A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / toi | 閩南語書寫

A Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect (汕頭方言音義字典) / toi

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  • A dike; a bund; a causeway.

  • thó̤ i khṳ̀ sak toi;

    ask them to give him over to stop up a breach in tho dike with.

  • kak chù kâi toi-ngăi kien-kù;

    the embankments everywhere are strong.

  • toi piⁿ;

    beside the causeway.

  • toi kha;

    the base of the causeway.

  • kîaⁿ tùe toi téng khṳ̀;

    went along on the top of the dike.

  • co̤h toi;

    make a dike.

  • phài nâng khṳ̀ tok toi;

    depute some one to superintend the work on a dike.

  • pang toi;

    the caving in of a dike.

  • siu toi;

    repair the dike.

  • cúi pûaⁿ toi;

    the water comes in over the dike.

  • The crotch of a pair of trowsers.

  • làng tói khò;

    a child’s open trowsers.

  • cí kâi khò kâi khò-tói chēng lâi khah tau-pâk;

    these trowsers are too tight in the crotch.

  • khò-tói màiⁿ ka khah thūi tó;

    do not cut the trowsers so that they will be baggy in the crotch.

  • The base; the bottom; below; underneath; to reach the bottom.

  • ūaⁿ kâi kha-tháng tói;

    put a new bottom in a wash tub.

  • tîm tŏ̤ hái-tói;

    sink to the bottom of the sea.

  • sṳ̄ àiⁿ lí kàu thiet-tói;

    will settle the affair thoroughly.

  • úa cai i kâi tói-sòi;

    I know all its details.

  • tói teh-thâp khṳ̀;

    the bottom has been crushed in by the weight above.

  • tùe tŏ̤ úaⁿ tói kâi tîeh sói cheng-khih;

    you must wash out all that adheres to the bottom of the bowl.

  • hṳ́ tói thóiⁿ-kìⁿ hīn-hīn;

    can see the bottom plainly.

  • bô̤ tói;


  • thìo lô̤h khṳ̀ khĭa tŏ̤ céⁿ tói;

    jumped down and stood in the bottom of the well.

  • ŏi cŏ̤ tói a bŏi?

    Has it sunk to the bottom?

  • ôi-tói;

    the sole of a shoe.

  • bûeh-tói tîeh chẁn bâk cē;

    the soles of the stockings must be darned to make them thick.

  • mâk tói hó̤ căi;

    is sharp eyed.

  • thn̄g m̄ kàu hṳ́ tói;

    did not probe to the bottom of it.

  • i kâi ūe tàⁿ chut lâi ŭ áu tói siaⁿ;

    he speaks with a resonant voice.

  • i kâi khek chìe lâi hó̤ thiaⁿ, ŭ âu tói;

    his ballads are well sung, with a fine volume of sound.

  • i kâi cûn tói sĭ tèng tâng kâi;

    the bottom of the vessel is coppered.

  • The inside; inner; within.

  • m̄ căi i sim tói cò̤-nî sĭeⁿ;

    do not know what he thinks in his heart.

  • khǹg tŏ̤ tû tói;

    put it away in the cupboard.

  • hṳ́ tói tang m̄ cai iu-ŭi co̤-nî;

    do not know what is the matter with it inside; do not know what is the real trouble in the case.

  • thn̄g kàu hṳ́ tói-tói;

    probe it down to the inmost part.

  • i tìam tŏ̤ khang tói;

    he hides in his hole.

  • chùi tói kâm mih kâi?

    What has she got in her mouth?

  • chíu tói tĕⁿ sĭm mûeh?

    What does he clasp in his hand?

  • mng tŏ̤ cí tói;

    here it is in here.

  • pàng tŏ̤ keh tói;

    put in in the drawer.

  • To stay up; to hold away; to ward off.

  • tói tit cŭ a tói m̄ cŭ?

    Can you by pushing against it, stop it from falling?

  • bô̤ mûeh hó̤ tói i;

    have nothing to oppose to its onset.

  • tîn-pâi li hó̤ tói, to̤ li hó tok;

    ward off with the shield, and hack with the sword.

  • A hoof, solid or cleft.

  • b2 tôi, tṳ tôi;

    the hoofs of horses and of swine.

  • cò̤ sang thih-ôi pâk pàng bé tôi kò̤;

    make a pair of iron shoes and fasten them on the horse’s hoof.

  • ah tôi kha;


  • îeⁿ-tôi cháu;

    the dock, used as a vermifuge.

  • A theme, a subject for writing upon; the title or argument of a book; an inscription; to subscribe; to write; to compose.

  • kíaⁿ-jît chut sĭm-mih tôi?

    What is the subject given out to-day as the theme of the essays?

  • tôi-mâk chut a būe?

    Has the list of themes been given out yet?

  • tôi-thâu soiⁿ sía;

    write the title first.

  • sì su tôi;

    common topics.

  • kiaⁿ tôi;

    classical subjects.

  • lūn tôi;

    argumentative themes.

  • si tôi;

    subject of a poem.

  • hù tôi;

    subject of an ode.

  • cheh mn̄g tôi;

    subject of inquiry.

  • tōa tôi, sòi tôi;

    an important or unimportant topic.

  • cía cū sĭ síe tôi tōa cò̤;

    this is making much of a small matter.

  • i cang cì kù ūe khîa cò̤ tōa tôi mâk;

    he is making a great deal out of these few words.

  • cìa sĭ lâng tôi siang kháu kâi ūe;

    this is a hard problem to solve; it is a difficult job.

  • tôi tîo si tŏ̤ piah-téng;

    write verses on a wall.

  • tôi cîⁿ;

    to subscribe an amount of money.

  • ŭ nâng tôi ke ŭ nâng tôi kíam;

    some subscribed more and some less.

  • ŭ nâng tôi cò̤ kúi tàⁿ hue, ŭ nâng tôi cò̤ kúi ki sam;

    some subscribed a certain number of picals of lime, and some subscribed several sticks of timber.