A carnation or cinnabar color.
the peony.
i kâi síam sĭ îu kok-toaⁿ;
their folding doors are painted with red lead.
Single, alone, isolated, by itself; a single garment; odd; an individual; credible; that which is surety of belief, a bill, check, or receipt; to surround or wrap; only, but, nothing but.
toaⁿ kâi;
a single one.
toaⁿ nâng;
a single individual.
toaⁿ ciah cûn;
but one boat.
toaⁿ tieⁿ chn̂g;
one solitary table.
toaⁿ kha tôk chíu;
toaⁿ sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
that is all there is to be said about it.
toaⁿ saⁿ tôk tah ciah;
had nothing on but one short jacket.
toaⁿ piⁿ kheh o̤h chìe;
it is hard to sing with out accompaniment.
toaⁿ piⁿ phit bé;
a solitary horseman; all alone.
toaⁿ sin;
by one’s self; one alone.
phŭe toaⁿ;
the cover of a Chinese coverlet.
ngṳ̂n toaⁿ;
a draft, a bill of exchange.
siu toaⁿ;
a receipt.
ieh toaⁿ;
a promisory note.
cng toaⁿ;
list of missing articles.
cng toaⁿ; kè cng toaⁿ;
a list of articles forming a bride’s dowry.
nêk toaⁿ;
an order for pork.
kúe taⁿ, cíu toaⁿ;
an order for cakes and for wine.
khui toaⁿ;
write an order.
khui cêk tieⁿ toaⁿ-kíaⁿ;
wrote out a permit.
hùe toaⁿ;
a bill of lading, an invoice.
mûeh toaⁿ;
a written order for articles.
Actors who take the female parts in a play.
hue-tòaⁿ, lâm-saⁿ-tòaⁿ, o-saⁿ-tòaⁿ;
those acting the part of young, of middle aged, and of old women.
bú tòaⁿ;
cêk tùi hó̤ seng tòaⁿ;
a couple of excellent performers, one acting male, and the other female parts.
a-n̂ng tó̤ cò̤ a-tòaⁿ;
a young man having the prettiness of a woman.
To fillip; to thrum on stringed instruments; to snap; to mark as with a line.
tôaⁿ khîm;
to play the lute.
tôaⁿ pî-pê;
to play the viol.
tôaⁿ phŭe-mîⁿ;
to bowstring raw cotton for coverlets.
mîⁿ tôaⁿ kàu sang-sang phòng-phòng;
the cotton has been bow-stringed till it is very light and fluffy.
gûeh-hîⁿ sĭ i tôaⁿ lâi ío hó̤;
he plays the guitar best.
tôaⁿ saⁿ-hîⁿ;
thrum the banjo.
tôaⁿ tîo bâk sùaⁿ;
make a line by snapping a cord blackened in ink.
tôaⁿ hún-sùaⁿ;
make a chalk line.
tôaⁿ tīo cek sái;
snuff the candle.
An open altar on which to offer sacrifices; a terrace for worship.
kĭen kâi tôaⁿ;
erect an altar.
siet kŭa cêk kâi tôaⁿ, jît mêⁿ tó̤ pài;
set up an altar and worship day and night.
tì tôaⁿ tŏ̤ i chù lăi;
set up the implements of worship in his house.
cí cêk tôaⁿ hût sṳ̄ siu jîeh cōi cîⁿ?
How much did they receive for officiating this time in the Buddhist rite?
cí cêk tôaⁿ cìe ēng sṳ́-hùi jîeh cōi ngṳ̂n?
What will be the expense of this religious performance?
khí-thâu-ē cū sie hû cĕng tôaⁿ;
the first thing is to burn charms to purify the altar.
cí kâi khàng-chn̂g àiⁿ cò̤ phû-tôaⁿ a m̆?
Do you want this divan made with a step to mount it by?
hùaⁿ nâng peh-cĭeⁿ phû-tôaⁿ téng kò̤ pài;
they all mounted upon the altar steps and worshipped.
An agglomeration; a globular mass; united; lump-like; to group; to dwell together; to round off.
full, as the moon; closely united, as husband and wife; grouped in one scene, as the actors in a play at the fall of the curtain; having the same pursuits, interests, and residence, as a harmonious family; lumping it; coalescing.
thóiⁿ hì ngŏ̤ tîeh nâng tôaⁿ-îⁿ;
went to the performance just at the fall of the curtain.
hâp ke tôaⁿ-îⁿ;
the whole family dwell together in unity.
gûeh tôaⁿ-îⁿ;
the moon is full.
Nerveless; indolent; remiss.
m̄-hó̤ tŏaⁿ;
don’t be indolent.
tŏaⁿ kùe thâng;
slower than a slug.
i kâi nâng pāng-tŏaⁿ;
he is very languid.
lâk cîah, tŏaⁿ co̤h;
vigorous in eating, slothful in work.
àiⁿ khṳ̀ thit-thô, sĭeⁿ tîeh tŏaⁿ;
am indifferent about going out for recreation.
i cìeⁿ tŏaⁿ thâk, căi tit pat?
Since he is so listless in study, how can he learn?
To cut in stone.
tōaⁿ tó̤ cîeh kò̤;
graven upon stone.
cí kò̤ cîeh-pi tōaⁿ lâi ngía căi;
this grave stone is beautifully cut.
sùaⁿ tōaⁿ kàu tît-tît;
the lines in the stone are cut very straight.
To fillip; to snap; to accuse; to depreciate.
i khṳt thâng-cí tōaⁿ tîeh;
he was hit by a pellet from a cross bow.
lîap thâng-cí khṳ̀ kàu tùi-tùi tōaⁿ tîeh i kâi cío-thâu;
the clay ball from the bow flew and hit the bird exactly on the head.
i khṳt gṳ̄-sṳ́ tōaⁿ tīo khṳ̀;
he was reported against by the censor.