A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / hìⁿ | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / hìⁿ

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  • To sprinkle with a liquid.

  • hìⁿ cúi;

    to sprinkle with water.

  • To fling with a sudden jerk; to shake off.

  • hìⁿ khui;

    cast aside.

  • chíu hìⁿ cheng-khih;

    shake your hands clean of it.

  • hìⁿ tīo eng-têng;

    shake off the dust.

  • cháu-chîeh hìⁿ cheng-khih;

    shake the mat clean.

  • hìⁿ kàu i cêk sin cúi;

    shook himself and spattered the water all over her.

  • hìⁿ măng;

    to shake out a net.

  • i khṳ̀ kìⁿ i, khṳt i hìⁿ pûah lô̤h khṳ̀;

    he went to see him, and was shoved aside by him so rudely that he fell down.

  • i hìⁿ chíu, m̄ khéng lí;

    he flirted his hands as a sign that he would do nothing about it.

  • saⁿ-ńg hìⁿ tît, cò̤ i khṳ̀;

    straightened his sleeves with a flirt, and went off.

  • saⁿ tîeh hìⁿ tît, khṳt i phâk, cìaⁿ bŏi jîo;

    the clothes must be shaken and snapped till they are straight, then when dried they will not be wrinkled.

  • hìⁿ kàu hn̆g-hn̆g lô̤h khṳ̀;

    shook it off so violently that it was flung to a great distance.

  • hìⁿ gê;

    to snap and shake the jaws, as after tasting something that is offensive.

  • nĭo-hóⁿ kă sí-kang-kíaⁿ hìⁿ gê;

    a tiger snapping his jaws after biting into a castaway infant.

  • cêk tńg cū hìⁿ gê;

    if he puts his nose in it once he will not want to do it a second time.

  • The string of a bow.

  • keng hîⁿ; keng cĭeⁿ hîⁿ;

    the string of a bow.

  • phah cêk tîo hó̤-hó̤ kâi keng hîⁿ lâi kah cí kâi keng;

    make a good bow-string for this bow.

  • kîaⁿ keng-hîⁿ pí kîaⁿ keng-pù kṳ̆n ho̤h cōi;

    it is much nearer if you follow the diameter rather than the circumference of the circle.

  • A stringed instrument of music.

  • saⁿ-hîⁿ;

    a three stringed guitar.

  • tôaⁿ saⁿ-hîⁿ;

    thrum on a guitar.

  • kṳ̀ hîⁿ;

    play the violin.

  • jī-hîⁿ;

    a rebeck with two strings.

  • mîaⁿ-ke kṳ̀ jī-hîⁿ;

    skillful in playing the rebeck.

  • gûeh-hîⁿ;

    a round guitar.

  • hîⁿ sùaⁿ tn̆g khṳ̀;

    the string of the fiddle has broken.

  • cêk ki hîⁿ;

    a one stringed fiddle.

  • hîⁿ soiⁿ hûa hó̤;

    first atune the instrument.

  • i ka-kī ŏi kṳ̀ hîⁿ lâi hûa i ka-kī kâi khek;

    he can accompany his own songs on the viol.

  • The ear; the organ of hearing; a handle.

  • hĭⁿ thìaⁿ;


  • hĭⁿ khang;

    the aperture of the ear.

  • hĭⁿ sái;

    ear wax.

  • kau hĭⁿ;

    to scrape the ear passages.

  • kau tīo hĭⁿ-sái;

    to dig the wax out of the car.

  • hĭⁿ tûi;

    the lobe of the ear.

  • hĭⁿ tô̤;

    the ear.

  • hĭⁿ kíaⁿ mn̂g;

    the outer ear.

  • úa chin hĭⁿ thiaⁿ-kìⁿ;

    I heard it with my own ears.

  • hĭⁿ lâng;


  • lâu hĭⁿ lâng-kôi;

    to have matter exude from the ear.

  • hĭⁿ kau;

    ear-rings of a hooked shape.

  • hĭⁿ hŵn;


  • kùa hĭⁿ kàu;

    wears ear-rings.

  • chng hĭⁿ;

    to pierce the ears.

  • hĭⁿ kau-thūi;

    the drops attached to an ear-ring.

  • thong hŵn hĭⁿ kau;

    an ear-ring with a pendant ring.

  • sŭn huang hĭⁿ;

    an ear that detects a favorable wind.

  • choiⁿ lí ngán, bw̄n lí hĭⁿ;

    eyes that see a thousand miles, and ears that hear ten thousand miles; the two attendants of the Queen of Heaven.

  • hĭⁿ lāi căi;

    has sharp ears.

  • sak hĭⁿ khang;

    to plug up the ears.

  • aⁿ hĭⁿ khang;

    to cover the ears with the hands.

  • hĭⁿ khang sak cháu cúa, màiⁿ khṳ̀ thiaⁿ i;

    stuff your ears with brown paper, and do not heed him.

  • cía ūe cē thiaⁿ cū tîeh sóiⁿ hĭⁿ;

    after hearing this talk one should wash his ears.

  • hĭⁿ mâk chùi phīⁿ seⁿ lâi lóng-cóng ngía;

    all his features are handsome.

  • hĭⁿ chôiⁿ;

    an ear-broom.

  • uai hĭⁿ;

    to clean out the ears.

  • kuah tīo hĭⁿ;

    to cut off the ears.

  • cai hĭⁿ cìⁿ;

    wear an arrow through the ear as a punishment.

  • hĭⁿ pê;

    an ear-rake.

  • pit-pô̤ hĭⁿ;


  • hĭⁿ pô̤ khàm-khàm;

    lop eared.

  • hĭⁿ khìa-khìa tīam-tīam thiaⁿ;

    ears alert listening intently.

  • ue hĭⁿ;

    the ears of a pot.

  • hóⁿ hĭⁿ cháu;

    the strawberry geranium.

  • ŭ cêk khí ciⁿ bō̤, ŭ nŏ̤ kâi hĭⁿ hó̤ khàm hĭⁿ;

    there is a sort of felt cap with tabs to cover the ears.

  • hĭⁿ cím;

    a pillow having a hollow for the ear.

  • tíaⁿ-kíaⁿ hĭⁿ;

    the ears of an iron pan.

  • sang pôiⁿ cò̤ nŏ̤ kâi hĭⁿ hó̤ khîeh;

    make ears on the two sides to hold it by.

  • àiⁿ lîah ngio to sĭ kŭaⁿ i kâi hĭⁿ ío cōi;

    in catching a kitten one generally holds it up by the ears.