A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / uang | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / uang

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  • cêk mō̤ⁿ uang-uang îang-îang;

    nothing but an expanse of water to be seen.

  • sì mō̤ⁿ uang-îang bô̤ cì;

    on all side a boundless expanse.

  • kàu cí kài sĭ uang-îang tăi-hái;

    this is mid ocean.

  • lŭi uang-uang;

    floods of tears.

  • Ample, wide.

  • tōa chù tōa uang-uang;

    a spacious house.

  • i kâi chù uang-uang kûiⁿ tōa;

    their house is roomy, high and large.

  • To force; enforced; a wrong; a grievance; needlessly; to no purpose.

  • úang hùi;

    to expend vainly.

  • úang-hùi sim ki;

    lost all your pains.

  • úang-hùi úa ēng tīo tōa-bó̤-mûeh ceng-sîn;

    made me waste a deal of energy.

  • i tó̤ hàm wn-úang;

    she is proclaiming her grievances.

  • úang-khut;

    to oppress, to wrong, to cause to suffer unjustly.

  • úang-khut si nâng;

    kill people by oppression.

  • bô̤ úang-khut i;

    do not force him into difficulties.

  • cìeⁿ-seⁿ bŏi úang úa cêk tieⁿ kang-hu;

    in that way I do not waste my labor.

  • úang i tŏ̤ sì-cīeⁿ cò̤ nâng;

    it is a pity that he ever was born.

  • úang i cîah kàu cìeⁿ lău;

    it is of no use for him to have lived so long.

  • tōa-tōa kâi wn-úang;

    severe persecution.

  • To go, to pass, to go away, to depart; gone, past; the future.

  • i kio lṳ́ ŭ úang lâi mē?

    Do you and he exchange visits?

  • bô̤ úang lâi;

    no intercourse with each other.

  • ŭ úang lâi;

    keeps up a friendly acquaintance.

  • úang chîang;

    úang jît; constantly; usually; formerly.

  • úang-chîang i to sĭ lâi úa kò̤;

    he comes once in a while to my house.

  • úang hŵn;

    at intervals; to come and go.

  • úang-hŵn ēng jîeh kú;

    used it for some time off and on.

  • úang-úang to sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;

    this happens every little while.

  • úang sṳ̄ hiuⁿ thî;

    do not bring up past deeds; let the past go.

  • cíaⁿ sǹg sĭ íⁿ-úang kâi sṳ̄;

    this is something that is already past.

  • i àiⁿ úang khṳ̀ tī-kò̤?

    Where is he going?

  • lói sĭang úang lâi;

    a constant interchange of courtesies.

  • phêng-sî to sĭ lâi-lâi úang-úang;

    they are always coming and going.

  • ŭ lâi ŭ úang;

    some coming and some going.

  • úang lâi ciu-bâk căi;

    going and coming with scarcely any interval.

  • úang nî;

    former years.

  • úang nî tŏ̤ cí hûe cū chut ŭ;

    in past years they have been in market at this time.

  • úang-sî sĭ sĭm-mih kui-kṳ́?

    What has the usage been in the past?

  • úang séⁿ-sîaⁿ sĭ tùi cí tîo lō;

    in going to the provincial city this is the road to take.

  • àiⁿ úang tang, a sĭ aìⁿ úang sai?

    Are you going eastward or westward?

  • A king, a ruler; a title for monarchs before B.C.

  • 220;

    royal, regal, princely.

  • kŭn ûang;

    chin ûang; princes of the blood, the uncles, brothers and cousins of the emperor.

  • kun-ûang;

    a sovereign.

  • ûang-îa;

    Your Royal Highness.

  • kok ûang;

    ûang ke; the kind.

  • tōa ûang;

    the eldest and next to the eldest of the princes.

  • sam ûang ngó tì;

    the three kings and five emperors.

  • hwn ûang;

    foreign potentates.

  • phwn ûang;

    Mongol begs.

  • lău ûang, sin ûang;

    the late and the new monarch.

  • soiⁿ ûang;

    the former ruler.

  • hong i cò̤ ûang;

    raise him to the rank of a prince.

  • ngîam-lô ûang;

    kúi ûang; the king of hades.

  • suaⁿ tang bô̤ cío mûaⁿ-ciak ûi ûang;

    if there were no other birds among the hills the sparrow might be the ruler among birds.

  • ûang huap;

    the laws of the land.

  • ûang sîaⁿ;

    capital cities; cities under imperial control.

  • ûang chin kok chek;

    blood relations of the monarch.

  • ciu jît to sĭ ûang-sun kong-cṳ́ hùe khṳ̀ thit-thô̤;

    the royal children and grandchildren go out daily for recreation.

  • ûang mĕng;

    royal commands.

  • ûang lĕng;

    royal orders.

  • ûang bō̤;

    a crown.

  • phang-ûang;

    the queen bee.

  • châk ûang;

    the chief of banditti.

  • ûang-kong tăi-chîn;

    the royal dukes and great noblemen.

  • pĕ ûang;

    my royal father.

  • ûang hui;

    royal concubines.

  • ûang keng; ûang tōiⁿ; ûang hú;

    royal palaces.

  • hái-lêng-ûang;

    the great Sea Dragon.

  • thó suaⁿ ûang;

    the great man of the place.

  • bé ûang îa;

    the god of Horses.

  • cŏ̤ ûang ūi;

    si on the throne.

  • leh tō̤ kâi tì-ûang;

    the monarchs during successive reigns.

  • ciaⁿ gûeh cheng-cò̤ ûang gûeh;

    the first month of the year is called the royal month.

  • Yellow, the imperial color.

  • ûang-tău;

    the ecliptic.

  • ûang-tău kit jît;

    a lucky day in the calendar.

  • ûang mn̂g kuaⁿ;

    palace servants.

  • Rising; prosperous; to flourish.

  • châi teng heng-ŭang;

    prosperous both in purse and family.

  • cìaⁿ tó̤ heng-heng ŭang-ŭang, cò̤-nî hut-jîen cū sue-mùiⁿ?

    When it was prospering finely, how is it that it has suddenly declined?

  • i cí-hûe sît-căi ŭang-sìang căi;

    it is now really flourishing.

  • húe tó̤ ŭang kâi sî-hāu;

    when the fire is spreading.

  • cí sì kâi gûeh sî ŭang gûeh;

    these four months are the best part of the year for business.

  • i cí ĥue kâi ke-ūn cìaⁿ tó̤ ŭang kâi sî-hāu;

    this is a time when the fortunes of the family are prospering.

  • To hoax; to delude; to deceive.

  • i sĭ tó̤ ŭang kâi;

    he is hoaxing.

  • ngŏ̤ tîeh at hùe cū ŭang m̄ kùe chíu;

    if he falls in with those who understand such matters, he cannot deceive them by that dodge.

  • cīeⁿ jît, i khṳt i ŭang ku-ā choiⁿ ngṳ̂n khṳ̀;

    the other day he was fooled out of several thousand dollars by him.