English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow (英漢汕頭方言口語詞典) / Y | 閩南語書寫

English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow (英漢汕頭方言口語詞典) / Y

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yard, of a ship, tsûn-ûi-kǹg. yard (measure), che̍k-bé.

yarn, se; mîⁿ-se.

yawn, to, huah-hì. and stretch, tshun-lûn.

year, a, che̍k-nîⁿ; chiu-nîⁿ. all the year, thàng-nîⁿ; tsong-nîⁿ. end of the, nîⁿ-búe; nîⁿ-piⁿ; nîⁿ-kha; nîⁿ-tói; nîⁿ-lãi. new, sin-nîⁿ. to keep the new year, kùe-nîⁿ; tsò-sin-nîⁿ. this, kin-nîⁿ; hīn-nîⁿ; pńg-nîⁿ. last, kū-nîⁿ; khṳ̀-nîⁿ. year before last, tsôiⁿ–nîⁿ. next, mêⁿ-nîⁿ; lâi-nîⁿ. six years old, la̍k-hùe. a year or half a year, che̍k-nîⁿ pùaⁿ-tsái.

yeast, kàⁿ; kàⁿ-bó; chiú-piáⁿ.

yell, tōa-siaⁿ kiè.

yellow, n̂g; n̂g-sek; chhiah. yellowish, chhién-n̂g.

yes, sĩ; ũ; tie̍h. is he in, ũ-tõ a-bô. yes, tõ–kò.

yesterday, tsa-ji̍t. yesterday night, tsa-mêⁿ.

yet, tàu-tí; siãng-chhiáⁿ; huân-liáu; huân-iáu. and yet (of an unlikely circumstance), kèng-jiên. not yet, būe; huân-būe; iáu-būe; būe-chêng.

yield, tâu-hâng; hâng-ho̍k; kui-hâng. the way, jiãng-lōu; sie-tho-kùe. place, jiãng-ūi; sie-tho-tsõ. yielding, khiam-jiãng; tho-jiãng. to one, jiãng–khṳt-i.

yoke, a, gû-taⁿ; gû-taⁿ-uaⁿ.

yolk, of egg, nñg-jîn.

yonder, hièⁿ-thâu; hṳ́-kò.

you, (singular), lṳ́. (plural), nín. you, Sir, tsun-kè. you, Sirs, tsu-ūi. what is your surname, kùi-sèⁿ.

young, hãu-seⁿ; siàu-nîⁿ; chíⁿ; iùⁿ; sòi. I am a year younger than he, uá sòi–i che̍k-hùe. younger brother, a-tĩ. a young man, hãu-seⁿ-kiáⁿ; siàu-nîⁿ-nâng. a young cow, gû-kiáⁿ.