A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / chúa | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / chúa

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  • Awry; askew; deflected.

  • cam bŏi chúa;

    the needle is not bent.

  • cò̤ lâi chúa;

    it is made crooked.

  • i kâi chùi chúa-chúa;

    his mouth is drawn to one side.

  • chúa chùi;

    a wry mouth.

  • tieⁿ chúa chùi;

    to make faces.

  • ôi-tói-hṳ̂ lún kàu chùi chúa;

    the sole endures till its mouth is drawn out of shape; his appearance of suffering is his natural aspect.

  • i kâi bō̤ tì khṳ̀ chúa;

    his cap is put on askew.

  • i kâi thâu-khak seⁿ lâi chúa;

    his head is deformed.

  • phīⁿ chúa;

    his nose is crooked.

  • cŏ̤ chúa;

    sit in a slovenly attitude.

  • màiⁿ pàng chúa;

    do not set it down askew.

  • kîaⁿ chúa lō;

    went by the wrong road.

  • cûn sái chúa kùe hìeⁿ pôiⁿ;

    sail the boat at an angle in crossing to the other side.

  • cìⁿ sīa khṳ̀ chúa;

    the arrow was shot to one side.

  • màiⁿ khĭa chúa;

    do not loll nor lean against anything when you stand.

  • kṳ̀ khṳ̀ chúa;

    sawed obliquely.

  • jît-thâu chúa tíam-kíaⁿ lío;

    the sun is already a little past the meridian.

  • To lead on; to bring forward; to induce; to confirm in; to perpetuate.

  • chūa cúi kâi nâng;


  • chúa cúi cûn;

    a pilot boat.

  • i cìeⁿ-seⁿ chūa nâng ló;

    by thus doing he brings dislike upon himself.

  • cêk kâi li chūa nâng sieh, cêk kâi li chūa nâng ùi;

    the one gets people’s love, and the other gets people’s fear.

  • ŭ nâng tó̤ chūa cū kōi pat;

    if there be some one to lead the way, it will be easy to follow.

  • To lead; to conduct, to guide.

  • ín chūa;

    to guide.

  • lṳ́ pat lō, hó̤ ín-chūa i;

    guide him, since you know the road.

  • khṳt i ín-chūa khṳ̀ cò̤ m̄-hó̤ kâi sṳ̄;

    was lead into evil by him.

  • To bring home in marriage.

  • chūa bó;

    to bring home a wife.

  • chūa sim-pŭ;

    take a wife for one’s son.

  • chūa jī-nâng;

    take a concubine.

  • chūa chiah-kha;

    take to wife a woman whose feet have their natural shape.

  • chūa sin-nîe;

    to bring home the bride.

  • chūa sun sim-pŭ;

    take a wife for one’s grandson.

  • m̄ kè m̄ chūa;

    neither marry nor give in marriage.

  • chūa a būe?

    Has he yet taken a wife?

  • tiang-sî àiⁿ kio i chūa?

    When are you going to take a wife for him?

  • i sĭ chūa nâng cêk chut kâi;

    he has taken a wife who has been married before.

  • chūa côi a būe?

    Have you taken wives for all your sons yet?