A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / g | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / g

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  • Bovine animals; kine; cattle.

  • cêk ciah gû;

    an ox.

  • gû kó, gû bó, gû kíaⁿ;

    a bull, a cow, and a calf.

  • cúi-gû;

    the water buffalo.

  • sai-gû;

    a rhinoceros.

  • n̂g-gû; má-gû;

    a cow.

  • suaⁿ gû;

    cattle that do not frequent the water.

  • gû-nêk;


  • gû-nĭ;


  • gû-lâ;


  • gû-nĭ-píaⁿ;


  • gû-nî-îu;


  • gû-phôk;

    cow’s hump.

  • gû-phûe;

    leather, cowhide.

  • gû-n̂g;


  • gû peh-cheh;

    the manyplus of an ox.

  • līu gû-nĭ;

    to milk a cow.

  • chĭ gû;

    to keep cows.

  • khang gû;

    to tend cows.

  • gû mô̤ⁿ chut tŏ̤ gû sin téng;

    cow-hair comes from cows; you get your income from what you invest your money in.

  • chie gû-kó;

    a steer.

  • gû-kíaⁿ m̄ pat hóⁿ;

    a calf is ignorant about tigers.

  • tī-gû ūaⁿ koiⁿ;

    the ox that supports the earth shifts it on his shoulders; an earthquake.

  • gû oi bō̤;

    a mill turned by cattle.

  • gû-mâk-aⁿ;

    blinds for cattle.

  • gû-taⁿ-wn;

    an ox yoke.

  • gû koiⁿ;

    a cow house.

  • cíeⁿ gû kâi a-noⁿ-kíaⁿ;

    a cow boy.

  • gû tô;

    a slaughter house.

  • gû-kṳn;

    ox sinews.

  • chng tîeh gû phīⁿ;

    perforate the nose of an ox.

  • nâng ùi jī, gû ùi phīⁿ;

    people dread written agreements as the ox dreads the nose ring.

  • gû-thâu thâk khòi;

    read the deed of sale at the ox’s head.

  • cí ciah gû ŏi híaⁿ nâng;

    this ox is apt to hook people.

  • khṳt gû tak tîeh;

    gored by an ox.

  • nâng sim-kuaⁿ, gû saí-tó;

    people have hearts, and cattle have paunches.

  • gû kâi ni-pô;

    a cow’s udder.

  • gû kâi ni-thâu;

    a cow’s teats.

  • tî-gû;

    a tadpole.