A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / u | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / u

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  • To bend by heat and pressure.

  • ut cîh;

    broke in bending.

  • sòi lí m̄ ut, tōa cū nt chut kut;

    if yon do not bend him when he is small, when he is full grown he will have his bones dislocated in order to bend him.

  • íang o̤(illegible text) ío, ĕ-j(illegible text)t o̤h ut;

    after spoiling him by indulgence it will be difficult to train him aright.

  • ut i tît;

    bend it straight.

  • ut kàu sì-cìaⁿ sì-ciaⁿ;

    bend it into the correct shape.

  • kúaⁿ cí-hûe sòi cū tîeh cai ut;

    avail youself of this time when he is still young, to mould his character aright.

  • ut cò̤ tek kau-íⁿ;

    make it into a bamboo chair.

  • ut i wn;

    bend it into a curve.

  • aìⁿ ut tît, tîeh khuaⁿ-khuaⁿ pue;

    if you want to straighten it by pressure, you must heat it gradually by the fire.

  • To smooth cloth with a hot iron.

  • ut-tau;

    a sad-iron, or a smoothing-iron that holds coals.

  • ut i-hôk;

    to iron clothes.

  • khîa ki ut-táu lâi ut saⁿ-khò;

    bring the sad-iron and iron the clothes.

  • ut tît-tît;

    iron it smooth.

  • ut khṳ̀ m̄ cíam-côih;

    it is not ironed straight.

  • màiⁿ ut kàu sie tîeh;

    do not scorch it in ironing it.

  • Surly and careworn; irritated, vexed, desponding; worked upon.

  • ut-cût;

    melancholy; coroding care.

  • ut-ì;


  • ut-khì;

    pent up; repressed.

  • tó lăi ut-kak;

    sullen; brooding over wrong.

  • khì-hueh ut-kak kín;

    the humors are closely pent up.

  • úa thóiⁿ i kâi īeⁿ ut-ut cût-cût;

    he appears to me to be brooding over some secret grief.

  • sim lăi ak-ut, m̄ song-khùai;

    is troubled in his mind, and ill at ease.

  • ak-ak ut-ut;

    secretly grieving; worn by pent up trouble.

  • sim lăi ut-ak kàu sêng pēⁿ;

    he brooded over his wrongs till he made himself ill.

  • To turn back; to turn around.

  • ût-tńg thâu;

    turned the head so as to look backward.

  • ût m̄-tńg;

    cannot turn around.

  • chia ût m̄ tńgh;

    cannot turn the cart around.

  • ût tńg sin;

    to turn back.

  • chùi ût kùe lâi;

    turn the spout this way.

  • i kâi mīn cū ût chúa;

    he turned his face the other way.

  • To sleep; to lie down.

  • ût-khṳ̀; gût-khṳ̀;

    to go to bed.

  • i tó̤ tak mâk ût;

    he is dozing.

  • mâk siap, àiⁿ khṳ̀ ût;

    am sleepy, and am going to bed.

  • jw̆n gût, gût m̄ lô̤h;

    whatever way I lie, I cannot go to sleep.

  • īu àiⁿ ût, īu bŏi ût;

    want to go to sleep but cannot.

  • ût kàu cùi-cùi;

    sleeps very soundly.

  • ût-kàu hun-hun mîⁿ-mîⁿ;

    sleeping so soundly as to make it very difficult to rouse him.

  • ût m̄ lă; ût m̄ kàu;

    did not sleep enough.

  • lâi khṳ̀ ût;

    come and go to bed.

  • màiⁿ ût khah ùaⁿ cáu-khí;

    do not sleep too late.

  • pá cîah m̄ jû pá ût;

    it is better to sleep enough than to eat enough.

  • i cē ût khṳ̀ cū kio sí cêk īeⁿ;

    when he once goes to sleep, he sleeps as if he would never wake.

  • ût kàu khô̤-khô̤-hûaⁿ;

    so fast asleep that he snores loudly.

  • pĕ jî bó̤ kíaⁿ ût cò̤ cêk mîn-chn̂g;

    the whole family sleep in one bed.

  • phak tó̤ gût;

    lie sleeping on the face.

  • ût m̄ cai chéⁿ;

    overslept myself.

  • tó̤ lô̤h khṳ̀ ût;

    lie down and take a nap.

  • àⁿ a-nôⁿ ût;

    get the baby to sleep.

  • gût m̄ căi;

    did not sleep well

  • a-nôⁿ m̄ hàuⁿ ût;

    the baby will not go to sleep.

  • àiⁿ ût hûeⁿ a ût tît?

    Are you going to lie crosswise or lengthwise?

  • màiⁿ ût chăm-sia;

    do not lie cornerwise.

  • thâu-kah-chat ût;

    lie with heads in opposite directions.

  • saⁿ phìⁿ cìaⁿ ût nŏ̤ phìⁿ;

    slept two thirds of the time.

  • i ût lío ío būe hwn sin tŏ̤-kò̤;

    she scarcely moves after having gone to sleep.

  • cuh-cuh ût; tīam-tīam ût;

    sleep continuously.

  • jît tham cîah, mêⁿ tham ût;

    has a good appetite, and sleeps soundly.

  • ût lô̤h cū àiⁿ jṳ̂ māng;

    has troubled dreams.

  • phî-phî, lí-lí aìⁿ ût;

    languid and drowsy all the time.

  • kám phŭe gût;

    draw the coverlet over you and go to sleep.

  • ût chéⁿ khí-lâi, kâi pēⁿ chin-chĭeⁿ sek tīo khṳ̀;

    after waking up he felt very much better.