Handbook of the Swatow Vernacular / Notes—Medical (汕頭話讀本之醫藥(補)) | 閩南語書寫

Handbook of the Swatow Vernacular / Notes—Medical (汕頭話讀本之醫藥(補))

  1. 1. Lesson XXIX. Notes—Medical.

↩️ 轉總目錄

Lesson XXIX. Notes—Medical.

  • 【我今旦日儂毋好】(Uá kiáⁿ-jít nâng m̃-móⁿ) I am unwell to-day.
  • 【汝寧可去倒】(Lṳ́ nêng-kò khṳ̀-tó) You had better go and lie down.
  • 【汝的儂怎呢】(Lṳ́ kâi nâng tsò-nîⁿ?) What is the matter with you?
  • 【儂熱】(Nâng zuáh) I have got fever.
  • 【欲請先生嗎】(Âiⁿ-chhiáⁿ sin-seⁿ mē?) Do you wish to engage a doctor?
  • 【汝的脈猛】(Lṳ́ kâi méhⁿ méⁿ) Your pulse is fast.
  • 【我零些寒藥分汝食】(Uá lân-ló kûaⁿ-iéh pun lṳ́ chiáh) I will give you some quinine to take.
  • 【怎呢食】(Tsò-nîⁿ-chiáh?) How am I to take it?
  • 【配點囝凊水】(Thōu tiám-kiáⁿ chhìn-tsúi) Take it with a little cold water.
  • 【三包在此】(Saⁿ-pau tõ-chié) Here’s three packets.
  • 【一日食三頓】(Chék-jít chiáh saⁿ-tǹg) Take one packet three times a day.
  • 【一頓食一包】(Chék-tǹg chiáh chék-pau) Take a packet each time.
  • 【此起病醫難好】(Chí-khí pēⁿ ui oh-hó) This kind of sickness is difficult to cure.
  • 【着請西國先生來醫正會好】(Tiéh-chhiáⁿ Sai-kok sin-seⁿ lâi ui chiàⁿ-õi-hó) You must get a European doctor to cure you, otherwise you will not be cured.
  • 【先生。請汝開張藥方】(Sin-seⁿ, chhiáⁿ-lṳ́ khui-tieⁿ iéh-hng) Doctor, please make out a prescription.
  • 【我來去醫館挈藥】(Uá lâi-khṳ̀ ui-kuán khiéh-iéh) I will go to the hospital and get the medicine.
  • 【用雞毛抹】(Ēng koi-môⁿ buah) Apply it with a fowl’s feather.
  • 【手勿摸着】(Chhiú màiⁿ-thãng–tiéh) Don’t touch it with the fingers.
  • 【汝有是乜毛病】(Lṳ́ ũ sĩ-mîh mâuⁿ-pēⁿ?) What sickness have you?
  • 【糜腳】(Mîⁿ-kha) A bad leg.
  • 【糜到今有若久了】(Mîⁿ-kàu-taⁿ ũ jiéh-kú–lō?) How long has it been ulcerated.
  • 【有成年】(U^ chiâⁿ-nîⁿ) About a year.
  • 【會癢亞袂】(Ōi-chiẽⁿ a-bõi?) Does it itch?
  • 【若是會癢不可爬】(Nãⁿ-sĩ õi-chiẽⁿ m̃-móⁿ pê) If it itches, you mustn’t scratch it.
  • 【歸去。着刻苦耐】(Kui-khṳ̀, tiéh khah-khóu nãiⁿ) Let it be, you must do your best to bear it.
  • 【一瞑起。起來。用此藥水洗】(Chék-mêng-khí khí-lâi-kâu ēng chiá iéh-tsúi sói) When you get up in the morning, wash it with this lotion.
  • 【伊的病重】(I-kâi pēⁿ tãng) His illness is serious.
  • 【着力在。欲死】(Tih-lát-tsãi, àiⁿ-sí) Very serious, almost dying.
  • 【無救了】(Bô-kiù–lō) There is no hope, (lit. there is no salvation.)
  • 【勿亂食】(Màiⁿ-thèng-chiáh) Don’t be eating what you shouldn’t eat.
  • 【食粥配鹹梅就好】(Chiáh-mûeⁿ phùe kiâm-bûe chiũ-hó) Take congee with salted plums.