A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / bue | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / bue

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  • The end; the tail; the hindmost.

  • nî búe;

    the end of the year.

  • gûeh búe;

    the last of the month.

  • khí-thâu kàu suah-búe;

    from beginning to end.

  • ŭ cêk ki búe;

    it has a tail.

  • cûn búe;

    the stern of a boat.

  • cêk búe hṳ̂;

    one fish.

  • cêk búe chôiⁿ;

    a silk worm.

  • búe ŏi kiu; búe ŏi khìo;

    its tail turns up.

  • khut búe;

    draws in his tail.

  • îe búe;

    to wag the tail.

  • búe ŏi ciam;

    has a pointed tail.

  • chân thâu, chân búe;

    the two ends of a rice field.

  • ŭ thâu búe;

    systematically arranged.

  • bô̤ thâu bô̤ búe;

    without methed.

  • cò̤ sṳ̄ màiⁿ bô̤ bùe;

    finish up the things you do.

  • síu búe siang kù;

    reciprocal regard between leader and follower.

  • m̄ cai thâu búe;

    does not know the ins and outs of the matter.

  • m̄ hó̤ ùi síu; ùi búe;

    do not be apprehensive about that matter.

  • khṳ̀ kàu hṳ̀ búe-búe;

    go to the extreme end.

  • kío-búe kâi kíaⁿ;

    the youngest child.

  • kío-búe-ău;

    the very hindmost.

  • búe ău;

    in the rear.

  • lêng hûiⁿ búe;

    a pendant cloud.

  • sìo búe;

    the balance of an account.

  • cîⁿ búe;

    an unpaid remainder.

  • khang-khùe búe;

    remnant of work.

  • sńg lío kâi búe;

    the consequence of a frolic.

  • pit búe;

    the point of a pencil.

  • sam búe;

    the small end of a log.

  • chīu búe;

    the top of a tree.

  • câh thâu, câh búe;

    intercept at both ends.

  • cah thâu, cah búe;

    lift at both ends.

  • hāng thâu hāng búe;

    the head and the foot of a lane.

  • cêk phau búe;

    a tail bushy at the end.

  • cò̤ kúi ki búe;

    having several pendant ends.

  • búe lu-lu;

    a blunt end.

  • cam búe;

    the point of a needle.

  • thûh búe cam;

    a blunt needle.

  • cam thâu sùaⁿ búe;

    remnants of thread left in the needle.

  • kàu hṳ̀ búe jû tōa;

    it is bigger at the other end.

  • pit búe khui soi;

    the point of the brush is bristly.

  • piⁿ búe so̤h;

    the coarse silk braided into the queue.

  • chíu-búe ngân;

    his fingers are cold.

  • kha búe;

    the lower extremities.

  • pàng tō̤ mîn-chn̂g kha búe;

    put it there at the foot of the bed.

  • cí kĭaⁿ sĭ móng nâng pàng tīo kâi chíu búe;

    this is a relict of a certain person.

  • kín kùe huang búe lûi;

    fiercer than a final clap of thunder.

  • hĭⁿ búe thiaⁿ-kìⁿ;

    just caught the sound of it.

  • mâk búe thóiⁿ-kìⁿ;

    caught a glimpse of it.

  • tùe i kâi chùi búe tàⁿ;

    repeat it after him.

  • ēng kàu hú búe jú hó̤;

    it will be better when it is nearly used up.

  • khó thâu màiⁿ khó búe;

    take the hardship at the beginning, and not have it to endure at the end.

  • kù thâu kù búe;

    consider it on all sides.

  • cîh búe seⁿ chṳ;

    has festers on the end of his tongue.

  • hŭ-jîn hùe kâi ău-táu búe;

    the lower part of a woman’s coiffure, at the back of her head.

  • huang-thai búe;

    the end of a tyfoon.

  • Mildew.

  • chĭeⁿ bûe;


  • m̄ cai phâk cĭu chĭeⁿ bûe;

    if you do not sun it, it will mildew.

  • A go-between; a match-maker.

  • bûe-nâng;

    the go between.

  • tho̤h lṳ́ cò̤ bûe;

    entrust the making of the match to you.

  • sīa bûe-nâng;

    remunerate the go-between.

  • bûe phûa;

    an old woman who makes matches.

  • bûe-nâng chùi, chūa nâng ùi;

    whosoever follows the direction of a matchmaker goes into danger.

  • To decoy; to inveigle.

  • cío-bûe;

    a decoy bird; a stool pigeon.

  • cò̤ bûe;

    act as a decoy.

  • châk bô̤ bûe, pùaⁿ lō hûe;

    if the thief had no one to lead him, he would turn back when half way to his destination.

  • Plums.

  • cêk lîap bûe;

    a plum.

  • îeⁿ-bûe;

    the arbutus, or Chinese strawberry.

  • bûe-hue;

    plum blossoms.

  • cheⁿ tek bûe;

    green plums.

  • lŏ kîam bûe;

    pickled plums.

  • bûe-pó tîam kâi a kîam kâi?

    Are these plums sweet or salt?

  • îeⁿ-bûe thien-phàu; îeⁿ-bûe chng;

    a disease of licentions people.

  • Fossil coal; soot; embers.

  • bûe-thòaⁿ;

    fossil coal.

  • líu bûe-thòaⁿ;

    to dig coal.

  • bûe-thòaⁿ suaⁿ;

    a coal mine.

  • nín kâi lô sĭ ēng bûe-thòaⁿ a sĭ ēng húe-thòaⁿ?

    Do you use hard coal or charcoal in your stove?

  • jîem àm cū huang bûe?

    How late do you rake up the fire?

  • tun bûe-thòaⁿ;

    to store coal.

  • The game of morra.

  • cîah cíu lío, phah bûe;

    drink wine, and then play at morra.

  • i hṳ́ cêk mêⁿ kâi cíu-bûe thàng-thàng phah su, khṳt-nâng kẁn cíu, kẁn kàu lok-lok;

    throughout that whole night he was beaten in the game of morra, and was forced to drink wine as a forfeit, until he was drenched in it.

  • The meat on the breast.

  • bûe-nêk;

    the brisket; the tenderloin.

  • Not yet; adverb of negation.

  • būe cêng;

    has not yet.

  • būe tīaⁿ;

    it is not yet fixed.

  • būe pit;

    it is yet uncertain.

  • būe ŭ;

    has none as yet.

  • būe cai;

    does not yet know.

  • būe ŏi;

    cannot yet do it.

  • būe hó̤;

    not yet ready.

  • būe jîen;

    is not as yet necessarily thus.

  • àiⁿ kàu a būe?

    Are we almost there?

  • lâi a būe?

    Has he come yet?

  • cîah pá a būe?

    Has he finished his meal yet?

  • àiⁿ khṳ̀ a būe?

    Are you going now?

  • àiⁿ khṳ̀ būe khṳ̀;

    he is just going.

  • būe jîp lîu;

    clerks about courts who are not yet promoted.