Handbook of the Swatow Vernacular / Notes—Religious (汕頭話讀本之宗教(補)) | 閩南語書寫

Handbook of the Swatow Vernacular / Notes—Religious (汕頭話讀本之宗教(補))

  1. 1. Lesson XXXIII. Notes—Religious.

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Lesson XXXIII. Notes—Religious.

  • 【汝禮拜日有去禮拜亞無】(Lṳ́ lói-pài-jít ũ khṳ̀ lói-pài a-bô?) Do you go to worship on Sunday?
  • 【有。我個個禮拜去】(Ũ, uá kâi-kâi lói-pài khṳ̀) Yes, I go every Sunday.
  • 【汝是天主教亞毋是】(Lṳ́ sĩ Thien-tsú-kà a m̃-sĩ?) Are you a Roman Catholic?
  • 【阮是耶穌教】(Ún sĩ Iâ-sou-kà) We are Protestant.
  • 【汝是傳道理的儂亞毋是】(Lṳ́ sĩ thuân-tõ-lí–kâi-nâng a m̃-sĩ?) Are you a preacher?
  • 【是。汝有欲聽零些嗎】(Sĩ, lṳ́ ũ àiⁿ-thiaⁿ lân-ló mē?) Yes, do you wish to hear me a little?
  • 【我有閒。我來去禮拜堂聽】(Uá ũ-ôiⁿ, uá lâi-khṳ̀ lói-pài-tn̂g thiaⁿ) If I have time, I shall go to the church and hear.
  • 【今旦日菴埠閙熱】(Kíaⁿ-jît Am-pou lãu-jiét) To-day is a festival day in Am-pou.
  • 【做二十棚戯。佮迎老爺】(Tsò jī-tsáp-pêⁿ hì, kah iâⁿ-lãu-iâ) They have twenty theatre stages besides a procession.
  • 【來去佚佗】(Lâi-khṳ̀ thit-thô) Let us go for amusement.
  • 【我欲去拜老爺】(Uá àiⁿ-khṳ̀ pài-lãu-iâ) I am going to worship the idol.
  • 【欲去拜媽祖】(Aìⁿ-khṳ̀-pài Máⁿ-tsóu) I wish to worship the Goddess of sailors.
  • 【明起欲迎老爺】(Màⁿ-khí àiⁿ iâⁿ-lãu-iâ) There will be a procession to-morrow.
  • 【時節着拜阿公】(Sî-tsoih tiéh pài-a-kong) We must worship our ancestors on festival days.
  • 【淸明着去掛紙】(Chheng-mêng tiéh-khṳ̀ kùe-tsúa) On the festival of tombs, we must go to worship the graves.
  • 【囝兒着行孝父母】(Kiáⁿ-jî tiéh kiâⁿ-hàu pẽ-bó) Children must show filial piety towards their parents.
  • 【請和尚來讀經】(Chhiáⁿ hûe-sièⁿ lâi thák-keng) Engage a Buddhist priest to come and recite prayers.
  • 【用伍牲來奉】(Ēng ngóu-seⁿ lâi-hõng) Make an offering of five kinds.
  • 【燒香點燭】(Sie-hieⁿ, tiám-chek) Burn the incense-sticks, and light the candles.