A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / coih | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / coih

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  • To sop up.

  • khîeh kò̤ pò khṳ̀ coih ta;

    take a piece of cloth and sop it up dry.

  • ēng mîⁿ khṳ̀ coih kàu ta-ta;

    take some raw cotton and sop it all up dry.

  • A festival; a period of time.

  • coih khi;

    coih hāu; stated times.

  • sî coih;

    times; the terms.

  • poih coih;

    the solstices, the equinoxes, and the beginnings of the four seasons.

  • cò̤ coih;

    kùe coih; to keep holiday.

  • coih kôih;

    the two or three days succeeding a festival.

  • ngŵn sio coih;

    the 15th of the first month, called the feast of lanterns.

  • cheng-mêng coih;

    clear bright weather; the time of worship at the graves of ancestors, in the second or third month.

  • ngŏ gûeh coih;

    the fifth day of the fifth month, the the festival of dragon boats.

  • chit gûeh pùaⁿ coih;

    the middle of the seventh month, when offerings are made to the childless spirits.

  • tong chiu coih;

    the middle of the eighth month, when the moon is worshipped.

  • tang coih;

    the winter solstice, in the eleventh month.

  • nî coih;

    the annual festivals.

  • tōa coih;

    the great festivals.

  • sàng coih;

    make holiday presents.

  • coih lói;

    the presents appropriate to the time; the compliments of the seasons.

  • To cut off; to intercept; to slice with a downward stroke of the knife; slices.

  • côih cò̤ kûeh;

    cut in two.

  • màiⁿ côih tn̆g;

    do not cut it off.

  • cò̤ nŏ̤ saⁿ côih;

    make two or three cuts of it.

  • cīeⁿ côih ĕ côih;

    the upper portion and the under portion.

  • côih lō chíeⁿ-kiap;

    to waylay and plunder.

  • côih cŭ;


  • pìn cí-kò̤ côih;

    cut it off from this point.

  • côih cò̤ ku-ā tn̄g;

    cut it into several regular pieces.

  • côih phìen;

    cut it in flakes.

  • côih si;

    cut it in shreds.

  • côih cêk cak cêk cak;

    cut it in sections.

  • cí ki to̤ bŏi lāi, bô̤ mih hó̤ côih;

    this knife is not sharp, and is not very good to cut with.

  • côih nêk, côih hṳ̂;

    to slice meat or fish.

  • hóⁿ-thâu côih;

    to guillotine.

  • côih tīo thâu;

    to decapitate.

  • côih îeh;

    cut up drugs.

  • cám côih;

    chop up.

  • cêk to̤ côih;

    one style of slicing.

  • àiⁿ côih sie tùi;

    slice them so that the slice will be unbroken.

  • màiⁿ côih li;

    do not break the slices in the cutting.

  • cíam-côih;

    smoothly cut.

  • cíam-cíam côih-côih;

    concise and accurate.

  • ūe tàⁿ lâi cíam-côih căi;

    the language is terse and clear.

  • ka kàu cíam-côih cíam-côih;

    clean cut, with shears.