A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / cúa | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / cúa

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  • Paper.

  • cháu cúa;

    coarse brown paper.

  • pêh tek cúa;

    strong white paper, made from bamboo.

  • kòng chwn cúa;

    letter paper.

  • o kim cúa;

    glossy black paper.

  • âng cúa;

    red paper.

  • ngŏ sek cúa;

    paper in a variety of colors.

  • cṳ cúa;

    writing paper.

  • kau-lîn cúa;

    thin white paper.

  • cheh phûe cúa;

    paper used for the covers of books.

  • cien cúa;

    drawing paper.

  • kiaⁿ páng cúa;

    thick white paper in large sheets.

  • hue cúa;

    flowered paper.

  • ngán cûa;

    thick spangled paper.

  • kim ngṳ̂n cúa;

    gilt paper, or spirit money.

  • kău hwn cúa;

    foreign paper.

  • cúa cîⁿ, cúa ngṳ̂n;

    paper money, burned in idol worship.

  • cúa pâi;


  • phah cúa pâi;

    to play cards.

  • pìe hue cúa;

    to paper the walls of rooms.

  • pìe cúa;

    wall paper.

  • cang cúa lâi pìe;

    paper it.

  • cêk tieⁿ cúa;

    a sheet of paper.

  • pêⁿ theng cúa;

    a transparency with the shadows of paper puppets cast on a screen.

  • màiⁿ thûh phùa i kâi pêⁿ-theng-cúa;

    do not punch a hole in the screen on which the shadows of his puppets are thrown; do not spoil the pleasant aspect of his affairs by revealing what is behind the scenes.

  • lì cúa;

    to tear up paper.

  • cúa bûe;

    cúa ín; paper used as tinder.

  • thoih cúa;

    loose fly leaves.

  • tah cúa;

    mend with a paper patch.

  • cêk to̤ cúa;

    a packet of paper.

  • cêk to̤ jîeh cōi tieⁿ?

    How many sheets are there in a packet of paper?

  • cúa nâng, cúa bé, cúa hô̤h;

    men, horses, and storks made of paper.

  • kô kâi cúa nâng;

    make a paper giant.

  • îu cúa;

    oiled paper.

  • ní cúa;

    dyed paper.

  • cúa nĭoⁿ-hóⁿ;

    a paper tiger; something made to scare people.

  • khin kùe cúa-cîⁿ-láng;

    lighter than a thistle down.

  • cîah kàu kio cúa-káng hìeⁿ-seⁿ;

    has become as thin as a skeleton.

  • sin-bŭn-cúa;

    a newspaper.

  • Serpents; snakes.

  • cêk tîo cûa;

    a snake.

  • phah sí tîo cûa;

    killed a snake.

  • tâk cûa;

    a poisonous serpent.

  • cûa ŭ kâi ŏ̤i tâk, ŭ kâi bŏi;

    some serpents are poisonous and some are not.

  • cúi cûa;

    a water snake.

  • káu-bó̤-cûa;

    a large striped lizard.

  • khîm-cûa;

    a boa-constrictor.

  • ŭ kúi īeⁿ cûa kìe-cò̤ pêh-ăm-nùa, pùa-ki-kah, hŏ-sùaⁿ-pèⁿ, cheⁿ-tek-pie, to̤-nî-kṳn, pêh-pō-cî, cn̂g kâi sĭ tâk kâi;

    there are several kinds of snakes, the white necked snake, the cobra, the ringed snake, the black and yellow snake, the small brown snake, and the viper, all of which are poisonous.

  • sang thâu cûa;

    a two headed snake.

  • khî cûa;

    rare species of serpents.

  • cûa phûe;

    the skin of a snake.

  • cûa sin téng, cûa câi;

    the back and the belly of a snake.

  • cûa pak khak;

    the snake sheds its skin.

  • cûa thò̤;

    the shed skin of a snake.

  • cûa tŏ̤ cháu kò̤ pie khṳ̀;

    the snake darted off through the grass.

  • cûa so̤ cĭeⁿ suaⁿ téng;

    the serpent wriggled up to the top of the hill.

  • cûa sĭ chîⁿ thĭo khí lâi;

    the snake has crawled up by way of the post.

  • tîo cûa phŵn tŏ̤ chīu ki kò̤;

    a snake coiled around the branch of a tree.

  • cûa, lṳ́ phah i kâi thâu, i kâi búe cū àiⁿ kauh lṳ́ kâi kha;

    if you strike a snake’s head, his tail will coil around your leg.

  • cêk tîo cûa khún îⁿ-îⁿ;

    a snake coiled up in a circle.

  • lṳ́ àiⁿ phah i, i kâi cûa-thâu cū tēng khí lâi;

    when you are going to strike him, he darts up his head.

  • i kâi cûa-cam lāng a lāng;

    he is darting out his tongue.

  • cûa nih i;

    the snake nabbed him.

  • cí khí cûa bô̤ mih kă nâng;

    this species of snake is not apt to bite.

  • i kâi cûa búe kauh tŏ̤ chīu ki kò̤, i kâi thâu chun khṳ̀ cîah cío;

    he holds on to the limb with his tail, and darts his head forth to catch birds.

  • pit jû lêng cûa;

    serpentine lines made with the pen; beautiful writing.

  • chîang cûa tīn;

    serpentine evolutions in military strategy.

  • To take an oath; to swear; a vow or binding promise.

  • cìu-cūa;

    to take oath before a god.

  • lṳ́ káⁿ kāng i cìu-cūa mē?

    Dare you call down the wrath of a god upon you if he be right and you wrong?

  • cìu-cūa m̄ cò̤ cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄;

    invoke the anger of a god upon you, swearing that you will not do this.

  • tng thiⁿ cìu-cūa;

    take oath under the open heavens.

  • úa káⁿ kio lṳ́ cìu-cūa;

    I dare make oath to it.

  • A time; a trial.

  • i khṳ̀ ŭ kúi cūa?

    How many times did he go?

  • cêk cūa tīaⁿ;

    only once.

  • lâi hûe saⁿ sì cūa;

    came and went three or four times.

  • cò̤ kùe ku-ā cūa;

    have done it several times.