English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow (英漢汕頭方言口語詞典) / K | 閩南語書寫

English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow (英漢汕頭方言口語詞典) / K

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keep, siú; thóiⁿ-siú; thóiⁿ-kù; khùaⁿ-kù; lâu; tshûn; lâu–pàng-kò; sīn–pàng-kò. off the sun, chia-ji̍t. silence, khiâm-kháu; m̄-khui-tshùi; tshùi kueⁿ-miⁿ; tiām-tiām; chẽⁿ-chẽⁿ; tiām-tiām mi̍t-mi̍t. in order, kúan; kúan-sok; iak-sok. rules, siú-huap; ha̍h-huap. the watch, siú-keⁿ. the new year, kùe-nîⁿ; tsò-kùe-nîⁿ. a feast, tsò-tsoih. for oneself, ka-kī-ēng. one’s word, siú-ieh; chiè-ieh; zû-ieh. keepsake, lâu-ì; kìⁿ-mue̍h sṳ-nâng; piáu-chhêng tshûn-kì.

kernel, hu̍t; jîn; chí. of grain, chhek-lia̍p.

kettle, thih-ue; seⁿ-ue. tea, tê-ue.

key, só-sî. hole, só-sî-mn̂g; só-sî-khang.

kick, that.

kid, suaⁿ-iêⁿ-kiáⁿ.

kidnap, kúai-tô; thau-kúai-tô; thau-tshūa; thau-kiau; thau-phõ; thau-kāng.

kidney, lãi-siẽn; siẽn-chí; ie-chí.

kill, suah; thâi; phah-sí; suah-hāi.

kiln, brick, sie-tsng-iê.

kin, chhin-chiâⁿ; chhin-chhek; chhin-nâng.

kind, hó-sim; tshṳ̂; un-hûa; khuan-kãu; chhin-kãu; chhin-jie̍t; ũ-ṳn-chhêng; ũ-jîn-ài. kindness, ṳn-hũi; nâng-chhêng. receive, niáⁿ-nâng-chhêng. bestow, tsò-nâng-chhêng. beseech, khí-nâng-chhêng; khṳ́n-nâng-chhêng. a kind, lūi; iēⁿ; sek; khí; chéng; so̍k; téng; hō.

kindle, fire, khí-húe; to̍h-húe; niám-to̍h-húe; tiám-to̍h. kindlings (tinder), húe-hiāⁿ.

king, uâng; kun-uâng; kok-kun; jîn-kun. kingfisher, kim-sai-chiáu. king-crab, hāu. kingdom, kok; pang-kok; pang.

kiss, chim; sie-chim. (the mouth), chim-tshùi. (the cheek), chim-kih-kau.

kitchen, húe-si̍t-pâng; húe-si̍t-koiⁿ; tôu-pâng. garden, tshài-hn̂g.

kite, huang-khîm; tsúa-iē. to fly a, pàng-huang-khîm.

kitten, ngiau-kiáⁿ.

knave, láu-kiáⁿ; kuang-kùn; kùn-thû; tsha̍t-kiáⁿ; àu-nâng; nâng-tái.

knead, chhi̍p-mīⁿ. kneading-trough, chhi̍p-mīⁿ-tsô.

knee, kha-thâu-u. bend, kha khek; khek-kha; kũiⁿ kha-thâu-u; tá-chhiam. knee-cap, kha-thâu-u-chîⁿ.

kneel, kũiⁿ; kũi; kũi–lo̍h-khṳ̀; kiâⁿ-tōa-lói. with one knee, kũi che̍k-chiah-kha.

knife, to. small, to-kiáⁿ. one, che̍k-ki-to. knives and forks, to-chhe. mincing-knife, pang-to.

knit, stockings, chit-bu̍eh; kit-bu̍eh. the eyebrows, niàuⁿ-bâi; bâi-thâu kat-kat; bâi-thâu tièⁿ-tshok-tshok.

knob, a, che̍k-lia̍p-tsu.

knock, at door, phah-mn̂g; khà-mn̂g. the head on ground, khàu-thâu; kha̍p-thâu. one down, phah i pua̍h-lo̍h thôu-ẽ. knocker, mn̂g-huân.

knot, in wood, tshâ-ma̍k. on rope, khat-thâu. to tie, thám-khat; kat kâi-khat. two kinds of knot, sí-khat; ua̍h-khat. unloose, kói-khat.

know, tsai; pat; hiáu; thong. I know him, uá pat i. do you know (recognize) me, lṳ́ pat-tò-jīn uá, mé. knowledge, kièn-sek; tì-hũi. knowledge (learning), ha̍k-mn̄g.

knuckle, tsóiⁿ-tsat; tsóiⁿ-ma̍k.