A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / cho̤ | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / cho̤

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  • Strong smelling vegetables; all meats included among those forbidden to those who fast.

  • lṳ́ cîah ce a cîah cho̤?

    Are you a vegetarian or do you eat all sorts of food?

  • phīⁿ tîeh chàu cho̤;

    smelled a strong savour.

  • cía píaⁿ sĭ ce kâi a cho̤ kâi?

    Have these cakes any animal fat in them?

  • i cîah ce, màiⁿ mak tîeh cho̤;

    he is a vegetarian, so do not put in what he cannot partake of.

  • At the first; in the beginning.

  • úa tâng hṳ́ cho̤-cho̤ cĭu kio lṳ́ tàⁿ;

    I told you so in the very beginning.

  • lṳ́ tng cho̤ cò̤-nî tàⁿ?

    What did you say in the beginning?

  • cho̤ hwt;

    at the opening.

  • cho̤ lâi;

    the new comer.

  • cho̤ ô̤h;

    the new scholar.

  • cho̤ seⁿ;

    the first born.

  • cho̤ khui po-thâu;

    a newly opened port.

  • a cho̤ ko̤;

    this raw hand.

  • cho̤ nî;

    in the first years.

  • cho̤-thâu-ē;

    at the commencement.

  • kîaⁿ lĕng cṳ cho̤;

    at the first promulgation of the order.

  • Rough, hasty, careless; the running hand; a rough copy or original draft.

  • sía chó̤ jī;

    write the running hand.

  • ló̤-chó̤;

    rough, careless, slight.

  • tîeh kang-hu cò̤, màiⁿ ló̤-chó̤;

    must do it neatly, and not slight it.

  • i kâi khang-khùe ló̤-chó̤ căi;

    his work is done without pains.

  • chó̤ kó;

    the rough draft.

  • jêng cúa khí chó̤;

    the original draft of an essay or document.

  • cin chó̤ put bú;

    the copy and the original do not agree.

  • phah chó̤;

    make a rough draft.

  • Distress; completed.

  • khó-chó̤;


  • sĭu m tit cí kâi khó-chó̤;

    cannot endure this agony.

  • cheng-chó̤;


  • cheng-cheng chó̤-chó̤;

    all finished up.

  • lí cheng chó̤;

    completely arranged.

  • tâng soiⁿ tàⁿ cheng-chó̤;

    it was all talked over and settled beforehand.

  • To mistake; to err; wrong.

  • bô̤ chò̤;

    it is all right, there is no mistake.

  • bô̤ cha-chò̤;

    without an error.

  • bô̤ cha bô̤ chò̤;

    without a single mistake.

  • thóiⁿ chò̤ nâng;

    made a mistake in the person.

  • thiaⁿ chò̤ ūe;

    made a mistake in hearing.

  • cò̤ chò̤ sṳ̄;

    erred in doing.

  • kîaⁿ chò̤ lō;

    took the wrong road.

  • khîeh chò̤ mûeh;

    took the wrong thing.

  • tàⁿ chò̤;

    a slip of the tongue.

  • cong-kú cò̤ chò̤;

    always doing the wrong thing.

  • chò̤ chíu;

    a slip of the hand.

  • chò̤ chíu phah sí i;

    killed him by accident.

  • chò̤ chíu ka-lâuh khṳ̀;

    let it fall by a slip of the hand.

  • chò̤-gō;

    to mismanage.

  • chŵn m̄ jīn chò̤;

    wholly refuses to confess his error.

  • cai jīn chò̤ cū hó̤;

    if you confess the fault it will be all right.

  • lṳ́ chò̤ lío;

    you are already astray.

  • sĭeⁿ chò̤;

    err in reasoning.

  • chò̤-tāⁿ;

    in error.

  • Rough, hispid, not smooth.

  • mông tîeh cho-cho chò̤-chò̤;

    it feels very rough.

  • thóiⁿ tîeh chò̤-chò̤, m̄ kng-kût;

    it appears very rough and has no gloss on it.

  • To file; to rasp; a file.

  • khîa ki chò̤ lâi chò̤;

    take a file and file it.

  • chò̤ i kng;

    file it smooth.

  • chò̤ kàu pêⁿ-pêⁿ;

    file it down even.

  • ēng chò̤-kíaⁿ chò̤ tn̆g;

    file it in two with a thin file.

  • hóⁿ-cîh chò̤;

    an oval file.

  • Tender; friable.

  • nêk chò̤-chò̤;

    the meat is very tender.

  • àu chò̤;

    friable from decay.

  • chò̤ kio jūn tùi-mīn;

    friable is the opposite of tough.

  • Paddy which is hulled but not pounded; rude; rough.

  • chò̤ bí;

    unpounded rice.

  • khah chò̤;

    too rough and rude.

  • cho-chò̤;

    coarse and crude.

  • chò̤ hùe;

    coarse goods.

  • To humble; to take down one’s pride; to break the spirit; to cow.

  • chô̤ i kâi i kâi jŭe-khì;

    brought down his bravado.

  • cē chô̤ tîeh jŭe-khì cū bô̤ táⁿ;

    as soon as his courage is once outbraved, he will no longer dare bully people.

  • To contain, to hold; to receive.

  • hó̤ chō̤ cíu;

    it is good to keep spirits in.

  • cí-kâi bŏi chō̤ cíe hṳ́-kâi;

    this does not hold less than that.

  • cí kâi tōa úaⁿ chō̤ nŏ̤ seng bí;

    this large bowl holds two quarts of rice.

  • khîeh kâi mûeh hó̤ chō̤;

    get something to put it in.

  • khîeh ke nŏ̤ kâi pûaⁿ chō̤ cheⁿ-kúaiⁿ;

    get two more trays to put the fruit on.

  • chō̤ m̄ tit;

    it will not hold them all.

  • chō kàu cêk puah tĭⁿ-tĭⁿ;

    holds a pot full.

  • chô̤ tê;

    it contains tea.