A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / hia | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / hia

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  • A flat dipper with a short handle; to dip with a flat dipper.

  • gê-cí hia;

    a dipper made from a cocoa-nut shell.

  • pû-hia;

    a dipper made from a gourdshell.

  • châ pû-hia;

    a broad, flat, wooden dipper.

  • hia nŏ̤ hia sie cúi;

    dip up two dipperfuls of hot water.

  • hia-thâu; hia-hŵn;

    a young slave girl.

  • Boots.

  • cìen hia;

    soldiers’ boots.

  • pang thâu hia;

    square toed boots.

  • tn̄g hia;

    satin boots.

  • pò hia;

    cloth boots.

  • cúi hia;

    boots for wet weather.

  • cêk sang hia;

    a pair of boots.

  • cêk ciah hia;

    one boot.

  • hia tháng; hia àng;


  • hia thâu;

    the toe of a boot.

  • keh hia pê cĭeⁿ;

    like scratching your leg through your boot, unsatisfactory.

  • thǹg tīo hia;

    take off your boots.

  • chēng hia;

    put on or wear boots.

  • hia ciam ôi;

    shoes, like boots without legs.

  • Those; that; what.

  • hía kâi sĭ sĭm-mûeh?

    What are those things?

  • hía nâng lóng-cóng chut khṳ̀;

    those people have all gone out.

  • hía sĭ cò̤-nî īeⁿ?

    In what condition is that one?

  • Red haze or colored clouds.

  • hûn hîa;

    red clouds.

  • chái hîa;

    lurid haze.

  • jît-thâu cĭeⁿ lô̤h kâi sî-hāu ē-ē thóiⁿ-tîeh hîa-kuang bw̄n tău;

    at sunrise and sunset one frequently sees the bright rays shining in all directions.

  • Distant, remote, far off.

  • hṳ́ jît sĭ móng hûang-tì seng-hîa kâi jît-cí;

    that is the day on which a certain emperor departed this life.

  • hîa-huang kâi tī-hng;

    unknown desert regions.

  • A flaw; a defect.

  • bô̤ hîa;


  • bô̤ tíam hîa;

    without defect.

  • pêh gêk bô̤ hîa;

    white jade has no flaw; spotless purity.

  • bô̤ hîa put sêng gêk;

    there is no gem without a flaw.

  • cí kâi mâk-kìaⁿ khah seⁿ hîa, cí tíam hîa tú-tú seⁿ tŏ̤ tìn-tang, bô̤ ēng;

    these spectacles have too many flaws in them, here is one exactly in the middle, rendering them useless.

  • cí kâi kìaⁿ hó̤ căi, tn̆g tíam hîa;

    this lens is very fine, and without flaw.

  • Leisure; unoccupied; relaxation.

  • ôiⁿ-hîa;

    at leisure.

  • bô̤ mih ôiⁿ-hîa;

    has not much leisure.

  • m̄ hîa chim khîu;

    no leisure to inquire deeply.

  • Tiles.

  • sî hĭa;

    thin tiles.

  • piⁿ hĭa;

    thick tiles.

  • kău hĭa;

    tiles for the edge of the roof.

  • chù hĭa;

    tiles for roofing houses.

  • hĭa thâng;

    convex tiles.

  • pho hĭa;

    to lay tiles.

  • hĭa pho lâi bâk-bâk;

    the tiles are laid very close.

  • hĭa pho khah hi;

    the tiles are laid too far apart.

  • Lower; to lower; near.

  • hĭa pín kâi nâng;

    the lower classes.

  • hĭa lîu;

    the baser sort.

  • m̄ sío-lí hĭa mn̄g;

    do not hesitate to ask your inferiors.

  • hĭa chíu;

    to begin to act; to lay hand upon.

  • m̄ káⁿ hĭa chíu;

    dared not put his hand to it.

  • i lâi hĭa cìen-cṳ;

    he sends a challenge.

  • sì hĭa bô̤ nâng;

    there was no one about.

  • lí hĭa i nâng pit ŭ só̤ khîu;

    when one is treated with great deference, some favor is soon to be asked from him.

  • cí kĭaⁿ îeh ŏi hĭa khì;

    this sort of medicine is sedative.

  • hĭa-téng kâi nâng m̄-hó̤ pí sĭang-téng kâi nâng;

    the lower classes of people are not to be put in comparison with the higher.

  • The ant.

  • pêh hĭa;

    white ants.

  • kau hĭa;

    the tall ant.

  • n̂g-si hĭa;

    small red ants.

  • pue hĭa;

    the winged ant.

  • hĭa kong; hĭa ang;

    the queen or leader among the ants.

  • hĭa tàu;

    ants’ nests.

  • hĭa tīn;

    the lines of ants.

  • pêh hĭa cūe;

    the roads made by white ants.

  • hĭa tó̤ pê;

    the ant is crawling.

  • khṳt hĭa nih tîeh;

    bitten by an ant.

  • n̂g-si-hĭa cĭeⁿ pak-kiaⁿ;

    an ant going up to Peking; it is unlikely that the goal will soon be reached.

  • hĭa tó̤ cn̂g;

    the ants are eating it.

  • kìu hĭa;

    to preserve the life of an ant.

  • pêh-thn̂g seⁿ hĭa;

    the sugar has ants in it.

  • hṳ́ cêk koiⁿ chù ŏi cĭeⁿ hĭa a bŏi?

    Is that house infested by ants?

  • màiⁿ seⁿ cúi hĭa cū hó̤;

    if it is neither damp nor infested by ants it will do.

  • cêk sieⁿ mûeh cò̤ cē khṳt pêh hĭa cù tīo;

    the whole box of things has been devoured by the white ants.

  • hĭa tîeh cai tô̤h tīo;

    you must be careful to pick out the ants.

  • jīo tīo hĭa;

    drive out the ants.

  • khà tīo hĭa;

    drive away the ants by tapping the dish.