Handbook of the Swatow Vernacular / Exercises V (汕頭話讀本之練習) | 閩南語書寫

Handbook of the Swatow Vernacular / Exercises V (汕頭話讀本之練習)

  1. 1. Lesson V. Exercises.
    1. 1.1. section I.
    2. 1.2. section II.
    3. 1.3. section III.
    4. 1.4. section IV.

↩️ 轉總目錄

Lesson V. Exercises.

section I.

  • 【伊欲認嗎】(I àiⁿ-jīn mē?) Is he going to confess?
  • 【伊毋應】(I m̃-ìn) He won’t answer.
  • 【伊欲詏】(I àiⁿ-à) He wants to argue.
  • 【汝底當時到】(Lṳ́ tiang-sî kàu?) When did you arrive?
  • 【汝問底誰】(Lṳ́ mn̄g tî-tiâng?) Who are you asking?
  • 【我問汝】(Uá mn̄g lṳ́.) I ask you.
  • 【誰儂拍汝】(Tî-tiâng phah lṳ́?) Who beat you?
  • 【汝知嗎】(Lṳ́ tsai mē?) Do you know?
  • 【我毋知】(Uá m̃-tsai) I don’t know.
  • 【我毋信汝】(Uá m̃-sìn lṳ́) I don’t believe you.
  • 【汝怎呢毋信我】(Lṳ́ tsò-nîⁿ m̃-sìn uá?) Why don’t you believe me?
  • 【彼個挈來】(Hṳ́-kâi khiéh–lâi) Bring me that.
  • 【筅】(Tshóiⁿ) Brush it.
  • 【筅好挈來】(Tshóiⁿ-hó khiéh–lâi) After you have brushed it, bring it to me.
  • 【此買有亞無】(Chía bói-ũ a-bô?) Is there any of this to be bought?
  • 【買無】(Bói-bô) There is none to be bought.
  • 【叫伊來】(Kiè i lâi) Call him here.
  • 【伊會走】(I õi-tsáu) He can run.
  • 【我會行袂走】(Ua õi-kiâⁿ, bõi tsáu) I can walk, but I cannot run.
  • 【汝掠伊】(Lṳ́ liáh–i) You catch him.
  • 【汝掠伊會着嗎】(Lṳ́ liáh i õi-tiéh mē?) Can you catch him?
  • 【我袂走。掠伊袂着】(Uá bõi-tsáu, liáh i bõi tiéh.) I can’t run, and I can’t catch him.

section II.

  • 【此個我勿。我欲換】(Chí–kâi uá màiⁿ, uá aìⁿ-ūaⁿ) I don’t want a change.
  • 【汝去追伊】(Lṳ́ khṳ̀-jiōu i) You go and chase him.
  • 【追毋着】(Jiōu m̃-tièh) Can’t overtake him.
  • 【汝走就追會着】(Lṳ́ tsáu chiũ-jiōu õi-tièh) If you run, you will overtake him.
  • 【汝勿騙我】(Lṳ́ màiⁿ-phièn úa) Don’t you deceive me.
  • 【汝欲選底一個】(Lṳ́ àiⁿ-suán tî-chék-kâi?) Which do you wish to choose?
  • 【此個物淸潔】(Chí–kâi muéh-chheng-khih) Clean this.
  • 【此個挈去煮】(Chí–kâi khiéh-khṳ̀ tsṳ́) Take this and cook it.
  • 【汝曉算嗎】(Lṳ́ hióu-sǹg mē?) Can you count?
  • 【我毋曉】(Uá m̃-hióu) I can’t.
  • 【勿哭】(Màiⁿ-khàu) Don’t cry.
  • 【伊敢去嗎】(I káⁿ-khṳ́ mē?) Does he dare to go?
  • 【伊毋敢】(I m̃-káⁿ) He dare not.
  • 【伊袂食】(I bõi-chiáh) He can’t eat.
  • 【怎呢袂食】(Tsò-nîⁿ bõi-chiáh) Why can’t he eat?
  • 【我毋知】(Uá m̃-tsai) I don’t know.
  • 【入來】(Jíp–lái) Come in.
  • 【出去】(Tshut–khṳ̀) Go out.
  • 【汝聽我會見嗎】(Lṳ́ thiaⁿ uá õi-kìⁿ mē?) Can you hear me?
  • 【我聽毋見】(Uá thiaⁿ m̃-kìⁿ) I can’t hear you.

section III.

  • 【彼個挈分我】(Hiá khiéh-pun uá) Get me that.
  • 【底個】(Tî-kâi) What is it?
  • 【是此個亞毋是】(Sĩ chiá a m̃-sĩ?) Is this it?
  • 【就是】(Chiũ-sĩ) That is it.
  • 【挈來】(Khiéh–lài) Bring it here.
  • 【感謝】(Kám-siā) Thank you.
  • 【好了】(Hó–lō) That will do.
  • 【伊會傷着嗎】(I õi sieⁿ–tiéh mē?) Is he hurt?
  • 【袂】(Bõi) No.
  • 【伊會死嗎】(I õi sí mē?) Will he die?
  • 【我想伊會】(Uá siẽⁿ i õi.) I think he will.
  • 【我聽見伊哭】(Uá thiaⁿ-kìⁿ i khàu) I heard him cry.
  • 【此個挈去囥】(Chí–kâi khiéh-khṳ̀ khǹg) Take this and keep it.
  • 【跪落去】(Kũi–lóh-khṳ̀) Kneel down.
  • 【起來】(Khí–lâi) Get up.
  • 【勿笑】(Màiⁿ-chhiè) Don’t laugh.
  • 【我毋識伊】(Uá m̃-pat i) I don’t know him.
  • 【我只伊在底塊徛起】(Uá tsai i tõ tî-kò khiã-khí) I know where he lives.
  • 【伊毋作。欲歇】(I m̃-tsoh, àiⁿ-hiah) He doesn’t want to work, (but) wants to leave.
  • 【汝去佮伊呾勿歇】(Lṳ́ khṳ̀ kah i tàⁿ, màiⁿ-hiah) You go and tell him not to leave.
  • 【此個借我】(Chí–kâi chieh uá) Lend me this.
  • 【袂使】(Bõi-sái) That won’t do.
  • 【我自己欲用】(Uá ka-kī àiⁿ-ēng) I want to use it myself.
  • 【此個我毋曉怎呢物】(Chiá uá m̃-hióu tsò-nîⁿ muéh) I don’t understand how to do this.
  • 【請汝佮我呾】(Chhiáⁿ lṳ́ kah uá tàⁿ) Please tell me.
  • 【來去佚佗】(Lâi-khṳ̀ thit-thô) Come let us go out to amuse ourselves.
  • 【咱勿對彼塊過】(Nán màiⁿ tùi-hié kùe) Let us not pass by that way.
  • 【由此過】(Tùi-chié kùe) Pass by this way.
  • 【彼擇起來】(
  • tóh–khí-lâi) Pick that up.

section IV.

  • 【此個送汝】(Chí–kâi sàng lṳ́) This is presented to you.
  • 【請汝收】(Chhiáⁿ lṳ́ siu) Please accept it.
  • 【感謝】(Kám-siā) Thank you.
  • 【放此】(Pàng–chié) Put it here.
  • 【勿佮伊相罵】(Màiⁿ kah i sie-mēⁿ) Don’t quarrel with him.
  • 【去哪】(Khṳ̀–nō) Go away.
  • 【汝曉讀嗎】(Lṳ́ hióu-thák mē?) Can you read?
  • 【毋曉】(M̃-hióu) I can’t.
  • 【放伊去】(Pàng i khṳ̀) Let him go.
  • 【伊毋好去】(I m̃-hàuⁿ khṳ̀) He refuses to go.
  • 【我記得汝】(Uá kì-tit lṳ́) I remember you.
  • 【汝有記得我嗎】(Lṳ́ ũ kì-tit uá mē?) Do you remember me?
  • 【我欲搬】(Uá àiⁿ-puaⁿ) I am going to remove.
  • 【欲搬去底塊】(Àiⁿ-puaⁿ khṳ̀ tî-kò?) Where are you going to remove to?
  • 【還了未知】(Huân-lióu būe-tsai) I don’t know yet.
  • 【到底當時正知】(Kàu tiang-sî chiàⁿ-tsai?) When will you know?
  • 【汝若是欲搬。請汝佮我呾】(Lṳ́ nāⁿ-sĩ àiⁿ-puaⁿ chhíaⁿ lṳ́ kah uá tàⁿ) If you are going to remove, please tell me.
  • 【伊轉來亞未】(I tńg–lâi a-būe?) Has he come home?
  • 【未】(Būe) He hasn’t.
  • 【此個挈去還伊】(Chí–kâi khiéh-khṳ̀ hôiⁿ i) Take this, go and return it to him.
  • 【汝有覓嗎】(Lṳ́ ũ tshūe mē?) Did you search for it?
  • 【有。我覓無】(Ũ. Uá tshūe bô) Yes. I searched, but I couldn’t find it.
  • 【徛起來】(Khiã–khí-lâi) Stand up.
  • 【坐】(Tsõ) Sit down.
  • 【請汝教我】(Chhiáⁿ lṳ́ kà uá) You teach me, please.
  • 【伊來巡汝】(I lâi-sûn lṳ́) He comes to visit you.
  • 【請待】(Chhiáⁿ-táⁿ) Just wait please.
  • 【好】(Hó) Very Well.
  • 【此個勿。捔掉】(Chiá màiⁿ, kák-tiòu) This is not wanted, throw it away.
  • 【我袂寫】(Uá bõi-siá) I can’t write.