A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / ceⁿ | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / ceⁿ

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  • To wrangle; to strive: to emulate.

  • ceⁿ soiⁿ;

    strive for precedence.

  • ceⁿ kong;

    emulate merit.

  • hàuⁿ ceⁿ;


  • ceⁿ-tò;

    to quarrel.

  • ceⁿ ūi-chṳ̀;

    contest a position.

  • ceⁿ chi tô̤h châng;

    wrangle about the wife, and seize upon the land.

  • só̤ ceⁿ ŭ hăn;

    the difference is a slight one.

  • sie ceⁿ;

    to contend.

  • sie ceⁿ boí, sie ceⁿ bōi;

    rivals in trade.

  • sie ceⁿ ke-húe;

    a squabble about tools.

  • sie ceⁿ kíaⁿ;

    a contention in regard to their children.

  • sie ceⁿ sie ji’́ng;

    disputing in loud tones.

  • sie ceⁿ lío, sie phah;

    a dispute leading to blows.

  • nín só̤ ceⁿ kâi to sĭ bô̤-siang-kang kâi sṳ̄;

    what you are contending about is a very unimportant matter.

  • cía to míen sie ceⁿ kâi;

    this is something that there need be no debate about.

  • àiⁿ sie ceⁿ mih sṳ̄?

    What occasion is there for wrangling about it?

  • A well; a deep pit.

  • céⁿ cúi;


  • chĭ-ceⁿ kâi nâng;

    a huckster; a loafer.

  • khui céⁿ; líu céⁿ;

    dig a well.

  • kó céⁿ;

    an old well.

  • khàm céⁿ;

    to cover a well.

  • thūn tīo céⁿ;

    fill up a well.

  • put céⁿ;

    clean out a well.

  • céⁿ kîⁿ;

    the brink of a well.

  • céⁿ piⁿ;

    beside a well.

  • céⁿ kha;

    by the well.

  • céⁿ téng;

    a roof over a well.

  • céⁿ chîeⁿ;

    the walls of a well.

  • cŏ̤ céⁿ, kwn thiⁿ;

    sitting in a well looking at the heavens; an inexperienced person.

  • lêng hóⁿ céⁿ;

    the aquarium at the entrance of a temple, under the images of the dragon and the tiger.

  • ngṳ̂n céⁿ;

    money vaults.

  • thim céⁿ;

    an open court within a house.

  • céⁿ kho;

    well rounds.

  • céⁿ cûaⁿ;

    a well spring.

  • céⁿ tói;

    the bottom of a well.

  • céⁿ mīn;

    the top of a well.

  • tìo-o̤ céⁿ;

    a well with a sweep.

  • koiⁿ céⁿ;

    the hollow above the collar bone.

  • céⁿ sìu;

    the 22nd constellation, six stars in Gemini.

  • lâu céⁿ;

    a trap door in the floor of an upper storey.

  • ûi céⁿ;

    the socket in which a mast is set.

  • lîm kuah, kût céⁿ;

    wait until thirsty, before digging a well.

  • sua céⁿ;

    a pit in the sand, to hold the water of an ebbing tide.

  • céⁿ hām;

    the side of the well has caved in.

  • cîeh céⁿ;

    a crevasse in rocks.

  • hṳ̂ céⁿ;

    deep places where fish hide in pools.

  • A pitfall.

  • hām-céⁿ;

    a trap for wild beasts.

  • líu kâi hām-céⁿ lâi tieⁿ i;

    dug a pit and entrapped him.

  • The clear blue sky; the weather clearing up after a storm.

  • thiⁿ cêⁿ kó ŭa;

    long continued drought.

  • hŏ cêⁿ;

    the rain has ceased.

  • cêⁿ ta;

    dry weather.

  • thiⁿ cêⁿ;

    clear weather.

  • cêⁿ kú lío;

    it cleared up long ago.

  • thiⁿ àiⁿ cêⁿ lío;

    it is clearing already.

  • hŏ lô̤h m̄ hàuⁿ cêⁿ;

    it rains as if it would never stop.

  • tîeh ŭ pak huang cìaⁿ ŏi cêⁿ;

    if the north wind came up, it would then clear.

  • cí câp jît, thiⁿ bŏi cêⁿ;

    there has been no sunshine these ten days.

  • ŏi cêⁿ úa cĭu àiⁿ khṳ̀;

    should it clear, I shall go.

  • cêk choiⁿ ngṳ̂n pńg cîⁿ cò̤ cêk nî cĭu cêⁿ khṳ̀;

    got rid of a thousand dollars of capital in one year.

  • nĕ cêⁿ-cêⁿ, huh-jîen cĭu tōa huang hŏ;

    a sudden tempest in bright weather.

  • Still, quiet, noiseless.

  • cĕⁿ-cĕⁿ;

    very still.

  • tīam-cĕⁿ;

    motionless and noiseless.

  • uaⁿ-cĕⁿ;


  • àm-cĕⁿ;


  • thîam-cĕⁿ;


  • thîm-cĕⁿ;

    sunk in oblivion.

  • cĕⁿ-sòi;


  • sim tîeh cĕⁿ-sòi thóiⁿ khṳ̀, cìaⁿ ŭ tit;

    you must pay close attention and then you will retain something of what you study.

  • mêⁿ cĕⁿ, keⁿ chim;

    in the stillness of the midnight.

  • cĕⁿ sĭeⁿ;

    quietly think.

  • cĕⁿ-cĕⁿ khṳ̀ cò̤;

    noiselessly went and did it.

  • m̄ cĕⁿ;


  • khah cĕⁿ;

    too lonely.

  • cĕⁿ chío-chío;

    perfectly noiseless.

  • tīam huang, cĕⁿ nǹg;

    still air.

  • cĕⁿ-cĕⁿ, bô̤ nâng cai;

    quietly so as to let no one know.

  • i kâi ngán-sîn ío cĕⁿ;

    the expression of his eye indicates a quiet mind.