeh cōi hùe?

    How long did he live?

  • ŭ hok m̄ hó̤ cĭn híang;

    it is not well to run through all your pleasures.

  • híang hok căi;

    very highly favored of the gods.

  • būe pat híang tîeh hok;

    he has never had any happiness.

  • To entertain guests.

  • íen-híang pin-kheh;

    invite guests to a formal banquet.

  • hŭam cok-bûn kàu hṳ́ búe to sĭ tàⁿ “sĭang-híang”;

    “still come to the sacrifice” is written at the end of all prayers.

  • Facing; towards; hitherto; inclining to; flaring.

  • hìang tang a hìang sai?

    Does it face the east or the west?

  • hìang lâm hó̤ kùe hìang pak;

    it is better to face the south rather than the north.

  • mīn hìang hìeⁿ pôiⁿ;

    his face is turned the other way.

  • nŏ̤ koiⁿ chṳ̀ sie hìang;

    the two houses face each other.

  • hìang lâi m̄ pat thóiⁿ-kìⁿ;

    hitherto I have not seen it.

  • cêk hìang m̄ pat thiaⁿ-kìⁿ sie-sit;

    for a while past nothing has been heard from him.

  • àiⁿ ēng sĭm-mih hng-hìang? àiⁿ ēng sĭm-mih hng-hìeⁿ?

    What sort of location is desirable?

  • i sĭ hìang lṳ́ tàⁿ a sĭ hìang i tàⁿ?

    Is he inclined to heed what you say or what she says?

  • sĭ hìang úa tàⁿ kâi;

    he is inclined to my view of the case.

  • lêng-ūaⁿ ût jī hìang;

    change the direction so as to face another point of the compass.

  • jī-câp-sì hìang;

    the twenty-four points of compass.

  • jī-câp-sì hìang sûi nâng hìang;

    one may face any point of the compass.

  • m̄ cai àiⁿ hìang tī-kò̤ hó̤;

    do not know which way it would be well to face.

  • lṳ́ thóiⁿ i kâi sim ŭ hìang úa a bô̤?

    Do you think his regard is directed toward me?

  • hìang côiⁿ khṳ̀ jīo i;

    go ahead and overtake him.

  • chíaⁿ nâng hìang côiⁿ lâi tàⁿ ūe;

    call upon a person to come forward and speak.

  • m̄ hó̤ kâi sṳ̄ màiⁿ hìang côiⁿ;

    do not go forward in a bad business.

  • mīn mīn sie hìang;

    facing each other.

  • hìang tùi cí-kò̤ khṳ̀;

    go in this direction.

  • i kâi chùi khah hìang;

    its mouth is too flaring.

  • chùi hìang-hìang;

    a very flaring mouth.

  • chūe kâi chùi màiⁿ khah hìang kâi;

    seek for one that has not too flaring a mouth.

  • khûi-hue hìang jît;

    the sunflower turns toward the sun.

  • mn̂g-lâu sie hìang;

    their doors are opposite each other.

  • hìang tùi hṳ́ ău kò̤ khṳ̀;

    turned toward the after part.

  • i kâi mīn hìang tŏ̤ hṳ́ tói, thóiⁿ-m̄-kìⁿ;

    his face is turned toward the inner side, and he does not see.

  • i cē phû khí lâi thiⁿ ĕ kâi nâng lóng-lóng hìang-èng;

    as soon as he becames prominent, all in the empire turned to him.

  • hìang pŭe;

    to incline toward or from.

  • sṳ̄ sêng a m̄ sêng sĭ tŏ̤ nâng sim kâi hìang pŭe kò̤ cū hó̤ thóiⁿ chut;

    whether the thing will be accomplished or not, may be discovered by observation of the inclinations of people’s minds.

  • Taxes; duties; excise; fixed allowances.

  • piaⁿ hìang;

    the pay and allowances of soldiers.

  • kun hìang;

    rations for troops.

  • nîe hìang;

    revenue; moneys received for the land tax; commissariat funds.

  • cîah hìang;

    rations; allowances for food.

  • sĭ cîah chèng hìang a sĭ cîah keng-cìⁿ hìang?

    Does he live upon the pay of a gunner or of an archer?

  • úa sĭ cîah bé hìang;

    I receive pay as a calvalry soldier.

  • hìang kwn;

    a custom house.

  • lâp hìang;

    to pay duties.

  • sùe hìang;

    collect taxes.

  • hìang ngṳ̂n;

    the money paid or received as duty.

  • cĭeⁿ hìang;

    enter for examination at the custom house.

  • pò̤ hìang;

    inform as to the amount due as excise duty.

  • hìang toaⁿ;

    a certificate that duty has been paid.

  • cáu hìang;

    to smuggle.

  • chê hìang;

    examine the articles subject to duty.

  • phah hìang;

    levy duties.

  • hìang bŭ;

    the business of one in the custom’s service.

  • thiu hìang;

    assess the amount of duty.

  • kùe hìang;

    pass the custom house examination.

  • khieh hìang;

    to collect duties.

  • hìang tǹg;

    a licensed pawnshop.

  • hìang-kwn kâi sùe-bŭ-si;

    the Commissioner of Customs.

  • hìang-kwn tōa sía;

    the chief clerk in the custom house.