A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / cia | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / cia

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  • To screen; to shade; to cover.

  • cia jît, cia huang, cia hŏ;

    to screen from the sun, the wind, and the rain.

  • hŏ-cia;

    an umbrella.

  • cia thâu pò;

    a scarf used for covering the head.

  • cia mīn pò;

    a veil for the face.

  • cia mīn;

    to shade the face.

  • cia mâk;

    shade the eyes.

  • cia sin;

    screen the person.

  • cia miⁿ-miⁿ;

    screen closely.

  • cia-pò-phâng;

    an awning.

  • gūa mīn cia cêk têng cúa;

    put a layer of paper on the outer surface, as a shield.

  • cia îu-pò kâi m̄ ùi hŏ;

    what is covered with oiled cloth will not be injured by the rain.

  • khîeh kâi kûe-lôih lâi cia;

    take a splint hat and screen it.

  • khîa ki sìⁿ khṳ̀ cia jît;

    hold up a fan as a sun shade.

  • A wife.

  • ang-cía;

    husband and wife.

  • lău ang-cía;

    an old couple.

  • íⁿ-keng cò̤ jîeh cōi nî ang-cía;

    have been married for many years.

  • A contraction of cí-kâi, this one, these. It adds emphasis, and is sometimes used as an exclamation, intensifying the meaning of what follows.

  • cía sṳ, úa bŏi;

    I cannot do this sort of thing.

  • cía sĭ hó̤ kâi;

    these are good ones.

  • cía khak sòi;

    this is much too small.

  • cía úa m̄ cêng;

    I have never done this.

  • cía úa cĭu àiⁿ;

    these are just what I want.

  • cía li sĭ lṳ́ cìaⁿ àiⁿ;

    this is just as you desired.

  • cía kâi, hía kâi;

    such as this and such as that.

  • màiⁿ tàⁿ cía hía;

    say nothing about it either way.

  • sĭeⁿ cía, sĭeⁿ hía;

    thinking of this and of that.

  • cía sĭ úa, pât nâng cĭu cò̤ m̄ tit;

    it will do with me, but it would not be allowable to do so with other people.

  • cía sĭ lṳ́, pât nâng úa cĭu m̄ hàuⁿ;

    it will do for you to do so, but if it were any other person who did so I should be displeased.

  • cía sĭ lṳ́;

    very well, since it is you.

  • cía sĭ úa;

    since it is me, very well.

  • cía cía cía cía cía!

    How very much out of the way this behaviour was!

  • This indicates that what precedes it is the subject of a proposition;

    it is also used to arrest attention.

  • gân cía;

    the wise.

  • ngà cía;

    the stupid.

  • ŭ pēⁿ cía;

    the sick.

  • jîn-ài cía;

    the benevolent.

  • seⁿ cía;

    the living.

  • sí cía;

    the dead.

  • kùe khṳ̀ cía;

    the departed.

  • būe lâi cía;

    that which has not yet arrived.

  • thóiⁿ cía;

    the observers.

  • thiaⁿ cía;

    the hearers.

  • m̄ pat cía, màiⁿ íⁿ-ûi cò̤ pat;

    those who do not know, should not pretend that they know.

  • ta-po cía, cṳ-nîe cía, lóng-cóng huaⁿ-hí;

    the men and the women were all pleased.

  • tōa cía, sòi cía, lâi thiaⁿ;

    grown people and children came to hear.

  • tng kêk cía mîⁿ, phâng kwn cía tīaⁿ;

    the dullest are those that play the game, the most certain what would win are the lookers on.

  • hôk-cía;


  • khí cía;

    I who commence this letter.

  • Sugar cane.

  • kam cìa;

    sweet cane.

  • tek cìa;

    the bamboo cane.

  • lâh cìa;

    dark reddish sugar cane.

  • suh cìa;

    eat sugar cane.

  • khòi cìa;

    gnaw sugar cane.

  • ká cìa;

    to squeeze out the juice of cane between stone rollers.

  • cìa ká;

    stone mills for pressing cane.

  • cìa cap;

    the juice of the cane.

  • cìa pho̤h;

    cane from which the juice has been expressed.

  • cìa poiⁿ;

    the rind of the canes.

  • cìa hîeh;

    cane leaves.

  • cìa thâu;

    the stubble of cut cane.

  • cìa búe;

    the tops of the cane stalks.

  • cìa-cak;

    the joints of the cane.

  • cìa mâk;

    the points of union between the joints of cane.

  • cìa hn̂g;

    cane brake.

  • cìa lîo;

    sugar mills.

  • cìa thâu ku;

    edible grubs found at the roots of cane.

  • cìa khak;

    cane husks.

  • cìa céng;

    slips of cane prepared for planting.

  • khîa cêk pé cìa;

    carrying a bundle of sugar cane.

  • cí pé cìa ŭ jîeh cōi ki?

    How many canes in this bundle?

  • cìa mô̤h;

    the tilm under the rind of canes.

  • To compound medicines by simmering them.

  • cìa-cháu;

    prepared liquorice.

  • cìa-cháu sĭ kam-cháu ēng bît khṳ̀ cìa kâi;

    prepared liquorice is made by simmering liquorice sticks in honey.

  • ŭ kâi àiⁿ chá, ŭ kâi àiⁿ cìa;

    some are to be prepared by dry heat, and some by simmering.

  • cìa kang;

    simmer down dry.

  • To make a means of; to lean on for aid.

  • ŭ thang hó̤ khṳt nâng cĭa cìaⁿ hó̤;

    if there is anything for us to depend upon it is well.

  • cĭa sîn pí-ĭu;

    rely on the protection of the gods.

  • cĭa twn seⁿ sṳ̄;

    to make trouble about nothing.

  • nâng ngân cĭa-cĭa;

    jabbering and talking.

  • cĭa cí kâi ŵn-kù tho̤-sî i;

    take advantage of this state of affairs and get rid of him.

  • bô̤ hó̤ cĭa chíu;

    nothing to lean upon.

  • cĭa sṳ̄ bû-hāi;

    take occasion to injure.

  • cĭa sì khi-hŭ nâng;

    make power a means of oppression.

  • cĭa hwn nâng sì;

    avail one’s self of the influence of foreigners.

  • cĭa gê-mn̂g sì;

    rely on official strength.

  • A register; the place for registration, one’s original family seat or village.

  • cṳ cĭa;

    a register.

  • cĭa kẁn;

    a census.

  • hûe cĭa;

    return to one’s native village.

  • pńg cĭa;

    ngŵn cĭa; the original family seat.

  • jîp cĭa;

    enter upon the records.

  • mîn cĭa;

    returns of the population.

  • có cĭa sĭ tŏ̤ tī-kò̤?

    Where is his ancestral home?

  • tŏ̤ cĭa íang pēⁿ;

    in his own village recruiting his health.

  • tŏ̤ cĭa kâi kuaⁿ;

    a retired mandarin.

  • măuⁿ cĭa;

    a pretended residence.