A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / cui | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / cui

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  • A point; an apex; a sharp pointed tool.

  • bô̤ lîp cui cṳ tī;

    not even a spot where you could put down the point of a pin.

  • ín cui chǹg kó;

    pierced his thigh with the point.

  • To jut out; projecting.

  • phīⁿ cui-cui, mâk thó-thó;

    his nose is large, and his eyes protuberant.

  • hṳ́-kò̤ ío cui, hṳ́-kò̤ ío thap;

    there it juts out and there it juts in.

  • phīⁿ cui li pó mâk thap;

    the projection of the nose makes up for the hollowness of the eyes; the beauty of one part compensates for the ugliness of another.

  • tìn-tang cui khí lâi;

    the center juts out.

  • A black horse.

  • o-cui bé;

    a coal black steed.

  • Water, the first of the five elements; liquid.

  • ká thn̂g-cúi cîah;

    stir up some sweetened water to drink.

  • khîeh cho̤h thn̂g khṳ̀ thàu lîang cúi cîah;

    put some sugar into cold water and drink it.

  • cíaⁿ cúi;

    fresh water.

  • kîam cúi;

    salt water.

  • céⁿ cúi;

    well water.

  • khoi cúi;

    river water.

  • kheⁿ cúi;

    water from a pool.

  • hŏ̤ cúi;

    rain water.

  • hái cúi;

    sea water.

  • hŏ-sùaⁿ cúi;

    water running from an umbrella.

  • lîm-cîⁿ cúi;

    water from the eaves.

  • tîe cúi;

    tidal waters.

  • lâu cúi;

    the tides.

  • lâu-cúi khó̤ a tĭⁿ;

    is the tide falling or rising?

  • lâu-cúi ta;

    the tide is at its lowest ebb.

  • cúi-síu;

    a waterman.

  • cúi-kieh;

    passage money.

  • cúi po̤-hûn;


  • cúi tōa;

    the water is rising.

  • cúi-chia;

    a water wheel.

  • sàng cúi-lói;

    send a present of eatables.

  • cho̤h cúi pun úa cîah;

    give me a drink of water.

  • sŭn cúi;

    go with the current.

  • ngêk cúi;

    go against the current.

  • taⁿ cui;

    carry water.

  • cêk tih cúi;

    a drop of water.

  • cêk tíam cúi;

    a very little water.

  • cúi-húe-po;

    a man of all work.

  • sit cúi;

    lost at sea.

  • tâu cúi; thìo cúi;

    to jump overboard.

  • pûah lô̤h cúi;

    fell into the water.

  • ŏi khṳt cúi kek sí a bŏi?

    Was he drowned?

  • m̄ hâh cúi thó;

    the climate is unsuited to him.

  • câp jît cúi lō;

    ten days journey by water.

  • léng nâng lô̤h cúi;

    pushed some one into the water.

  • mâng i lô̤h cúi;

    pulled him into the water.

  • kún cúi;

    boiling water.

  • chìn cúi; lîang cúi;

    cold water.

  • sie cúi;

    hot water.

  • cúi húe bô̤ chêng;

    fire and water show each other no favor.

  • îeⁿ hue, cúi sèⁿ;

    specious and unstable.

  • thâu cúi;

    the best brand.

  • jī cúi;

    inferior sorts.

  • cúi cheⁿ;

    the planet Mercury.

  • cúi ngṳ̂n;


  • ngṳ̂n cúi;

    an allowance for surplus weight in silver coins.

  • cúi côk kâi mûeh;

    aquatic tribes.

  • cúi lô̤h cîeh chut;

    when the water falls the stones appear; murder will out.

  • phùn cêk sin cúi;

    spattered all over with water.

  • i ŏi sîu cúi;

    he can swim.

  • bī cúi;

    dive into the water.

  • phû tŏ̤ cúi mīn;

    floats on the surface of the water.

  • tîm lô̤h cúi tói;

    sinks to the bottom of the water.

  • cúi lō khui-thong;

    the passage is clear.

  • phīⁿ cúi;

    mucous from the nose.

  • nŭaⁿ cúi;


  • lan̂g cúi;


  • hueh cúi;

    the serum of the blood.

  • lō cúi;


  • mâk îeh cúi;


  • îeh cúi;

    liquid medicines.

  • cúi-cúi;


  • keng cúi;

    thien kùi cúi; the menstrual flow.

  • sĭen cúi khui;

    incontinence of urine.

  • cúi chim a chíen?

    Is the water deep or shallow?

  • cúi cheng a lô̤?

    Is the water clear or turbid?

  • cí-kò̤ ŭ jîeh cōi sîam cui?

    How many fathoms of water here?

  • cúi sek ngía căi;

    the complexion derived from drinking the water of the place, is very fine.

  • sek cúi ngía;

    the color is beautiful.

  • i cîah m̄ tîeh cúi thó;

    the climate of the place does not agree with him.

  • cúi-kng;

    a water jar.

  • cúi-kóng;

    a long handled dipper.

  • cúi-tháng;

    water buckets.

  • èng cúi;

    sprinkle it with water.

  • ak cúi;

    pour water on it.

  • hŏ-cúi ak kàu tâm-tâm;

    wet by rain.

  • cúi-éng;


  • thó̤iⁿ huang-cúi;

    to consider the geomantic influence.

  • cúi sṳ-îaⁿ;

    the coast officers.

  • àiⁿ kîaⁿ lêk lō a kîaⁿ cúi lō?

    Are you going by land or by water?

  • lā-lûn-sie cúi;

    tepid water.

  • cúi-lāu;

    a filter.

  • Of an evil spirit.

  • kúi-cúi;

    cross, perverse.

  • kúi-kúi cúi-cúi;


  • i kâi cò̤ sṳ̄ kúi-cúi căi;

    he acts very wildly.

  • sĭm-mûeh tó̤ cak cúi?

    What has set him to acting as if he were possessed?

  • To talk much.

  • îu-cúi;

    glib-tongued; specious; insinuating and deceptive speech.

  • i tó̤ îu-cúi kâi;

    he is wheedling him.

  • i kâi tàⁿ-ūe îu-îu cúi-cúi, bô̤ tieh-sît;

    his talk is all palaver, with no honest purpose in it.

  • Drunk; fuddled; stupefied.

  • cîah cíu cùi;

    become intoxicated.

  • cîah kàu ma-ma-cùi;

    drink till maudlin drunk.

  • m̄-hó̤ cîah kàu cùi;

    do not drink to excess.

  • jú cùi jú chi;

    the more tipsy the more stupid.

  • m̄ cai cùi;

    not affected by liquor.

  • cíu m̄ cùi nâng, nâng cṳ̆ cùi;

    when not made a fool of by liquor, he is a fool of himself.

  • bô̤ cíu, saⁿ hun cùi;

    without having drunken he is half drunk; without being tipsy he acts like a simpleton.

  • tèⁿ cùi;

    feigns drunkenness.

  • sui cùi sui tīaⁿ;

    although drunk he knows what he is about.

  • cùi-ngán mông-lông;

    dazed as if by liquor.

  • cuì-ong;


  • ût kàu cùi-cùi;

    sleep very soundly.

  • i tó̤ cùi cíu;

    he is drinking to intoxication.

  • saⁿ tǹg cùi cíu;

    drinks to intoxication every meal.

  • lṳ́ màiⁿ cùi;

    don’t be silly.

  • cùi kàu lok-lok;

    as drunk as possible.

  • cùi kàu mîⁿ-mîⁿ;

    dead drunk.

  • cie cŭi;

    go to live with a father-in-law.

  • A substitute; a vice; an aid; secondary; supplementary.

  • hú-cŭi;

    a deputy sub-prefect.

  • i tó̤ cò̤ hú-cŭi;

    he is acting as deputy sub-prefect.

  • hú-cŭi kìⁿ hú-cìaⁿ-tn̂g ēng kîaⁿ sĭm-mih lói?

    What are the formalities to be observed by the deputy sub-prefect when visiting the prefect?

  • A dog rushing from a cover; abrupt; precipitate.

  • cŭi-jîen cū ngŏ̤ tîeh;

    came upon him very precipitately.

  • chang-cŭi cṳ kang, pĭen m̄ mêng-pêh;

    in the hurry and flurry of the moment did not discriminate clearly.