English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow (英漢汕頭方言口語詞典) / G | 閩南語書寫

English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow (英漢汕頭方言口語詞典) / G

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gabble, chiauh-chiauh-kiè; kā-kā-kiè.

gable, of house, pui; pui-thâu; tshù-pui.

gadfly, gû-pi.

gag, lêng-hâm.

gage, tǹg.

gain, lĩ; iah. seek, thû-lĩ; khiû-lĩ; tshūe-lĩ. get, tit-lĩ; thàn. a victory, thâi-iâⁿ.

gainsay, poh-khùi; sie-à.

gait, kiâⁿ-pān. slow, kiâⁿ-pān ûn-ûn; kiâⁿ-pān mān; kiâⁿ-pān ûn-ûn tshāi-tshāi. quick, kiâⁿ-pān méⁿ-méⁿ hiông-hiông. uncertain: running, jumping and slow, chhih-chhih-tshóiⁿ. very feeble, kiâⁿ-pān ûe-ûe jê-jê.

gale, tōa-huang; khuâng-huang. hurricane, huang-thai. blowing a, thàu-tōa-huang; khuâng-huang tãi-tsak.

gall, táⁿ. of bear, hîm-táⁿ. nuts, ngõu-pũe-chí.

gallery, lâu-thâi.

gallipot, kài-au; khàm-au; ie̍h-au; kài-puah. (large), ie̍h-puah.

gallop, pháu-bé.

gallows, ká-kê; tiàu-ãm-kê.

gambling, pua̍h; pua̍h-chîⁿ; pua̍h-kiáu; tóu-chîⁿ; tú-chîⁿ; su-iâⁿ. (euphemism), sńg-chhiè. with cards, pua̍h-tsúa-pâi. lose by, pua̍h-su. win by, pua̍h-iâⁿ. one who makes a business of, lãu-pua̍h-kiáu. public table for, pua̍h-chîⁿ-tiêⁿ; pua̍h-chîⁿ-kuán; tóu-tiêⁿ; tóu-kuán. to keep such a place, khui-tiêⁿ; siet-tóu; khui-tóu-tiêⁿ.

game, play (of chess), teh che̍k-puâⁿ-kî. I won four games of chess from him, uá teh-iâⁿ–i sì-pûa-kî. gamecock, chhie-koi; chhie-koi-ang.

gander, gô-hêng.

gang, pan; khûn, táng; tūi.

gangrene, sí-ne̍k; àu-ne̍k.

gaol, kam. put in, kìm-kam. to be in, siu-kam; siu-kam tsõ-lô. gaoler, kìm-chí; kím-tsut.

gap, khiah; khang-khiah; làn-phāng. to stop a, póu-khiah.

gape, the mouth, tshùi thí-khuah-khuah; tièⁿ-khuah-khuah. yawn, huah-hì; huah-hì kàu tshùi khuah-khuah. in wonder, thóiⁿ-kàu ma̍k khui-khui tshùi khui-khui; thóiⁿ-kàu ma̍k khuah tshùi khuah.

garble, a statement, súan-chiaⁿ to̍h-pûi tàⁿ.

garden, hn̂g; pou-hn̂g. flower, hue-hn̂g. vegetable, tshài-hn̂g. fruit, kúeⁿ-chí-hn̂g. gardener, tsho-hn̂g-nâng; chèng-hn̂g-nâng; hn̂g-teng.

gargle, lō-tshùi; lō-âu; sok-kháu.

garlic, sǹg. (fresh), chheⁿ-sǹg. (ripe roots), sǹg-thâu.

garments, i-ho̍k; kûn-saⁿ; saⁿ-khòu; ho̍k-sek.

garnish, hún-sek; siu-sek; tsuang-pàn; tsuang-tshái; pái-tshái; tsuang-sek.

garrison, siú-siâⁿ-piaⁿ; siú-piaⁿ.

garrulous, tsōi-tshùi; tsōi-ūe; hàuⁿ-tàⁿ-ūe.

garter, bue̍h-tòa; hû-sek.

gash, to, phoh kâi-sieⁿ-kháu; le̍h.

gasp, kip-khùi; tshuán; tshuán-khì; tshuán-kip.

gate, mn̂g; tōa-mn̂g. sity-gate, siâⁿ-mn̂g. street-gate, tsa̍h-mn̂g; koi-tsa̍h.

gather, siu; siu-si̍p; siu-bûa; siu-si̍p-bûa; siu-khí. as people, tsũ-chi̍p; chi̍p-hũe; hũe-chi̍p; tsũ-hũe; hũe-ha̍h; hũe-bûa; ha̍h-bûa. flowers, tiah-hue.

gaudy, kuang-tshái; phâi-chhiâng; chheng-tshái; iām-lĩ.

gauze, se.

gay, iâu-i̍t; kuang-tshái; phâi-chhiâng; hûa-múiⁿ; ngiá.

gaze, ma̍k kim-kim thóiⁿ; thóiⁿ kàu ma̍k bõi-nihⁿ.

gazette, Peking, kiaⁿ-pò.

gear, of boat, &c, ke-húe.

gelatinous, ũ-ka-liâm; ũ-tan-tah.

gem, ge̍k; pó-ge̍k; pó-chie̍h; pó-pùe.

genealogy, tso̍k-phóu. ranks of, pùe-sũ.

general (comprehensive), thóng; thong; tsóng; kong. term, tsóng-miâⁿ; lóng-thóng-tàⁿ. don’t use general terms but be precise, lṳ́ chhiet-si̍t lâi-tàⁿ, màiⁿ-lóng-thóng; chí-tiāⁿ, màiⁿ-hùam-sueh. use, thong-ēng. peace, thài-phêng. generally speaking, tãi-khài; thóng-thóng; tãi-sì; tãi-lia̍k.

general, in the army, tsóng-piaⁿ; tsóng-piaⁿ-kuaⁿ; tsóng-zông. generalissimo, ngûan-sùe; tsú-sùe.

generate, seⁿ.

generation, tō; sì-tō. from one, to another, le̍h-tō. future, ãu-tō.

generous, sim-heng khuah-khuah; khuang-khài; ũ-tóu-liãng; tóu-liãng hó; tóu-liãng khuan-khuan; khuan-iông tãi-liãng. see LIBERAL.

genial, (of men or weather), un-hûa. (of men), un-jiû. (of the weather), un-lúan. (warm), chhiẽⁿ-sie.

genii, sien; sîn-sien. the eight, poih-sien. their habitation, sien-kéng.

genius, a, tshâi-tsṳ́; ũ-tshâi-chhêng kâi-nâng.

genteel, bûn-ngiá. (accomplished), sṳ-bûn.

gentle, un-bûa; hûa-sũn; un-jiû; liâng-siẽn. see GENTLY.

gentleman, lãu-nâng-ke; lãu-iâ. (father of graduate), thài-kong. (mandarin, but also wider use), lãu-tia. young (son of mandarin), siàu-iâ. this old gentleman, chí-ūi lãu-nâng-ke.

gently, khin-khin; ûn-ûn; mān-mān; khuaⁿ-khuaⁿ. see GENTLE.

gentry, hieⁿ-sin; sin-khim; sin-sṳ̃.

genuflection, kũi; kũiⁿ; kiâⁿ-tōa-lói; hẽ-tōa-lói.

genuine, chin-si̍t; chin. not, ké; m̄-chiàⁿ.

genus, lūi.

geography, tī-lí. book on, tī-lí-chì; tī-lí-tsṳ.

geomancy, tĩ-lí; thóiⁿ-suaⁿ; tsáu-tī-lí; kiâⁿ-tī-lí; thóiⁿ-huang-tsúi. geomancer, thóiⁿ-suaⁿ sin-seⁿ; huang-tsúi sin-seⁿ.

geometry, niêⁿ-tī-huap.

Germany, Tãi-Tek-kok; tsa̍p-káng-kok.

germ, gê. germinate, huat-gê; mêng-gê; pauh-gê.

gestures, to use, in speaking, kha mông, chhiú pí.

get, tit; tit–tie̍h. up, tsáu-khí. could not get it done, tsò-m̄-sêng; tsò-m̄-chiâⁿ. rich, huat-tshâi; tì-pù. ready, ṳ̃-pĩ; tsôi-pĩ; pĩ-phōiⁿ; pĩ-pīn. into office, tit-ūi; tit-jĩm. advancement, kau-seng; seng-kuaⁿ; seng-khip, one’s wishes, tit-ì; zû-ì; tit-sim kùe-ì. out of the way, kiâⁿ-khui; tsáu-khui; kiâⁿ-bûa; khiã-khui. angry, seⁿ-khì; huat-náuⁿ. hold of, lia̍h–tie̍h. aground (ship), khùa-sua; hũam-suaⁿ. into trouble, lap-tie̍h-sin. a cold, sieⁿ-huang. 8where ever did you get this*, lṳ́ tsò-ũ chí-kâi-mue̍h.

ghost, kúi; siàⁿ-nâng; siàⁿ-hùe-mue̍h. Holy, Siàⁿ-Sîn.

giant, tōa-hān; kûiⁿ-nâng; kau-chhiâng tã-hān; kûiⁿ-tōa.

giddy, hîn; thâu-khak-hîn; hîn kàu-kông; kông-kông; hîn kàu chiang-pua̍h. in character, hàuⁿ-thit-thô.

gift, lói-mue̍h; sàng-lói; sie-sàng. gracious, ṳn-sṳ̀.

giggle, khih-khih-chhiè.

gild, tah-kim; liū-kim; tōu-kim; sieⁿ-kim; tsṳ́-kim.

gills, of fish, hṳ̂-chhi.

gilt, paper, used in sacrifices, ngṳ̂n-tiãⁿ; kim-tiãⁿ; uâng-pó. see GILD.

gimlet, tsǹg-kiáⁿ.

gin, snare, se-khou; phùaⁿ-soh; chiáu-mãng; tieⁿ-chiáu-sùaⁿ. to set a, tieⁿ-keng siet-nãuⁿ.

ginger, kieⁿ. hard dry root (medicine), kieⁿ-bó. young, tender and fresh, chíⁿ-kieⁿ. sweetmeat, thn̂g-kieⁿ; bi̍t-chìm-kieⁿ.

ginseng, jîn-siam. foreign, iêⁿ-siam. to buy, táu-siam.

gird, hâ; pa̍k; hâ-tòa. up, kiáu-phû soih-tōa.

girdle, ie-tòa; ki-tòa; ki-ie.

girl, tsṳ-niêⁿ-kiáⁿ; a-niêⁿ-kiáⁿ; tsáu-kiáⁿ. boys and girls, tsṳ́-nńg. servant-girl, tsáu-kúi; chhiah-kha; hia-thâu.

girth, bé-tõu-tòa. what is the girth of this tree, chí-tsâng-chhiū chiu-ûi jie̍h-tōa.

give, pun; sṳ̀; khṳt; sàng; ṳ́. assent, tsún. in marriage, kè; kè–pun-nâng. into one’s care, hù-thoh. way to one, jiãng; jiãng-ūi. in, tho. over to, kau; kau-hôiⁿ. up evil, khì-siâ kói-ak. one’s life, siá-miāⁿ; khì-sin; siá-miāⁿ khì-sin. notice, pò-tsai. evidence, keng; kháu-keng. alms, si-chì; chì-phîn; chín-chì; kiù-chì; si-siá. trouble, kiáu-jiáu; lâu; huân-lâu; bûa-lūi. given to, hàuⁿ.

gizzard, kṳ̃n.

glad, huaⁿ-hí; hí-la̍k. very, huaⁿ-huaⁿ hí-hí. to make, sái–nâng huaⁿ-hí; khṳt–nâng huaⁿ-hí.

glance, iáⁿ-ma̍k. to see at a, che̍k-iáⁿ chiũ-tsai; che̍k-thóiⁿ chiũ-tsai; che̍k-ma̍k liáu-jiên. metaph., che̍k-siẽⁿ chiũ-tsai.

glare, of the sun, ji̍t-tsam chhiēⁿ-tie̍h-ma̍k; ji̍t-tsam tsam-tie̍h-ma̍k. from water, ji̍t-tsam tõ-tsúi-tói húan-chie–khí-lâi; iap-iap-sih. glare with the eyes, ma̍k-chiu lìn-lìn-khah; ma̍k-chiu khah-khah-lìn. too glaring, khah-tshut-sek.

glass, po-lî. (not quite the same), liû-lî. to male, ié-po-lî; pûn-po-lî. bottle, po-lî-tsun. for drinking, po-lî-pue; po-lî-cheng.

glaucoma, ou-jîn pièn-chheⁿ; chheⁿ-kuang hak-ngán.

glaze, thn̄g. to glaze, lâm-thn̄g.

gleam, kng che̍k-ē-chiè; kng iap-che̍k-kiè.

glean, khieh-chhek-sūi; to̍h-chhek-sūi.

glide, silently, on tiptoe, nihⁿ-kha nihⁿ-kha chiũ-kiâⁿ.

glimmer, nihⁿ-sih-kng nihⁿ-sih-kng; ki-teng nihⁿ-sih nihⁿ-sih.

glistering, õi-kng; kng-chiè; iaⁿ-chiè; kng iaⁿ-iaⁿ; kng iàⁿ-iàⁿ; tāng-tāng-kng; ia̍p-ia̍p-sih.

globe, kiû. terrestrial, tī-kiû. celestial, thien-kiû. globular, îⁿ;îⁿ-thói; îⁿ-chieh; îⁿ-hêng; lòng-lòng-îⁿ; îⁿ-lìn-lìn.

gloomy, weather, thiⁿ ou-àm; thiⁿ mông-lông.

glory, iông-kuang; iông-hûa. gloryfy, kui-iông-kuang.

gloss, over a fault, chia-buah; iám-sek. commentary, tsù-kói. glossy, kng-kng.

gloves, chhiú-thàu, put on, lap-chhiú-thàu; kùa-chhiú-thàu.

glow, jie̍t; jie̍t-jie̍t âng-âng. glowing coals, âng-húe-thòaⁿ; jie̍t-thòaⁿ. with rage, sim jie̍t, mīn âng.

glue, ka; gû-phûe-ka. to, ēng-ka ún-tùe. glutinous, ũ-ka-liâm; liâm-nîⁿ tha-thi; kṳ̍t.

glume, tshou-khng; chhek-khak.

glut, pá-ṳ̀; chia̍h-kàu-màiⁿ; chia̍h-kàu-hẽng. in the market, hâng-chhêng pāi; hâng-chhêng pāi nńg; hâng-chhêng thûaⁿ.

gluttonous, tham-chia̍h; hàuⁿ-chia̍h; tham-chia̍h kùe-tōu.

gnash, kã-gê; kã khí-gê-kṳn.

gnat, bun; bun-kiáⁿ.

gnaw, kã; khòi.

go, khṳ̀; kiâⁿ; tsáu; uáng. down, kàng; lo̍h; hiã. up, chiẽⁿ; seng; teng; khí. abroad, tshut-khṳ̀-gūa; tshut-gūa; kùe-kok; kùe-huan; kùe-iêⁿ. out, khṳ̀-kháu; tshut-khṳ̀-gūa; tshut-mn̂g; tshut-koi. out (as fire), húe kùe–khṳ̀. home, hûe-ke; tńg-khṳ̀-tshṳ̀; kui-ke. into the house, khṳ̀-lãi. to, khṳ̀-kàu. about, uáng-lâi; chiẽⁿ-lo̍h; kiâⁿ-lâi kiâⁿ-khṳ̀. about (for amusement), thit-thô; múaⁿ-kò-la̍h. about (as ship), kùe-phâng. and bring, khṳ̀-khie̍h–lâi. to stool, kiâⁿ-tãng; chiẽⁿ-chhè; kiâⁿ-tãi-piẽn; tshut-kiong. to bed, khṳ̀-gu̍t. to market, chiẽⁿ-chhĩ; tshut-chhĩ; khṳ̀-chhĩ; tàu-hṳ. on foot, pōu-kiâⁿ. on foot (of a person who would ordinarily have a conveyance), pōu-lién. by water, tah-tsûn–khṳ̀. by land, le̍k-lōu–khṳ̀; tùi-lōu–khṳ̀. on board, lo̍h-tsûn. on shore, chiẽⁿ-suaⁿ; khí-tsúi; chiẽⁿ-khàm. upstairs, khṳ̀-lâu-téng; chiẽⁿ-lâu. to a feast, hù-sia̍h; khṳ̀-chia̍h-toh; èng-sia̍h. to examination, hù-kháu; èng-kháu; hù-chhì; èng-chhì. to heaven, chiẽⁿ-thiⁿ. quickly, kiâⁿ-méⁿ; tsáu-méⁿ; kúaⁿ-méⁿ. to visit, khṳ̀-sie-sûn; húang-chhin húang-iú; khṳ̀-pài-hāu. let him, iû-i-khṳ̀; thèng-i-khṳ̀; kui-i-khṳ̀; sûi-i-khṳ̀. where are you going, lṳ́ àiⁿ-khṳ̀ tî-kò. where has he gone, i khṳ̀-tî-kò. do not know where to go (or, where he has gone), m̄-tsai-tùi-tî-kò khṳ̀. with the tide, kúaⁿ-lâu; sũn-lâu. all through or over, kiâⁿ-kàu-thàu. together, tsò-pû-kiâⁿ; tsò-pû-khṳ̀; tâng-kiâⁿ. before, soiⁿ-kiâⁿ; thâu-tsôiⁿ-kiâⁿ; kiâⁿ tõ-thâu-tsôiⁿ. behind, kiâⁿ ka-chiah-ãu. go to court, chiẽⁿ-chhiâu. to law, phah-kuaⁿ-si. halves, sie-kāng; pêⁿ-pun. and come, lâi-lâi uáng-uáng. and return, lâi-hûe.

goat, suaⁿ-iêⁿ.

GOD, Siãng-tì. to worship, pài Siãng-tì. godly, kèng-ùi Siãng-tì. gods, sîn-mêng.

go-down, tsàn-pâng.

goitre, tōa-ãm-kui.

gold, kim; n̂g-kim; chhiah-kim. alloyed, hún-kim; kẽ-kim. unalloyed, tsok-siâⁿ-kim; chhiah-kim; tsok-chhiah-kim. gilded, tah-kim. gold-plated, liū-kim. inlaid or covered with, sieⁿ-kim; pau-kim. gold-lace, kim-pĩⁿ. gold-thread, kim-sùaⁿ. goldfish, kim-lí. gold-leaf, kim-po̍h. gold-dust, kim-sua. goldsmith, phah-kim sai-pẽ.

gong, lô; tâng-lô. with a boss, khong. one, che̍k-mīn-lô. to beat, phah-lô. stick for beating, lô-thûi.

gonorrhea, lâu-pe̍h-tsua̍k.

good, hó; siẽn. good heart, hó-sim; liâng-sim; siu-sim. good-bye, lṳ́ chhiáⁿ; chiãm-pie̍t. living, chia̍h-phâng-phài; káⁿ-chia̍h káⁿ-sái. health, sóng-khùai; tsàng-kiẽn; phêng-an. order, siu-si̍p-hó; iap-thiap; tsôi-chiáⁿ; chhî-chéng. composition, pit-ba̍k hó; bûn-khì hó; kiâⁿ-bûn hó; ēng-pit hó; pit-chhêng hó. penmanship, jī ngiá; jī tuan-khái. nature, sèⁿ-chhêng hó; tsò-nâng khuaⁿ-chiâⁿ; un-jiû. name, miâⁿ-sek hó; hó-miâⁿ-siaⁿ; miâⁿ-siaⁿ phang. conduct, siẽn-hẽng; jîn-tek. luck, tsãu-hùe. good and bad, hó-khiap; hó-tái; siẽn-ak. a good many, hoh-tsōi. a good while, hoh-kú. good for nothing, bô-ēng.

goods, hùe; hùe-mue̍h. foreign, iêⁿ-hùe. first choice of, hùe-mīn. remnants of, hùe-búe; hùe-tái. sample of, hùe-mōⁿ. mixed, tsa̍p-hùe. owner of, hùe-tsú. invoice of, hùe-toaⁿ. sell, tshut-hùe. unload, khí-hùe. load, hẽ-hùe; lo̍h-hùe. buy, tì-hùe. store, tun-hùe. buy on credit, chhia-hùe. ready-money, hīn-chîⁿ bói-hīn-hùe. trans-ship into smaller vessel, poh-hùe. send, tah-hùe; kià-hùe. pack up, tsuang-hùe. not responsible for, after they have left the shop, tshut-mn̂g bô-jīn-hùe.

goose, gô. wild, hái-gô. gosling, gô-kiáⁿ. see GANDER.

gore, hueh; hueh-thn̂g; hueh-kò; hueh-phí.

gore, to, tak; tak-sieⁿ; sie-kak.

gorgeous, phâi-chhiâng.

gormandize, chia̍h bô-tōu; chia̍h bô-tsat-tōu.

gospel, hok-im; hok-im-tsṳ; hok-im-tãu; kia-im.

gossip, phue̍h-ūe; tàⁿ-ôiⁿ-ūe; phi̍t-phue̍h.

gourd, pû. bottle-gourd, hôu-lôu-pû. calabash made from, pû-hia.

gout, kha seⁿ-huang-khì.

govern, kúan; lí; tî; kúan-lí; kúan-hat. govern a country, tî-kok; tî-mîn. govern oneself, iak-sok ka-kī.

governor, governor-general, tsóng-tok. lieutenant-governor, bú-īⁿ.

government, kok-chèng. benevolent, jîn-chèng.

gown, tn̂g-saⁿ; tn̂g-phâu; ó-thàu. lady’s, kûn.

grace, ṳn; ṳn-tién; ṳn-hũi; ṳn-tek; ṳn-che̍k.

graceful, hong-tōu hó; tshông-iông. (calm and self-possessed), tshông-iông tsṳ̃-tsãi.

gracious, to be, si-ṳn. gift, ṳn-sṳ̀; ṳn-siéⁿ.

gradual, chiãm-chiãm; khuaⁿ-khuaⁿ; che̍k-tsâng che̍k-tsâng; che̍k-tsãm che̍k-tsãm; ũ-tsâng-tshṳ̀; ũ-pōu-tsõu.

graduate, to, ji̍p-o̍h; ji̍p-siù-tsâi; tèng-kṳ́-jîn; tèng-chìn-sṳ̃; tiám-hân-lîm. to be a (also has wider meaning), ũ-kong-miâⁿ.

graft, trees, chiap; chiap-ki.

grain, ngóu-kak; (rice not yet in ear), tiũ. (rice in ear), tâ. (rice in husk), chhek. (rice separated from the husk), bí. one grain, che̍k-lia̍p. of wood, hue-jī; bûn-lí.

grammar, tsò-bûn-huap.

granary, chhek-tshng; tshng.

grandchild, sun. male, tau-sun; lâm-sun. female, tsáu-sun; tsṳ-niêⁿ-sun; nńg-sun. child of daughter, gūa-sun.

grandfather, a-kong. maternal, gūa-kong. great, lãu-kong.

grandmother, a-má. maternal, gūa-má. great, lãu-má.

grandson, sun; tau-sun. daughter’s son, gūa-sun. great-grandson, cheng-sun. great-great-grandson, hiên-sun; ngûan-sun. wife of, sun-sim-pũ.

grant, tsún; zún-na̍p; phoi-tsún. see GIVE.

grapes, phû-thô. dried grapes (raisins) phû-thô-kuaⁿ.

grapnel, tah-kau; tèng.

grapple, kau-tsũ; kau-tiām; kau-tîⁿ; khím-kín.

grasp, līm-kín; khie̍h-kín; lia̍h-kín; tẽⁿ-kín; phõ-kín. a sword, in the scabbard, to be ready, àn-kiàm siang-huâng. the throat (with one hand), tẽⁿ-âu. the throat (with both hands), liū-âu.

grass, tsháu. grass-plot, tsháu-pou. green grass, chheⁿ-tsháu. dry, ta-tsháu. to cut, kuah-tsháu. to burn, hiâⁿ-tsháu. to burn on the hills, pàng-húe sie-suaⁿ. to pull, mán-tsháu. bundle of, che̍k-pé-tsháu. tie up in small bundles for the fire, tîⁿ-oiⁿ; tîⁿ-tsháu-oiⁿ.

grasshopper, tsháu-mêⁿ.

grate, fire, húe-lôu; lôu-theng.

grate, to, as potatoes, nutmeg, &c, thuah. grater, thiu; thuah.

grating, of window, theng-chí.

grateful, kám-ṳn; kám-hũi; niáⁿ-chhêng; niáⁿ-hũi; kám-liãm; kám-tài; kám-pũe; m̄-káⁿ-buâng; kám-ṳn tài-tek. gratitude is scarce, tsai-chhêng–chiá chié, buâng-chhêng–chiá to.

gratuitous, mín-chîⁿ; pe̍h-pe̍h pun–nâng. distribution, as of medicine, tea, &c, si-ie̍h; si-tê.

grave, phûn; phûn-mõⁿ; suaⁿ-phûn; huang-tsúi; phûn-suaⁿ. to dig a grave, khui-khuàng. to dig a grave (used more of opening the grave to remove the body), khui-phûn. grave-stone, phûn-pi; pi-chie̍h; mõⁿ-pi. chie̍h-pi. worship at the, chì-phûn; chì-mõⁿ; sàu-mõⁿ; chì-sàu. grave-clothes, sien-i; sien-ho̍k. grave-yard, phûn-tī; phûn-suaⁿ; tsa̍p-tsǹg-tī. free, ngĩ-thóng.

grave, in manner, tuan-tsang; tsang-ngiâm; hõu-tõng. grave in manner (stern and severe), ui-ngiâm. matter, tōa-sṳ̄; iàu-kín; chhiet-iàu.

gravel, sua; sua-bó; thôu-bí-sua; tshou-sua. disease, sua-lîm.

graven, khek; tiau. on the memory, mêng-sim khek-kut. graving tool, tiau-to. graven-images, ngóu-sièⁿ.

gravy, tsap; thng; thng-tsap.

gray, húe-hu-sek; mâng-hue-sek; ba̍k-tsúi-sek. gray-shirting, ngûan-sek-pòu; pńg-sek-pòu; iêⁿ-pòu. gray hair, thâu-môⁿ tshang-pe̍h.

graze, as cattle, suaⁿ-téng chia̍h-tsháu; khòi-tsháu. to graze anything, hoi–tie̍h; khoi–tie̍h. the skin, khoi–tie̍h phûe-hu; khoi tùi-phûe-hu kùe.

grease, lâ. to, buah-lâ. greasy, seⁿ-lâ; seⁿ-iû.

great, tōa. great and small, tōa-sòi; tãi-siáu. favour, tãi-ṳn; kãu-ṳn. great crime, tãng-tsũe. great-hearted, sim-heng khuah-ta̍t. great distance, hñg-tsãi. great-coat, hiûⁿ. great-coat (quilted), mîⁿ-hiûⁿ. the greater part, tōa-pùaⁿ; che̍k-tōa-ûe.

greedy, tham-sim; tham-chia̍h; hàuⁿ-chia̍h.

green, chheⁿ-sek; le̍k-sek. greens, chheⁿ-tshài.

greet, mn̄g-hāu; mn̄g-uaⁿ; siang-chieh-mn̄g.

grey, see GRAY.

gridiron, thih-pê.

grief, iu-būn; iu-tshôu; tshôu-būn; hûan-ló; sieⁿ-sim; sim thiàⁿ; kan-khóu; khau-sim pe̍h-tn̂g.

grievance, to state, sù-uan-chhêng; sù-uan-uáng.

grimace, tièⁿ-tshúa; mīn; tsò-kúi-sièⁿ.

grin, miⁿ-ma̍k lòu-gê.

grind, bûa. grind a knife, bûa-to. flour, oi-mīⁿ. in a mortar, lûi-iùⁿ. with wheel in trough, ngói hu-hu. grind-stone, bûa-chie̍h.

grip, khîⁿ; khîm; lia̍h; tẽⁿ; tẽⁿ-kín.

gripes, tóu thiàⁿ; tn̂g ká-thiàⁿ; tn̂g mán-thiàⁿ; tn̂g thiu-thiàⁿ; tóu kek-thiàⁿ.

gristle, nńg-kut; chíⁿ-kut.

gritty, seⁿ-sua.

groan, tshan. (deep), aiⁿ-aiⁿ-tshan. (soft), hng-tshan.

groom, bé-hu; bé-tsháu-nôuⁿ.

groove, thap; thap-tsūe; thap-ngám.

grope, mông; thèng-mông; thèng-at; mông-at.

gross, tshou-tōa; tōa-khou.

grotesque, khî-kùai; koh-iēⁿ.

ground, tī; thóu-tī; thôu-tī. on the ground, thôu-ẽ; tī-mīn. under-ground, tī-tói; tī-ẽ; thôu-tói; thôu-tĩ-ẽ. ground-nut, tī-tāu. ground-rent, tī-tsou. ground-rice, tshòi; hua̍t-tshòi. reason, nguân-iû; kṳn-iû; nguân-thâu; uân-kù; nguân-in; in-iû; uân-iû; in-tuan. to ground (as a ship), khùa–tie̍h; khùa-sua.

group, khûn; lūi. together, tsũ-chi̍p chiâⁿ-khûn. separate, hun-lūi; kui-lūi.

grove, chhiū-nâⁿ; chhiū-lîm.

grovel, pê tõ-thôu-ẽ.

grow, seⁿ; huat-seⁿ; seⁿ-chiáng; õi-tōa. of itself, pe̍h-huat; ka-kī huat–khí-lâi. up, chiáng-tōa; chiáng-sêng.

growl, hm̄-hm̄-kiè.

grudge, or envy, kòu-kĩ. cherish, against another, khieh-hṳ̃n. to give or do, liẽn-sieh; m̄-nguãn; m̄-chhêng-nguãn; khat-sí-khóu tshut-chîⁿ; siap; kiâm-siap; kien-liẽn.

gruel, of rice, mûeⁿ.

gruff, manner and voice, ngiâm-sek tshou-siaⁿ.

grumble, liām-kau̍h; liām-lau̍h; liām-lōu; kih-ku̍h-kiè; kau̍h-kau̍h-kiè.

grunt, tṳ-siaⁿ; hauhⁿ–chē-kiè; hoh-hoh-kiè.

guarantee, tam-sêng; pau-niáⁿ. a, tsò-tǹg; àn-mue̍h; tsò-àn; àn-chieh; àn-tǹg.

guard, to, siú; pó-siú; pé-siú; pé; chiéⁿ; chiéⁿ-siú; pó-hũ; hũ-ũe; thî-huâng; huâng-ũe; huâng-hũ. against, thî-huâng; ṳ̃-huâng. imperial, sĩ-ũe.

guardian, of heir-apparent, thài-tsṳ́ thài-páu. of orphan, thoh-kou kâi-nâng.

guess, pān; iak-pān; kóu; iak; thèng-ieh; thèng-iak; iak-liãng; thóu-siẽⁿ. a riddle, tshai-mĩⁿ.

guest, kheh; nâng-kheh; pín-kheh. a Hakka, not, kheh-nâng. to assist the host in entertaining guests, pûe-kheh; phũaⁿ-kheh.

guide, tshūa-lōu; kiau-lōu; ín-tshūa.

guild, hũe-kúan.

guilt, tsũe. guilty, ũ-tsũe.

guile, tsà-ngũi; kan-tsà; kan-káu; kan-kòi; khúi-khiet; liet-khiet.

guitar, phî-pê; gue̍h-khîm; gue̍h-hîⁿ; saⁿ-hîⁿ.

gulf, chhim-uan; chhim-thâm.

gulp, thun–lo̍h-khṳ̀.

gullet, âu-lêng.

gum, chhiū-nîⁿ.

gums, the, khí-ngṳ̂n. of back teeth, gê-tshn̂g.

gun, chhèng; chiáu-chhèng. large, phàu; tōa-phàu. gunner, phàu-siú. gun-powder, húe-ie̍h; chhèng-ie̍h. gun-boat, piaⁿ-tsûn. to fire, pàng-chhèng; phah-chhèng; khui-chhèng. double-barrelled, sang-hiáng-chhèng. within gunshot, che̍k-chhèng-hñg.

gush, forth, kún–tshut-lâi; pũn–tshut-lâi; piàⁿ–tshut-lâi kā-kā-kiè.

gust, of wind, che̍k-tsūn-huang.

gutter, tsúi-kau. on roof, lāu-bó; lāu-bó-tsô.

guttural, âu-tói-siaⁿ.

guzzle, m̃-thêng-pue lí-lí-chia̍h.

gybe, kùe-phâng.

gypsum, chie̍h-ko.

gyrate, īn-lâi īn-khṳ̀.