A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / chui | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / chui

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  • To urge; to importune; to dun.

  • chui i méⁿ cē; chūe i kín cē;

    hurry him up.

  • chui i cò̤ méⁿ cē; urge him to hasten the work, chui thó̤ sìo-bâk;

    importunately demanded the amount of the bill.

  • chui nâng-kheh;

    importune a guest to stay.

  • chui chok;

    to expedite.

  • lṳ́ màiⁿ chui-pek khah kín;

    do not drive him too hard.

  • chui kàu úa mih sṳ bô̤ cò̤;

    pressesme so that I can do nothing.

  • chui nîe;

    dun for taxes.

  • chui che;

    hasten the messenger.

  • khṳt i chui lío kha tòng chíu sih;

    was hurried by him so that I could not work.

  • To pull at steadily and forcibly; to strain.

  • ēng lâk cē chui cū tn̆g;

    exert your strength in pulling upon it, and it will break.

  • cí tîo sùaⁿ khṳt i chui tn̆g khṳ̀;

    this cord was broken by his pulling upon it.

  • so̤h siu-sin cò̤-nî ŏi chui tn̆g khṳ̀?

    How could a perfectly new rope break under a strain like that?

  • thih-līen pun huang-éng chui tn̆g cò̤ ku-ā kò̤;

    the iron chain has been broken into several pieces by the strain of the storm.

  • To infer; to secede from; to give place to.

  • chui chut i kâi ì-sṳ̀;

    to infer his meaning.

  • chui-úi;

    to excuse one’s self.

  • chui-sî;

    to decline, as an appointment.

  • i chui-chui úi-úi m̄ khéng lâi;

    he makes all sorts of excuses to get rid of coming.

  • chui-cun i sĭang ŏi;

    give place to him as the most able.

  • chui-cun i tōa;

    give place to him as your superior.

  • chui-khui;

    to evade.

  • chui sǹg;

    to calculate.

  • Fine; delicate; minute.

  • i kâi hue khui chut lâi chúi-chúi;

    its flowers are very delicate.

  • sin tèng phû cêk lîap cêk lîap chúi-chúi sĭ sĭm mûeh?

    Little blotches have come up all over him, what is the matter with him?

  • i kâi mô̤ⁿ nĕ chúi-chúi;

    its fur is downy.

  • hîeh sòi-sòi chúi-chúi;

    the leaves are very small and delicate.

  • cêk tíam cêk tíam chúi-chúi;

    dotted with very small dots.

  • cêk tîo cêk tîo chúi-chúi;

    lined with very fine lines.

  • cêk kâi cêk kâi chúi chúi;

    in minute particles.

  • ah-kíaⁿ kâi mô̤ⁿ chúi-chúi;

    a duckling’s feathers are very fine.

  • To measure; to estimate.

  • chúi-tâk i kâi ì-sṳ̀;

    get at his meaning.

  • chúi-chek m̄ pat tò̤ khṳ̀;

    do not know how to estimate it.

  • úa cē chúi-chek cĭu cai;

    when I have made a calculation I shall know.

  • chúi-bûa kâi kang-hu;

    painstaking labor.

  • Turquoise blue.

  • hui-chùi gêk;

    blue jade.

  • cheⁿ-chùi cheⁿ-chùi;

    bright green.

  • The mouth, nozzle, snout or beak.

  • cío chùi;

    a bird’s bill.

  • tṳ chùi-tûn;

    a pig’s snout.

  • cíu pâng chùi;

    the spout of a wine pitcher.

  • nĭoⁿ-hóⁿ chùi;

    a tiger’s mouth.

  • hun tàng chùi;

    the mouth-piece of a pipe.

  • gê chùi, gêk chùi, kak chùi, kut chùi;

    ivory, jade, horn and bone mouth-pieces.

  • cim-chùi;

    to kiss.

  • cang chùi khù cim i;

    kissed him.

  • chùi siap;

    no appetite; a bad taste in the mouth.

  • chùi kût;

    a good appetite; the mouth healthfully clean.

  • chùi kang-ta;

    the mouth parched.

  • chùi khó;

    a bitter taste in the mouth.

  • chúa chùi;

    the mouth drawn to one side.

  • khih chùi;


  • lṳ́ màiⁿ ô̤h chùi ô̤h cîh;

    do not mimic him.

  • i ciap-chùi khí lâi tàⁿ;

    he took up the story and went on.

  • sĭ i tó̤ pang chùi;

    he is taking his part in the dispute.

  • bōi chùi hue;

    speaking eloquent nonsense.

  • i kâi chùi ŏi căi;

    he is an able speaker.

  • tùe i kâi chùi búe tàⁿ;

    repeat it after him.

  • lṳ́ kâi chùi cîh màiⁿ khah kín;

    do not be in too great haste to begin to eat.

  • lṳ́ màiⁿ cōi chùi;

    do not chatter so much.

  • i chŵn m̄ ìn chùi, tīam-tīam thiaⁿ;

    he listened, and did not answer at all.

  • chùi chàu;

    an offensive breath.

  • i kâi chùi sĭang tōa pêh-ciaⁿ;

    he is a great liar.

  • i kâi chùi hàuⁿ tàⁿ ūe căi;

    she is very loquacious.

  • i cêk ki chùi à ku-ā nâng;

    he can out argue half a dozen people.

  • tàⁿ lío chùi sng;

    talked till his tongue ached.

  • ô̤h cêk chùi hó̤ kuaⁿ ūe;

    speak a little in a foreign tongue.

  • cêk chùi thŵn cêk cîh;

    every one says the same thing.

  • chùi khah khìo;

    his lips are curved outward too much.

  • chùi-tûn khah tìo;

    his upper lip is too short.

  • chùi seⁿ-lâu khah khuah;

    has too large a mouth.

  • chàu chùi pín;


  • lṳ́ kâi chùi ôi hue-nio a bŏi?

    Do you tell the exact truth, or not?

  • i kâi chùi tàⁿ ūe bô̤ kù sît;

    he does not speak one word of truth.

  • màiⁿ thèng chap chùi;

    do not rashly interrupt.

  • chìe chùi;


  • kiⁿ tîeh nâng phīⁿ chìe, chùi chìe;

    he laughs all over his face as soon as he sees any one.

  • i kâi chùi cē tàⁿ cĭu tàⁿ m̄ hàuⁿ hiah;

    when he once begins to talk he talks as if he were never going to stop.

  • i só̤ tàⁿ kâi ūe cn̂g kâi m̄ sĭ chùi cîh;

    there is no truth in anything he says.

  • lṳ́ sĭ àiⁿ khṳ̀ nĭoⁿ-hóⁿ chùi tèng khṳt nêk;

    you are going to a tiger’s mouth to beg for meat.

  • phah chùi póiⁿ;

    to beat on the mouth, a mode of punishment.

  • lṳ́ cía ūe a sĭ kìⁿ kuaⁿ tàⁿ chùi póiⁿ cĭu tîeh phah kàu céng;

    if you should say this to a magistrate, your mouth would be beaten till it was swollen.

  • sĭ i khṳ̀ kap pò-tō̤-chùi;

    it is he who is to close the mouth of the bag; he is to finish the business.

  • chùi-kháu mûeh-cîah;


  • chùi-kháu ūe;

    common speech.

  • hāng chùi-kháu;

    the end of a lane.

  • sang khoi chùi;

    the place where two rivers debouch.

  • cêk chùi cĭu thun ô̤h khṳ̀;

    swallowed it all at one mouthful.

  • cêk tōa chùi;

    a big mouthful.

  • kă cêk chùi;

    bite off a mouthful.

  • i cĭu sĭ cò̤ kim-kng úa īa àiⁿ kă i saⁿ chùi nêk;

    if he were a warder of the temple gate even, I would bite out three mouthfuls of his flesh.

  • chùi thóiⁿ kìⁿ, mâk thóiⁿ kìⁿ;

    I see him plainly.

  • tîam chùi nîe;

    a seductive woman.

  • chùi tîam căi;

    honeyed speech.

  • chiah chùi chiah cîh;

    it puckers up one’s mouth.

  • chùi tu-tu;

    with her mouth puckered up.

  • chùi-lîm-phûe;

    the lips.

  • Fragments; small remnants.

  • khà chùi;

    to knock in pieces.

  • pò chùi;


  • úaⁿ chùi;

    broken dishes.

  • phah chùi;

    to shiver by a blow.

  • chùi kùe îam;

    finer than salt.

  • ngṳ̂n chùi;

    broken money.

  • chùi ngṳ̂n;

    small lumps of silver.

  • cúa chùi;

    fragments of paper.

  • lâng-chùi mûeh-kĭaⁿ;

    odds and ends.

  • chàm-chùi kâi;

    mixed miscellaneous articles.

  • chàm-chùi kang.hu;

    odd jobs.

  • chàm-chùi bōi;

    sells at retail.

  • cheng cía chùi-mûeh bói kúi choiⁿ cîⁿ?

    How much did you pay for this lot of miscellaneous articles?

  • chàm-chùi cîⁿ khieh ka-n̂ng;

    all the odds and ends of money collected together.

  • chùi-kímu;

    a trinket.

  • phùa chùi;

    break in pieces.

  • chùi-kĭaⁿ;


  • îeh chùi;

    remnants of medicines.

  • chùi-chùi kâi;

    what is is very small fragments.

  • côih chùi-chùi;

    slice it up fine.

  • thì kàu chùi-chùi; lì kàu chùi-chùi;

    tear it in tatters.

  • chùi thiah;

    parceled out.

  • bw̄n to̤ chùi kuah;

    cut in ten thousand pieces.

  • tàu-kho chùi;

    broken beancake.

  • bí chùi;

    broken rice.

  • bí chùi kûeh;

    cracked rice.

  • cîeh chùi;

    chips of stone.

  • saⁿ-khò chēng kàu chap-chap-chùi;

    has worn her clothes into tatters.