A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / hîap | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / hîap

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  • To rhyme; to harmonize.

  • hîap ūn;

    to form a rhyme.

  • cí kâi jī lô̤h khṳ̀ m̄ hîap ūn;

    this letter does not form a rhyme with the others.

  • cí kâi jī tîeh thâk hîap im;

    this letter must be so read as to make its sound rhyme with that of the others.

  • To bring into accord; joint; united in.

  • tâng sim, hîap lâk;

    of one mind and acting in concert.

  • tăi-ke hîap-lâk khṳ̀ cò̤;

    all join your forces and go and do it.

  • hîap phōiⁿ tăi-hâk-sṳ̆;

    an assistant cabinet minister.

  • hîap-thâi; hîap-tìn;

    a colonel, usually in charge of a garrison.

  • The flanks; the sides; to intimidate.

  • hîap-ĕ;

    the space on the sides of the human trunk under the arms.

  • pek-hîap;

    to overawe.

  • hîap khŵn-sì;


  • cang ui-sì hîap i;

    used his influence to intimidate him.

  • To press between two.

  • hîap kong;

    to attack on both sides.

  • hîap tòa sai hùe;

    goods smuggled in the girdle.

  • hîap tòa;

    to conceal in the girdle.

  • To cherish or harbour.

  • hîap hîam;

    cherish prejudice.

  • hîap hṳ̆n;

    cherish dislike.

  • hîap chîu;

    harbour enmity.

  • hîap cì i;

    prevent him from appealing by threats of consequences.

  • Ready to maintain another’s cause.

  • kìam hîap;

    a sword which aids a friend in need.

  • hîap kheh;

    a supernatural advocate.

  • hâu-hîap;

    a hero.


  • Blended in views or feelings.

  • hîap-cîap; hîap-hîap cîap-cîap;

    making an unbroken story or circuit; pervading.

  • kà-hùe hîah-cîap;

    imbued with these teachings.