A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / eng | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / eng

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  • Right and proper; should be.

  • eng-kai; tng-eng-kâi;

    ought; should.

  • lṳ́ eng-kai hâiⁿ i;

    you ought to repay him.

  • kham eng-kai cìeⁿ-seⁿ;

    it ought to be so.

  • pńg eng-kâi kâi;

    that which it is one’s duty to do.

  • sĭ úa eng hun cò̤ kâi;

    it is what it is my duty to do.

  • i eng-tit kâi cîⁿ;

    the money that he ought properly to get.

  • m̄ eng-kai cìeⁿ-seⁿ;

    ought not to be thus.

  • sĭm sĭ siang eng;

    is eminently suitable.

  • The parrot kind.

  • eng-bú;

    a parrot.

  • eng-ko̤;

    the macaw.

  • pêh eng-bú;

    the cockatoo.

  • eng-bú īa ŏi tàⁿ ūe, nâng ā sĭ thû-thû ŏi tàⁿ ūe, m̄ pat lói-ngĭ, khá m̄ sĭ kio eng-bú cêk ĭeⁿ?

    Parrots can talk, and if a person can merely talk, without any understanding of propriety in talking, is he not like a parrot?

  • A carbuncle, or abscess.

  • seⁿ eng;

    have an abscess.

  • cí kâi eng chut lâng ău ŭ kúi kâi chng-kháu;

    this abscess, after breaking, had several openings.

  • A certain sort of fringe.

  • âng eng bō̤;

    a hat with red fringes.

  • tì cam-eng bō̤;

    wear a conical fringed hat.

  • eng bō̤ chiu;

    the fringe worn on hats.

  • lú tō cam-eng;

    hat fringe that has served several generations.

  • tùe cêk phau âng eng;

    had a tuft of red fringe attached to it.

  • An infant.

  • eng jî;

    a young child.

  • iôk eng tn̂g;

    a foundling hospital.

  • The cherry.

  • kim-eng;


  • eng-thô̤;

    the red peach.

  • eng-thô̤ chùi;

    cherry lips.

  • kim-eng ko̤;

    cherry paste.

  • Brave and eminent.

  • eng-mêng;


  • eng khì pŵt-pŵt;

    of fine presence.

  • eng-hîong;

    heroes; manly.

  • eng cîeh;

    blue limestone.

  • To fly into the eyes.

  • eng tîeh mâk;

    got some dust in his eyes.

  • lṳ́ kâi mâk miⁿ-miⁿ m̄ káⁿ tìeⁿ khui sĭ khṳt sĭm-mih kâi eng tîeh a m̄ sĭ?

    You shut your eyes and dare not open them because you have got something in them, is not that it?

  • cí khí mûeh m̄-hó̤ eng tîeh, eng tîeh cū cheⁿ-meⁿ;

    do not get this in your eyes, if you do it will blind you.

  • A term for all accipitrine birds, as the eagle, hawk, kite and falcon.

  • eng cío;

    an eagle.

  • eng mâk;


  • eng phīⁿ;

    a hooked beak; an aquiline nose.

  • i kô ciah eng khṳ̀ pàng;

    he made a kite in the form of an eagle, and flew it.

  • lĭo-eng-pô̤;

    a hawk.

  • eng ngṳ̂n;

    dollars having an eagle on them.

  • ciah eng sût lô̤h lâi tìo koi-kíaⁿ;

    an eagle swooped down and carried off a chicken.

  • eng-îang;

    soaring falcons; warriors who at first were private soldiers.

  • cò̤-pû khṳ̀ cîah eng-îang àng;

    go together to the soldiers’ banquet.


  • Dust; motes in the air.

  • pŭaⁿ tīo eng-têng;

    brush off the dust.

  • pŭaⁿ tīo eng-têng pue cêk koiⁿ;

    after the dusting, the dust flies all through the room.

  • hìeⁿ kú bô̤ sàu i cū chĭe eng-têng;

    it has not been swept for so long a time that the dust has settled over everything.

  • eng-têng chóiⁿ cheng-khih lío cē sàu cū seⁿ eng-teng;

    when you have brushed off all the dust, as soon as you sweep again it is dusty.


  • The poppy.

  • eng-sok khak;

    the capsules of the poppy plant.

  • eng-sok bí;

    poppy seeds.

  • a-phìen-hun sĭ eng-sok cò̤ kâi;

    opium is made from the poppy.

  • kim bô̤ nâng cèng eng-sok;

    prohibit the cultivation of the poppy.

  • Waves.

  • cúi-éng;


  • huang éng tōa;

    it is very windy and the waves are high.

  • ŭ huang éng;

    the sea is rough.

  • bô̤ huang éng;

    smooth waters.

  • ŭ sî sui-sĭ ŭ huang to bô̤ mih éng;

    sometimes although there is wind the waves are not high.

  • màiⁿ khṳt éng-chiu pun cêk sin;

    do not let the spray dash over you.

  • éng kau;

    the trough of the wave.

  • éng pêh-pêh éng cū sĭ tōa;

    if the waves are white they are high.

  • cûn-thâu chīeⁿ éng-kak;

    head the boat to the crest of the wave.

  • To fulfill; to meet expectation; a response.

  • kàu ău-lâi cin èng-ngīam i kâi ūe;

    afterward his prophecy was really fulfilled.

  • cêk èng kŭ chŵn;

    all completely furnished.

  • i būe cêng èng sêng;

    he has not yet answcred the request.

  • èng-ngīam kâi lîang hng;

    a verified prescription.

  • khṳ̀ ciap-èng i;

    go and reinforce him.

  • keng-èng kàu kàu;

    to entertain very hospitably.

  • tit sim èng chíu;

    meets my expectations.

  • kám èng;

    to reverberate.

  • suaⁿ mêng kok èng;

    the hills and valleys echo.

  • ŭ khîu pit èng;

    if there be prayer, there will certainly be response.

  • khîu khṳ̀ ŭ èng;

    there is response to the appeal.

  • To pour on in small quantities.

  • khîeh cho̤h cúi khṳ̀ èng hue;

    get some water and water the shrubs.

  • èng keⁿ-chài;

    water the vegetables.

  • The Convolvulus reptans*, whose stem and leaves are mucilaginous, and are eaten as a vegetable.

  • bói pé èng-chài lâi cîah lîang;

    buy a bunch of this vegetable and eat it for its cooling effect.

  • cúi èng, hn̂g èng;

    the water-grown, and the land grown varieties.

  • Pregnant.

  • ŭ ĕng; tó tèng ŭ ĕng; hûai ĕng;

    with child.

  • Use; to use; to employ.

  • bô̤ ēng; bô̤ tèng ēng;


  • ŭ ēng;


  • sái ēng;

    to make use of.

  • hùi-ēng;

    to wear out.

  • jît ēng;

    in constant use.

  • hua ēng;

    to use wastefully.

  • khĭam ēng;

    use sparingly.

  • cak-ēng;


  • tăi ēng;

    very useful.

  • màiⁿ ēng i;

    do not employ him.

  • tîeh ēng i;

    needs employ him.

  • àiⁿ cò̤ mih ēng?

    Of what use is it?

  • àiⁿ ēng sĭm mûeh?

    What use will you put it to?

  • ēng tîeh a m̄ ēng tîeh?

    Will it do for this use or not?

  • lṳ́ cò̤ ēng cìeⁿ-seⁿ?

    What use is there in your doing so?

  • mín ēng;

    it is needless.

  • ēng ì sṳ̀;

    use your judgment.

  • ēng kha ēng chíu;

    use hands and feet.

  • ēng hĭⁿ lâi thiaⁿ, ēng mâk lâi thóiⁿ;

    use your ears and eyes.

  • ēng pit sĭ cò̤-nî ēng cìaⁿ tit huap?

    In using the pen how is it to be used so as to be in accordance with the rules?

  • chŵn ēng;

    wholly available.

  • chŵn-chŵn bô̤ ēng;

    completely useless for the purpose?

  • bô̤ thang ēng;

    have nothing to use for the purpose.

  • cok cîah cok ēng;

    enough to live upon.

  • ēng ŵn;

    all used up.

  • ēng m̄ ŵn;

    more than can be used.

  • cieh lṳ́ ēng;

    lend to you to use.

  • ke ēng kâi mûeh;

    a thing of many uses.

  • ēng cîⁿ ēng ngṳ̂n;

    lay out money.

  • ēng sim cò̤;

    do it faithfully.

  • ēng lâk;

    expend force.

  • kong ēng;

    for public use.

  • cèng nâng kong ēng;

    used by all in common.

  • sai-khia ēng;

    for private use.

  • lṳ́ chì ēng thóiⁿ cē;

    you give it a trial.

  • màiⁿ thèng ēng;

    do not use it in all sorts of ways.

  • hó̤ ēng lṳ́;

    may avail myself of your services.

  • uaⁿ ēng cìeⁿ-seⁿ?

    Why make such use of it?

  • khuaⁿ sî mûeh, kín sî ēng;

    what is made in leisure hours, comes into use in emergencies.

  • i kâi ēng-tō khĭam;

    his outlays are very carefully made.