Handbook of the Swatow Vernacular / Household furniture &c. (汕頭話讀本之家私) | 閩南語書寫

Handbook of the Swatow Vernacular / Household furniture &c. (汕頭話讀本之家私)

  1. 1. Lesson XIV. household furniture &c.
    1. 1.1. Bed Room.
    2. 1.2. Dining Room.
    3. 1.3. Kitchen.

↩️ 轉總目錄

Lesson XIV. household furniture &c.

  • 【家私】(Ke-si) Furnitures.
  • 【牀】(Tshn̂g) A table.
  • 【桌】(Toh) A table.
  • 【交椅】(Kau-íⁿ) A chair.
  • 【琴】(Khîm) An organ or piano.
  • 【腳踏椅】(Kha-táh-íⁿ) A foot-stool.
  • 【尪囝】(Ang-kiáⁿ) Pictures.
  • 【燈】(Teng) A lamp.
  • 【花干】(Hue-kan) A flower vase.
  • 【奇巧物】(Khî-khá-muéh) Curiosities.
  • 【佚佗物】(Thit-thô-muéh) Fancy articles.
  • 【鐵鉗】(Thih-kîⁿ) Tongs.
  • 【鐵匙】(Thih-sî) A fire shovel.
  • 【氈】(Chiⁿ) A rug, a carpet.
  • 【三腳圓牀】(Saⁿ-kha îⁿ-tshn̂g) A tripod round table.
  • 【四方牀】(Sì-pang tshn̂g) A square table.
  • 【茶几】(Tê-kí) A small tea-table.
  • 【牀落凍石】(Tshn̂g lóh tàng-chiéh) Tables with marble-top.
  • 【册架】(Chheh-kè) A book-stand.
  • 【册櫥】(Chheh-tû) A book-case.
  • 【寫字牀刻的】(Siá-jī-tshn̂g khek–kâi) A carved writing desk.
  • 【牀櫃】(Tshn̂g-kūiⁿ) A Chinese writing desk.
  • 【鉛筆】(În-pit) Pencil (lead.)
  • 【鐵筆】(Thih-pit) Steel-pen.
  • 【筆架】(Pit-kè) A pen-stand.
  • 【刀囝】(To-kiáⁿ) A pen-knife.
  • 【墨】(Bák) Ink (Chinese.)
  • 【墨水】(Bák-tsúi) Ink (foreign.)
  • 【墨硯】(Bák-ìⁿ) Ink-stone.
  • 【墨水罐】(Bák-tsúi-kuàn) Ink-stand.
  • 【白竹紙】(Péh-tek-tsúa) Chinese note paper.
  • 【西國紙】(Sai-kok-tsúa) Foreign paper.
  • 【信皮】(Siǹ-phûe) Envelopes.
  • 【批皮】(Phoi-phûe) Envelopes.
  • 【草蓆】(Tsháu-chhiéh) Mats.
  • 【拭腳的蓑】(Chhit-kha kâi sui) Door-mat.
  • 【撞枳】(Thn̄g-chí) Billiards, (to play.)
  • 【簾】(Liâm) Blinds.

  • 【伊的內無乜家私】(I kâi lãi bô-mih ke-si) There is not much furniture in his house.
  • 【伊是新到的儂】(I sĩ sin-kàu–kâi-nâng) He is a new comer.
  • 【擔一張交椅來】(Taⁿ chék-chiah kau-íⁿ lâi) Get me a chair.
  • 【樓頂的氈。舒】(Lâu-téng kâi chiⁿ, tshṳ) Spread the carpet up-stairs.
  • 【汝曉彈琴亞毋曉】(Lṳ́ hióu tūaⁿ-khîm a m̃-hióu?) Do you know how to play the piano?
  • 【我曉】(Uá hióu) I know.
  • 【此個尪囝雅在】(Chí-kâi ang-kiáⁿ ngiá-tsãi) This picture is very beautiful.
  • 【燈拭毋淸潔】(Teng chhit m̃-chheng-khi) The lamps are not wiped clean.
  • 【佮四指呾,叫伊另外拭】(Kah sì-tsóiⁿ tàⁿ, hàm i lêng-ngūa chhit) Tell the boy to wipe the lamps again.
  • 【汝此內有一撮奇巧物】(Lṳ́ chí-lãi ũ chék-tshoh khî-khá-muéh) You have a quantity of curiosities in your house.
  • 【是趣味在】(Sĩ tshù-bi̍ tsãi) They are very funny indeed.
  • 【火爐有起火亞未】(Húe-lôu ũ khí-húe a-būe?) Have you made a fire in the grate?
  • 【未。我此時正欲來起】(Būe, uá chí-tsûn chiàⁿ-àiⁿ lâi-khí) Not yet, I am just going to make one.
  • 【猛猛凊在。火起熱熱】(Méⁿ méⁿ chhìn-tsãi, húe-khí jiét-jiét) Look sharp, it is very cold, and make the fire very fierce.
  • 【塗炭落㩼㩼】(Thôu-thùaⁿ lóh tsōi-tsōi) Put plenty of coals on.
  • 【此領氈挈去拂掉塗粉】(Chí-niáⁿ chiⁿ khiéh khṳ̀ pũaⁿ-tiòu thôu-hún) Take this rug and beat off the dust.
  • 【在此好放一張四方牀】(Tõ-chié hó-sāi chék-tieⁿ sì-pang tshn̂g) Here can be put a square table.
  • 【此張圓牀來徙放別處】(Chí-tieⁿ îⁿ-tshn̂g lâi suá pàng pát-kò) Let us remove this round table to some other place.
  • 【欲徙放底塊】(Àiⁿ-súa pàng tî-kò?) Where shall we remove it to?
  • 【此張册架來徙放此】(Chí-tieⁿ chheh-kè lài súa pàng chié;) Let us remove the book-stand here;
  • 【圓牀來放彼】(Îⁿ-tshn̂g lâi-sāi pàng-hié…) And place the round table there.
  • 【汝去我寫字牀挈一枝鉛筆來】(Lṳ́ khṳ̀ uá siá-jī-tshn̂g khiéh chék-ki în-pit lâi) You go to my writing desk and get me a pencil
  • 【佮挈一張紙】(Kah khiéh chék-tieⁿ tsúa) And a sheet of paper.
  • 【是可紙。白竹紙亞是西國紙】(Sĩ-mih tsúa, péh-tek-tsúa a-sĩ sai-kok-tsúa) What sort of paper, Chinese or foreign?
  • 【任都好】(Zuãn tou-hó) Either will do.
  • 【先生欲寫字汝來磨墨】(Sin-seⁿ àiⁿ siá-jī lṳ́ lâi bûa-bák) The teacher is going to write, you come and rub the ink-stick.
  • 【信皮欲嗎】(Sìn-phûe àiⁿ mē?) Do you want an envelope?
  • 【欲也。挈張來】(Àiⁿ a, khiéh tieⁿ lâi) Yes, get me one.
  • 【草蓆佮拭腳的蓑挈去晒】(Tsháu-chhiéh kah chhit-kha kâi sui, khiéh khṳ̀ phák) Take the matting and the door-mat and air them in the sun.
  • 【拂淸潔。了正去晒】(Pũaⁿ chheng-khih, lióu chiàⁿ-khṳ̀ phák) Beat them clean before putting them in the sun.
  • 【走馬樓的簾放落來】(Tsáu-bé-lâu kâi liâm pàng–lôh-lâi) Let go the blinds of the verandah.
  • 【汝曉撞枳嗎】(Lṳ́ hióu thn̄g-chí mē?) Can you play billiards?
  • 【曉也。汝欲佮我輸贏】(Hióu a, lṳ́ àiⁿ kah uá su-iâⁿ?) Yes, do you wish to have a match with me?
  • 【咱來撞佚佗就好】(Nán lâi thn̄g thit-thô chiũ-hó) Let us simply play (a game) for pleasure.
  • 【免用相輸。我毋尚跋錢】(Mín-ēng sie-su, uá m̃-siãng puáh-chîⁿ) We needn’t have a match, as I don’t like to gamble.
  • 【跋錢是不可事】(Puáh-chîⁿ sĩ m̃-móⁿ sṳ̄) Gambling is a bad thing.

Bed Room.

  • 【眠牀】(Mîn-tshn̂g) A bedstead.
  • 【炕牀】(Khàng-tshn̂g) A Chinese couch.
  • 【鋪】(Phou) A bed formed of two benches with boards laid across.
  • 【褥】(Zók) Mattress.
  • 【枕頭】(Chím-thâu) A pillow.
  • 【攬的枕頭】(Nám–kâi chím-thâu) A bolster.
  • 【蠓帳】(Máng-tiàⁿ) Mosquito curtain.
  • 【眠牀白布】(Mîn-tshn̂g péh-pòu) Bed-sheet.
  • 【枕頭囊】(Chím-thâu-lông) Pillow-case.
  • 【被】(Phũe) Bed clothes (cotton.)
  • 【袒】(Thán) Do. (woollen.)
  • 【蠓帳鈎】(Máng-tiàⁿ-kau) A hook for mosquito net.
  • 【鏡】(Kiàⁿ) A looking glass.
  • 【梳】(Siu) A comb.
  • 【虱箆】(Sat-pìn) A Chinese small-tooth comb.
  • 【筅】(Tshóiⁿ) A brush.
  • 【刷】(Sueh) A brush.
  • 【齒刷】(Khí-chhiù) A tooth-brush.
  • 【剃刀】(Thì-to) A razor.
  • 【衫吊】(Saⁿ-tiòu) A clothes-horse.
  • 【帽吊】(Bō-tiòu) A hat-stand.
  • 【箱】(Sieⁿ) A box.
  • 【櫥】(Tû) A wardrobe, a press.
  • 【櫃】(Kūiⁿ) A chest of drawers.
  • 【隔】(Keh) A drawer, or a shelf, as of a book-stand.
  • 【時鐘】(Sî-cheng) A clock.
  • 【扇】(Sìⁿ) A fan.
  • 【燭】(Chek) Candles.
  • 【燭檯】(Chek-tâi) A candle-stick.
  • 【放衫褲的筐】(Tshō saⁿ-khòu kâi kheng) A clothes basket.
  • 【洗面的牀】(Sói-mīn kâi tshn̂g) A toilet table.
  • 【面盆】(Mīn-phûn) A wash basin.
  • 【面桶】(Mīn-tháng) Do. (wooden.)
  • 【面桶架】(Mīn-tháng-kè) Do. stand.
  • 【水罐】(Tsúi-kuàn) A jug.
  • 【面布】(Mīn-pòu) A towel for the face.
  • 【浴布】(Ék-pòu) A towel for bath.
  • 【番梘】(Huan-káng) Soap (foreign.)
  • 【餅藥】(Piáⁿ-iéh) Soap (Chinese.)
  • 【茶枳枯】(Tê-chí-khou) A kind of Chinese washing stuff.
  • 【海茸】(Hái-zông) Sponge.
  • 【粉】(Hún) Powder.
  • 【芳水】(Phang-tsúi) Perfume.
  • 【花露水】(Hue-lōu-tsúi) Lavender water.
  • 【尿壺】(Jiē-hû) A chamber utensil.
  • 【屎鉢】(Sái-puah) Do.

  • 【眠牀排瞑起着物好】(Mīn-tshn̂g pâi-mêng-khí tiéh muéh-hó) Every morning the bed must be put right.
  • 【褥挈去晒】(Zók khiéh khṳ̀ phák) Take the mattress and put it in the sun.
  • 【枕頭亦着晒】(Chím-thâu iā tiéh phák) The pillows must be aired too.
  • 【蠓帳垃圾了。着乞洗衫的洗】(Máng-tiàⁿ nah-sap–lō, tiéh khoih sói-saⁿ–kâi sói) The mosquito curtain is dirty, it must be given to the washerman to wash.
  • 【眠牀白布一個禮拜着換一次】(Mîn-tshn̂g péh-pòu chék-kâi lói-pài tiéh uāⁿ chék-ē) The bed-sheet must be changed once a week.
  • 【枕頭囊亦着排個禮拜換】(Chím-thâu-lông iā tiéh pâi-kâi lói-pài uāⁿ) The pillow cases must also be changed every week.
  • 【被不可洗較業】(Phũe m̃-móⁿ sói khah-giáp) Bed-clothes shouldn’t be washed too often.
  • 【洗較業袂燒】(Sói khah-giáp bõi-sie) (If) washed too often they will not be warm.
  • 【眠牀拂蠓。了蠓帳放好】(Mîn-tshn̂g pũaⁿ-máng, lióu máng-tìaⁿ pàng-hó) Drive out the mosquitoes in the bed, and then let down the curtain properly.
  • 【伊好睒鏡】(I hàuⁿ-iám-kìaⁿ) He is fond of looking in the looking-glass.
  • 【挈我的梳佮虱箆來】(Khiéh uá kâi siu kah sat-pìn lâi) Get me my comb and my small-tooth comb.
  • 【汝佮我梳。了佮我箆】(Lṳ́ kâh uá siu, lióu kah uá pìn) You comb my hair, then use the small-tooth comb.
  • 【剃刀毋利。不可剃頭】(Thì-to m̃-lāi, m̃-móⁿ thì-thâu) The razor is not sharp, I can’t shave (with it.)
  • 【我的頭筅在底塊】(Uá kâi thâu-tshóiⁿ tõ tî-kò?) Where is my hair-brush?
  • 【吊放底塊】(Tiòu-pàng tî-kò?) Where shall I hang it?
  • 【吊放衫吊】(Tiòu-pàng saⁿ-tiòu) Hang it on the clothes-horse.
  • 【汝的箱有鎖定亞無】(Lṳ́ kâi sieⁿ ũ só-tiāⁿ a-bô?) Is your box locked?
  • 【無鎖。我毋知鎖定】(Bô–só, uá m̃-tsai só–tiāⁿ) No. I have forgotten to lock it.
  • 【囥放櫃底】(Khǹg-pàng kūiⁿ-tói) Keep it in the chest of drawers.
  • 【番梘在洗面的牀隔底】(Huan-káng tõ sói-mīn kâi tshn̂g-keh-tói) The soap is in the drawer of the toilet table.
  • 【挈一塊就好。芳的】(Khiéh chék-kò chĩu-hó, phang–kâi) Get one piece, a fragrant one.
  • 【水罐有水亞無】(Tsúi-kuàn ũ tsúi a-bô?) Is there any water in the jug?
  • 【水完了。我來去挈】(Tsúi lióu–lō, uá lâi khṳ̀-khiéh) The water is finished, I will go and get (some.)
  • 【挈一條淸潔的浴布來】(Khiéh chék-tióu chheng-khih kâi ék-pòu lâi) Get me a clean bath-towel.
  • 【我欲沐浴】(Uá àiⁿ sói-ék) I want to bathe.
  • 【有温水亞無】(Ũ sie-tsúi a-bô?) Is there hot water?
  • 【無。我來去燃】(Bô, uá lâi khṳ̀-hiâⁿ) No, I will go and boil (some.)
  • 【汝的面有抹粉亞無】(Lṳ́ kâi mīn ũ buah-hún a-bô?) Do you put powder on your face?
  • 【無。我日日用花露水】(Bô, uá jít-jít ēng hue-lōu-tsúi) No, I use lavender water every day.

Dining Room.

  • 【食牀】(Chiáh-tshn̂g) A dining table.
  • 【牀布】(Tshn̂g-pòu) Table cloth.
  • 【手巾】(Chhiú-kṳn) Napkins.
  • 【刀】(To) Knives.
  • 【叉】(Chhe) Forks.
  • 【匙】(Sî) Spoons.
  • 【湯匙】(Thng-sî) Gravy spoons.
  • 【豉油架】(Sī-iû-kè) A cruet-stand.
  • 【刀架】(To-kè) A knife rest.
  • 【洗手杯】(Sói-chhiú-pue) Finger bowl.
  • 【酒杯】(Chiú-pue) Liquor glasses.
  • 【酒鍾】(Chiú-cheng) Chinese liquor cups.
  • 【玻璃杯】(Po-lî-pue) Tumblers.
  • 【調雞湯個匙】(Ié koi-thng kâi sî) A soup ladle.
  • 【貯雞湯個甌】(Tshō koi-thng kâi au) A soup tureen.
  • 【盤】(Pûaⁿ) Plates.
  • 【碗】(Uáⁿ) Bowls.
  • 【碗公】(Uáⁿ-kong) Large bowls.
  • 【盤囝】(Pûaⁿ-kiáⁿ) Dessert plates, saucers.
  • 【茶鍾】(Tẽ-cheng) Tea-cups.
  • 【茶匙】(Tê-sî) Tea spoons.
  • 【茶罐】(Tê-kuàn) A tea-pot.
  • 【糖罐】(Thn̂g-kuàn) A sugar basin.
  • 【牛乳罐】(Gû-nĩⁿ-kùan) A milk jug.
  • 【羔丕罐】(Ko-pî-kuàn) A coffee pot.
  • 【羔丕磨】(Ko-pî-bō) A coffee mill.
  • 【桶盤】(Tháng-pûaⁿ) A tray.
  • 【筒架】(Tãng-kè) A cup-board.
  • 【食櫥】(Chiáh-tû) A cup-board.
  • 【鹽碟】(Iâm-tíh) Salt cellar.
  • 【碟囝】(Tíh-kiáⁿ) Chinese little saucer for holding sauce.
  • 【鍾】(Cheng) A bell.
  • 【玻璃樽】(Po-lî-tsun) Bottles.
  • 【酒機】(Chiú-kúi) A cockscrew.
  • 【白鐵盒】(Péh-thih-áp) A small tin box, as a tin for holding sardine.
  • 【白鐵㼦】(Péh-thih-kóng) A small tin vessel, as a tin for holding salmon.

  • 【食牀披牀布亞未】(Chiáh-tshn̂g phi tshn̂g-pòu a-būe?) Has the table cloth been spread on the dining table?
  • 【披好了。刀叉未擺】(Phi hó–lō, to-chhe būe-pái) It has, but the knives and forks haven’t been laid.
  • 【牀擺未好】(Tshn̂g pái būe-hó) The table is not ready.
  • 【豉油架放鎭中】(Sī-iû-kè pàng tìn-tang) Put the cruet-stand in the middle.
  • 【食了挈洗手杯來】(Chiáh-lióu khiéh sói-chhiú-pue lái) After dinner get the finger bowls.
  • 【盤一樣食了着換】(Pûaⁿ chék-iēⁿ chiáh-lióu tiéh-uāⁿ) The plates must be changed after every course.
  • 【刀叉亦是此樣生】(To-chhe iā sĩ chièⁿ-seⁿ) So also the knives and forks.
  • 【挈一玻璃杯凊水乞我】(Khíeh chék po-lî-pue chhìn-tsúi khoih uá) Get me a tumbler of cold water.
  • 【我欲食】(Uá àiⁿ-chiáh) I want to drink.
  • 【盤碗食了着洗】(Pûaⁿ-uáⁿ chiáh-lióu tiéh-sói) After dinner you must wash the dishes.
  • 【洗了着拭灱】(Sói-lióu tiéh chhit-ta) After washing you must wipe them dry.
  • 【牀布佮手巾垃圾好換】(Tshn̂g-pòu kah chhiú-kṳn nah-sap hó-uāⁿ) The table-cloth and the napkins may be changed, if they are dirty.
  • 【調雞湯個匙。拭就好。不可磨】(Ié-koi-thng kâi-sî chhit chiũ-hó, m̃-móⁿ chhiù) Just wipe the soup ladle, you must not rub it.
  • 【茶鍾有幾個】(Tê-cheng ũ kúi-kâi?) How many tea-cups are there?
  • 【有五個定定】(Ũ ngõu-kâi tiāⁿ-tiāⁿ) There are only five.
  • 【五個定定。加一個乞底誰敲破】(Ngõu-kâi tiāⁿ-tiāⁿ, ke chék-kâi khoih tî-tiâng khà-tiòu?) Only five? Who has broken the other five?
  • 【我哩毋知】(Uá li m̃-tsai) I don’t know.
  • 【汝怎呢好毋知。物件是汝管的】(Lṳ́ tsò-nîⁿ hó m̃-tsai, muéh-kiãⁿ sĩ lṳ́ kuáⁿ-kâi) How is it you don’t know, the things are in your charge.
  • 【我煩惱。我哩割汝的工錢】(Uá huân-ló, uá li kuah lṳ́ kâi kang-chîⁿ) I don’t care, I will cut your wages.
  • 【無。汝哩去買一個來賠我】(Bô, lṳ́ li khṳ̀-bói chék-kâi lâi pûe uá) Otherwise, you had better go and buy one to compensate me.
  • 【汝此近時惰在。做事無詳細】(Lṳ́ chí-chùaⁿ-sî tũaⁿ-tsāi, tsò-sṳ̄ bô tsṳ́-sòi) You have been very idle of late, and do things carelessly.
  • 【我欲算汝歇】(Uá àiⁿ-sǹg lṳ́ hiah) I want to discharge you.
  • 【食便。搖鐘】(Chiáh piēn, iẽ-cheng) Ring the bell, when the dinner is ready.


  • 【灶】(Tsàu) A furnace.
  • 【風爐】(Huang-lôu) A stove.
  • 【鍟鍋】(Seⁿ-ue) A kettle.
  • 【銅鍋】(Tâng-ue) A Chinese brass kettle.
  • 【鍋囝】(Ue-kiáⁿ) A Chinese earthen kettle.
  • 【燉鉢】(Tũn-puah) A Chinese earthen cooking vessel.
  • 【鼎】(Tiáⁿ) A pan.
  • 【蓋】(Khòiⁿ) A lid, a cover.
  • 【蓋】(Khàm) A lid, a cover.
  • 【砧】(Tiam) A chopping block.
  • 【方刀】(Pang-to) A chopper.
  • 【箸】(Tṳ̄) Chop-sticks.
  • 【甕】(Àng) A large jar.
  • 【鑤】(Pàu) A small jar.
  • 【水缸】(Tsúi-kng) A water jar.
  • 【鉢】(Puah) A pot.
  • 【桶】(Tháng) A tub, a bucket.
  • 【沐浴桶】(Sói-ék-tháng) A bath-tub.
  • 【腳桶】(Kha-tháng) A bath-tub.
  • 【竹椅】(Tek-íⁿ) A bamboo seat.
  • 【椅頭】(Íⁿ-thâu) A high stool.
  • 【椅囝】(Íⁿ-kiáⁿ) A little stool.
  • 【臼】(Khũ) A mortar.
  • 【臼囝】(Khũ-kiáⁿ) A little mortar.
  • 【磨刀石】(Bûa-to-chiéh) Whetstone.
  • 【燈盞】(Teng-chuáⁿ) A Chinese table lamp.
  • 【紙輦燈】(Chúa-luán-teng) A paper spill.
  • 【火牌】(Húe-pâi) Matches.
  • 【自來火】(Tsṳ̃-lâi-húe) Matches.
  • 【燈心】(Teng-sim) Lamp wick.
  • 【油】(Iû) Oil.
  • 【塗油】(Thôu-iû) Paraffin oil.
  • 【塗炭】(Thôu-thùaⁿ) Coal.
  • 【火炭】(Húe-thùaⁿ) Charcoal.
  • 【火柴】(Húe-tshâ) Fire-wood.
  • 【火灰】(Húe-hu) Ashes.
  • 【掃箒】(Sàu-siú) A broom.
  • 【糞斗】(Pùn-táu) A shovel.

  • 【風爐在煲底個】(Huang-lôu tõ pû tî-kâi?) What is boiling on the stove?
  • 【煲零些温水】(Pû lân-ló sie-tsúi) Some hot water is boiling.
  • 【鼎裂。不可用】(Tiáⁿ líh, m̃-móⁿ ēng) The pan is cracked and cannot be used.
  • 【着另外買一個新的】(Tiéh lêng-ngūa bói chék-kâi sin–kâi) You must buy a new one.
  • 【若是好補。免用買新的】(Nāⁿ-sĩ hó-póu mín-ēng bói sin–kâi) If it can be mended you needn’t buy a new one.
  • 【欲斫物着在砧頂】(Àiⁿ tok-muéh tiéh nāⁿ tiam-téng) If you want to cut things you must cut them on the chopping block.
  • 【我毋曉執箸】(Uá m̃-hióu khiâ-tṳ̄) I don’t know how to use chop-sticks.
  • 【阮執刀叉】(Ún khiâ to-chhe) We use knives and forks.
  • 【甕底貯底個】(Àng-tói tshō tî-kâi?) What does the jar contain?
  • 【貯水】(Tshō tsúi) It contains water.
  • 【虧一桶水來】(Kũaⁿ chék-tháng tsúi lâi) Get me a bucket of water.
  • 【腳桶貯水】(Kha-tháng tshō-tsúi) Put water in the bath-tub.
  • 【水缸個水傾掉】(Tsúi-kng kâi tsúi tò-tiòu;) Pour the water out of the jar;
  • 【另外貯淸潔的】(Lêng-ngūa tshō chheng-khih–kâi) And put clean water in it.
  • 【方刀斫着鐵釘缺去】(Pang-to tok–tiéh thih-teng khih-khṳ̀) The chopper struck against a nail and is blunt.
  • 【另外磨會利】(Lêng-ngūa bûa õi-lāi) Whet it, and it will be sharp again.
  • 【磨刀石底塊】(Bûa-to chiéh tî-kò?) Where is the whet-stone?
  • 【挈來磨】(Khiéh lâi bûa) Bring it here to sharpen.
  • 【挑一張竹椅我坐】(Taⁿ chék-chiah tek-íⁿ uá tsõ) Get me a bamboo seat to sit on.
  • 【燈盞的火熄去】(Leng-chúaⁿ kâi húe kùe–khṳ̀) The table lamp has gone out.
  • 【另外點】(Lêng-ngūa tiám) Light it again.
  • 【添加零些油】(Thiⁿ ke lân-ló iû) Add some more oil.
  • 【火牌㴷。劃袂焰】(Húe-pâi tâm, uéh bõi-tóh) The matches are damp, (though) they are struck they will not light.
  • 【燈心盡了】(Teng-sim lióu–lō) The wick is burnt down.
  • 【用火炭。勿用火柴】(Ēng húe-thùaⁿ, màiⁿ ēng húe-tshâ) Use charcoal, don’t use fire-wood.
  • 【用柴通間內烟】(Ēng tshâ thong-koiⁿ-lãi huu) If you use wood the whole house will be full of smoke.
  • 【灶空的火灰抔去】(Tsàu-khang kâi húe-hu put-tiòu) Remove the ashes in the furnace.