A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / chin | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / chin

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  • Like, similar, resembling; as if.

  • seⁿ lâi chin-chĭeⁿ;

    they are much alike.

  • cò̤ lâi m̄ chin-chĭeⁿ;

    they are very unlike.

  • i chin-chĭeⁿ i âi;

    he resembles his mother.

  • thóiⁿ tîeh chin-chĭeⁿ chin-chĭeⁿ;

    they appear very similar.

  • chin-chĭeⁿ m̄-hó̤, khî-sît hó̤;

    it looks badly, but is really excellent.

  • chin-chĭeⁿ ngà kâi;

    like a dunce.

  • chin-chĭeⁿ m̄ hàuⁿ;

    appeared unwilling.

  • One’s own; akin; kith.

  • bó̤ chin;

    own mother.

  • úa chin hĭⁿ thiaⁿ-kìⁿ;

    I heard it with my own ears.

  • chin mâk thóiⁿ-kìⁿ;

    saw it with his own eyes.

  • chin mīn kāng i tàⁿ;

    tell him with your own mouth.

  • cía jī sĭ i chin pit sía kâi;

    this was written by his own hand.

  • chin sin khṳ̀ cò̤;

    went and did it himself.

  • àiⁿ cò̤ chin;

    are going to marry.

  • sêng chin;

    to consummate marriage.

  • kîaⁿ chin-ngêng kâi lói-sìo;

    perform the marriage rites.

  • sì mâk bô̤

  • chin;

    among entire strangers.

  • chin kṳ̆n;

    near akin.

  • sang chin tŏ̤ tn̂g;

    both parents are still alive.

  • i kio ún ŭ chin;

    he is a relative of ours.

  • nín kio i chin phài mē?

    Are you of the same blood as he?

  • lăi chin, gua chek;

    relatives by blood and by marriage.

  • chin-ài;

    close affection.

  • chin-jîet;

    very intimate.

  • chin-kẁn;

    relatives of another surname.

  • lâk chin;

    the domestic relationships.

  • hn̆g chin m̄ jû kṳ̆n lîn;

    a near neighbour is better than a remote relative.

  • chin cīeⁿ kia chin;

    form a still closer relationship.

  • chin-cîa hùe;

    one’s kin.

  • chin ke;

    one’s own family.

  • chin kun;

    our own sovereign.

  • chin piaⁿ;

    chin teng; our own troops.

  • tlo̤h i cò̤ cêk mn̂g chin;

    entrust to him the business of procuring a wife for you.

  • chin nâng;

    a cousin.

  • saⁿ hun chin kîeⁿ pât jîn;

    one slightly akin is better than one who is not at all related.


  • Not exact; in general; not following any strict rule or pattern; not precise; slightly.

  • i sĭ chìn-chái cò̤;

    he slights what he does.

  • chìn-chái sía to hó;

    to write it off almost any way will do.

  • chìn-chái thiaⁿ;

    listen in a haphazard way.

  • hó̤ chìn-chái i;

    let him off easily; do not be exacting with him.

  • To give effect; to illustrate; to show off.

  • cí kù ūe sĭ khîeh lâi cò̤ pûe-chìn kâi ūe;

    this sentence is put in merely for effect.

  • cang kâi nâng lâi cò̤ pûe-chìn;

    bring a person along merely for effect.

  • cang cí kĭaⁿ sū chìn chut hṳ́ kĭaⁿ sṳ̄;

    make use of this to illustrate that.

  • cang cí kù ūe lâi pûe-chìn hṳ́ kù ūe;

    use this sentence to add to the clearness of the other.

  • cang hía lâi pûe-chìn cía cū jú-kèng híen-hīn chut lâi;

    bring that to the illustration of this, and then this will more plainly appear.

  • ēng lâi cò̤ pang-chìn;

    use as a support or assistance.

  • Steelyards.

  • cêk ki chìn;

    the steelyard.

  • châ-chìn kau;

    the hook on wooden steelyards.

  • lî-chìn;

    money balances.

  • chìn-kuaⁿ;

    the bar of a steelyard.

  • chìn nău-so̤h;

    the cords by which the basin is suspended on a steelyard.

  • tōa kuaⁿ chìn;

    large steelyards.

  • chìn-kíaⁿ;

    small steelyards.

  • tâng pûaⁿ chìn;

    scales having a brass basin.

  • châ-chìn thûi;

    the counterpoise on a steeljard bar.

  • si-bé chìn;

    standard scales.

  • hú chìn;

    steelyards weighing sixteen ounces to the catty.

  • cam chìn;

    eighteen ounces to the catty.

  • hâng chìn;

    twelve ounces to the catty.

  • kak chù kâi chìn-sek bô̤ mih siang tâng;

    the divisions of the steelyard bar differ in different places.

  • áu tōa chìn;

    weigh more than full weight.

  • ēng síam chìn;

    use light weights to sell by.

  • lṳ́ kâi chìn tîeh téng hó̤;

    adjust your scales correctly.

  • cīeⁿ-jît kâi téng khṳ̀ ŭ chìn-thâu, kíaⁿ-jît kâi bô̤ chìn-thâu;

    the other day the weight was a full one, but to-day there is no surplus.

  • lṳ́ téng khṳ̀ a sĭ bô̤, úa cí ki chìn khṳt lṳ́ á cîh;

    if you weigh it and find it short weight you may break my steelyards.

  • lú sĭ bōi sĭm-mih chìn sek?

    By what weight do you sell it?

  • To weigh a thing in the hand.

  • toaⁿ ciah chíu chìn m̄ khí;

    cannot lift it in one hand so as to guess the weight.

  • chìn m̄ phû;

    cannot heft it.

  • chìn tîeh ŭ jîeh tăng?

    How heavy do you find it to be when you heft it?

  • Cold.

  • thiⁿ-sî chìn căi;

    the weather is very cold.

  • chìn kàu kha-búe chíu-búe thìaⁿ;

    so cold that it makes one’s toes and fingers ache.

  • chìn huang;

    cold wind.

  • ŏi chìn a bŏi?

    Are you cold?

  • cí hûe ùi chìn;

    I am chilly now.

  • pn̄g chìn chài chìn;

    all the victuals are cold.

  • lṳ́ kâi sin-hun ngân, m̄ hó̤ cîah chìn cúi;

    the temperature of your body is low, and you should not drink cold water.

  • chìn kùe piaⁿ-sng;

    colder than ice.

  • thàu chìn cúi cîah;

    take it in a little cold water.

  • la chìn;

    let it cool by standing.

  • chìn cúi pûn chìn cîah;

    blows cold water to make it cool before drinking it; excessively cautious.

  • cîah chìn pn̄g;

    eat cold victuals.

  • thiⁿ-sî kûaⁿ-ngân so̤h-chìn;

    the weather is terribly cold.

  • cîah cíu lún chìn;

    take whiskey to fortify one’s self against the cold.

  • cí kúi jît bŏi chìn;

    these last few days it has not been so cold.

  • chìn kàu bô̤ si bô̤ hĕ;

    so cold as to enforce idleness.

  • huang thàu lâi chìn căi;

    the wind blows cold.

  • chìn kàu tó̤ khīu;

    so cold that he shivers.

  • chìn kàu hṳ̄-lṳ̄-tie;

    so cold that his teeth chatter.

  • chìn sí;

    intolerably cold.

  • chìn jîp kut;

    chilled to the bone.

  • tŏ̤ hṳ́ tói kò̤ chìn chut lâi;

    the coldness arises from internal causes.

  • chìn tŏ̤ cí gūa phûe;

    coldness of the surfaces.

  • chìn kàu koi-bó̤-phûe phû;

    so cold that goose pimples appear.

  • pîaⁿ i khùe chìn;

    cool it by pouring it to and fro.

  • tíam-kíaⁿ tíam-kíaⁿ cìaⁿ kōi chìn;

    put it in little by little and then it will cool quickly.

  • phuah i chìn;

    cool it by fanning it.

  • khah chìn tîeh khṳ̀ hip sie;

    if it is too cold go and warm it up.

  • A statesman; a vassal; a courtier who can speak to his sovereign.

  • kun chîn;

    prince and ministers.

  • tong-chîn;

    loyal courtiers.

  • châm-chîn;

    disloyal courtiers.

  • kang-chîn;

    a treacherous courtier.

  • khûn chîn;

    the court.

  • tăi chîn;

    a great noble.

  • mûiⁿ chîn;

    a petty nobleman.

  • pw̆n chîn;

    a rebelious noble.

  • lîang chîn;

    an honorable nobleman.

  • hîen chîn;

    a learned nobleman.

  • bûn chîn, bú chîn;

    civil and military officers of very high rank.

  • îong chîn;

    mediocre statesmen.

  • châi chîn; talented statesmen, bw̄n-kok chîn-hôk;

    all nations submitted.

  • Old; stale; dried up.

  • chîn-phûe;

    dried orange peel.

  • chîn-phûe ko̤;

    a medicinal paste made from orange peel.

  • cía sĭ chîn-kú kâi chng bí;

    this is old rice out of a granary.