A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / ueh | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / ueh

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  • To retch.

  • áu ueh;

    to retch and gag.

  • ueh-ueh thò;

    retch and vomit.

  • cē phīⁿ tieh cū áu-ueh;

    the smell of it makes me gag.

  • cē thóiⁿ to̤ áu-ueh le;

    it is perfectly sickening.

  • A mark, a line, a stroke; to divide by lines; to amrk off; to lay a plan; to devise.

  • cêk ûeh cêh phuah;

    a line and a downward stroke curving to the left.

  • cí kâi jī jîeh cōi ûeh?

    How many strokes are there in this Chinese character?

  • chíaⁿ i tó̤ mông ûeh kòi cheh;

    ask him to devise a plan.

  • ûeh cò̤ hō̤;

    make a mark as a sign.

  • i kâi pit ûeh sìu-jŭn căi;

    the strokes made by his pen are very fine and clear.

  • sĭ tît ûeh a sĭ hûeⁿ ûeh?

    Is it a perpendicular or a horizontal line?

  • kîaⁿ tńg kha, nâng tó̤ ûeh i kâi ka-ciah;

    as soon as he turns his back people point at him.

  • ûeh-hṳ̂;

    the perch.

  • ham-ûeh-thâu;

    the common perch.

  • To mark off.

  • ûeh cêk cūe cò̤ hō̤;

    draw a line as a mark.

  • ûeh cò̤ tī-kài;

    marked off the boundary.

  • khṳt i kâi to̤ ûeh tîeh;

    marked by his knife.

  • cang cńg-kah ûeh cêk ē;

    marked it off with his thumb nail.