A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / cien | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / cien

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  • To boil in fat; to stew.

  • ēng îu cien a ēng lâ cien?

    Do you fry it in oil or in lard?

  • cien îeh;

    to stew medicines.

  • úaⁿ pùaⁿ cien poih hun;

    stew it down one fifth of its bulk.

  • pùaⁿ cien cṳ́;

    boiled in fat and water.

  • àiⁿ cien àiⁿ chá sûi tŏ̤ lṳ́;

    suit your own taste in having it fried in much or in little fat.

  • To expose to the sun; to sun.

  • ciang-sî kâi jît mín cien khùn-kíaⁿ cū ta;

    with the sun as it now is, it need sun but a very little while in order to be dry.

  • kûe-sìⁿ màiⁿ pái-pàng-kò̤ cien jît, cien jît lío khah so, īu àiⁿ wn;

    do not spread the palm leaf fans in the sun, for if they lie in the sun they will get too dry and will curl up.

  • Note paper.

  • cien cúa;

    flowered note paper.

  • hue cien;

    billet paper.

  • lâh cien;

    glazed note paper.

  • kòng cien; sìn cien; letter paper.

  • To cut and trim with shears.

  • ŏi châi ŏi cíen;

    can cut and fit garments.

  • cíen kàu chùi-chùi;

    snip it up fine with shears.

  • cíen cò̤ nŏ̤ kûeh;

    cut it in two.

  • cíen níu;

    a cutpurse; a pickpocket.

  • Presents given to friends going on a journey, or as tokens of remembrance.

  • cíen ngî; cíen kîaⁿ; cíen pîet; cíen níu;

    parting presents.

  • To ascertain the state of.

  • cíen mêh;

    to feel the pulse.

  • To exterminate.

  • pău cíen thien mûeh;

    recklessly destroy heaven’s gifts.

  • To trample on.

  • cṳ̆ siang cíen tâh;

    trampled upon each other, as in a battle or in flight.

  • Pustules.

  • tāu cíen;

    small pox pustules.

  • War; battle; to fight.

  • kio i tùi cìen;

    made war against them.

  • cìen-tîeⁿ tèng, ŭ khí sĭ pō-cìen, ŭ khí sĭ bé-cìen, ŭ khí cìen îaⁿ, ŭ khí cìen su, ŭ khí cìen kàu sí, ŭ khí tit tîeh cìen kong;

    on the battle field, there are some who fight on foot, some who fight on horseback, some who are victorious, some who are defeated, some who fight to the death, and some who get the honors of war.

  • cìen-kó lûi kàu jîet-jîet;

    the war drums sound loudly.

  • cìen cûn;

    a gunboat; a man-of-war.

  • cìen bé;

    a war horse.

  • cìen cìang;

    military commanders.

  • tăi cìen;

    a great battle.

  • cìen tīn;

    drawn up in battle array.

  • káⁿ cìen;


  • phwt cìen;


  • cí îaⁿ tèng sĭ cí kâi nâng sĭang mîaⁿ-ke phah cìen;

    in this corps this is the one who is most skilled in warfare.

  • kú cìen;

    used to war.

  • kùa míen-cìen pâi;

    carry a flag of truce.

  • hĭa cìen cṳ;

    declare war; send a challenge.

  • chēng cìen-kah;

    wear armor.

  • cìen kàu kiⁿ su îaⁿ;

    fought till the issue was decided.

  • cúi cìen;

    a naval engagement.

  • hueh cìen;

    a bloody fight.

  • m̄ cai tī-tîang cìen îaⁿ;

    do not know which party was victorious.

  • nŏ̤ nâng cìen kàu hêk căi;

    fought till both were exhausted.

  • kau-cìen;

    join in battle.

  • tâng mêng-khí-cá kau-cìen kàu ĕ-kùa;

    fought from early morning until afternoon.

  • kau-cìen m̄ hiah;

    fighting pugnaciously.

  • cŏ̤ cìen;

    aid in the fight.

  • ceⁿ-cìen;

    to quarrel.

  • cìen sí;

    died in battle.

  • phi tŏ̤ châng-îeⁿ tèng cìen;

    ranged on the plain for battle.

  • tŏ̤ suaⁿ tèng ngŏ̤ tîeh cīu cìen;

    met and fought on the hills.

  • lṳ́ màiⁿ kiaⁿ lâi kio i cìen;

    do not fear to fight with them.

  • jṳ́-bŭn móng kok kio móng kok kau-cìen;

    have heard that certain countries were at war with each other.

  • hong-siaⁿ tŏ̤ hṳ́-kò̤ cìen káng gûeh;

    a rumor that they have been fighting there for a whole month.

  • sim cìen-cìen;

    affrighted, in battle.

  • sim kiaⁿ táⁿ cìen;

    terrified, as in going into a melee.

  • To quake; to shake; to tremble.

  • kha cìen chíu cìen;

    shivers all over.

  • lṳ́ cò̤-nî cìeⁿ hău-seⁿ sía jī chíu ŏi cìen?

    How is it that when you are so youthful your hand shakes when you write?

  • sim kiaⁿ nêk cìen;

    so terrified that the flesh creeps.