Handbook of the Swatow Vernacular / A building &c. (汕頭話讀本之建築) | 閩南語書寫

Handbook of the Swatow Vernacular / A building &c. (汕頭話讀本之建築)

  1. 1. Lesson XII. a building &c.
    1. 1.1. section I.
    2. 1.2. section II.
    3. 1.3. section III.

↩️ 轉總目錄

Lesson XII. a building &c.

section I.

  • 【厝】(Tshù) A house.
  • 【地腳】(Tī-kha) Foundation.
  • 【灰】(Hue) Lime.
  • 【牆】(Chhiêⁿ) Wall.
  • 【厝頂】(Tshù-téng) Roof.
  • 【厝瓦】(Tshù-hiã) Tiles (roof.)
  • 【棟樑 樑】(Tòng-êⁿ, êⁿ) A beam.
  • 【柱】(Thiõu) A pillar, a post.
  • 【磚】(Tsng) Tiles (floor.)
  • 【紅磚】(Âng-tsng) Bricks.
  • 【塗腳】(Thôu-kha) Floor (earth of tile.)
  • 【灰埕】(Hue-tiâⁿ) Lime floor.
  • 【樓枋】(Lâu-pang) Board floor.
  • 【欄杆】(Lân-kan) Railing.

  • 【欲建厝着有地腳】(Àiⁿ khí-tshù tiéh ũ tī-kha) To build a house, there must be a foundation.
  • 【地腳深。厝就堅】(Tī-kha chhim, tshù chiũ khiàng) If the foundation is deep, then the house will be strong.
  • 【無地腳厝袂徛】(Bô tī-kha tshù bõi-khiã) Without a foundation, the house will not stand.
  • 【灰切要着夠。無。牆袂𠕆】(Hue chhiet-iòu tiéh kàu, bô, chhiêⁿ bõi-tōiⁿ) It is important to have sufficient lime, otherwise, the walls will not be hard.
  • 【我的厝頂的厝瓦有零塊破】(Uá kâi tshù-téng kâi tshù-hiã ũ lân-kò phùa) Some of the tiles on my roof are broken.
  • 【厝漏】(Tshù lāu) The house leaks.
  • 【我欲叫司阜來修拾】(Uá àiⁿ-kiè sai-pẽ lâi siu-síp) I want to get a bulder to repair it.
  • 【此枝柱大枝】(Chí-ki thiõu tuā-ki) This pillar is large.
  • 【塗腳的紅磚破】(Thôu-kha kâi âng-tsng phùa) The bricks of the floor are broken.
  • 【叫司阜來補】(Kiè sai-pẽ lâi póu) Call the builder to mend them.
  • 【塗腳一個禮拜着洗一次】(Thôu-kha chék-kâi lói-pài tiéh sói chék-ē) The floor must be washed once a week.
  • 【樓頂樓枋亦是此樣生】(Lâu-téng lâu-pang iā sĩ chièⁿ-seⁿ) The floor up-stairs the same.
  • 【個個禮拜着洗淸潔淸潔】(Kâi-kâi lói-pài tiéh sói chheng-khih chheng-khih) Every week you must wash it clean.
  • 【灰埕亦着洗】(Hue-tiâⁿ iā tiéh sói) The lime floor must be washed.
  • 【此塊排瞑起早熱在】(Chíe pâi-mêng-khí-tsá zuáh-tsãi) Here it is very warm every morning.
  • 【我欲作欄杆】(Uá àiⁿ-tsò lân-kan) I want to make a railing.
  • 【汝叫司阜霎時來】(Lṳ́ kiè sai-pẽ khiã-tiām lâi) You tell the carpenter to come bye-and-bye.
  • 【佮伊呾我此塊欲作欄杆】(Kah i tàⁿ uá chí-kò àiⁿ-tsò lân-kan) Tell him I want to make a railing here.
  • 【司阜的內在底塊汝知嗎】(Sai-pẽ kâi lãi tõ tî-kò lṳ́ tsai mē?) Do you know where the carpenter’s place is?
  • 【知亞】(Tsai–a) Oh yes, I know.
  • 【熱在。我霎時正來去】(Zuáh-tsãi, uá khiã-tiām chiàⁿ-lâi-khṳ̀) It is very warm (now), I will go bye-and-bye.

section II.

  • 【門】(Mn̂g) A door.
  • 【房】(Pâng) A room.
  • 【廳】(Thiaⁿ) A drawing room, a hall.
  • 【睇書房】(Thóiⁿ-tsṳ-pâng) A reading room.
  • 【食房】(Chiáh-pâng) A dining room.
  • 【臥房】(Út-pâng) A bed room.
  • 【洗浴房】(Sói-ék-pàng or) A bath-room.
  • 【洗浴棚】(Sói-ék-pêⁿ) A bath-room.
  • 【囤貨房】(Tun-hùe-pâng) A store-room.
  • 【走馬樓】(Tsáu-bé-lâu) Verandah, up-stairs.
  • 【窗】(Theng) A window.
  • 【玻璃】(Po-lî) Glass.
  • 【鱟伯策】(Hāu-peh-chheh) Venetians.
  • 【樓梯】(Lâu-thui) A stair-case.
  • 【火爐】(Húe-lôu) A grate.
  • 【煙筒】(In-tâng) A chimney.
  • 【伙食房】(Húe-sít-pâng) Kitchen.

  • 【門有關亞無】(Mn̂g ũ kueⁿ a-bô?) Did you shut the door?
  • 【有。關了我鎖定】(Ũ, kueⁿ-lióu uá só–tiāⁿ) Yes, after shutting I locked it.
  • 【鎖匙在底塊】(Só-sî tõ tî-kò?) Where is the key?
  • 【鎖匙在此塊】(Só-sî tõ–chié?) Here’s the key.
  • 【汝的房的門有鎖嗎】(Lṳ́ kâi pâng kâi mn̂g ũ só mē?) Did you lock the door of your room?
  • 【我的房怎用鎖】(Uá kâi pâng tsò-ēng só) Why? my room needn’t be locked.
  • 【廳有儂客亞無】(Thiaⁿ ũ nâng-kheh a-bô?) Are there any guests in the drawing room?
  • 【四指呾無】(Sì-tsóiⁿ tàⁿ-bô) The boy says “no”.
  • 【我的臥房汝有掃亞未】(Uá-kâi út-pâng lṳ́ ũ sàu a-būe?) Have you swept my bed-room?
  • 【有。樓頂攏總掃淸潔】(Ũ, lâu-téng lóng-tsóng sàu chheng-khih) Yes, I have swept the whole of up-stairs clean.
  • 【有洗亞無】(Ũ sói a-bô?) Did you wash it?
  • 【無。樓頂還了是淸潔】(Bô, lâu-téng huân-lióu sĩ chheng-khih) No, up-stairs is still clean.
  • 【洗浴房有水亞無】(Sói-ék-pâng ũ tsúi a-bô?) Is there any water in the bath-room?
  • 【無。我來去擔】(Bô, uá lâi khṳ̀ taⁿ) No, I will go and carry some.
  • 【猛猛去。我欲洗浴】(Méⁿ-méⁿ khṳ̀, uá àiⁿ sói-ék) Go quickly, I am going to bathe.
  • 【此個挈去囥放底塊】(Chiá khiéh khṳ̀ khǹg pàng tî-kò?) Where shall I keep this?
  • 【窗關玻璃免用關】(Theng kueⁿ, po-lî mín-ēng kueⁿ) Shut the window, you needn’t shut the glass.
  • 【若是有雨鱟伯策就着關】(Naⁿ-sĩ ũ hõu hāu-peh-chheh chiũ tiéh-kueⁿ) If there is rain, then shut the venetians.
  • 【欲落樓梯勿乒乓叫】(Àiⁿ-lóh lâu-thui màiⁿ pĩn-põng-kiè) If you are coming down the stair-case, don’t make a trampling noise.
  • 【火爐起火】(Húe-lôu khí-húe) Make a fire in the grate.
  • 【汝去伙食房叫火頭來】(Lṳ́ khṳ̀ húe-sít-pâng kiè húe-thâu lâi) You go to the kitchen, and tell the cook to come.

section III.

  • 【餉關】(Hiàng-kuan) A custom-house.
  • 【批館】(Phoi-kuán) A post-office.
  • 【信關】(Sìn-kuan) A post-office.
  • 【炮臺】(Phàu-thâi) A fort.
  • 【塔】(Thah) A pagoda.
  • 【城】(Siâⁿ) A city.
  • 【埔】(Pou) A town.
  • 【鄉里】(Hieⁿ-lí) A village.
  • 【市】(Chhĩ) A market.
  • 【行】(Hâng) A hong.
  • 【舖】(Phòu) A shop.
  • 【沿】(În) Story, of a house.
  • 【間】(Koiⁿ) A classifier of a house.

  • 【此張信挈去餉關】(Chí-tieⁿ sìn khiéh khṳ̀ hiàng-kuan) Take this letter to the custom-house.
  • 【此三張挈去信關】(Chí saⁿ-tieⁿ khiéh khṳ̀ sìn-kuan) These three, take them to the post-office.
  • 【信關在底塊】(Sìn-kuan tõ tî-kò?) Where is the post-office?
  • 【汝毋識挈信去信關】(Lṳ́ m̃-pat khiéh sìn khṳ̀ sin-kuan?) Have you never taken letters to the post-office?
  • 【毋識】(M̃-pat) I never have.
  • 【信關在角石】(Sìn-kuan tõ Kak-chiéh) The post-office is at Kak-chieh.
  • 【汝知炮臺在底塊】(Lṳ́ tsai phàu-thâi tõ tî-kò?) You know where the fort is?
  • 【毋知。我早毋識來此汕頭】(M̃ tsai, uá tsá m̃-pat lâi chí Suaⁿ-thâu) I don’t know, I have never been at Swatow before.
  • 【我此個地方毋熟】(Uá chí-kâi tī-hng m̃-sék) I am not familiar with this place.
  • 【汝貴處】(Lṳ́ tî-kò húe?) Where do you belong to?
  • 【我菴埠處】(Uá Am-pou húe) I belong to Am-pou.
  • 【汝嘗識去府城嗎】(Lṳ́ khah-pat khṳ̀ Hú-siâⁿ mē?) Have you ever been to Ch’ao-chow-fu?
  • 【識也。我有去四五次】(Pat a, uá ũ khṳ̀ sì-ngõu tsūa) Oh yes, I have been there four or five times.
  • 【城是大在】(Siâⁿ sĩ tūa-tsãi) The city is very large.
  • 【有的街大汕頭的街㩼亞】(Ũ-kâi koi tūa Suaⁿ-thâu kâi koi tsōi a) Some streets are much larger than the streets in Swatow.
  • 【阮的鄉里莊隴】(Ún kâi hieⁿ-lí Tsng-léng) Our village is Tsng-leng.
  • 【離菴埠無若遠】(Lî Am-pou bô-jiéh-hñg) Not very far from Am-pou.
  • 【恁的鄉里有塔亞無】(Nín kâi hieⁿ-lí ũ thah a-bô?) Is there any pagoda in your village?
  • 【阮的鄉里無】(Ún kâi hieⁿ-lí bô) None in our village.
  • 【汕頭埠有市亞無】(Suaⁿ-thâu-pou ũ chhĩ a-bô?) Is there any market in the town of Swatow?
  • 【各個埠頭都有市】(Kâi-kâi pou-thâu tou ũ chhĩ) There is a market in every town.
  • 【香港有大行】(Hiang-káng ũ tūa-hâng) There are large hongs in Hong Kong.
  • 【在彼個舖危大】(Tõ-hié kâi phòu kûiⁿ-tūa) The shops there are high and large.
  • 【有的舖三四沿危】(Ũ-kâi phòu saⁿ-sì în kûiⁿ) Some shops there are three or four stories high.
  • 【汝在彼有幾間厝】(Lṳ́ tõ-hié ũ kúi-koiⁿ tshù?) How many houses have you there?
  • 【我在彼有一間】(Uá tõ-hié ũ chék-koiⁿ) I have one house there.
  • 【一個月稅一百個銀】(Chék-kâi guéh sùe chék-peh kâi ngṳ̂n) It is let at $100 a month.

[1] An onomatopoetic word.