A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / cun | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / cun

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  • A bottle or flask.

  • hûi cun, po̤-lî cun;

    earthen or glass bottles.

  • cêk kâi cun;

    a bottle.

  • cúi cun;

    a water bottle.

  • îu cun;

    an oil can.

  • kúi ki cíu cun;

    several wine bottles.

  • cun-thak;

    the stopper of a bottle.

  • cun-thak pôih chut lâi;

    take out the stopper.

  • cun sak miⁿ-miⁿ;

    cork the bottle tightly.

  • cun chùi khîeh cúa sak miⁿ;

    take some paper and stop the mouth of the bottle tightly.

  • cun kùa;

    the cover of a flask.

  • cêk cun cíu;

    a bottle of liquor.

  • cun hĭⁿ;

    the handle of a flask.

  • ŭ lâng-ló̤ tùe tŏ̤ cun tói;

    there is a little adhering to the bottom of the bottle.

  • tn̂g ăm cun;

    a long necked flask.

  • cun tn̆g cheng-khih;

    rinse the bottle clean.

  • khui cun;

    open a bottle.

  • chò tò̤ jîp cun tói;

    pour the vinegar into the bottle.

  • To venerate.

  • cun-kèng;

    show respect toward.

  • cun-tŏng i;

    evince esteem for.

  • cun-kùi kâi nâng;

    an honored personage.

  • bô̤ cun i cò̤ tōa;

    does not pay respect to him as to a superior.

  • cun-hôk;

    be subservient through esteem.

  • cía sĭ cun-cheng i kâi ūe;

    this language is used in expressing reverence for him.

  • ŭ cun pui tōa sòi kâi lói-sìo;

    there are certain forms of etiquette appropriate between the high and the low, the old and the young.

  • i m̄ cun i;

    he does not pay respect to him.

  • lĕng cun;

    your father.

  • cun kè;

    respected sir.

  • cêk cun hût;

    a Buddhist idol.

  • i keng lăi sai ŭ kúi cun lău-îa;

    in their temple they have several gods.

  • cì-cun;

    the Emperor.

  • cun cíang;

    elderly honored persons.

  • cun i cò̤ tōa;

    treat him as your elder.

  • hú-cun;

    the prefect.

  • To conform to; to follow orders.

  • cun huap-lût;

    obey the laws.

  • cun mĕng;

    obey orders.

  • cun kîaⁿ;

    carry out the instructions.

  • lím cun;

    lím-lím cun; conform exactly.

  • cun-chông i kâi ūe;

    carried out his directions.

  • i m̄ cun;

    he does not comply.

  • cò̤ mih sṳ̄ to̤ sĭ cun lói-huap;

    in whatever he does he acts in conformity with the regulations.

  • cêk pôiⁿ cun tẁn, cêk pôiⁿ m̄ cun tẁn;

    partly followed the instructions and partly disobeyed them.

  • kŭ cun;

    carry out all orders.

  • To grant, permit, or allow.

  • cún a m̄ cún?

    Did he grant your request or not?

  • cún lṳ́ khîu;

    grant your petition.

  • cún i cìeⁿ-seⁿ kîaⁿ;

    permit him to do thus.

  • úa ṳ̆-soiⁿ cún-pĭ hó̤ lío;

    I am already prepared to grant it.

  • càu cún;

    the memorial is granted.

  • pín cún kùe kâi;

    a petition that was granted.

  • A gauge; to adjust; exact; true.

  • ŭ cún ŭ sîn tīaⁿ-tīaⁿ tîeh-tîeh;

    made exact with water level and plumb line.

  • cò̤ mih sṳ̄ ŭ cún-sîn;

    there are right methods for doing everything.

  • úa cí kâi sî-ceng sĭang cún;

    this clock of mine is very accurate.

  • cí kâi sî-pie cún a m̄ cún?

    Does this watch keep correct time?

  • úa cí kâi sî-pie jû kèng cún;

    my watch is more nearly correct.

  • cún-cún hó̤;

    exactly adjusted.

  • cò̤ sṳ̄ ŭ tīaⁿ cún;

    do things by exact measurements.

  • cìeⁿ-seⁿ cún tîeh;

    that is exactly right.

  • lîah kàu cún-cún;

    hold it true.

  • cìⁿ sīa khṳ̀ ŭ cún;

    the arrow was shot in a right line.

  • i kâi cún-thâu hó̤ câi;

    its gauge is very perfect.

  • cún hīn-khek sĭ ēng cò̤ tī-chín;

    now-a-days a plumb line is used instead of a water-level.

  • One of a thousand; remark able.

  • cùn-sìu;

    one of superior natural abilities; one preeminent among the many.

  • i sĭ îu cùn-sìu kien kâi a sĭ ŭ tí-cṳ́ kâi?

    Was he appointed to office on account of his superior talents, or on account of his having taken a degree?

  • Steep; lofty.

  • kau suaⁿ cùn nía;

    precipitous mountain passes.

  • An abyss.

  • cùn hô̤;

    to deepen a river.

  • cùn hô̤ kêk;

    a deep bend in a stream.

  • To stop from work, having finished the task.

  • tiang-sî cùn kang?

    When will the work be finished?

  • cùn kang ău cū chíaⁿ sai-pĕ;

    after the work is finished, the master workmen will be invited to a supper.

  • hŵn-lío būe cùn kang;

    have not yet finished the work.

  • kang-thîaⁿ tōa căi, cò̤ ku-ā nî cìaⁿ cùn kang;

    it is a big job that it will take several years to finish.


  • A stately, well shaped horse.

  • cùn-bé;

    noble steeds, of which Mah-wang of Cheu had eight.

  • i kâi sìⁿ kut kuah cò̤ poih cùu-bé;

    the ribs of his fan had the eight steeds carved thereon.

  • A boat or ship.

  • cêk ciah cûn;

    a boat.

  • cûn ciah;


  • tōa ciah cûn;

    large boats.

  • cûn kíaⁿ;

    small boats.

  • âng thâu cûn;


  • cêk pang cûn;

    a fleet.

  • tō cûn;

    a ferry boat.

  • húe-cûn; húe-lûn-cûn;


  • cìen cûn;

    a man-of-war.

  • piaⁿ cûn;

    a gunboat.

  • po̤h cāi cûn;

    a huckster’s boat.

  • kuaⁿ cûn;

    a mandarin’s boat.

  • sûn hô̤ cûn;

    a boat which patrols the river.

  • ah cûn;

    guard boats.

  • poih cíeⁿ cûn;

    eight oared boats.

  • sam páng cûn;

    small row boats.

  • pha hṳ̂ cûn;

    a fishing boat.

  • ngŏ tó cûn;

    a cargo boat.

  • kap-páng cûn;

    a sailing ship.

  • lâk phâng cûn;

    a full rigged ship.

  • cûn cú;

    the owner of the vessel, or its captain.

  • cûn tèng kâi húe-tíeⁿ;

    the chief officer of a vessel.

  • cûn tèng kâi tăi-kong;

    the steersman.

  • cûn-thâu-kẃn;

    harbour master.

  • lô̤h cûn;

    to embark.

  • cĭeⁿ cûn;

    to disembark.

  • sái cûn;

    to sail a boat.

  • kîaⁿ cûn;

    run a boat, or be a sailor.

  • theⁿ cûn, kò̤ cûn;

    to pole or to row a boat.

  • ló cûn;

    to scull a boat.

  • lîah cûn búe;

    to steer.

  • tŏa cûn;

    to tow a boat.

  • thóiⁿ huang sái cûn;

    to run a sail boat.

  • khui cûn;

    start the boat.

  • pâk cûn;

    tie up a boat.

  • cùn phâng, cûn tŏa, cûn ûi;

    the sail, rudder and masts of a boat.

  • cûn thâu, cûn búe, cûn tói, cûn po̤-kîⁿ, cûn po̤-mīn;

    the bow, the stern, the hull, the bulwarks, and the deck of a boat.

  • cûn chng;

    the hatches.

  • cûn cíeⁿ;

    an oar.

  • cûn àiⁿ kò̤ cíeⁿ a àiⁿ sái phâng?

    Do you wish to row or to sail?

  • kîaⁿ-cûn cáu-bé saⁿ hun mīaⁿ;

    sailors and couriers do not live out half their days.

  • kîaⁿ-cûn, khĭa-phò put lî pùaⁿ pō;

    sailors and shopkeepers cannot leave their work by so much as half a step.

  • cwn kò ciah cûn;

    chartered a boat.

  • lâi tah cûn;

    came on board.

  • tah m̄ tîeh cûn;

    missed the boat.

  • châk cûn;

    a pirate vessel.

  • lîah cûn;

    seize a boat.

  • huang cûn;

    impress a boat.

  • cĭeⁿ nâng cûn àiⁿ nâng cûn cáu;

    wish a speedy trip to the boat that carries you.

  • tō cûu tah nâng kùe khoi;

    only a bearer of other people’s messages.

  • kîaⁿ cûn bô̤ thăi pĕ;

    no waiting even for a father.

  • cûn tó̤ thìo;

    the boat is pitching.

  • To wring; to wrench by twisting.

  • úa cŭn m̄ tn̆g, lṳ́ lâi cŭn;

    I cannot wrench it off, you come and try.

  • cía so̤h àu lío, cē cŭn cū tn̆g;

    this rope is rotten, and if you give it a twist it will break.

  • saⁿ sói lío, cŭn ta-ta;

    wash the jacket, then wring it dry.

  • pò cŭn m̄ ta, chit lío cū lok-lok;

    if you do not wring the cloth dry, the thing will still be dripping with water after you have wiped it.

  • cŭn i kâi ăm;

    wring its neck.

  • cŭn sí;

    to strangle by wrenching the neck.

  • A gust, blast, burst, or time; a shower; a short space; transitory; a little while.

  • cêk cūn huang, cêk cūn hŏ;

    a gust of wind, and a shower of rain.

  • cêk cūn kng, cêk cūn àm;

    light and darkness alternating at short intervals.

  • cêk cūn khui, cêk cūn bûa;

    recedes and approaches alternately.

  • hía in cêk cūn cêk cūn lí-lí phû khí lâi;

    the smoke keeps rising puff after puff.

  • cêk cūn thìaⁿ cêk cūn;

    the pain comes on in spasms of increasing violence.

  • cūn sie, cūn chìn;

    first hot and then cold.

  • cūn kûaⁿ, cūn jûah;

    chills and fever rapidly alternating.

  • ni-cūn;

    the time when milk is secreted in the breast.

  • i cí-hûe ni-cūn lâi, méⁿ-méⁿ phŏ̤ a-nôⁿ khṳ̀ cîah nĭ;

    the milk is now come in her breast, carry the baby quickly and let it nurse.

  • cêk cūn jīo kùe lâi, cêk cūn jīo kùe khṳ̀;

    they drove each to and fro, as the fortunes of war shitted.