English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow (英漢汕頭方言口語詞典) / T | 閩南語書寫

English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow (英漢汕頭方言口語詞典) / T

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tabernacle, pòu-phâng; tièⁿ-mõⁿ.

table, tshn̂g. one, che̍k-chiah-tshn̂g. long and high, kí-tshn̂g. to lay the, pái-tshn̂g. sit at, tsõ-sia̍h. to lay the table-cloth, tshṳ-tshn̂g-pòu. embroidered cloth hung in front of table, tshn̂g-kûn.

table, or index, ma̍k-lo̍k.

tablet, ancestral, sîn-tsú-pâi; ke-sîn; ba̍k-tsú; sîn-tsú. setting forth any one’s merit, pín-hia̍h; pâi-pín.

tack, a, kia̍h-teng. to tack (sew), thīⁿ-tùe.

tack, to, as a ship, khau-huang; hùe-phâng.

tactics, piaⁿ-huap; chièn-huap.

tadpole, kap-kiú-kuai.

tael, one, of silver, che̍k-niéⁿ-ngṳ̂n.

tail, búe. peacock’s tail feather, khóng-chhieh-lêng. the peacock spreads its tail, khóng-chhieh khui-phîn. to wear a peacock’s tail feather, tài khóng-chhieh-lêng; tì khóng-chhieh-lêng. see QUEUE.

tailor, tshâi-hông; thīⁿ-saⁿ sai-pẽ.

taint, tiam-u; jiám; jiám-u; ma̍k–tie̍h. tainted, as fish, ien; sie̍h-bī.

take, khie̍h; tshú; niⁿ; lah; put; tsang. your book, khie̍h lṳ́-pńg-chheh. a fort, phah-phùa phàu-thâi. a standard, chhiéⁿ-kî; to̍h-kî. away, khie̍h-khṳ̀; siu-khí; to̍h-tiāu. along with tea, &c, phùe-tê; phùe-tê-chia̍h. with one, thùa-khie̍h. the air, lā-liâng. an inventory, tiám-hùe-mue̍h; kiám-tiám. by lot, khiah-khau. care, tsṳ́-sòi; kṳ́n-sín; sié-sim; kṳ́n-sim; sòi-jī. care of, thóiⁿ-siú; chiàu-kù; liāu-lí. care of oneself, tsṳ̃-kí pó-tõng. down, khie̍h–lo̍h-lâi; pak–lo̍h-lâi. exercise, khṳ̀-thit-thô; kiâⁿ-thit-thô; kiâⁿ-siau-iâu; ôiⁿ-pōu; kîn-kiâⁿ; kiâⁿ-lâi kiâⁿ-khṳ̀. one by the hand, khan-chhiú. leave of, kàu-sî; sî-pie̍t; siang-pie̍t; chiãm-pie̍t; kàu-pie̍t. one in (cheat), tshuah; phièn; kuang-phièn. medicine, chia̍h-ie̍h. out of the water, liâu–tie̍h. off, shoes or clothes, thǹg-tiāu. off, a hat, pak-tiāu; hien-tiāu. one’s hat to any one, hien-khí-bō tsò-lói-siàu. off a cover, iãuⁿ-khòiⁿ; iãuⁿ-khàm; iãuⁿ-khui. out a splinter, thie-tshuaⁿ; kiah-chhì. take snuff, chia̍h-phīⁿ-hun; hngh-phīⁿ-hun. take snuff (out of bottle), thie-phīⁿ-hun. up, with chopsticks, koih. with two fingers, nuehⁿ; niⁿ. under the arm, ko̍ih tõ koh-ẽ. the right hand path, tùi-chiàⁿ-chhiú-pôiⁿ khṳ̀. a disease, tie̍h-pēⁿ; ùe-tie̍h-pēⁿ; jiám-tie̍h-pēⁿ; thûan-jiám. upon oneself, ka-kī tam-sêng; taⁿ-tng. take upon oneself (without authority), tsṳ̃-tsuan. fire, to̍h-húe. a wife, tshūa-chhin; tshūa-bóu; tì-ke. hold of, chhiú lia̍h; khie̍h-kín; khîⁿ; khîⁿ-kín; mán-kín; khan-kín. hold of one’s queue, khím-piⁿ; tsáng-piⁿ; mán-piⁿ.

tale, a, che̍k-tn̄g-kóu; kóu-chheh. to tell tales, o̍h-kóu. tale-bearer, puaⁿ-sĩ-hui; puaⁿ-pái; puaⁿ-so; kòiⁿ-so.

talent, tshâi-chhêng; tshâi-lêng; pún-sṳ̄; pún-niáⁿ. a talented person, tshâi-tsṳ́; ũ-tshâi-chhêng.

talisman, hû; hieⁿ-hû. to wear, kùa-hû.

talk, káng; tàⁿ; tàⁿ-ūe; phue̍h; phue̍h-ūe; phi̍t-phue̍h; thâm-lũn. at random, thèng-tàⁿ. boastful, huah-sì; thóu-huah. talkative, tsōi-ūe; ūe-bî tsōi; tshùi tsōi; tshùi-táu tsōi; lo-so; lo-lo so-so.

tall, kûiⁿ; kûiⁿ-tōa; sin kau.

tallow, gû-lâ; iêⁿ-lâ; iû-lâ.

tally, a, ha̍p-tâng; chhiam. to, hû-ha̍h.

talons, jiáu. to seize with, jiáu khîm–tie̍h; jiáu tah–tie̍h.

tamarisk, sûi-si-liú; sûi-liú.

tame, se̍k. to, chhī-kàu-se̍k; khu-khek i-kâi-sèⁿ lo̍h.

tamper, with, sie-pa-lói; sie-bú-lõng; sie-pin-tǹg.

tan, to, se̍k-phûe. tanner, se̍k-phûe sai-pẽ.

tangled, thread, sùaⁿ zṳ̂-zṳ̂; sùaⁿ tîⁿ–tie̍h; sùaⁿ tîⁿ-khat.

tank, tsúi-kūiⁿ; tsúi-tsô; tsúi-táu.

tap, to, tah. at door, phah-mn̂g.

tape, tòa; mîⁿ-se-tòa. tape-line, pòu-chhieh. tape-worm, píⁿ-kam-thâng.

taper, a, chek.

tapering, chiam.

tar, ta-ma-iû.

target, pá; chìⁿ-pá. centre of, âng-sim.

tariff, of duties, chek-lī; hiàng-pâi.

taro, ōu. (large), ōu-thâu. (small), ōu-nñg.

Tartar, Múaⁿ-chiu; Mông-kóu; that-kiáⁿ. language, chheng-bûn.

task, khang-khùe. to finish a, uân-kang.

tassel, of cap, âng-eng; che̍k-phau-eng.

taste, bī; bī-sòu; khì-bī. to, siêⁿ-bī; chhì-bī. tasteless, bô-bī; bô-bī-sòu; bô-khì-bī; pe̍h-chiáⁿ pe̍h-chiáⁿ; bī pi̍h; bī tãⁿ; chiáⁿ-tãⁿ; tãⁿ-po̍h.

tattered, phùa; phùa-tshùi; i-saⁿ lâm-lú; uân-sui-saⁿ pue-lêng-khòu.

tattle, tàⁿ-ôiⁿ-ūe; bô-siang-kan-ūe; ūe-bî tsōi.

tattoo, chhiah-phûe-hu; phûe-hu chhiah-jī.

Tauist, doctrine, Tãu-kà. sect, Tãu-ke. priest, Tãu-sṳ̃; sai-kong.

tautology, tàⁿ-liáu tsài-tàⁿ; bûn-jī têng-hok.

tavern, chiú-tiàm; chiú-lâu.

tax, (customs dues), hiàng. (land-tax), niêⁿ; tshân-niêⁿ; chîⁿ-niêⁿ. (likin) lî-kim. to pay, uân-niêⁿ; na̍p-niêⁿ. collectors of, niêⁿ-chhe; tou-chhe.

tea, tê. leaves, tê-hie̍h; tê-bí. used leaves, tê-phoh. tea-plant, tê-tsâng. to make, pû-tê; pheng-tê; phàu-tê; tshong-tê. infuse in covered cup, hìm-tê. invite one to take, chhiáⁿ-tê. pour out, sai-tê. hand round, khâng-tê; khiâ-tê. drink, chia̍h-tê; ím-tê. to fire, pūe-tê. tea-taster, tê-sṳ. box of, che̍k-sieⁿ-tê. cup, tê-cheng; tê-pue; tê-au; kài-au. canister, te-bí-kuàn; siah-kuàn. kettle, tê-ue. pot, tê-kuàn; tshong-kuàn. tea-poy, tê-kí. saucer, tê-tsûn; tê-ti̍h; tê-pûaⁿ. strainer, tê-thai. tea-men, tê-kheh. siftings, tê-hu; tê-ku̍eh. wholesale tea warehouse, tê-hâng. shop (for selling tea to drink), tê-kuán; tê-kṳ. tea-harvest, tê-tang. tea producing region, tê-suaⁿ. to gather, tshái-tê; tiah-tê.

teach, kà; kà-hùe; kà-sī; kà-hùn; chí-kà; chí-sī; kà-tsṳ; kà-tãu. teacher, sin-seⁿ; sṳ; láu-sṳ; kà-sṳ; kà-tsṳ sin-seⁿ.

tear, lì; lì-tiāu; li̍h; phùa; phùa-li̍h. off, as skin of anything, peh-tiāu; lì-tiāu; pak-tiāu.

tears, ma̍k-tsap; ma̍k-lũi. to shed, lâu-ma̍k-tsap; ma̍k-tsap lâu.

tease, kek-náuⁿ; pin-tǹg.

teat, gû-niⁿ-thâu.

tedious, work, kú-tn̂g khang-khùe; tsò-kàu-ùi.

teeth, khí; gê; tshùi-khí. molar, gê-thâu-khí. large ugly, sái-poiⁿ-gê. to get teeth, huat-khí. to pull out, khieh-khí. to put in false, sieⁿ-khí. to gnash, kã-gê.

telegraph, tiẽn-pò-sùaⁿ. to, kià tiẽn-pò-sùaⁿ.

telescope, tshoiⁿ-lí-kiàⁿ.

tell, tàⁿ; káng; pò-tsai; kàu-tsai; ta̍t-tsai; thong-tsai. tell him, kāng-i-tàⁿ; pò khṳt-i-tsai; tàⁿ-i-tsai. tell-tale, puaⁿ-sĩ-hui; puaⁿ-lâi puaⁿ-khṳ̀; puaⁿ-pái; puaⁿ-so.

temerity, káⁿ-tsò káⁿ-ûi; hiám–tang tsò.

temper, sèⁿ; sèⁿ-chhêng. bad, phî-khì. hasty, sèⁿ-thâu kín; sèⁿ-thâu kip. to restrain one’s, jím-sèⁿ; lún-sèⁿ. to give way to, jĩm-sèⁿ; tsòng-sèⁿ.

temper, to (iron), thih chhih-tsúi; ngàn-tsúi; ngàn-thih; chhih-thih.

temperate, tsat-ēng; liâm-tsat; liâm-chẽⁿ kúaⁿ-io̍k.

tempest, huang-thai; khûang-huang méⁿ-hõu; huang-hõu tãi-tsak.

temple, keng-biē; am; biē-tn̂g; tōiⁿ-tn̂g. ancestral, sṳ̂-tn̂g. Confucian, siàⁿ-biē; jī; tōiⁿ.

temples, the, tsháu-ngán. (projecting parts of forehead), hia̍h-kak.

temporary, chiãm; chiãm-sî.

temporize, siàng-ki zṳ̂-tõng; thóiⁿ-sì lâi-kiâⁿ; sûi-ki èng-pièn; tshu-sî; thóiⁿ-sì; kúaⁿ–nâng sî-heng.

tempt, iú-ho̍k; ín-iú; ín-ji̍p mîⁿ-thû.

ten, tsa̍p. ten times better, kiãng-ke tsa̍p-pũe. several tens, kúi-tsa̍p. ten thousand, che̍k-būan. not one in ten, tsa̍p–tang bô-che̍k. see TENTH.

tenant, tshù-tõiⁿ.

tend, towards, hiàng tùi-hṳ́-kò khṳ̀.

tender, chíⁿ; iùⁿ; jiû; sou; nńg; nap. hearted, tshṳ̂-sim; tshṳ̂-hûa. eyes, mîⁿ-ma̍k-kîⁿ.

tendon, kṳn. the large one at the heel, ãu-teⁿ-kṳn.

tenon, sún. mortice and, khang-sún. to fit mortice and tenon, tàu-sún; tàu-lo̍h-sún; lo̍h-ngám; tàu-ngám.

tent, pòu-phâng. to pitch, tah-pòu-phâng; nêⁿ-pòu-phâng; khui-pòu-phâng.

tenth, the, tõiⁿ-tsa̍p. one, tsa̍p-hūn tsṳ-che̍k; tsa̍p-hūn tshú-che̍k. the tenth day of the tenth moon, tsa̍p-gue̍h chhiu-tsa̍p.

tepid, lā-lun-sie; sie-lun sie-lun.

terminate, uân; hiah; liáu; suah.

termination, kiáu-búe; suah-búe; hãn; chí; kài-hãn.

terrace, as field or garden on hillside, suaⁿ-siâ.

terrify, heh-nâng-kiaⁿ; kiaⁿ-heh-nâng; phièn-nâng-kiaⁿ. terrified, kiaⁿ-phùa-táⁿ; kiaⁿ kàu-sàng-táⁿ; kiaⁿ kàu-kông; kiaⁿ kàu ngo̍h-ngo̍h.

territory, tī-hng.

test, chhì; chhì-thóiⁿ; chhì-ēng. has been tested, ũ-hāu-ngiām–kùe; ũ-chhì-ngiām–kùe.

testament, zũi-tsṳ; zũi-tsok. Old and New, Kū-Sin-tieh.

testicles, lãng-hu̍t; siẽn-hu̍t; gūa-siẽn.

testify, chèng; keng-chèng; tsò-chèng; tsò-chèng-kṳ̃; tsò-chèng-kìⁿ; tsò-kan-chèng.

testimony, chèng-kṳ̃; kan-chèng; chèng-ngân; chí-chèng.

than, more, put-chí; m̄-chheng; put-to̍k; m̄-khéng; tsōi–kùe; ke–kùe; huân-liáu-ke; huân-kèng-ke; siãng-chhiáⁿ-ũ. he is older than I, i tōa–uá; i tōa-kùe-uá. no more than, put-kùe. more than ten, tsa̍p-gūa; tsa̍p-tshut; tsa̍p-ṳ̂; tsa̍p-tshûn.

thank, siā; kám-siā. many thanks, tsōi-siā; to-siā; kám-mông. thank you, lâu–lṳ́; huân-lṳ́; huân-lâu–lṳ́; bûa-lūi–lṳ́; lūi–lṳ́; tōa-lãu-nâng; chhit-lãu poih-tōa; siũ-hũi; niáⁿ-hũi; niáⁿ-chhêng; kám-chhêng; hùi-sim; phièn–lṳ́ hùi-sîn; lâu-tõng–tie̍h lṳ́; lãu-tõng–tie̍h tãi-kè. I will thank you to come, lūi-lṳ́-lâi; chhiáⁿ-lṳ́-lâi. no need for thanks, tàⁿ-kàu-lūi–kâi-ūe; sĩ-pńg-téng; sĩ-pńg-hūn; khí-káⁿ; huaⁿ-hí; hó-ūe; kōi-kōi; kâi-ì-sṳ̀ tiāⁿ-tiāⁿ; mién-kám-siā. to return thanks, tap-siā. letter of thanks, siā-thiap. thankful, kám-ṳm put-buâng; kám-ṳn put-chhién; kám-liãm tõ-sim; mông-ṳn tài-tek; kám-ṳn tài-tek; pò-ṳn; tsai-ṳn. thankless, buâng-ṳn; buâng-ṳn hũ-ngĩ; hiau-chhêng tso̍h-ngĩ; bô-jîn-ngĩ; buâng-chhêng; kùe-kèⁿ thiu-kúai. thankworthy, kai-siā.

that, hṳ́; hṳ́–kâi. that which he said, i-só-tàⁿ. that is to say, ngân-khî. that night, hṳ́-che̍k-mêⁿ. that side, hièⁿ-pôiⁿ; hièⁿ-thâu. at that time, tng-sî.

thatch, tshù-téng khàm-tsháu; tshù-téng khòiⁿ-tsháu; tiẽn-kài.

thaw, sng-soh siau-iêⁿ.

theatre, hì. stage of, hì-thâi; hì-pêⁿ. to go to the, thóiⁿ-hì. theatricals, tsò-hì.

theft, thau-khie̍h-mue̍h; thau-tãu; tãu-chhiap; thau-chhiap.

theme, tôi-ma̍k. to give out a, tshut-tôi; tshut-tôi-thâu.

then, jiên-ãu; ãu; chiũ; chiàⁿ. at that time, tng-sî; hṳ́-tsûn; hṳ́-sî; hṳ́-hûe; hṳ́-tsûn-mue̍h.

thence, tshông-hṳ́-kò; iû-hṳ́-kò.

there, tõ-hṳ́-kò; tõ-hṳ́ kha–thâu; tõ-hièⁿ-thâu; tõ-hṳ́-pôiⁿ. there are, ũ. there are not, bô; m̄-chêng-ũ. thereabouts, tõ-hṳ́ tsôiⁿ-ãu; tõ-hṳ́ lîn-kṳ̃n; tõ-hṳ́ tsó-iũ; tsha-m̄-to; tsua̍h-m̄-ũa.

therefore, só-íⁿ; kù-tshṳ́; in-tshṳ́; in-tì; uân-tì.

thermometer, hân-sú-tsam.

these, chí-kâi; chí-tsùaⁿ-kâi; chí-chiàⁿ-kâi; chí-che̍k-khài.

they, i; in; hṳ́-chiàⁿ kâi-nâng.

thick, kãu; ba̍t. (consistency), kṳ̍t.

thicket, chhì-phè; chhì-nâⁿ-phè; chhiū-nâⁿ.

thief, tsha̍t; tsha̍t-bé. thievish, tshṳ́-tsha̍t; tsa̍t-kiáⁿ. see THEFT.

thigh, tōa-thúi; thúi-thâu. bone, thúi-thâu-kut.

thimble, pòu-tsóiⁿ; phûe-tsóiⁿ; tâng-tsóiⁿ.

thin, po̍h; so; so-po̍h; chhieh; kà; hi; lang; sán. congee, chhieh-mûeⁿ; kà-mûeⁿ.

thing, mue̍h; mue̍h-kiãⁿ. no such thing, bô-chí-kâi chhêng-lí. how many things, jie̍h-tsōi kiãⁿ-mue̍h.

think, siẽⁿ; liãm; sṳ-siẽⁿ; sṳ-liãm; phah-sǹg; pheⁿ-phah. of one, kì-liãm. I rather think so, káⁿ-sĩ; iau-káⁿ-sĩ chièⁿ-seⁿ; káⁿ-ũ. highly of one, thóiⁿ-tõng; kùi-tõng. not worth thinking of, mín-khùa-sim. I thought (erroneously), uá kâu-kiè; khue-tiāⁿ; sah-tsò.

third, tõiⁿ-saⁿ.

thirsty, âu ta. to assuagethirst, chí-khuah; kói-khuah; chí-âu; zũn-âu.

this, chí; chí-kâi; tshṳ́; chiá-kâi. year, kin-nîⁿ; kim-nîⁿ; hīn-nîⁿ; pńg-nîⁿ; chí-nîⁿ. morning, kim-tsá; mn̂g-khí; mn̂g-khí-tsá. day, kim-ji̍t; kiáⁿ-ji̍t; hīn-ji̍t; pńg-ji̍t.

thong, phûe-tòa.

thorax, heng-tsôiⁿ; sim-kuaⁿ; sim-kuaⁿ-thâu; heng-kuaⁿ-thâu.

thorn, chhì. thorny, seⁿ-chhì. to be pricked by a, chhiah-tie̍h-chhì.

thoroughfare, thong-lōu. no (a blind alley), khu̍t-thâu-hāng.

thoroughly, tsa̍p-hun; tshûan. learned, thong-thiet; thàu-thiet.

though, sui; sui-jiên; sui-sĩ. though…still, sui-jiên… huân-liáu. even though, tsòng; tsòng-jiên.

thought, siẽⁿ-thâu; liãm-thâu; sṳ-liãm; ì-sṳ̀. thoughtful, chhim-siẽⁿ; ién-lṳ̃; chhim-sṳ ién-lṳ̃. thoughtless, m̄-tsai-siẽⁿ; bõi-siẽⁿ; thien-thien. see THINK.

thousand, tshoiⁿ; che̍k-tshoiⁿ. by thousands and tens of thousands, káng-tshoiⁿ káng-būan.

thread, sùaⁿ. silk, si-sùaⁿ. gold, kim-sùaⁿ. to (a needle), tshng-tsam; tshuan-tsam. to (cash), tshng-chîⁿ.

threaten, kiaⁿ-heh; kiaⁿ-tie̍h-nâng; heh-kiaⁿ-nâng.

three, saⁿ. &three-ply rope*, saⁿ-kóu-soh. three-cornered, saⁿ-kak. thrice, saⁿ-hûe; saⁿ-pái; saⁿ-tshṳ̀; saⁿ-hãng; saⁿ-tńg; saⁿ-ē; saⁿ-tsau.

thresh, phah-tiũ; phah-chhek. threshing tub, sut-tháng. ladder of ditto, sut-tháng-thui. mat enclosing ditto, sut-tháng-tiãm; sut-tháng-phâng; sut-tháng-ûi; sut-tháng-chia. threshing floor, hue-tiâⁿ; chhek-tiâⁿ; chhek-tiêⁿ.

threshold, mn̂g-tõiⁿ.

thrifty, séⁿ-ēng; khiãm; khiãm-ēng; tsat-ēng; ũ-tsat-tōu.

thrive, heng-sẽng; mõng-sẽng.

throat, âu; âu-lêng. cut one’s, kṳ̀-âu. sore, âu-lêng thiàⁿ.

throne, imperial, kim-lûan-tōiⁿ; lêng-ūi; tãi-pó; thiⁿ-ūi. royal, uâng-ūi; tsō-ūi. to ascend the, teng-ki; teng-ūi; chiet-ūi; tsõ-ūi. to usurp the, tshùan-ūi.

throng, a, che̍k-khûn-nâng; nâng-mue̍h tsa̍t-tsa̍t; nâng-mue̍h hun-hun; lāu-jie̍t. to throng, oi-oi léng-léng; oi-oi chìⁿ-chìⁿ; sie-chìⁿ sie-ko̍ih; sie-oi sie-léng.

throttle, liū-âu; liū-âu tẽⁿ-chi̍h; tẽⁿ-âu.

through, thong; thàu; thàng. to come through the rain, hãm-hõu-lâi; mãuⁿ-hõu-lâi. to pass through a place, tùi-hṳ́-kò keng-kùe; keng tùi-hṳ́-kò-kùe. through fire and smoke, mãuⁿ-in tu̍t-húe.

throw, to, ka̍k; sek; phîn; tiāu; tãⁿ. away, ka̍k-tiāu; sek-tiāu; hám-tiāu; khì-tiāu; tiu-tiāu; lòi-tiāu; phau-tiāu. into the water, tâu-tsúi; ka̍k-lo̍h-tsúi. off clothes, thǹg-tiāu; pak-tiāu. one down, léng-pua̍h; léng-nâng tie̍h-pua̍h. the blame on others, keng tõ-pa̍t-nâng–sin-téng. about, iā-sì-tshù; phuah-múaⁿ-kò. dust on head, tsang-sua tha̍h thâu-khak; ēng-sua thãⁿ-tõ thâu-khak. throw up things, as bricks, tiāu-chiẽⁿ; tiāu-kûiⁿ. to throw a net, pha-mãng.

thrust, into, tshǹg; tshah; chhiah; kṳ̂. thrust through with a spear, ēng-chhieⁿ tshǹg-thàng–kùe-khṳ̀.

thumb, chhiú-tsóiⁿ-thâu; tsóiⁿ-thâu-kong; tsńg-thâu-kong; tōa-tsóiⁿ. thumb-ring, pan-chí.

thump, tshùaⁿ; tûi; tèng.

thunder, lûi; lûi tân; lûi hiáng; thiⁿ-lûi; lûi tân li̍h-leh-kiè; lûi phah-kiã-leh; lûi-siaⁿ phek-le̍k. and lightning, lûi tân, thiⁿ sih; lûi-tiẽn tãi-tsak. great thunder-storm, khí-ngóu-lûi. the thunder-god (or thunder as a destroying agency), lûi-kong. killed in thunder-storm, lûi khà-sí; lûi khà, húe sie. thunder-bolt, lûi-kong-tsãm.

Thursday, lói-pài-sì; pài-sì.

thus, chièⁿ-seⁿ; àn-chièⁿ-seⁿ; àn-chièⁿ.

thwart, nge̍k nâng-kâi-ì; nûaⁿ-tsó; tsó-chí.

tibia, kha-tâng-kut; kha-liâm-kut.

ticket, pawn, hui; hui-kiáⁿ; tǹg-phiè; tǹg-hui. passenger’s, tsûn-hui; tsûn-toaⁿ; tsûn-phiè.

tickle, niauⁿ; niauⁿ-chiẽⁿ. (one’s side), niauⁿ koh-tang-ẽ. (the soles of one’s feet), niauⁿ-kha-tói.

tide, tiê-tsúi; lâu-tsúi. full, lâu-tsúi tĩⁿ; lâu-tsúi pá. flood, nâm-lâu; ji̍p-lâu. ebb, khó-lâu; pak-lâu. spring-tide, tōa-lâu-tsúi. neap-tide, sié-lâu-tsúi. turning, lâu tńg. go with the, kúaⁿ-lâu-tsúi. favourable, sũn-lâu; kúaⁿ-lâu; ha̍h-lâu. adverse, nge̍k-lâu; thêⁿ-lâu. sail against, tu-lâu.

tidings, sie-sit; sin-bũn; sìn-sek; sie-sek.

tie, pa̍k; kat; khún; sǹg; khún-pa̍k. a knot, thám-khat; kat-khat. a hard knot, thám-sí-kat; kat-sí-khat. a loop knot, thám-ua̍h-khat. very hard and fast, sǹg-kín. more loosely, pa̍k-khùaⁿ; tháu-lēng. together, pa̍k tsò-che̍k-ē.

tier, one, che̍k-tsâng. in tiers, che̍k-tsâng che̍k-tsâng.

tiger, hóuⁿ; lãu-hóuⁿ; niãuⁿ-hóuⁿ.

tiffin, tiám-sim; chia̍h-ji̍t-tàu.

tight, kín; ân. to draw, túi-ân-ân.

tile, hiã; tshù-hiã. semi-cylindrical, hiã-tâng; hiã-thâng. with hole for skylight, thiⁿ-thàng-hiã. a tile-work, hiã-iê. to put on a roof, khàm-hiã. glazed, chheⁿ-hiã. for eaves (with points turned down), hiã-tâng-thâu.

till, to (the ground), tsoh-tshân-hn̂g; chèng-tsoh; keⁿ-tsoh; keⁿ-tshân; ku̍t-tshân. till (until), kàu; chì; thãi; ki̍p. don’t you go away till he comes, i-būe-lâi lṳ́ chhiáⁿ-būe-khṳ̀; lṳ́ tie̍h-tán i-lâi chiàⁿ-hó-khṳ̀. the tide will flow till the third watch, lâu ji̍p kàu-saⁿ-keⁿ chiàⁿ-khó.

tiller, of boat, tõa-gê; tõa-pêⁿ.

timber, sam-sāi; sam-liāu; tshâ-sāi; ba̍k-liāu. merchant, khui-sam-phòu; khui-sam-chhiáng; khui-sam-hâng; tshâ-sāi-phòu.

time, sî; sî-hāu. at that, tng-sî; hṳ́-sî; hṳ́–kâi sî-hāu; tng-khî-sî. what is the, ũ-sĩ-mih sî-sîn; kúi-tiám-cheng. at what, tî-sî; sĩ-mih sî-hāu. have no, m̄-ôiⁿ; bô-ôiⁿ. to fix a, tiāⁿ-khî; tiāⁿ-tie̍h ji̍t-chí; ieh-tiāⁿ ji̍t-khî. at any, put-lũn tî-sî; m̄-lũn sĩ-mih sî-hāu. when the time comes, thãi sî-hāu kàu. in time, bõi-mān; hù–tie̍h. not in time, hù-m̄-tie̍h. time flies, sî-ji̍t zû-so, kuang-im sṳ̃-chìⁿ. in the time of Confucius, tng Khóng-tsṳ́ kâi-sî-hāu; Khóng-tsṳ́ tiâng-sî. another, ẽ-ji̍t; ẽ-sî. a long, kú. a short, chiãm-sî. any time wil do, bô-lũn tiâng-sî tou-hó; put-khu tî-kâi sî-hāu tou-hó; sûi-piẽn tî-kâi sî-hāu tou-hó. three times, saⁿ-pái; saⁿ-tshṳ̀; saⁿ-hãng; saⁿ-hûe; saⁿ-tsúi. many times, ē-ē; sî-sî; lú-lú; lú-tshṳ̀. ten times better, iâⁿ-kùe tsa̍p-pũe. timely, ha̍h-sî; tùi-sî; tng-sî; tú-tiám. time-serving, sûi-sî-pièn.

timid, bô-táⁿ; ùi-thâu ùi-búe; tham-seⁿ phàⁿ-sí; kiaⁿ-seⁿ kiaⁿ-sí.

tin, pe̍h-thih. (pewter), siah. tin-foil, siah-po̍h. tin-smith, pe̍h-thih sai-pẽ; phah-siah sai-pẽ.

tinder, húe-hiàⁿ; lo; húe-bûe; tsúa-bûa; tsúa-ín. box, húe-to-a̍p; húe-hiàⁿ-a̍p.

tinge, jiám-sek; níⁿ; làm; î-sek.

tinkling, tin-tiang-kiè.

tinsel, flowers, kim-hue.

tip, of nose, phīⁿ-thâu; phīⁿ-tsún; tsún-thâu. of finger, chhiú-tsóiⁿ-thâu. of arrow, chìⁿ-búe; chìⁿ-ne̍k; chìⁿ-chiam. to stand on tiptoe, lèng-khí-kha khiã.

tipsy, tsùi; chia̍h-chiú-tsùi; tsùi-chiú. slightly, ba-bun-tsùi; mah-moh-tsùi.

tired, he̍k; khùn; khùn-tõaⁿ; khùn-kũan; khùn-he̍k; phî-kũan; phî-khùn; phî-tõaⁿ; kha sng, chhiú nńg. very tired with walking, kiâⁿ-kàu-hẽng. to be tired of, iàm; ùi; lóu; màiⁿ. tiresome, khṳt–nâng seⁿ-iàm; tshūa-nâng-ùi.

tithe, thiu tsa̍p-hūn tsṳ-che̍k; tsa̍p-hūn thiu-che̍k; tsa̍p tshú-khî-che̍k; tsa̍p-hūn tshú-che̍k; ke-it-thiu.

title, official, kuaⁿ-hâm; cheh-hâm. to confer a, hong-chiak. title-page, phiau-thâu; chheh-phiau. to write the title on the edge of a book, siá-chheh-kha.

tittle, see JOT.

to, kàu. speak to him, kāng-i-tàⁿ. bitten to death, kã-sí. to old age, chì-kàu-lãu.

toad, kap-pô.

toast, to, pek; pūe. bread, pūe-mīⁿ-pau; pek-mīⁿ-pau.

tobacco, hun. leaves, hun-hie̍h. prepared, se̍k-hun. pipe, hun-tâng. to smoke, chia̍h-hun; chia̍h-se̍k-hun.

today, kim-ji̍t; kiáⁿ-ji̍t; pńg-ji̍t; hīn-ji̍t; tshṳ́-ji̍t; chiet-ji̍t.

toe, kha-tsóiⁿ. the big, kha-tsńg-thâu-kong; kha-tsóiⁿ-thâu.

together, tsò-pû; tâng; kāng. to walk, tsò-pû-kiâⁿ. have anything together (or in common), sie-kāng.

toil, lâu-khóu; lâu-la̍t; bûa-lâu; bûa; bûa-la̍t; khóu-sin; sin-khṳ̂n; khṳ̂n-lâu. toilsome, lân; kan-khóu.

toilet, to make one’s, tá-pàn; siu-tsuang; tsuang-pàn. table, tsng-thâi; kiàⁿ-thâi; kiàⁿ-tshn̂g.

token, hō; piáu-kì. secret, àm-hō.

tolerable, nãiⁿ-tit-khṳ̀; nãiⁿ-tit-kùe; lún-tit-kùe. tolerably good, õi-tsò-tit; tshó-lia̍k tsò-tit; õi–nín tsò-tit; khó-íⁿ tsò-tit; chiang-chiũ tsò-tit.

tolerate, jĩm–nâng khṳ̀-tsò; bô-só-kìm.

toll, kùe-lōu-chîⁿ; kùe-hiàng-chîⁿ.

tomato, âng-sãi-kiáⁿ.

tomb, phûn; phûn-mõⁿ; suaⁿ. to worship at the tombs, pài-phûn; kùe-tsúa; chì-sàu; chì-phûn; teh-tsúa.

tomorrow, mùaⁿ-tsá; mùaⁿ-khí; màⁿ-khí; mêng-ji̍t. day after, ãu–ji̍t. two days after, tōa-ãu–ji̍t.

tone, siaⁿ-im. the eight tones, poih-im.

tongs, thih-kîⁿ; thih-khîⁿ; thih-tṳ̄.

tongue, chi̍h. tip of, chi̍h-thâu. to put out the, chi̍h tshun–tshut-lâi. to scrape the, kueh-chi̍h. tongue scraper, chi̍h-kueh. mother-tongue, pńg-tī-ūe; pńg-thôu-ūe; thôu-im.

tonic, a, póu-ie̍h; póu-pî-ie̍h; póu-khì-kueh.

tonight, kim-mêⁿ; mêⁿ-hng; kim mńg; kim-siau.

too, many, khah-tsōi. large, khah-tōa; khah-kùe-tōa. much, khah-ke; khah-kùe-thâu. young, hûan-iáu-chíⁿ; khah-chíⁿ. ripe, kùe-se̍k. do not be too sad, màiⁿ-khah kùe-lṳ̃; mín-ēng hièⁿ-kùe-lṳ̃.

tools, ke-húe; khì-kũ; khì-mue̍h.

tooth, toothache, khí thiàⁿ. toothbrush, khí-sueh. toothpick, khí-thak. toothpowder, khí-hún. see TEETH.

top, téng; thâu; mīn; téng-mīn; chiēⁿ-mīn; mīn-chiēⁿ. of a hill, suaⁿ-téng. topmost, téng-téng; siãng-téng. topsy-turvy, tin-tò-thâu; tin-tò-thâu-chèng.

top, a, hâm-lâm-su̍t. to spin a, phah-hâm-lâm-su̍t.

torch, húe-pé; húe-nāⁿ.

torment, khóu-tshó; thiàⁿ-tshó lân-tng. to, kia-khóu.

torrent, kip-tsúi; hûeⁿ-lâu; suaⁿ-thuaⁿ.

tortoise, ku. tortoise-shell, ku-khak; ta-pūe.

tortuous, i-uan khih-khek; uan-uan khek-khek.

torture, to examine with, kháu-phah; kui; kui-mn̄g.

toss, up, tiāu-khí. to catch in the hand a thing that has been tossed up, sah. to toss about, zũan-tiāu. to toss in pain, pūi-pua̍h.

total, the, kāng-kòi; tsóng-sǹg ha̍h-kòi; tsóng-kat; tsóng-sǹg. totally, chĩn; kan-chẽng; liáu-liáu; tsò-che̍k-ē; tsa̍p-hun.

totter, to, bái-a-bái; uái-a-uái; kiâⁿ-lōu iâu-hiám; àiⁿ-pua̍h; àiⁿ-tó.

touch, to, thãng; mông. don’t touch it, chhiú màiⁿ-thãng; chhiú màiⁿ-tiaⁿ–tie̍h. touch me not (flower), tsńg-kah-hue. touchstone, chhì-kim-chie̍h. touchhole, húe-mn̂g; chhèng-mn̂g; húe-hĩⁿ-khang.

touchy, chheⁿ-mīn-hóuⁿ.

tough, zūn; ngẽ.

tow, to (as one ship another), tõa-tsûn; tshūa-tsûn. to (as men pullling boat with rope), po̍ih-tsûn; khan-tsûn; thua-tsûn; mán-tsûn.

towards, hiàng; niàⁿ. fled towards the city, mōⁿ-siâⁿ tsáu.

towel, kṳn; pòu; mīn-pòu; e̍k-pòu.

tower, thah; mōⁿ-lâu.

town, siâⁿ; siâⁿ-ip; pou-thâu. (with fixed market days), hṳ-chhĩ.

toy, ang-kiáⁿ; thit-thô-mue̍h.

trace, a, tsong-chiah; hûn-chiah; iáⁿ-chiah. to trace, chhîm-tui tsong-chiah. to trace writing (on thin paper), biê-jī; biê-keh; biê-thoih.

track, a, lōu. of a wheel, chhia-kau-khut; chhia-lōu. trackless, bô-tsong bô-chiah.

track, to (a boat), po̍ih-tsûn. see TOW.

tract, or region, tī-hng.

tract, or treatise, khǹg-sì-bûn; siẽn-tsṳ; tsa̍p-chheh.

trade, seng-lí. to, tsò-seng-lí; bói-bōi. stagnation of, hùe-mue̍h m̄-siau.

tradition, kóu-thûan. oral, kháu-thûan.

traffic, seng-lí. great, jie̍t; lāu-jie̍t.

tragedy, chhiet-hì; khóu-hì; tshám-tshut; tshám-chhêng-hì; khóu-tshut.

trail, to, thua; thua-thôu.

train, to, kà; kà-io̍k. soldiers, tshau-piaⁿ; tshau-liēn-piaⁿ; tshau-piaⁿ liēn-tsut.

train, a, kṳn-pan; sûi-tsõng; kṳn-sûi.

trait, a good, che̍k-tn̄g hó-sim; che̍k-kiãⁿ-sṳ̄ hó-tshú.

traitor, bōi-kok; kōi-kun; kan-chhîn; bōi-làn kun-uâng; tsò-sùaⁿ.

trample, on. tshau-ta̍h; lūn-ta̍h. to death, ta̍h-sí; lūn-sí. on the law, ma̍k bô-uâng-chiang.

trance, to fall into a, sim-sîn iû tõ-mu̍eh-siãng hṳ́-gūa.

tranquillity, thài-phêng; uaⁿ-chẽⁿ; phêng-an; phêng-chẽⁿ. tranquillize, phêng; uaⁿ-ùe.

transact, business, phōiⁿ-sṳ̄; lí-sṳ̄; lí-sṳ̄-bũ.

transcribe, tshau; tshau-siá; piâⁿ; piâⁿ–kùe-lâi.

transfer, thûan; siá–khṳt-nâng; kau-hù. (as burden or responsibility), seng-thiau. (to make a mutual exchange of office), seng-thiâu; thiâu-ūaⁿ.

transform, pièn; pièn-hùe; pièn-tńg; pièn-ūaⁿ.

transgress, huãm-huap; kùe-huãm. transgression, tsũe; kùe-sit.

transitory, chiãm-sî; bô-kú.

translate, huan-e̍k; e̍k. from book style into colloquial, sueh-tsṳ; kói-sueh; sueh-tsò pe̍h-ūe. a translator or interpreter (not of books), thong-sṳ̄; hûe-ūe.

translucent, ũ-mûiⁿ-kuang thàu-kùe-khṳ̀.

transmigration, of souls, lûn-hûe; tsúan-lûn.

transmit, thûan–lo̍h-lâi; kià.

transparent, õi-kng; õi-thàu-kng; khong-mêng; kng thàu-tit-kùe.

transplant, súa-chèng. rice, pòu-tshân; pòu-tiũ.

transport, as a criminal, mông-khién; mông-tshong-kun; tshong-kun mông-liû. to condemn to transportation, ngí-liû; phōiⁿ-tshut-mn̂g.

transpose, thiâu-ūaⁿ; sie-ūaⁿ; jī-ke î-tī; jī-ke thiâu-e̍k.

transverse, hûeⁿ.

trap, for rats, niáu-tshṳ́-tat; thih-ngiau; tek-ngiau; niáu-tshṳ́-lâng. for tigers, hóuⁿ-lô. a snare, khou-thàu. trap-door, lâu-chéⁿ-mn̂g.

travail, seⁿ-súaⁿ; seⁿ-kiáⁿ; kāng-a-nôuⁿ; hun-mién. sore, lân-súaⁿ; oh-seⁿ.

travel, kiâⁿ; kiâⁿ-lōu; tshut-gūa; kheh-iû sì-hng.

trawl, khan-tsan.

tray, tshâ-pûaⁿ; tháng-pûaⁿ. for writing instruments, īⁿ-pûaⁿ.

tread, on, kha ta̍h; lūn-ta̍h.

treacherous, kan-ak; kan-hiông; sit-sìn.

treacle, thn̂g-tsúi.

treason, mông-húan. see TRAITOR.

treasure, tshâi-pe̍h; kim-ngṳ̂n; ngṳ̂n-niéⁿ; chîⁿ-tshâi. house, khòu-pâng; ngṳ̂n-khòu; ngṳ̂n-pâng.

treat, to, thãi; khúan-thãi. well, kãu-thãi; hó-khúan-thãi. ill, po̍h-thãi; khin-thãi. impartially, bô-i bô-lṳ́ thãi-nâng.

treaty, ieh; hûa-ieh; tiâu-ieh. the terms of a, ieh-tiâu. to make a, li̍p-ieh; sêng-ieh; tiāⁿ-ieh. to discuss a, ngí-ieh. to violate a, pũe-ieh; sit-ieh.

treble, (folds), saⁿ-têng. (strands), saⁿ-kóu; saⁿ-pũe.

tree, chhiū; chhiū-ba̍k. a, che̍k-tsâng-chhiū. leaves, chhiū-hie̍h. branches, chhiū-ki.

tremble, khiū; tòng. with fear, kiaⁿ kàu-tõ-tòng; kiâⁿ-kàu-khiū; kiaⁿ kàu kha-chhiú nóiⁿ-nóiⁿ-sih.

trench, kau; tsúi-kau.

trespass, huãm-tsũe; kùe-sit; kùe-huãm; huãm-kùe.

Triad, society, sam-to-hũe.

trials, see TRY. to undergo, keng-chhì-liēn.

triangle, saⁿ-kak-hêng.

tribe, tso̍k; tsong-phài; tsong-chiⁿ; chiⁿ-phài; lūi; chéng; chéng-lūi; chéng-tsa̍t.

tribunal, before a, thâi-tsôiⁿ; ùaⁿ-tsôiⁿ. ascend, chiẽⁿ-tn̂g.

tribute, to pay, chìn-kòng; na̍p-kòng. to pay to the emperor, kòng huâng-tì. articles of, chìn-kòng kâi pín-mue̍h.

trick, a, kòi; tsà-kòi; ngũi-kòi. full of tricks, tsōi-sim-sṳ̄. juggler’s tricks, tsò-pa-hì; chia-ngán-huap; sái-seⁿ-huap.

trifle, to, sńg; bú-lõng. not to be trifled with, m̄-hó-sńg. a trifle, sié-sṳ̄; sié-khó kâi-sṳ̄; mûiⁿ-mua̍t kâi-sṳ̄; mûiⁿ-mua̍t kâi-mue̍h. (said of a present made by oneself), kâi-ì-sṳ̀ tiāⁿ-tiāⁿ.

trigger, chiáu-kiáⁿ. to pull the, peⁿ-chiáu-kiáⁿ.

trim, to (a lamp), kiah-teng; thie-teng.

Trinity, Saⁿ-ūi che̍k-thói.

trip, to, thefoot, that–tie̍h-kha; sit-kha. and fall, that-pua̍h. on a rope, khṳt-soh kûe-pua̍h; khṳt-soh lau-pua̍h.

tripe, gû-tõu; gû-chheh-peh.

triturate, ngóiⁿ; ngóiⁿ-hún; ngóiⁿ-bua̍h; bûa-hún; lûi-iùⁿ.

triumph, over enemies, thâi-iâⁿ; chièn-sèng; sèng-chiãng.

trivial, bô-siang-kan sṳ̄; sié-khó-sṳ̄.

trocar, thàu-kńg-tsam.

troops, kun; piaⁿ; piaⁿ-ióng.

trooper, bé-piaⁿ.

tropic, (of Cancer), jie̍t-tòa kâi-pak-hãn. (of Capricorn), jie̍t-tòa kâi-lâm-hãn.

trot, pháu-bé tsho̍k-tsho̍k-kiè.

trouble, to, lūi–nâng; kiáu-jiáu; hûan-lâu. I will trouble you, lâu-kè. excuse my troubling you, lâu–lṳ́; lūi–lṳ́; phièn-lṳ́ hùi-sîn. troubles, kan-khóu-sṳ̄. troubled in mind, khóu-sim; hûan-ló; iu-būn.

trough, tsô; tsúi-tsô; bé-tsô; káu-tsô; tṳ-tsô.

trousers, khòu. one pair of, che̍k-kâi-khòu; che̍k-kiãⁿ-khòu; che̍k-tiâu-khòu. short, khòu-kue̍h. to roll up the legs of, tsah-khòu-kha.

trowel, hue-sî.

truce, thêng-chièn; hiah-thâi.

true, chin; si̍t; chin-si̍t; ũ-iáⁿ; si̍t-kṳ̃; chin-ũ. to one’s word, chién-ngân; ngân–tshut zûi-kiâⁿ; zû-ieh. truly, si̍t-tsãi; kúaⁿ-jiên; kúaⁿ-chin; chin-si̍t.

trumpet, kak-tâng; hō-tâng; haⁿ-haⁿ. (conch), pûn-pu; ti-tâ; kóu-siú. to blow, pûn.

trunk, sieⁿ. one, che̍k-kha-sieⁿ. leathern, phûe-sieⁿ. of a tree, chhiū-sin. of elephant, chhiẽⁿ-phīⁿ.

trust, to, sìn; siang-sìn. in, sìn; kõu; sìn-kõu; íⁿ-kõu; íⁿ-nãiⁿ; i-kõu; i-uá; uá-kõu; chiã; tit-pn̄g; khùa-pn̄g; khàu-pn̄g; thoh-kõu. in wealth, sĩ-tshâi. a trust, só-thoh kâi-sṳ̄; só-hù-thoh kâi-sṳ̄. trustworthy, khó-sìn; hó-siang-sìn; thó-tàng.

truth, see TRUE. to speak the, tàⁿ-si̍t-ūe. true doctrine, chin-lí; chin-tãu; chiàⁿ-tãu.

try, chhì; chhì-thóiⁿ; chhì-siêⁿ; thèng-tsãu-hùe.

try, a cause, sím-ùaⁿ; sím-mn̄g; mn̄g-ùaⁿ-kiãⁿ.

tub, tháng; kha-tháng. bathing, sói-e̍k-tháng; e̍k-tháng.

tube, tâng; kóng.

tuck, up the trousers, tsah-khòu-kha. the sleeves, tsah-chhiú-ńg.

Tuesday, lói-pài-jī; pài-jī.

tumble, to (down), pua̍h-lo̍h. off a horse, pua̍h-lo̍h-bé. a tumbler on the stage, pha-sa-lin.

tumbler, glass, po-lî-pue.

tumour, liû; ne̍k-liû; hueh-liû; lâ-liû; kṳn-liû.

tumult, tshàu-nãuⁿ; tshàu-jiáng; kã-kã-jiáng; jiáng-kî-ka.

tune, si-pán; si-tiāu; pán-tiāu; khek-tiāu. on high key, kûiⁿ-tiāu. on low key, kẽ-tiāu. out of, ngîm-lâi m̄-lo̍h-sì. tuning-key, húiⁿ. to tune a harp, húiⁿ-khîm-sùaⁿ.

tunnel, (cave), suaⁿ-tāng; (also pitfall), tī-hām; tī-tãu; tī-tói kâi-lōu; tī-ẽ àm-lōu.

turban, thâu-pòu. to put on, khûan-thâu-pòu; phûan-thâu-pòu.

turbid, lô; nah-sap.

turbulent, phû-tshàu; pãu-tshàu-sèⁿ; tshàu-kip.

turf, tsháu-phue̍h.

Turkey, Thóu-zṳ́-khî.

turkey, a, húe-koi.

turmeric, kieⁿ-n̂g.

turn, tńg; tsúan; póiⁿ; tsũn; huán-tńg; póiⁿ-tńg; huan; húiⁿ-kùe-lâi. revolve, húiⁿ; hui. the head, hûe-thâu; u̍t-tńg-thâu; u̍t-tshúa. right round, hui-tńg-sin. round in bed, huan-sin; huan-lâi khah-khṳ̀; huan-kùe-lâi huan-kùe-khṳ̀. back, tńg; tńg–lâi; hûe; hûe-tńg; tò-tńg; kiâⁿ-tò-tńg; suân-tńg. over (overturn), léng-tó. over (invert), póiⁿ-tńg; póiⁿ–kùe-lâi; póiⁿ–khí-lâi; póiⁿ-khap; póiⁿ-chhiè; póiⁿ-phak; póiⁿ-lìn-tńg; póiⁿ-kùe hièⁿ-pôiⁿ; tò-póiⁿ. inside out (as pockets), póiⁿ-lìn-tńg. upside down, tien-táu; tìn-tò-thâu-táu. round (as key), tsũn-só-sî; húiⁿ-só-sî. a horse’s head, mán-tńg bé-thâu; mán-bé u̍t-tńg. towards, hiàng; niàⁿ; tùi. the heaven turns, thiⁿ ūn-tõng. to turn in a lathe, chhia. to take turns in doing, sie-lûn; sie-lûn-liû; sie-lûn-tsò; sie-thòi-tsò; lûn-tsúan; lûn-thòi. it is your turn, lûn-tie̍h-lṳ́. to turn one away from service, sî. to turn one out, to̍k-tshut; kúaⁿ-tshut; jiāu-tshut. out of office, khṳ̀-kuaⁿ; thut-kuaⁿ; thut-cheh; pã-cheh. to turn into, tńg–tsò; pìⁿ–tsò; pièn–tsò.

turnip, tshài-thâu.

turnkey, kìm-chí; kìm-tsut.

turpentine, sêng-peh-iû.

turret, tha̍h-lâu; siâⁿ-lâu.

turtle, a, pih; kha-hṳ̂.

turtledove, kũ-ku; pan-khiu.

tusk, gê. elephant’s, chhiẽⁿ-gê.

tutenag, pe̍h-în; pe̍h-tâng.

tutor, sin-seⁿ.

twang, of bow, keng-hîⁿ hiáng. nasal, phīⁿ-im; sái-phīⁿ-khang-kńg.

tweak, liàm. one’s nose, liàm-phīⁿ-thâu; tsũn-phīⁿ-thâu.

tweezers, nihⁿ-kiáⁿ; niap-kiáⁿ.

twelve, tsa̍p-jī. twelve thousand, buān-jī.

twenty, jī-tsa̍p. twenty thousand, nõⁿ-buān.

twice, nõⁿ-ē; nõⁿ-hûe; nõⁿ-tshṳ̀; nõⁿ-hãng; nõⁿ-pái; nõⁿ-tńg.

twig, (larger), chhiū-ki. (smaller), chhiū-iẽⁿ; chhiū-búe.

twilight, háⁿ-hun; mêⁿ-àm-kiáⁿ; háⁿ-àm.

twilled, siâ-bûn.

twine, soh-kiáⁿ. twine about, tsāng-soh; tîⁿ; tõa.

twinge, tshǹg-thiàⁿ; mán-thiàⁿ; thiu-thiàⁿ; tshuah-thiàⁿ.

twinkle, ia̍p-ia̍p-sih; iap-iap-sih; i kâi-kng õi-tín-tãng. of the eye, nihⁿ-ma̍k; ma̍k nihⁿ. in a twinkling, che̍k-ma̍k-nihⁿ-kú.

twins, sang-seⁿ.

twirl, to (round), khie̍h-tõ-hui. round on one leg, khiã che̍k-chiah-kha u̍t-lâi u̍t-khṳ̀.

twist, to, tsũn; ká. (by rubbing with the hand), zûe. ropes, ká-soh; phah-soh; tsũn-soh.

twitch, to, túi; mán. twitching of the muscles, mán-kṳn.

twittering, kih-kiauh-kiè; chi̍h-chia̍uh-kiè; chia̍uh-chia̍uh-kiè; ki-ku-lũ-kiè.

two, nõⁿ; liáng; sang. two-edged, sang-pôiⁿ-lāi. a two edged sword, kiàm. two-fold, sang-têng; nõⁿ-ha̍p; liáng-pũe; kia-pũe; ha̍p-pũe. you two gentlemen, nín jī-ūi. kill two dogs with one stone (literally break two clods with one blow of hammer), che̍k-thûi khà nõⁿ-phue̍h.

tympanum, hĩⁿ-kiàⁿ.

type, metal, ìn-póiⁿ; ua̍h-póiⁿ; tâng-póiⁿ; în-póiⁿ.

typhoon, huang-thai.

tyrant, pà-uâng. tyranny, pà-tãu. tyrannical, khiâng-pà; pãu-ngia̍k.

tyro, tsho-o̍h; chiãm-o̍h; chheⁿ-chhiú; sin-sai-pẽ.