A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / chit | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / chit

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  • Seven.

  • chit-câp;


  • câp-chit;


  • tŏiⁿ chit jît;

    on the seventh day.

  • chit tien poih táu;

    at sixes and sevens.

  • chit khá-tô;

    a Chinese puzzle of seven pieces.

  • cò̤ chit;

    to attend to the funeral rites of each seventh day till the forty-ninth day, after which the burial takes place.

  • To wipe with a dry cloth.

  • chit ta;

    wipe dry.

  • chit mâk-cap;

    wipe away tears.

  • chit tīo eng-têng;

    wipe off the dust.

  • chit phīⁿ;

    wipe the nose.

  • thau cîah m̄ cai chit chùi;

    purloin edibles and forget to wipe the mouth after eating them.

  • chit tīo nah-sap;

    wipe off the dirt.

  • khîeh mīn-pò lâi chit;

    get a towel and wipe it.


  • The motion of walking.

  • chît-chôk-kìe;

    the clatter of feet.

  • chît-chît chôk-chôk kìe tùi cí-kò̤ kùe;

    went clattering past here.

  • màiⁿ kîaⁿ kàu chît-chôk-kìe;

    do not walk noisily.

  • chît-chît chôk-chôk;

    to scamper.