A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / ciam | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / ciam

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  • Tapering; pointed; sharp.

  • téng ciam căi;

    very sharp.

  • ciam-lāi;


  • kha ciam chíu ìuⁿ;

    tapering feet and delicate hands.

  • cńg-thâu ciam-ciam;

    tapering fingers.

  • siah kàu ciam-ciam;

    whittle it down to a point.

  • bŏi ciam;


  • so̤ kàu ciam-ciam;

    roll between the thumb and finger to a sharp point.

  • pit-ciam;

    the point of a pen.

  • so̤ ciam tĕⁿ ìuⁿ;

    roll and squeeze down, as women do their bound feet.

  • mîaⁿ-ke so̤ ciam tĕⁿ ìuⁿ;

    expert in shaping bound feet; one who possesses great tact.

  • ciam taⁿ;

    a carrying pole.

  • chùi ciam-ciam;

    a needle shaped snout.

  • Water-grown rice.

  • ciam bí;

    common rice.

  • tōa ciam;

    large rice.

  • n̂g ciam;

    yellow rice.

  • ēng cût bí a ēng ciam bí?

    Do you use the glutinous rice or that which is not glutinous?

  • cham khah cōi ciam bí;

    mixed in too much of the water-grown rice.

  • To divine; sortilege.

  • ciam khùe;


  • ciam kâi khùe thóiⁿ hó̤ a m̄ hó̤;

    discern the omens and see whether they are favorable or unfavorable.

  • cí kâi khùe ciam khṳ̀ m̄ lêng;

    this was a false prediction.

  • ciam thien-bûn;

    auger from observation of the stars.

  • To look up.

  • sĭ nâng só̤ ciam-ngíang kâi nâng;

    he is one whom people look up to.

  • ciam mō̤ⁿ;

    to anticipate longingly.

  • Obliged, benefited; to participate in; to be a recipient; to enjoy.

  • ciam i kâi kuang;

    had the benefit of his light; got it through his favor.

  • tîeh ŭ hó̤ khṳt nâng ciam kuang cìaⁿ hó̤;

    it is well if you have any way whereby you can help others.

  • cíam-côih;

    smoothly and evenly cut or wrought out; regular and straight; clean-cut.

  • cò̤ khṳ̀ cíam-côih căi;

    made very evenly.

  • chù khí kàu cíam-cíam côih-côih;

    the house is built with straight lines and correct angles.

  • i kâi ôi cò̤ lâi lah-hah, m̄ cíam-côih;

    his shoes are clumsily made, and are not nicely shaped.

  • To encroach; to usurp.

  • pà-cìam;

    to invade and take possession of.

  • cìam pâng-î;

    take advantage of to one’s own profit.

  • cìam tī;

    encroach on another’s land.

  • cìam khuah;

    to encroach beyond the boundary.

  • To search for with the hand.

  • cîam kàu khang tói-tói;

    feel for it at the very bottom of the hole.

  • tŏ̤ láng tói cîam chut lâi;

    felt for and found it in the bottom of the bag.

  • cîam tîeh hṳ́-tói căi-seⁿ-īeⁿ?

    How does the inside of it feel?

  • chíu khah tōa, cîam m̄ jîp;

    my hand is too large, I cannot thrust it in.

  • Temporary; briefly; for the time being.

  • cĭam sî;

    for a little while.

  • cĭam sî cîaⁿ kú sî;

    the temporary has become the permanent.

  • cĭam ēng sù sî;

    make use of temporarily.

  • úa cĭam nā cí-kò̤;

    I shall stay here but a little while.

  • cĭam cŭ;

    a brief stay.

  • cĭam khĭa-khí;

    a short residence.

  • cĭam chíaⁿ jím i;

    please be patient with it a little while.

  • pńg-pńg sĭ àiⁿ cĭam kâi;

    originally desired to take a temporary one.

  • cí hûe bô̤, chíaⁿ cĭam cē;

    there is none at this moment, please defer an instant.

  • cĭam thàng;

    earn in the interim.

  • taⁿ chíaⁿ cĭam ēng, ĕ-jît cìaⁿ lâi bói hó̤ kâi;

    kindly make use of this for the time being, and afterward a better one can be purchased.

  • hó̤ cĭam m̄ hô̤ chîang;

    it will do temporarily, but not permanently.

  • cĭam cîah;

    stay the stomach meanwhile.

  • Gradually; by degrees.

  • cĭam-cĭam lâi;

    came on gradually.

  • cĭam jîp kia-kéng;

    it becomes more picturesque as you proceed.

  • sŭn sŭ, cĭam cìn;

    advancing in regular order cĭam tōa; gradually increase in size.

  • cĭam sòi;

    gradually diminish.

  • cĭam-cĭam bô̤ khṳ̀;

    gradually disappeared.

  • cĭam-cĭam tĭⁿ;

    gradually filled to the brim.

  • cĭam-cĭam khó̤;

    gradually ebbs.

  • cĭam cĭam îⁿ;

    waxes slowly to the full.

  • cĭam-cĭam khí;

    gradually ascends.

  • cĭam-cĭam kûiⁿ;

    gradually mounts up.